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~ Troop 110 Bylaws ~
Approved in Committee May 1, 2002
V 1.2 - Amended in Committee, January 3, 2007
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  Troop Leaders: Please read the proposed Troop Bylaws changes,  
to be voted on at the January Committee meeting.
SECTION I.1.0 Name
SECTION I.2.0 Chartered Organization
SECTION I.3.0 Compliance
SECTION I.4.0 Membership
SECTION I.5.0 Guidelines
SECTION II.1.0 Membership
SECTION II.2.0 Statement of Responsibility
SECTION II.3.0 Duties
SECTION II.4.0 Meetings
SECTION II.5.0 Voting
SECTION II.6.0 Rules
SECTION II.7.0 Training
SECTION III.1.0 Scoutmaster
SECTION III.2.0 Assistant Scoutmasters
SECTION III.3.0 Responsibilities
SECTION III.4.0 Additional Leadership
SECTION III.5.0 Training
SECTION IV.1.0 Senior Patrol Leader
SECTION IV.2.0 Patrol Leaders
SECTION IV.3.0 Junior Assistant Scoutmasters
SECTION IV.4.0 Patrol Leadership
SECTION IV.5.0 Troop Program
SECTION V.1.0 Membership
SECTION V.2.0 Patrols
SECTION VI.1.0 Alcohol and Drugs
SECTION VI.2.0 Tobacco
SECTION VI.3.0 Hazing
SECTION VI.4.0 Prohibited Equipment
SECTION VII.1.0 Yearly Program Planning
SECTION VII.2.0 Monthly Program Planning
SECTION VII.3.0 Advancement
SECTION VII.4.0 Courts of Honor
SECTION VII.5.0 Merit Badges
SECTION VII.6.0 Outdoor Program
SECTION VII.7.0 Uniforms
SECTION VII.8.0 Conduct
SECTION VIII.2.0 Property
SECTION VIII.3.0 Registration
SECTION IX.1.0 Duties
SECTION IX.2.0 Accounts
SECTION IX.3.0 Expenditures
SECTION X.1.0 Troop Equipment
SECTION X.2.0 Activities and Events
SECTION X.3.0 Troop Transportation
SECTION XI.1.0 Order of the Arrow
SECTION XI.2.0 National Eagle Scout Association


SECTION I.1.0 Name The organization shall be known as Boy Scout of America Troop 110 of Union City/Fremont/Newark, California (hereafter referred to as Troop). SECTION I.2.0 Chartered Organization The chartered organization shall be the Contempo Homeowners Association (hereafter referred to as Sponsor), which shall be responsible to appoint a Chartered Organization Representative. SECTION I.3.0 Compliance The Troop shall comply with all provisions of the Boy Scouts of America Rules and Regulations, Constitution, Bylaws, and official handbooks. No article of these bylaws shall in any way conflict with those of the BSA. If a conflict should exist, the aforementioned BSA documents will take precedence. SECTION I.4.0 Membership The membership of the Troop shall consist of registered Scouts and registered adults (hereafter referred to as Scouters) who meet the qualifications set forth by the Boy Scouts of America. SECTION I.5.0 Guidelines I.5.1   The Troop shall operate to accomplish the aims of Boy Scouting, character development, citizenship training and mental, moral, and physical fitness. I.5.2   The Troop will use the approved methods of Scouting: the ideals of Scouting, the outdoor program, the patrol method, the uniform, personal growth, leadership training and advancement. Top


SECTION II.1.0 Membership II.1.1 The Troop committee (hereafter referred to as Committee) shall consist of Scouters, 21 years of age or older, registered with the Troop and parents or legal guardians of Scouts registered with the Troop. II.1.2 At a minimum, the Committee shall consist of the following officers: Chartered Organization Representative, Committee Chair, Treasurer, Secretary, Advancement Coordinator, Outdoor/Activities Coordinator, Training Coordinator and Equipment Coordinator. These officers shall perform the duties prescribed by these bylaws and the Charter and Bylaws of the Boy Scouts of America. II.1.3 All Committee officers shall be registered with the Boy Scouts of America as Scouters. II.1.4 No Scouter shall hold more than one office at a time without the approval of the Committee. II.1.5 Other committees and sub-committees, standing and ad hoc, may be appointed by the Committee Chair to carry on and distribute the workload of the Committee. These may include but are not limited to Advancement, Budget, Membership, Equipment, and Leadership. Appointment to such other committees and sub-committees is open to all Committee members, but they shall be chaired by a Scouter or Scout leader. II.1.6 The Committee Chair shall be an ex officio member of all committees and sub-committees. SECTION II.2.0 Statement of Responsibility The Committee represents and is responsible to the Sponsor. SECTION II.3.0 Duties II.3.1 The Committee shall select a Scoutmaster and approve his assistants and ensure they receive appropriate training. II.3.2 The Committee shall arrange for adequate meeting places. II.3.3 The Committee shall advise the Troop on policies relating to the BSA program and the Sponsor. II.3.4 The Committee shall be responsible for finances, collections and disbursements in line with the approved budget plan. II.3.5 The Committee shall oversee the acquisition, maintenance and care of all Troop property and equipment. II.3.6 The Committee shall oversee the Troop program to ensure that its minimum goals are met, as set forth in Articles III and IV. II.3.7 The Committee shall insure that adult leadership is assigned, in the event the Scoutmaster is absent or unable to serve. II.3.8 The Committee shall operate the Troop to ensure permanency, in line with the policies and regulations of the Boy Scouts of America. SECTION II.4.0 Meetings The Committee shall conduct business at a regular monthly meeting convened by the Committee Chair or his/her designated Representative. Additional special meetings of all, or part, of the Committee may be called as required. SECTION II.5.0 Voting II.5.1 A quorum of the Committee is required for all voting and shall consist of the Committee Chair or designated representative, the Scoutmaster or an assistant, and at least three other Committee members. II.5.2 All Committee members shall be equal in terms of voting and are entitled to one vote. II.5.3 A vote of the Committee shall be required for all Troop activities, including but not limited to: financial expenditures, fundraising events and yearly program calendar. Approval shall be by simple majority of the members present. II.5.4 Other troop issues brought before the Committee requiring a vote shall be approved by simple majority of the members present, except as otherwise provided for in these bylaws. SECTION II.6.0 Rules The rules contained in the current edition of "Robert's Rules of Order, Newly Revised" shall govern the Committee in all cases in which they are applicable and in which they are not inconsistent with these bylaws or the Charter and Bylaws of the Boy Scouts of America. SECTION II.7.0 Training It is strongly recommended that all members of the Committee attend adult leadership training. Top


SECTION III.1.0 Scoutmaster The Troop shall have one citizen of the United States, 21 years of age or older, selected by the Committee and registered as the unit leader (hereafter referred to as Scoutmaster). The Scoutmaster's registration must be approved by the Sponsor. SECTION III.2.0 Assistant Scoutmasters The Troop shall have at least two citizens of the United States, 21 years of age or older, registered as Assistant Scoutmasters as appointed by the Scoutmaster and approved by the Committee. SECTION III.3.0 Responsibilities Scoutmaster and Assistant Scoutmaster(s) (hereafter referred to as Troop Leaders) are responsible to: 1. Train and guide Scout leaders to run the Troop 2. Work with and through responsible adults to promote the aims of Scouting 3. Help Scouts grow by encouraging them to learn for themselves 4. Guide Scouts in planning the Troop program. 5. Set and maintain standards for active participation in the Troop program. SECTION III.4.0 Additional Leadership The Troop may have additional citizens of the United States, 18 years of age or over, registered as Assistant Scoutmasters as appointed by the Scoutmaster and approved by the Committee. SECTION III.5.0 Training Troop leaders shall attend adult leadership training, if they have not already received such training, at the first available opportunity after registration. Top


SECTION IV.1.0 Senior Patrol Leaders The Troop shall hold regular elections, as scheduled by the Scoutmaster, to select by simple majority three Scouts to serve as Senior Patrol Leader and his Assistants. All candidates must meet the qualifications set by the Scoutmaster and shall preside over the Patrol Leaders Council (hereafter referred to as PLC) as voting members. SECTION IV.2.0 Patrol Leaders Each patrol shall have a Scout elected by simple majority of the patrol members to serve as Patrol Leader. The Patrol Leader shall meet the qualifications set by the Scoutmaster and represent his patrol as a voting member of the PLC. SECTION IV.3.0 Junior Assistant Scoutmasters The Troop may have one or more Scouts, 16 years of age or older, as Junior Assistant Scoutmaster as appointed by the Scoutmaster. Junior Assistant Scoutmasters shall be responsible to the Scoutmaster for tasks assigned and shall serve as voting members of the PLC. SECTION IV.4.0 Patrol Leadership IV.4.1 The Senior Patrol Leader shall appoint an Historian, Librarian, Quartermaster and Scribe with the concurrence of the Scoutmaster. Additionally, he may appoint Den Chiefs, Chaplain Aide, and Bugler as required. IV.4.2 Each Patrol shall select an Assistant Patrol Leader. SECTION IV.5.0 Troop Program The PLC, working under the guidance of the Scoutmaster or his designated assistant, is responsible for the Troop program, including planning and carrying out Troop meetings, activities, and outdoor programs. Top


SECTION V.1.0 Membership V.1.1 The Troop shall consist of not less than five youth members (hereafter referred to as Scouts), organized in the patrol system. V.1.2 Membership may be limited to the number of boys that can be adequately and safely supported by the Troop leadership and/or accommodated by physical facilities. V.1.3 Youth membership is open to all boys who are between 11 and 18 years of age, or who have completed the fifth grade, or who have earned the Arrow of Light as a Cub Scout. SECTION V.2.0 Patrols The Troop shall be organized into patrols as determined by the Scoutmaster. Top


SECTION VI.1.0 Alcohol and Drugs VI.1.1 Alcohol shall not be used in connection with any Troop meeting or activity. VI.1.2 Scouts shall not possess or use drugs of any kind unless properly prescribed by a doctor. The parent or guardian will provide written notice to the Scoutmaster of any medications that must be in the possession of the Scout during Troop meetings or activities. SECTION VI.2.0 Tobacco VI.2.1 Scouts are prohibited from using tobacco products during any Troop meeting or activity. VI.2.2 Adults are discouraged from using tobacco products during active participation with Scouts. Users of tobacco should not conceal the fact from Scouts, but are encouraged to discuss frankly with them the desirability of refraining from its use. SECTION VI.3.0 Hazing The practice of hazing is prohibited within the Troop. At no time shall violence or threat of violence be tolerated by anyone in attendance. Initiation, discipline or punishments involving physical hazing, striking, spanking or verbal threats of harm shall be strictly prohibited. Such behavior shall incur the highest degree of immediate disciplinary response. SECTION VI.4.0 Prohibited Equipment Equipment related to but not limited to firearms, parts of firearms, sheath knives, fireworks, martial arts weapons and archery equipment are prohibited at any Troop function. Use of firearms and archery equipment at an official BSA function, (e.g. Summer Camp) under the direct control and supervision of a qualified adult shall be exempted. Any electronic entertainment device shall be prohibited at any Scouting function, with the exception of personal audio devices and hand held games, at the discretion of the Scoutmaster. Exceptions may be granted only by approval of the Committee and shall be requested at least one month prior to event. Possession of these articles without an expressed exemption shall be grounds for immediate confiscation and possible expulsion. Where appropriate, legal authorities may become involved. In any case, increased parental or guardian supervision shall be required at all Troop activities. Top


SECTION VII.1.0 Yearly Program Planning VII.1.1 The yearly program calendar will be prepared by the PLC under the guidance of the Scoutmaster and presented to the Committee for final approval. VII.1.2 Copies of the yearly program calendar will be presented to parents, Scouts, Scouters and Sponsor, after final approval by the Committee. SECTION VII.2.0 Monthly Program Planning VII.2.1 The PCL shall meet monthly to complete detailed plans under the guidance of the Scoutmaster. VII.2.2 The monthly program will be presented to the Committee by the Scoutmaster to facilitate support planning by the Committee. SECTION VII.3.0 Advancement VII.3.1 The Aims of Boy Scouting which are character development, citizenship training, and mental, moral, and physical fitness, shall be the basis of the Troop advancement program. VII.3.2 The rank requirements set forth in official BSA publications shall determine the advancement program within the Troop, which shall be open and available to all active youth members. VII.3.3 The Committee shall hold Boards of Review as required for rank advancement. VII.3.4 The Boards of Review shall consist of at least three Committee members, one of whom should be the Advancement Chair or designated Scouter. The Scoutmaster shall not participate in Boards of Review. VII.3.5 Family members and guardians shall not be eligible to serve on their Scout's Board of Review. VII.3.6 All advancements within the Troop shall be administered in compliance with the aims and purposes of the Boy Scouts of America. SECTION VII.4.0 Courts of Honor VII.4.1 Scouts earning awards, advancements and merit badges will have them presented at the next scheduled Troop Court of Honor. VII.4.2 Troop Courts of Honor will be held quarterly. All Scouts earning awards and advancements during the previous quarter will be recognized. Scouts earning merit badges will be presented the appropriate merit badge and card. Scouts earning advancement will be presented a badge of rank and appropriate card. The Troop will provide each Scout's parent or guardian with a pin representing each rank advancement earned, and other appropriate recognition will be presented. VII.4.3 An Eagle Scout Court of Honor shall be held separately from all other honor courts. All family members and other guests are invited. The Scoutmaster, Committee Chair, and Advancement Chair or their designated representatives shall be required to attend. VII.4.4 Scouts who advance in rank will assume their new rank status from the date in which they fulfill the final requirements for that rank, regardless of when the award is officially presented. SECTION VII.5.0 Merit Badges VII.5.1 The Committee shall maintain a list of merit badge counselors approved by the council. VII.5.2 A merit badge counselor shall be an adult who has proficiency and/or exemplary knowledge in the appropriate related field, has filed the Merit Badge Counselor form with the San Francisco Bay Area Council office, and has been approved as a Merit Badge Counselor. VII.5.3 Merit badge counselors are responsible to prepare and qualify Scouts for merit badges. SECTION VII.6.0 Outdoor Program The outdoor program shall provide for at least ten days and nights of camping, including a long-term camp of six or more consecutive days, for every Scout in the Troop. SECTION VII.7.0 Uniforms VII.7.1 All Scouts shall wear the appropriate uniform to all Troop meetings, activities and outings, as determined by the Scoutmaster. VII.7.2 The official 110 neckerchief will be provided by the Troop. SECTION VII.8.0 Conduct VII.8.1 Each Scout is ultimately responsible for his own behavior. Breaches of discipline will normally be handled by Scout Leaders, under the guidance of the Scoutmaster. VII.8.2 Conduct disruptive to the program for others may result in the Scout being sent home at the Scoutmaster's discretion. In this event, a parent will be notified of the circumstances immediately. VII.8.3 Serious or continued breaches of discipline may result in the Scout being required to appear before the patrol leaders' council, under the supervision of the Scoutmaster, for disciplinary action. VII.8.4 In the event the above actions fail to result in the desired conduct, the Scout and his parents may be referred to the Committee for action. Top


SECTION VIII.1.0 Budget VIII.1.1 The Committee shall prepare an annual budget concurrent with rechartering. VIII.1.2 Each Boy Scout will pay an annual fee, as determined by the Committee, which will include registration/re-registration, Boy's Life magazine, and annual dues. VIII.1.3 Each Scouter will pay an annual fee, as determined by the Committee, which will include registration/re-registration and Scouter magazine. VIII.1.4 Annual fees for Scouts may be prorated for a portion of a year ending with Troop recharter. Fees shall not be refunded upon termination, inactivation, or transfer of membership. VIII.1.5 An individual account will be established for each Scout. These funds may be used to pay for Scout-related items or activities. Scouts who leave Scouting forfeit their individual accounts and those funds will be returned to the Troop. VIII.1.6 If a Scout has not accumulated enough funds in his Scout account to cover the intended expenses, the Scout and/or his parent or guardian shall be required to make up the balance due before the intended event. VIII.1.7 A Scout who transfers to another Troop or unit, upon written notification from his new organization, may have the balance of his Scout account transferred to the new unit. SECTION VIII.2.0 Property VIII.2.1 The Troop shall not own any real property, building, fixture, or other permanent facility. VIII.2.2 All other property purchased or donated for the purpose of supporting the Troop program shall be the property of the Troop and shall be controlled by the Committee. SECTION VIII.3.0 Registration VIII.3.1 Registration shall be for a period ending with expiration of annual unit charter. VIII.3.2 Scouts and Scouters may transfer into the Troop by paying a transfer fee, as determined by the District or Council. VIII.3.3 Scouters serving in more than one capacity shall pay only one registration fee. Top


SECTION IX.1.0 Duties IX.1.1 The Troop Treasurer shall pay all bills upon recommendation of the Scoutmaster or Committee Officer and approval of the Committee. The Treasurer shall be responsible for the Troop funds and maintain these funds in checking and savings accounts at a local bank. IX.1.2 The Treasurer shall provide a detailed monthly report of accounts to the Committee. IX.1.3 The Treasurer shall make available to the Sponsor an annual report on the financial condition of the Troop. SECTION IX.2.0 Accounts IX.2.1 The Troop accounts shall require authorized signatures for withdrawals and disbursements from a list of eligible signatories. The eligible signatories shall be the Treasurer, Scoutmaster and Committee Chair or designated representatives. A second-party signature will be required if members of the same family hold these positions. Authorized signatories shall not issue checks to themselves. IX.2.2 The Committee shall maintain petty cash accounts for the Scoutmaster and other Committee Officers, as required. These accounts shall be reviewed and approved annually by the Committee and/or replenished as needed. IX.2.3 The Treasurer shall administer the Scout accounts for monthly review by the Committee. IX.2.4 The Scout accounts shall be used only to pay for Scout-related items or activities approved by the Committee. SECTION IX.3.0 Expenditures IX.3.1 Each Scout shall be responsible for all fees associated with Scout-related activities, monthly Patrol dues, annual registration, Boy's Life subscription, uniform, books, personal gear, and other expenses not specifically listed as paid by the Committee. IX.3.2 The Committee shall provide Troop equipment, advancement awards and Scout badges of office, and shall make available Troop library books and pamphlets, for Scouts and Scouters. IX.3.3 All Scouters will be provided the appropriate Troop leader patch. IX.3.4 The Scoutmaster, Committee Officers or designated representatives may incur expenses, including, but not limited to, replacement of Troop equipment, consumables for Troop activities, tour permits, campground reservation fees, patches or other items in support of Troop business. Such expenditures are considered routine, are reimbursable with a valid receipt, and are not to exceed $100 per single item purchased. IX.3.5 A Budget Sub-committee shall be established, in which membership includes the Committee Chair, Treasurer, and at least one other Committee member not related to either of these Committee Officers. It shall be the primary function of the Budget Sub-committee to prepare an annual Troop budget for periodic review and to update the Committee as appropriate or upon request regarding Troop financial matters. IX.3.6 Additional responsibilities of the Budget Sub-committee shall include, but are not limited to, reviewing all expenditures exceeding $100 per single item, in order to make recommendations to the Committee for approval/disapproval of purchase; delegation of budgetary functions to other established committees and subcommittees for expenditures in support of Troop business; and oversight for any budgetary functions so delegated. Top


SECTION X.1.0 Troop Equipment X.1.1 The Scouts and Scouters shall maintain Troop equipment. The Equipment Coordinator shall keep a record of Troop equipment and its location. Committee approval shall be required for the use of Troop equipment for other than Troop activities. X.1.2 The cost of repair and/or replacement of Troop equipment damaged by gross negligence and/or willful misconduct shall be the responsibility of the Scout(s) and the parent(s) and/or guardian(s) of the Scout(s). SECTION X.2.0 Activities and Events Troop activities, special events and participation shall be planned by the PLC and shall require approval of the Committee. SECTION X.3.0 Troop Transportation Each vehicle used for transportation of Scouts shall have a driver at least 21 years of age, shall have insurance consistent with BSA minimum requirements, shall have one seat belt per occupant and shall have the belt in use whenever the vehicle is in motion. Top


SECTION XI.1.0 Order of the Arrow The Troop will participate in Order of the Arrow elections annually. SECTION XI.2.0 National Eagle Scout Association Boy Scouts earning the rank of Eagle Scout shall be presented a five-year membership in the National Eagle Scout Association by the Troop. Top


Waivers and amendments to these bylaws shall require approval of a 2/3 majority of the voting members of the Committee present, and must be submitted in writing to the Committee at least one month before consideration.

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