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~ Troop 110 Tribune ~
Editor: Ron Natividad
Mission Peak District, SFBAC

Scoutmaster: Bruce Chan • Committee Chair: Tom Sims
SPL: David G. • ASPLs: Ben S., Justin M.


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Troop Tribune - September 2005
By Ron Natividad
Photos by: Brian B., Allen C., Glenn G., Dave G., Ryan N. and Ron Natividad

Latest News & Kudos

       Troop 608 in front of the White House (I think I can see the President looking out the window) Our nine scouts from troop 110 are back and ready to go to the next Jamboree. Despite the tragedy at the start of the Jamboree and the heat and humidity, scouts who attended had the adventure of a lifetime. The planned tour was amazing. They hit Philadelphia on their first night by taking the "Light of Liberty Tour" followed by a morning tour of Historic Philadelphia. Next was a visit to Gettysburg, then off to Washington DC. On the first day at the nation's capital, they went to the Supreme Court, the Capitol, and the Bureau of Engraving. In the evening they saw the Marine Barracks Parade, where the precision drill team performed. The next day they toured the Smithsonian Complex, and the memorials of Jefferson, Lincoln, World War II, Korea and Vietnam. Then it was off to Richmond Virginia and a tour of the Arlington National Cemetery and Mt Vernon. The next day they spent a few hours at the Kings Dominion Amusement park before departing for the National Jamboree.
       The Jamboree was held at Fort A.P. Hill, Caroline County, Virginia. The shows were first rate, and were highlighted by an amazing light show and fireworks display. The President paid a visit and gave the boys an inspirational speech and showed his appreciation for Boy Scouting. Every merit badge class you can think of was there, being taught by the very best in the field. Scouts had other things on their mind besides merit badges. Patch trading was an extremely popular pastime with most boys. The Yoda patch from Marin County and the Sobe patch, were some of this Jamboree's favorites. The armed services were also present and their hardware was on display for the boys to check out.
       On Sunday August 28, Troop 608 held their last official meeting. Leaders discussed how well the boys conducted themselves and how they were first in setting up their camp and packing up. They were also always on time for buses and tour meeting times. They also shared photographs taken by the scouts, which brought back memories of the great time they had together. I would like to express my gratitude for the Scout leaders for their dedicated service and for making sure the kids were fine and had a great time.


Can't wait to go!


In front of White House.

At the Liberty Bell.

Patch Trading.

Wall to wall scouts.

Too much to see, so little time...

Happy to be home!

Paying respects to
Vietnam Heroes

Troop 110 Scouts at Jamboree.

The Los Mochos Gang
       Campout at Los Mochos - on August 27 - 28 Bruce Chan and Bill Fournell took several Boy Scouts to Camp at Los Mochos. They were the only ones there that week end which meant they had the run of the place. Bruce Chan recently completed his Rifle Range Master training so he set up a troop shoot. Several of the boys turned out to be good shots with the 22-gauge rifle, like Tom Shields. They also shot archery and swam in the pool. Several of the boys said that it was one of the most fun weekend campouts ever.

Fremont Art and Wine Festival
       Boy Scouts and their parents manned two booths to sell shaved ice and cotton candy. The hot weather kept the booths busy all day. I personally enjoyed making the shaved ice, especially the ones that had creative flavor combinations. Some of the Scouts and parents worked with Steve Cox and his troop to pick up trash and to maintain the trash and recycling containers.

Preparing Shaved Ice.


The "B." Team!

Cleanup Crew!

20 Mile Hike September 18th
       Seven Scouts and three adults tackled the 20 mile hike on Sunday September 18th. Starting at the Purisima Creek Trail off of Skyline Blvd. to Half Moon Bay. This hike was challenging because of the distance but the scenery was beautiful and varied. Starting in the Redwoods in high elevation with moss and fern covered trails ending at the Half Moon Bay beach. All the Boys completed the 20 mile course and had enough energy left to play at the beach. Roger even took the time to turn over logs and rocks add to his collection of bugs. Way to go boys!

20 Mile Hikers!


End of hike near beach.

• Setup at 6 pm @ Contempo by Cobras, COH begins at 6:30 pm
• Sharks and Falcons bring dessert
• Scorpions bring appetizers
• Cobras and Eagles bring main courses
• Scorpions and Sharks clean up

Troop 110 Meeting Schedule Revisions (*), effective 09/07/2005
Except as announced otherwise, for special events such as Courts of Honor, all scheduled Troop 110 meetings start at 7:15. Also, unless otherwise posted or emailed, the monthly meeting schedule is as follows:
• FIRST WEDNESDAYS: PLC, Contempo, 7:15-8:30 PM
• LAST WEDNESDAYS (**): Troop Committee, Contempo, 7:15-8:30 PM
• SECOND WEDNESDAYS: Full Troop Meeting, Contempo, 7:15-8:30 PM
• THIRD WEDNESDAYS: Patrols/Advancements, Contempo, 7:15-8:30 PM
• FOURTH FRIDAYS: Full Troop Meeting, Mr. Chan's, 7:15 PM on.
  (*) Note 1: Please visit the Troop Web Site often, for the most current Troop schedule information.
(**) Note 2: If the Troop Committee meeting falls on the FIFTH WEDNESDAY, as it does on November 30, 2005, then the FOURTH WEDNESDAY is available for Advancements and Patrol meetings.
YFCC, Tom Sims

Notes from Scribe - Eric B.

Sept. O5

  • Wed. 14th-- Cardboard Boat Race @ 6:45 pm, Contempo Pool Call Michael H. or Patrick W. for details
  • Wed. 21st--Fall Court of Honor: setup at 6:00 pm by Cobras, begins at 6:30 pm @ Contempo. Sharks and Falcons bring dessert, Scorpions bring appetizers, Cobras and Eagles bring main courses. Scorpions and Sharks clean up.
  • Fri. 30th-- Troop Meeting @ Mr. Chan's-- Camporee skills

Oct. 05

  • Wed. 5th-- PLC @ Contempo, 7 pm
  • Sat 8th-Sun 9th-- Fall Camporee, leave Contempo early morning
  • Wed 12th-- Troop Meeting @ Contempo, 7 pm, First Aid Skills
  • Weekend 14th-16th-- Mt. Man Rendezvous
  • Sat 15 or Sun 16-- 20 mile hike
  • Wed 19th-- Advancement/Patrol Meetings @ Contempo, 7 pm
  • Fri 28th-- Meeting @ Mr. Chan's house, 6:45 pm
  • Sat 29-Sun 30-- Troop Campout at Camp Cutter, with a scary movie

Troop Tribune - July 2005
Summer Camp Edition
By Ron Natividad|

Latest News & Kudos

1. Twenty-seven scouts attended this years Summer Camp at Wente with leader Bruce Chan and assistants Jay Hendee and Ron Natividad. The water front was the focal point of camp and offered swimming, kayaking, canoeing, rowing, small boat sailing and life guard training. Fishing was also a popular event and kept the boys busy during their breaks. Field sports included Rifle, Archery, Shotgun, Mountain Biking, and Horseback Riding. It was a very successful camp when you consider the accomplishments of the scouts and the amount of fun they had over the course of the week. The staff bid us farewell with an evening campfire that was both memorable and entertaining. The "Pie As A Weapon Skit" was a big hit and had everybody laughing. It was a look at the history of weapons using pies. The evening ended with the swearing in ceremony for the first, second, third and fifth year attendees. Over a hundred merit badges were completed. The troop and the patrols distinguished themselves by winning several awards.

• Critter of the Week Award

a. 1st place - Julian R. and Kevin G. For a two tailed blue belly lizard

• Shot Gun Competition.

a. 1st Place - Bruce Chan received Perfect score of 5 for 5
b. 3rd Place - David Rizk

• Rifle Shoot-off

a. 1st place - Troop 110 combined score (David Garges and Ron Natividad).

• Troop 110 received Honor Troop Award.

• Honor Patrol Award

a. Cobra Patrol
b. Fighting Falcons
c. Sharks
d. Scorpions

• One Mile Swim

a. David G.
b. Russell B.

2. Robbie M. and Adam D. caught the 3 largest fish at camp and were the envy of all the fishermen on the lake. Robbie's fishing instructor was amazed that he caught the largest fish of the week with only a bamboo pole. Adam D. was the most prolific fisherman on the lake and caught and released more that just the two large fish. One morning Adam caught and released 12 fish before it was even noon. Adam and Robbie along with the other boys learned how to scale and clean the fish. The scouts and adults enjoyed sharing the fish during troop campfire. Fresh fish does taste so much better!

Summer Camp photos by Ryan and Ron Natividad

3. Troop 608 News - Bags are packed, weighed, inspected and labeled. Nine Scouts from troop 110 are eagerly awaiting their departure for the National Jamboree on July 20th at 4:30 AM at the San Francisco Airport.

a. Russell B.
b. Brian B.
c. Allen C.
d. Alex G.
e. Glen G.
f. Michael H.
g. Ryan N.
h. Ben S.
i. Anthony S.

4. Troop 110 ROCKS!!! Since the last issue of the Troop Tribune we had two high adventure expeditions. One team went up first then down, while the other went down then up. Both expeditions were challenging and not for the faint at heart.

a. On June 24th Mike Magno and John Pedersen led family and friends to the top of the world famous Half Dome in Yosemite. The seven members were on top of the dome on Saturday June 25th (elevation 8,842 feet). The members are team captain John (the "MIST") Pedersen, Robin (Birthday Girl) D., Mike (DAWG) Magno, Christobel (PUFF, PUFF) Magno, Chris (Spiderman), Kristen (Kmag) and Jhoanna (Joey). Jhoanna is a friend of Kristen and this was her first hike. Just looking at that last section gets my adrenaline going. Mike and John are already planning next years challenge, El Capitan. (Information and photos furnished by Mike Magno)

b. Not to be outdone the 4 member Team Sims celebrated the 4th of July in Arizona doing the Grand Canyon Rim to Rim expedition. Starting at 8:30 AM on the 4th at the rim of the Grand Canyon National Park and ending 4 days later at the North Rim. Temperatures hit 131F and the whole trek total was 30 miles and many thousands of feet of elevation change. The team survived by cooling off in the river. (Information and photo furnished by Tom Sims) Congratulations to our high adventure team members on conquering such a difficult challenge. Most of us can only dream of facing such a challenge and YOU DID IT! Having done it as a family must be really special. Talk about team building! This is over the top.

5. Bonfante Gardens Camping Trip - September 24th and 25th are the possible dates. The cost will be $40, which includes camp site, dinner, breakfast, lunch and a patch. For more information please contact Rita Haskin at haskinr@pacbell.net.

6. Please attend the committee meetings on the first Wednesday of every month. The next committee meeting is Wednesday, August 10th. This is the best way to find out about upcoming activities and influence future activities. If you would like to have your opinions heard or would like to get involved with the troop, the committee meeting is the place to start.

Notes from the Troop Committee Meeting, July 13, 2005

1. Opening - Tom Sims

a. Meeting was held at Bronco Billy due to lock change at Contempo.

2. Minutes not read - Tom Sims

3. Upcoming Activities

a. 20-miler to Sausalito - Date TBD
b. Jamboree Trip July 20th - August 3rd Scouts need to be at the San Francisco Airport at 4:30 AM
c. Backpacking trip planned for August 10-14
d. MP District Picnic September 3rd at Lake Elizabeth.

4. Old Business

a. Lions Club Fundraiser - Bill Fournell The troop worked a total of 41 hours total to $1040 donated.
b. Troop Meeting Schedule - Bruce Chan
i. July 20th Wednesday swimming night
ii. July 23rd Saturday 10 mile hike
iii. July 27th Wednesday Rank advancement night
iv. August 3rd No Meeting
v. August 10th Wednesday PLC Meeting
vi. August 17th Wednesday Lashings class by Michael Haskins
vii. August 24th Wednesday Regular Meeting
viii. August 26th is canoeing day at Quarry Lakes for Webelos Recruiting

5. New Business

a. Fremont Arts Festival Fundraiser - Ted Mutch - We are selling shaved ice, ice cream, pretzels, snow cones, and churros with two booths - Please contact Ted Mutch to sign up.

b. Fremont Arts Festival - Troop 273 needs help with cleaning up after the festival.
This is open to all scouts and adults. Money raised will go towards Scout accounts and this qualifies for community service hours. Sign up with Tom Sims.

c. Powder horn training - geared to high adventure and event planning (September 9-11th, 23-25th time frame). Tom Sims is signed up for this training.

7. Closing - 9:10 PM - Tom Sims


Troop Tribune - June 2005
by Ron Natividad

Latest News & Kudos

1. Bowling Night Wednesday, May 11th - This was a first for the troop and from the feedback I've gotten will probably not be the last. Both boys and adult agree that this was one of the most fun evening events. 35 scouts participated in the fun. Photos by Bruce Chan


2. Garage Sale on Saturday May 14th - Another successful troop garage sale. A stressful start with the organizing and set up followed by a hot afternoon made it a challenging day. Participants definitely earned their money for this garage sale. The total proceeds collected for the day was $1245. Special thanks to Julia Lloyd for the use of her house. Thanks also go out to Pam Mutch, Julia Lloyd, Ted Mutch and Justin M. for their extra hours and hard work on Saturday. Photos by Ron Natividad


3. Mt St Helena Hike and Campout, May 21 to 22 - Mt St Helena was invaded by Troop 110 on both days. The Saturday assault was by three adults, Mike Magno, John Pedersen and Robin Drofleff. One peak was not enough for these three so they also bagged a second peak completing both North and South Peaks. The second group was not as inspired to go for both peaks but was perfectly happy with one peak. All would agree that this was one of the most challenging peaks in the Rim Rover group. The views were great and provided a panoramic view of most of the Rim Rover Peaks.

Five people completed all their Rim Rover Hikes by completing the Mt St, Helena hike.

• Mike Magno
• Bruce Chan
• Allen C.
• Ryan N.
• Ron Natividad

Photos by Ron Natividad

4. Flag Decoration on Memorial Day 17 scouts and adults attended to decorate each grave with flags. It's a great tribute to the men and women who gave the ultimate for our country.

5. Scout-O-Rama June 3-4 on the USS Hornet, Alameda - With the backdrop of the F14 Tomcat Troop 110 presented a large board game called "Capture the Flag". It was one of the busiest booths and had many repeat visitors. Both Parents and scouts had fun playing the game and most stayed long enough to complete one game. A few of the scouts stayed to play several games and developed a winning strategy. One Scout from troop 175 told me that this was the best booth ever and that this game is lots of fun. Another asked if we would have the same set-up next year. Considering the competition this is a tall order. Other booths included Balloon launching, Wheel Chair obstacle course, Gold Panning and Magnetic Fishing for prices. Way to go Troop 110 and Bruce Chan for a very successful Scout-O-Rama. Once again Troop 110 leads the way!!! Photo By Ron Natividad.

6. Venture Crew 110 is collecting old cell phones as a Crew fundraiser. So clean out those drawers and donate your old phones. The Crew will separate them and ship them out. If you can't wait to get rid of them, contact any member of the Crew and we will pick them up. Or let us know and we will collect them at a troop meeting. Any questions contact Eric W.

7. Please attend the committee meetings on the first Wednesday of every month. The next committee meeting is July 13th which is actually the second Wednesday because of schedule conflict. This is the best way to find out about upcoming activities and influence future activities. If you would like to have your opinions heard or would like to get involved with the troop, the committee meeting is the place to start.

Notes from the Troop Committee Meeting, June 1, 2005

Committee Meeting - June 1st, 2005

1. Opening - Tom Sims

2. Approval of the minutes - Skipped

3. Activities for June-July

a. Scout-O-Rama June 3-4 Pack dinner on the USS Hornet Alameda
• Cost $35
• Leave Contempo at 6:30
• Troop will be presenting a "Capture The Flag" on a super sized game board.

b. Court of Honor and Troop Elections June 8 th 6:30 PM Dessert Social
c. Backpack Cooking Session #1 June 22 nd - Session #1 - Backpack Cooking
d. Session #2 Backpack Cooking - to be announced\
e. Brownsea NYLT (New Youth Leadership Training) - June 19-25 5 Boys are attending
f. Summer Camp - July 3-9 Wente
g. 20-miler to Sausalito July 16th (Tentative) This qualifies for the 20 hike for the hiking merit badge.
h. Jamboree Trip 9 scouts are going July 19th to August 3rd .

4. Troop Meeting Schedule

a. Practice BSA Swimming on June 15th
b. June 24 Summer Camp orientation night
c. Bonfonte Scout Night $40 Sept 24
d. Summer 30 Mile Hike August 10 - 13th

5. New Business

a. Troop equipment - Stoves and Tents need to be inventoried for repair and replacement. In the future more care should be taken to keep equipment in working condition and clean.
b. Fremont Art Festival Fundraiser August 6-7th - Ted Mutch We are selling Shave Ice, Ice Creams, Frozen Lemonade and Churros. Class "B" Scouts and Parents only.
c. Troop 250 needs help to get started after being abandoned by their scoutmaster. We are going to get them involved into our activities to get them in the spirit of scouting.

6. Closing at 9:15 PM - Tom Sims


Troop Tribune - May 2005
by Ron Natividad

Latest News & Kudos

1. Angel Island hike and camp was on April 23rd and 24th. Rain did not hamper the spirit of these hikers. 10 boy scouts plus adults hiked around the island, played at the beach and went up to Mt Livermore summit. The rain came and went Saturday starting just after camp was set-up. Sunday turned out to be a gorgeous day and the Bay views were spectacular. Unfortunately no one had a camera to record the scenes.

2. Mike Magno, Bill Westcott, and John Pederson did a 30-mile backpacking hike Ohlone Wilderness trail April 23rd.

3. Mission Peak District Awards Dinner - Troop 110 received several individual awards and a Distinguished Unit Award for 2005. According to Tom Sims, they are still raving about "Pirates of Los Mochos" Webelos Woods Event. Thanks to all who participated. It put Troop 110 on the map and set a standard that will be hard to match. The District Awards selection committee keeps the list of awardees a secret so the recipients of the awards did not know. Several of the awardees were not present. Congratulation to the awards recipients. Your hard work did not go unnoticed and you are very much appreciated. A District representative at the Summer Court of Honor will give the awards on Wednesday, June 8th.

a. Troop 110
   i. Bruce Chan
   ii. Pam Mutch
   iii. Ted Mutch
   iv. Ron Natividad

b. Crew 110
   i. Julia Lloyd

c. Pack 268
   i. Albert Gallegos

d. District Plaques
   i. John Pedersen
   ii. Tom Sims

4. Friends of Scouting - Troop 110 received a ribbon for exceeding our Family Goal this year. This is quite an accomplishment considering that we did not have a big attendance at the FOS presentation. It's a tribute to the commitment and support of the Troop 110 parents.

5. Bowling Night Wednesday, May 11th - Come join troop 110 for a fun night of bowling. Meet at 7PM at the Holiday Bowl in Hayward at the corner of Industrial and Mission. Cost is 8 dollars per person, which includes shoes and 3 games. Refreshments will be provided but not dinner.

6. Mt St Helena Hike and Campout May 21st and 22nd - This is a family campout and we are hoping to make it an annual troop family outing. The location is the Napa County Fairgrounds in Calistoga. The facilities include flush toilets, hot showers and a grass lawn for tents. Parents and siblings can go into town and enjoy Calistoga's great restaurants, shopping, galleries, mud bath etc. Boy Scouts will be cooking on their own with their patrols. Families supply their own food or eat with scouts.

7. Venture Crew 110 is collecting old cell phones as a Crew fundraiser. So clean out those drawers and donate your old phones. To help make it easier for all, send them with your Garage Sale Items for the May 14th sale. We will separate them and ship them out. If you can't wait to get rid of them, contact any member of the Crew and we will pick them up. Or let us know and we will collect them at a troop meeting. Any questions contact Eric Westcott 489-1209.

8. Please attend the committee meetings on the first Wednesday of every month. The next committee meeting is Wednesday, June 1st. This is the best way to find out about upcoming activities and influence future activities. If you would like to have your opinions heard or would like to get involved with the troop, the committee meeting is the place to start.

Notes from the Troop Committee Meeting, May 4, 2005

1. Opening - Tom Sims

2. Activities

a. Garage Sale - May14th at Julia Lloyd's house. Start getting your donations together. Scouts please sign up for your shift with Mr. Mutch (Scouts will get credit into their accounts)
  1. Two Shifts available - We got a little crowded last year so we can't have scouts hang out all day.
  2. 7 - 11AM will set-up so please be a little early
  3. 11 - 3 PM will do the clean up

b. Mt St. Helena May 21st - 22nd Rim Rover Hike

  • Family Camp @ Napa County Fairgrounds in Calistoga
  • This will be considered as one of the shake down hikes for the Desolation Wilderness hike.

a. Summer Court Of Honor - Wednesday June 8th 6:30 PM

  • Deserts Only Night
  • Set up - Cobra and clean up - Scorpions
  • Awards for scouts and adults
  • Troop elections

3. Old Business

a. Scout Master - Bruce Chan
  • Bridge 4 boys into troop and they will form the "Shark Patrol"
  • Patrol Leaders meeting
  • Troop meeting Wednesday

b. Summer Backpacking Planning - Marvin Bowerman

  • Desolation Wilderness on August 10th Wednesday to Sunday 14th
  • Limited to 12 People, there is still space available for hikers and alternates.
  • Scouts must be 1st Class and 13 years old
  • 3 Shake down Hikes - Approved by assistant scout masters
  • Medical forms need to be current
  • Sign-ups start at the April 13th meeting

c. Jamboree Troop 608 - Tom Sims

  • Had their first campout May 1st and 2nd at Los Mochos to work on teamwork and camp organization. TC Noble their scoutmaster was so impressed with how well the troop worked as a team that he decided that they don't need to have another campout. Next meeting is Sunday, May 15th from 2 to 4 PM at the usual place.

4. New Business

a. Friends of Scouting - Tom Sims
  • District is $14K above last years level
  • Troop 110 is also exceeded last years level
  • Will be set up for court of honor next year

b. Brownsea - Bruce Chan 5 scouts elected (should we consider sending more scouts?)

  • Allen C.
  • Glenn G.
  • Michael H.
  • Anthony S.
  • Patrick W.

c. Summer Camp - July 3rd thru 9th at Wente. We will be at the Sunrise Ridge sight, which is car accessible. Jay Hendee is the Summer Camp Coordinator. Make sure that you let him know if you want to attend. Adults attending for the whole week will be Bruce Chan, Jay Hendee and Ron Natividad. The troop has paid in advance to secure early signup discount.

d. 20 Mile Hike - Golden Gate Crossing (No date set)

e. Flag Decoration Day Saturday May 28th at the Golden Gate National Cemetery in San Bruno. This is a worthwhile activity for Boy Scouts to honor veterans who gave the ultimate for our great country.

f. Scoutarama on the USS Hornet Alameda - June 3rd - 4th - Cost $35

  • Leave Contempo at 6:30
  • Troop will be presenting a "Capture The Flag" on a super sized game board.

g. Powder horn training - geared to high adventure and event planning

  • Part 1 - September 9-11th
  • Part 2 - September 23-25th

5. Committee Officer Reports

a. Scoutmaster - Bruce Chan Bowling night to be planned for Wednesday May 11th, 7PM
a. Holiday Bowl at the corner of Industrial and Mission I Hayward
b. $8 per person which includes 3 games and shoe rental
c. Refreshments provided but not dinner.

b. Treasurer - Craig Brown

a. Not much activity
b. Balance $14,647.65
c. Please make sure to check your scout's accounts to make sure you don't have a negative balance.

c. Venture Advisor - Bill Westcott

a. Movie night plan
b. Old cell phone collection for fundraising

6. Subcommittee Reports

a. Fundraising - Ted Mutch
  • Garage Sale on May 14th at Julia Lloyd

b. Training - John Gillen

  • Contact John if you are a new adult member to get guidance on training requirements and locations.

7. Closing at 9:12 PM - Tom Sims


Troop Tribune - April 2005
by Ron Natividad
Latest News & Kudos
1. Del Valle Hike and Camping - Although it rained on and off all weekend there were still plenty of activities to keep everyone who went motivated. The hike was shortened because the terrain proved to be too slippery but it was still a good workout for everyone. Check out the photo (right) to see the muddy condition of the ground. There was canoeing available for anyone interested. As with most hikes, there was orienteering and food preparation. Overall a very productive weekend. Photos by Shirley Gonzalez and Ryan Natividad

2. Troop 110 decided not to attend Spring Camporee on April 8, 9 & 10. However, Tom Sims, who was elected as the Adult Order of the Arrow representative, will be taking the scouts who are to be tapped out to the Spring Camporee.

3. There is a troop campout planned for Angle Island April 22nd and 23rd. The troop campout is great opportunity for our troop's newest scouts to learn their basic skills of camping and hiking. And it is also an opportunity for older scouts to pass on what they have learned and show their leadership skills. The leadership of older scouts are important for the newer scouts as they learn how to function in the troop. They will need guidance to learn what they need to do to make their patrols successful. So older Scout need to keep in mind that you are a role model for the newer Scouts. Lead by example!

4. Please attend the committee meetings on the first Wednesday of every month. The next committee meeting is Wednesday, May 4th . This is the best way to find out about upcoming activities and influence future activities. If you would like to have your opinions heard or would like to get involved with the troop, the committee meeting is the place to start.

Message from Tom Sims:

I wanted to take my hat off to the Troop members who volunteered at the 9 th annual Science and Health fair. Matt Y., representing Crew 110 (and his Logan science class), Ben S. representing the Troop, were on hand at first thing to assist with setup, and to make themselves available to any participants who needed assistance during the day. Pat W. was also on hand, again, working with Bernard White Middle School in support of the Stanford blood drive.

It takes a HUGE amount of time and energy, provided by a horde of busy volunteers, to make this event a success every year, and all of us who were there are already looking forward to next year. The theme of the decennial event has already been proposed: "The Power of 10."

Please encourage you Scouts to give some serious thought to participating next year. We would be welcomed as "visiting scientists," as well as volunteers. A well-planned display and a solid turnout would clearly demonstrate "The power of 110."

Thanks, Tom

Notes from the Troop Committee Meeting, April 6, 2005

1. Opening - Tom Sims

2. Approval of the Minutes (Skipped)

3. Activities for April-May

a. Eagle Camp and other April activities
b. OA Tapout at Spring Camporee April 8th - 9th Tom Sims will be going and taking the elected boys for the tap out.
c. Angel Island hike and campout on April 22nd to 23rd

4. Old Business

a. Troop Meeting Schedule - Bruce Chan
• March 16th OA Elections
• 4 boys bridge into troop 110 and will form a new patrol
• Troop shoot March 25th at Bruce Chan's Linda Wilson Top Shooter - bulls eye on the first shoot!

b. Patrol Leaders meeting

• Troop meeting Wednesday, April 13th Backpacking Planning
• Troop meeting Wednesday, April 20th Patrol box and gear

c. Summer Backpacking Planning - Marvin Bowerman

• Desolation Wilderness on August 10 th to 14th
• Limited to 12 People
• Scouts must be 1st Class and 13 years old
• 3 Shake down Hikes - Approved by assistant scout masters
• Medical forms need to be current
• Sign-ups start at the April 13th meeting•c. Next Merit Badge Extravaganza - Saturday May 7th
• At the Gateway LDS Church, Fremont

d. Garage Sale - May14th or 15th at Julia Lloyd's house

• Start getting your donations together

e. Mt St. Helena May 21st - Rim Rover Hike

• This will be considered as one of the shake down hikes for the Desolation Wilderness hike.

5. New Business

a. 20 Mile Hike - Golden Gate Crossing (No date set)
b. Scoutarama on the USS Hornet - June 3rd - 4th - Cost $35
c. Summer Court Of Honor - June 8th
• Troop elections

d. Friends of Scouting - Tom Sims

• Did not get big turnout due to vacations and Good Friday
• Will be set up for court of honor next year
• You will get a call from BSA for this years FOS

e. Fremont art and wine festival - We are considering having a booth for fundraising. More details to follow

6. Committee Officer Reports

a. Scoutmaster - Bruce Chan
• Bowling night to be planned for an open Friday
• Brownsea 5 scouts elected (should we consider sending more scouts)
• Current Patrol boxes are inadequate - We should build wooden boxes.
b. Pro
i. Wooden boxes can be compartmentalized to make it easier to stow
ii. Would make a nice project for the scouts to assemble.

b. Con

i. Wooden boxes are heavy and not as durable.
ii. Can we add dividers to the plastic patrol box?

b. Treasurer - (Not Present) - Craig Brown

c. Venture Advisor - Bill Westcott

• President - Joe Pratt-Majesky
• Treasurer - Eric Westcott
• Jessica Mutch - VP
• Jessica Weiss - VP
• Please donate your old cell phones to the Venture Crew Email announcement to follow on when to bring in your cell phones.

7. Subcommittee Reports

a. Advancement (Not Present) - Dave Garges
b. Troop Database (Not Present) - Jim Orsetti
c. Budget (Not Present) - Ted Mutch
d. Fundraising (Not Present) - Ted Mutch
• Garage Sale on May 14th at Julia Lloyd

e. Training (No Report) - John Gillen
f. Powder horn training - geared to high adventure and event planning (September 9-11th 23-25th time frame) Tom Sims

8. Closing - 8:55 PM - Tom Sims


Troop Tribune - March 2005
by Ron Natividad
Photos by Ron Natividad

To all,

I neglected to get this into Ron before the Troop Tribune was distributed, but I wanted to take my hat off to the Troop members who volunteered at the 9th annual Science and Health fair. Matt Y., representing Crew 110 (and his Logan science class), and Ben S., representing the Troop, were on hand at first thing to assist with setup, and to make themselves available to any participants who needed assistance during the day. Pat W. was also on hand, again, working with Bernard White Middle School in support of the Stanford blood drive.

It takes a HUGE amount of time and energy, provided by a horde of busy volunteers, to make this event a success every year, and all of us who were there are already looking forward to next year. The theme of the decennial event has already been proposed: "The Power of 10."

Please encourage your Scouts to give some serious thought to participate next year. We would be welcomed as "visiting scientists," as well as volunteers. A well-planned display and a solid turnout would clearly demonstrate the "power of 110."

Thanks, Tom

Latest News & Kudos

1. Canoe Day at Quarry Lakes - Weather did not dampen the spirit of the Scouts and Webelos who attended this event. Bruce Chan and Bill Westcott provided the canoes and ?? Scouts got their turn in the water. There were periods of torrential rain but the scouts just took it in stride. In fact, they found ways to entertain themselves while they waited for calmer weather. Pictures show the Webelos who attended the event and Ryan N. leading Webelos to water.

2. Sleeping with the Sharks - This was an experience that was well worth the price of admission. Scouts, Crew, parents, and siblings all enjoyed the touch pools, and the class given by the guides. They took measurements of the salinity of the Bay water, learned all about the eco system of the bay, and looked at various planktons with the microscope. The best part for me was getting a chance to observe the fish as they swam around the tube. Some even used the peak of the tube to rest and it gave you a view of fish life that you don't normally get. You can see up close to these magnificent animals. Sleeping while they swam around me almost made me feel like I was inside a tank, and they were looking at me from the outside. Waking up in the tunnel was the calmest way to welcome the morning. I just looked up and absorbed the experience. The next morning we got treated to a wonderful breakfast at the Chic Restaurant, which provided a wonderful view of the wharf and the docks. I rate this event four stars out of four, and would highly recommend it for future events. Photos show guides working with the scouts and Venture Crew with new Scout Roger walking in the tunnel.

3. Klondike Derby 2005 - 10 scouts and 3 adults braved the cold weather and had a ball at the Klondike Derby at the Snowflower Preserve near Yuba Gap. The weather was sunny with a slight breeze. Led by Dave G., the scouts showed good teamwork and had a great time in the snow. They improved their time in the sled competition with a time of just over one minute. They also built a shelter, which also doubled as a fort when the snowball fight started. Even some of the adults got in on defending the fort. The photo shows Troop 110 defending their fort as they repel an attack from scouts from a nearby camp. The evening was cold as the breeze kicked in but all survived the ordeal with the help of a patio heater brought by Dave G. and a fire pit found by the resourceful Craig B. Picture show the scouts worshipping the heater while Dave looks on with a proud smile.

4. Please attend the committee meetings on the first Wednesday of every month. The next committee meeting is Wednesday, April 6 th . This is the best way to find out about upcoming activities and influence future activities. If you would like to have your opinions heard or would like to get involved with the troop, the committee meeting is the place to start.

Notes from the Troop Committee Meeting, 2 March 2005

1. Opening - John Gillen

a. Minutes read by Ron Natividad
b. Minutes approved

2. Activities for March-April

a. Klondike Derby March 5 and 6 th at the Snowflower Preserve.
b. New Haven Science Day - Tom and Ben will still be showing up to volunteer- anyone interested can contact him - no booth display.
c. Wednesday March 23 rd - No meeting
d. Friend of Scouting Presentation - Friday March 25 th at Bruce Chan's House. Dutch oven desert and other deserts will be served.
e. Eagle Camp and other April activities - Chris Magno and Ben Sims are attending. Cost is $215 and you must be a star rank and 14 years old to attend.
i. March 28 th at Camp Royaneh
ii. June 19 - 24 at Los Mochos

3. Old Business

a. Troop Schedule
i. March 9 th Troop Meeting
ii. March 16 th Patrol Meeting and Merit badge
iii. March 19 th - 20 th Del Valle campout and hike
iv. March 25 th Troop Meeting
v. April 8, 9 and 10 th Spring Camporee
vi. April 23 - 24 th Angel Island

b. Acorn Training

i. Wednesday April 6 th 7-9:30 PM
ii. Saturday April 16 th 8 - Noon
iii. Tuesday April 19 th 7 - 9:30 PM Fremont LDS 810 Walnut Ave.
iv. April 22 - 24 th Camp Los Mochos

4. New Business

a. 50 Miler Backpacking Planning - (Marvin Bowerman) First meeting will be on March 21 st at Bronco Billy's in Union City. Anyone interested must attend. There will be limited space on this hike. There will be several shakedowns to get prepared. More information to follow.
b. Next Merit Badge Extravaganza - Saturday May 7 th at the Gateway LDS Church, Fremont.

5. Committee Officers Reports

a. Committee Chair - no report
b. Scoutmasters -
i. Winter COH was done by the Fighting Falcons
ii. Klondike Derby will be led by David Garges with support from Ron Natividad and Craig Brown
iii. Summer Camp - deadline for payment of $100 is reserved.
iv. Canoe day Feb 19 th at Quarry Lakes had a good turn out.

c. Mike has put together a spreadsheet of the Troop 110 Drivers list. Please check to make sure that your information is right before list is distributed.
d. Treasurer - $15,652 balance
e. Venture Crew - No Report

6. Subcommittee Reports

a. Advancement - No report
b. Troop Database - Jim Orsetti
c. Budget - No report
d. Fundraising - No report
e. Training - Powder horn training - geared to high adventure and event planning (September 9-11 th 23-25 th time frame) Tom Sims

7. Announcements

a. Community Service - Contact John Gillen if you need service hours
b. Camporall USS Hornet Overnighter June 3 - 4 th Cost is $50
c. Jay Hendee will be this years Summer Camp Coordinator. Camp Tuition is due soon so please let Jay know if you are interested so he can get an accurate head count and plan accordingly.
d. Troop Garage Sale - Will be hosted by Julie Lloyd sometime in April
e. Order of the Arrow - Elections will be held next month
f. Pack 268 will be bridging 3 scouts - March 18 th
g. Junior Leadership Training - Additional training for older boys to develop leadership skills.
h. National Jamboree is scheduled for July 23 to August 3.

8. Meetings Closed 9:00 PM


Troop Tribune - February 2005
by Ron Natividad
Photos by Ron Natividad and Jim Orsetti

Latest News & Kudos

1. Mt. Diablo Hike - On January 15th a group of 12 scouts and some family members braved the cold and foggy day to conquer Mt Diablo. It was a grey and windy day but their sprits were high. Lead by Bruce Chan and Tom Sims, the group started at the Rock City parking lot and climbed toward the peak. The route was challenging, with steep long paths and muddy tracks. Along the way there were many displays describing the geological features and historical information. The scouts took compass readings and learned about geography along the way. The spectacular view kept the hikers motivated and determined to get to the top. They also knew that they could not eat their lunch until they get to the top. Once at the peak, they were not disappointed because the view was amazing and well worth the pain of the climb. The viewing area at the peak provided a vista of most of the Rim Rover Peaks. There was a blanket of fog that highlighted the peaks and emphasized their challenging height. It was truly a magical view. On the way down the group ran into John Pederson and Mike Magno who started later because of a schedule conflict. Mike reports that they jogged down from the peak in order for John to meet his scheduled dinner date. She must have been someone special.

2. Winter Court of Honor on Wednesday, January 19th. was hosted by the Fighting Falcons. The evening started with patrol skits while the audience ate dinner. Mike Magno and Bruce Chan exchanged patches to officially make Bruce the Scoutmaster.

Bruce presented Mike a gift to express appreciation for all that Mike has done and what he has meant to Troop 110. We were treated to videos prepared and edited by the Falcons of the some of the events. Congratulations to the scouts who received promotions. See picture (left) of the Scorpions with their proud mothers. Everyone had a good time. Our thanks go out to the Falcons and John Gillen (right) for the hard work in planning the event.

3. Indoor Rally for 2005 was held on Friday January 4th at the LDS Church on Decoto Rd. Troop 110 showed lots of spirit and enthusiasm. Prior to the event the scouts practiced their skills and was rewarded by taking home two ribbons. They received the first place ribbon for the Compass Relay and third on the Rope Rescue. I was really impressed with the teamwork and spirit shown by the scouts. Attendance was double what it was last year and showed when it came to the Scoutmaster pull. Just ask Bruce Chan how much faster he went compared to last year. I think there will be a permanent skid marks on the gym floor.

4. Please attend the committee meetings on the first Wednesday of every month. The next committee meeting is Wednesday March 2nd 2005. This is the best way to find out about upcoming activities and influence future activities. If you would like to have your opinions heard or would like to get involved with the troop, the committee meeting is the place to start.

Notes from the Troop Committee Meeting, 2 February 2005

1. Opening - Tom Sims

a. Thanks for all who helped at the University of scouting - JL Greenberg.
b. Minutes of the Last meeting - Not read since this was a shortened meeting

2. Activities for February

a. Mission Peak Indoor Rally, 7:30pm Feb. 4th at the LDS Church
b. February 12 and 13th will be Mt. Wittenberg hike and campout.
c. Canoe day Feb 19th a Quarry Lakes 10:00AM Lunch will be provided. Contact Bruce Chan for further information.
d. Feb 25th and 26th is Aquarium of the Bay Sleepover ($55.00). Contact Rita Haskins if you're interested. Rita is considering opening up this event to other groups to meet minimum attendee required.
e. New Haven Science and Health Festival will not be supported due to lack of interest.

3. Old Business

a. Troop 11 Donation for Tsunami Relief = $425
b. University of Scouting - was a success and we have been asked to participate in future classes.
c. Webelos Woods will be run by Troop 269

4. New Business

a. Communication - Need to inform Web Master about schedule changes to get information to everybody. This would be a good complement to the phone tree and Email. We need to be more conscientious about getting information to everybody.
b. Friends of Scouting - We need to plan a night for the FOS speaker to talk to the troop. Use this event instead of the COH and have light desserts. March 16th is tentatively scheduled.
c. Life to Eagle meeting -Eric Westcott will present a slide show on Feb 16th
d. Next Merit Badge Extravaganza - Saturday May 7th at the Gateway LDS Church, Fremont.

5. Committee Officers Reports

a. Committee Chair - no report
b. Scoutmasters -
i. Winter COH was done by the Fighting Falcons
ii. Klondike Derby
iii. Summer Camp - deadline for payment of $100 is due to reserve our spot.
iv. Canoe day Feb 19th a Quarry Lakes 10:00AM Lunch will be provided.

c. Mike has put together a spreadsheet of the Troop 110 Drivers list. Please check to make sure that your information is right before list is distributed.
d. Treasurer - $15,623 balance
e. Venture Crew - Activities

i. Snow trip on Feb 12th
ii. Worked at soup kitchen
iii. Community service work
iv. Venturing Rendezvous September 16 - 19th

6. Subcommittee Reports

a. Advancement - No report
b. Budget - No report
c. Fundraising - No report
d. Training - Powder horn training - geared to high adventure and event planning (September 9-11th, 23-25th time frame) Tom Sims

7. Announcements

a. Bill Fournel - Letter of thanks to the three people who helped with the James Logan Forensic Tournament from Tommy Lindsey Jr.
b. District Dinner is Saturday Feb 5th
c. Intel is sponsoring an electronics merit badge - Feb 11th
d. Summer Camp - July 3rd thru 9th at Wente. We have secured the Sunrise Ridge sight, which is car accessible.
e. Summer Camp at Cherry Valley, Catalina Island in 2007 (San Gabriel Council) $200 troop deposit required, $400 per Scout approved by committee.
f. Summer 2006 Bill Westcott is coordinating a white water canoe trip in Klamath River.
g. July 2007 World Jamboree in England

8. Old Business

a. Troop Positions - Adults
i. Positions Filled
1. Troop Tribune - Ron Natividad
2. Training and Youth Protection Coordinator - John Gillen
3. Summer Camp Coordinator - Jay Hendee

ii. Open Troop Positions

1. Advancement Coordinator
2. Membership Coordinator
3. Scouting for Food Coordinator
4. Christmas Wreath Sales Coordinator
5. Chaplain
6. Round Table Representative

iii. Positions that will be open soon

1. Outdoor Activities Coordinator
2. Popcorn Kernel

b. Summer Camp

i. Summer Camp 2005 date change July 3rd to 9th at Wente, Sunrise Ridge campsite.

c. National Jamboree is scheduled for July 23 to August 3.

9. Meetings Closed 8:42 PM

Mark Your Calendars!

February 2005



PLC @ 7:00 p..m., Troop Committee @ 7:45 p.m. (Tom Sims)



Mission Peak Indoor Rally @ 7:30 (Bruce Chan)



Merit Badge Extravaganza @ 9:00 AM (MP District)



SFBAC Awards Dinner @ 6:00 PM (Council)



Newark MS/HS Lincoln's Birthday Observed



Troop Meeting @ 7:15 PM (Bruce Chan)



Mission Peak Roundtable @ 7:00 PM (Bruce Chan)



Mt. Wittenberg Hike and Campout (Mike Magno)



"Life to Eagle" Meeting @ 7:00 Contempo (Bill Westcott)



All Schools - Presidents Day



Troop Meeting (Optional - Patrols) @ 7:15 p.m. (Bruce Chan)



Aquarium of the Bay Sleepover $55.00 (Rita Haskin)



Troop Meeting at Mr. Chan's @ 7:00 p.m. (Bruce Chan)


Troop Tribune - January 2005
by Ron Natividad
Photos by David Garges and Ron Natividad

Latest News & Kudos

1. December 22nd Holiday Celebration - From Tom Sim's Email. Thanks everyone who joined in last week's celebration of the season. I think it is safe to say that everyone there had a GREAT time, and I also want to recognize those whose extra efforts made it possible.

Rita Haskin, wonderful decorations (Gloria even took some of them home!); Diane Orsetti spearheaded the setup, along with Ted and Pam Mutch, who brought everything but the Troop Chips; John Gillen took care of miscellaneous supplies and had a couple of great games in his back pocket to keep the kids entertained. The Yorks and Simses brought Christmas music to raise our spirits.

Nor was it just the parents who contributed. Russell Bowerman gathered up some music and brought all the Troop's musicians together for a serenade of carols. Glenn Gillen and Ben Sims thought up some great games and helped us shop for supplies and prizes. Darren, Michael, and Justin (along with siblings) pitched in with their parents appointed tasks.

And of course, everyone contributed snacks, desserts and other special dishes, with which the Troop lived up to its extraordinary culinary standards.

We were joined by special guests Carol Dutra-Vernacci and Jim Navarro from the UC Lions Club (...and City Council...), and we also had a special visit from Michael Richie and his family. Michael is the Cubmaster of Pack 815 in Hayward, and he presented 110 with a thank you card signed by all the Cub Scouts in 815 -- you may all remember that 110 pitched in to help them last fall when their Pack equipment was stolen.

All in all it was a fitting celebration of who and what we are. It has been a great year for us with all its difficulties, and I am grateful for the chance to have celebrated it with all of you!

Thank you, and here's to an even greater 2005.

Your Friendly Chair Person,

Tom Sims

Mt. Wittenberg Hike and Bike - On December 12th an adventurous groupfrom Troop 110 hiked up Mt. Wittenberg. Due to the weather forecast the campout was cancelled but no condition can stop the hike. The day turned out to be beautiful and sunny. We were joined by Webelos Kevin and his father John G. This is one of the Rim Rover Hikes. With this hike Bill Wescott completed all six of the required Rim Rover Hikes. Congratulation Bill in completing all Rim Rover Hikes (Mt Diablo, Mt Tamalpias, Mission Peak, Pinnacles, St Helena and Mt Wittenberg). Someday when I grow up I hope to complete my Rim Rover Hikes just like Bill. Dave and David G. brought their bikes and had so much fun they decided to stay and explore other areas.

Photo shows the scouts who hiked a view of Point Reyes and the Pacific.

3. Winter Court of Honor is Wednesday, January 19th will be hosted by the Fighting Falcons. Dinner starts at 6:30 and the patrols will entertain us with funny skits on the stage. Don't miss it! The Fighting Falcons have been working hard to make this a fun evening.

4. Please attend the committee meetings on the first Wednesday of every month. The next committee meeting is Wednesday February 2nd 2005. This is the best way to find out about upcoming activities and influence future activities. If you would like to have your opinions heard or would like to get involved with the troop, the committee meeting is the place to start.

Notes from the Troop Committee Meeting, 5 January 2005

1. Opening - Tom Sims

a. Minutes of the Last meeting - Carole Barnes

2. Approval of the Minutes

Note: By laws discussion moved to next month

3. Activities for January and February

a. January 12th and 26th Troop Meeting will be troop skills night at Contempo.
b. January 15th will be a hike at Mt Diablo, meet at Contempo at 8am.
c. COH planned for Wednesday, January 19th The Fighting Falcons will be the planning the event. Stay tuned for more information.
d. February 12 and 13th will be Mt. Wittenberg hike and campout.
e. Feb 25th and 26th is Aquarium of the Bay Sleepover ($55.00). Contact Rita Haskins if you're interested.
f. University of Scouting January 29th , Troop will pay $5 to go towards lunch for adults who attend.

4. Old Business

a. Troop meeting schedule - All PLC/TC meetings on the FIRST Wednesday of every month will start at 7:00 pm and 7:45 pm, respectively. All Troop meetings on the SECOND Wednesday of every month will start at 7:15 pm. All advancement/MB meetings on the THIRD Wednesday of every month will start at 7:15 pm. All Troop meetings on the FOURTH Friday of every month will start at 7:00 pm and be held at Bruce Chan's house. There is nothing scheduled for the FOURTH WEDNESDAY of every month, but the Contempo facility is available for Patrol Meetings, should any patrol decide to schedule one. In the event there is a FIFTH WEDNESDAY in any month, there will probably be a special event or meeting, to be determined and announced at the time. Courts of Honor will normally start at 7:00 pm, with setup at 6:00 and refreshments or dinner served at 6:30.
b. Bruce Chan is now officially the Scoutmaster. He and Mike Magno will exchange position patches at the next Court of Honor.
c. Rechartering is completed for Scouts, Crew and Adults. Thank you John Gillen and Bill Westcott leading the charge with the online rechartering.
d. Troop Positions - Adults.
i. Positions Filled
1. Troop Tribune - Ron Natividad
2. Training and Youth Protection Coordinator - John Gillen
3. Summer Camp Coordinator - Jay Hendee

ii. Open Troop Positions

1. Advancement Coordinator
2. Membership Coordinator
3. Scouting for Food Coordinator
4. Christmas Wreath Sales Coordinator
5. Chaplain
6. Round Table Representative

iii. Positions that will be open soon

1. Outdoor Activities Coordinator
2. Popcorn Kernel

e. Summer Camp

i. Summer Camp 2005 date change July 3rd to 9th at Wente, Sunrise ridge campsite.

f. National Jamboree

i. National Jamboree is scheduled for July 23 to August 3. Next meeting on Sunday, January 9th at 2PM for Troop 608 scouts. Make sure to bring your uniform order in. The deadline is January 15th to take advantage of the Jamboree discount.

ii. If anyone would like to donate old patches to the scouts going to National Jamboree, please give them to Tom Sims. Trading patches is a popular activity among scouts at the National Jamboree. This is a great opportunity for the scouts to collect patches from other parts of the country and world.

g. March 5th 2005 New Haven Health and Science Day - Scouts will run a booth to show water filtration and purification. Tom Sims is coordinating. So if you are not attending the Klondike Derby, make sure to join the troop at the NV Health and Science Day.

5. New Business -

a. Mr. Magno is suggesting that the troop donate to the Tsunami relief. Announcement to follow on how and when to donate. Troop will donate $100.
b. Summer Camp 2007 - Mr. Magno is proposing going to Cherry Valley (Catalina Island). We need to act soon to secure our date because it is filling up quickly.

6. Committee Reports -

a. Scoutmaster - Reported on December activities
b. Treasurer - 13,824 balance not including Popcorn and Wreath sales
c. Venture Advisor - Bill Westcott reported on future activities

7. Subcommittee Reports -

a. Advancement - Jim Orsetti no news
b. Budget - Tom Sims no news
c. Fundraising - Ted Mutch
i. Wreath sales total = $1,544
ii. Popcorn sales total = $5,711

d. Training - Acorn #57 Assistant Scoutmaster and Scoutmaster training - Talk to Mike Magno for details

8. Announcement

a. Summer Camp - July 3rd thru 9th at Wente. We have secured the Sunrise Ridge sight, which is car accessible.
b. Summer Camp at Cherry Valley, Catalina Island in 2007 (San Gabriel Council) $200 troop deposit required, $400 per Scout approved by committee.
c. Summer 2006 Bill Westcott is coordinating a white water canoe trip in Klamath River.
d. July 2007 World Jamboree in England

Meetings closed 8:47 PM

Mark Your Calendars!

January 2005



PLC/ Troop Committee (Tom Sims)



Troop Meeting (Bruce Chan)



MP Round Table - Coordinator Needed



Mt. Diablo Rim-Rover Hike, 8 AM Contempo * (Mike Magno)



MLK Jr. Holiday - All schools



Court of Honor, 6:30 ** (Bruce Chan)



MP Chess Tournament *** (Shirley Gonzales)



Troop Meeting - Scouting Skills (Bruce Chan)



NHUSD Semester Break



Pow Wow / University of Scouting, 8 AM (Tom Sims)



Newark HS Semester Break

February 2005



PLC @ 7:00 p..m., Troop Committee @ 7:45 p.m. (Tom Sims)



Mission Peak Indoor Rally @ 7:30 (Bruce Chan)



Merit Badge Extravaganza @ 9:00 AM (MP District)



SFBAC Awards Dinner @ 6:00 PM (Council)



Newark MS/HS Lincoln's Birthday Observed



Troop Meeting @ 7:15 PM (Bruce Chan)



Mission Peak Roundtable @ 7:00 PM ++Coordinator Needed++



Mt. Wittenberg Hike and Campout (Mike Magno)



"Life to Eagle" Meeting @ 7:00 Contempo (Bill Westcott)



All Schools - Presidents Day



Troop Meeting (Optional - Patrols) @ 7:15 p.m. (Bruce Chan)



Aquarium of the Bay Sleepover $55.00 (Rita Haskin)



Troop Meeting at Mr. Chan's @ 7:00 p.m. (Bruce Chan)


* Meet at Contempo, 8:00 a.m., with plenty of water, a sack lunch -- Be Prepared for cold wind and rain.

** Troop 110 is will be collecting $$ for Red Cross tsunami relief to be added to our $100 donation.

*** Contact Mrs. Gonzales at 791-0671 if you want to play -- come to Chess (K)night and practice!


Troop Tribune - December 2004
by Ron Natividad
Photos by David Garges and Ron Natividad

Latest News & Kudos
1. Scouting for Food - On November 3rd Scouts and family met at Contempo Clubhouse to distribute collection bags at the Lake Arrowhead Area in Fremont. November 20th Scouts and family members collected the food donations. They were joined by 4 members of pack 268 and their parents. Thanks to everyone who participated and gave their time and energy for this important service. I'm sure that it helped many less fortunate folks.

2. Pizza night - On the evening November 20th , 25 scouts and family from troop 110 and pack 268 met at Bronco Billy's for some fun and food. Scouts enjoyed video games while the adults enjoyed refreshments and conversation. Photo shows the party table.

3. LOV Newark Food Delivery - Terrific turnout for the LOV Newark Thanksgiving Day Meal delivery. 36 scouts, venturers, and family members assembled box turkey meals and delivered 237 meals and clothing to homebound people. That's roughly 40% of the total meals delivered. The number of volunteers was up by ten from last year and included some extended family members. From this editor's point of view, it was a rewarding family experience, one that was shared by 3 generations of my family. We shared the experience of doing something special for the community and helped those who are less mobile. Seeing the reaction and gratefulness of the people was truly rewarding. Thank you Troop 110 for your unselfish generosity. Photo shows scouts and family receiving instructions from a LOV Newark DI.

4. On line re-chartering is done! Thanks, John Gillen, for leading the hard work in getting the troop re-chartering done. Don't forget to pay your membership dues for scouts and adults. Registration to date is 42 scouts and 47 adults.

5. Please attend the committee meeting on the first Wednesday of every month. The next committee meeting is Wednesday January 5th 2005. This is the best way to find out about upcoming activities and influence future activities. If you would like to have your opinions heard or would like to get involved with the troop, the committee meetings is the place to start.

6. The Friday, December 4th Troop meeting, held at Bruce Chan's home, centered on a rock climbing wall built by Bruce with help from Mike Kirkpatrick and Dave Garges. This was a very challenging wall. Photos by Dave Garges

7. Next meeting is Thursday, December 9th at Bruce Chan's home. Meeting was changed due to scheduling conflicts. We will be visited by Webelos who are interested in joining our troop, so please be there to show Troop 110's spirit. The climbing wall will be up and improved to make it a little less challenging.

8. I made a little change to the newsletter format with the addition of photographs. Please let me know if you have any problems with the file due to the larger size. Any suggestions are welcome and will be considered.

Notes from the Troop Committee Meeting, 1 December 2004

Last Committee meeting for the year

1. Opening - Tom Sims

a. Minutes of the Last meeting - Was not read since open troop positions was the main topic at the last meeting.

2. Old Business

a. Troop positions - Scouts
i. All scout positions are filled
1. All senior leaders are in the Logan band and this can present a problem in certain situations.

b. Troop Positions - Adults

i. Positions Filled
1. Troop Tribune - Ron Natividad
2. Training and Youth Protection Coordinator - John Gillen

ii. Open Troop Positions

1. Advancement Coordinator
2. Membership Coordinator
3. Scouting for Food Coordinator
4. Christmas Wreath Sales Coordinator
5. Chaplain
6. Round Table Representative

iii. Positions that will be open soon

1. Outdoor Activities Coordinator
2. Popcorn Kernel
3. Summer Camp Coordinator

c. Activities Calendar -

i. Troop meeting Wednesday, Dec. 8, changed to Thursday, Dec. 9 at Bruce Chan's house at 7:00 PM due to scheduling conflicts.
ii. Mt. Wittenberg shakedown at the Thursday 12/9 meeting to get prepared for the Mt. Wittenberg hike and campout on Dec. 11th and 12th. Scouts going on the hike should bring their packed backpacks for review. Those who want to ride their bikes can talk to Mike or Bruce.

d. Summer Camp 2005

i. Summer Camp date change July 3rd to 9th at Wente, Sunrise ridge campsite.

e. National Jamboree

i. National Jamboree is scheduled for July 23 to August 3. We have 8 representatives from Troop 110 going. Troop 608 has been formed for the Mission Peak scouts preparing for the National Jamboree. There is a meeting on Sunday, December 12th at 2PM for Troop 608 scouts and adults. Troop 608 needs adult volunteers to assist with troop activities.
ii. If anyone would like to donate old patches to the scouts going to National Jamboree, please give them to Tom Sims. Trading patches is a popular activity among scouts at the National Jamboree. This is a great opportunity for the scouts to collect patches from other parts of the country and world.

f. March 5th 2005 New Haven Health and Science Day - Scouts will run a booth to show water filtration and purification. Tom Sims is coordinating. So if you are not attending the Klondike Derby, make sure to join the troop at the NV Health and Science Day.

3. New Business

a. Troop meeting schedule
i. 1st Wednesday is Patrol Leaders and Committee meeting starting 7:15 to 9:00 PM at Contempo
ii. 2nd meeting is a regular meeting starting at 7:30 to 9:00 PM at Contempo
iii. 3rd Wednesday is advancement, working on merit badges, Scoutmaster conference meeting starting at 7:30 to 9:00 PM at Contempo
iv. 4th meeting is on Friday and starts at 7:00 PM to 9:00 PM at Bruce Chan's Home

b. Mike Magno is stepping down at the end of the year and will stay on as Assistant Scoutmaster concentrating on hiking activities. Thanks, Mike, for your leadership and in keeping the boys interested in the scouting life. Your dedication to the scouting spirit is unequaled and will be reflected in the many boy scouts and adults whose lives you touched. You made things easier for me as I entered the troop and I'll be forever grateful for the guidance you provided my son.

c. New Scoutmaster - Mike Magno and Tom Sims recommended Bruce Chan as the next Scoutmaster. The committee approved this unanimously. Bruce will take over the reigns at the beginning of the year. Bruce will be working with Mike and Tom to transition responsibilities and leadership. Please give Bruce your full support so that we can keep the momentum that has been built over the years.

d. University Of Scouting - Jan 28th -Jo Marshall is the coordinator and wants support from Troop 110 in organizing UOS - John Pedersen will be the point of contact. Faculty and helpers are needed. It will be held at Canyon Middle School, Castro Valley. Let's show our spirit, organizational skill and energy. Let's support Jo in this endeavor and show her our appreciation for all the support she has given troop 110. John will meet with Jo to discuss exactly what assistance she needs and will have a list of classes available. New adult members and any adult members who need training should consider taking classes. All essential classes are offered and even fun ones like Dutch Oven Cooking.

e. Jan 22nd - Merit badge Midway sponsored by Pacific Council will be held at LDS Church in Foster City. Check with Mike Magno if you are interested in attending to get a list of merit badges offered and directions.

f. Leader Training Reimbursement - Mike Magno

i. Recommend that the troop pay for leadership training. Will be discussed at the next meeting.
ii. The committee approved half of cost for the range master training.

4. Committee Reports - Not covered in this meeting

5. Upcoming Activities

a. Mt. Wittenberg Camp/Hike December 11/12 - This is one of the Rim Rover hikes so if you want to complete all the rockers, plan on attending this one. You may attend just the hike if you want. Check out the website for more detail or talk to Mike Magno.
b. Summer Camp - July 3rd thru 9th at Wente. We have secured the Sunrise Ridge sight, which is car accessible.

6. Announcements

a. John Gillen will take over as the Training and Youth Protection Coordinator. John has been active in the troop as an occasional round table representative and has lead the re-chartering effort. Thanks, John, for taking the extra step and for all your help so far.

Meetings closed 9:15 PM

Mark Your Calendars!

December 2004



PLC/Troop Committee



OA Winter Awareness Training



• Troop Meeting (was Wednesday)
• MP Round Table



Wittenberg Hike/Camp



• OA Lodge Banquet
• HAT Snow Camping Indoor Session



Family Christmas Party (being planned)


two weeks

Christmas Break

January 2005



PLC/ Troop Committee



Troop Meeting



MP Round Table



10-Mile Hike TBA



HAT Snow Camping Outdoor Session



** MLK Jr. Holiday **



Court of Honor



• SFBAC Camp Interviews
• MP Chess Tournament



Troop Indoor Rally Skills Night



MP Indoor Rally
** Logan HS Semester Break **



Pow Wow / University of Scouting



** Newark No School **

February 2005



PLC/Troop Committee



• SFBAC Award Dinner
• MP MB Extravaganza



** Newark No School **



Troop Meeting



MP Round Table



SFBAC Camp Interviews



Patrol Meetings



?? SF Aquarium Camp ??



** Presidents Day **



Patrol Meetings



Troop @ Mr. Chan's

March 2005



PLC/Troop Committee



• NH Health&Science Day
• Klondike Derby



HAT Backpacking Indoor Session



Troop Meeting



MP Round Table



** Newark No School **



Patrol Meetings



• Pinnacles Hike/Camp
• HAT Backpacking Outdoor Session



Patrol Meetings



Troop @ Mr. Chan's



** Fremont No School **


(one week)

** Spring Break **


(one week)

Eagle Camp

April 2005



PLC/Troop Committee



Troop Meeting



MP Round Table



MP Fishing Derby



Patrol Meetings



Angel Is. Hike/Camp



** Newark/Logan STAR testing Begins **



Patrol Meetings



Troop @ Mr. Chan's



OA Wente Ordeal

May 2005



PLC/Troop Committee



• MP MB Extravaganza
• MP District Dinner



** Logan HS No School **



Troop Meeting



MP Round Table



OA Royaneh Ordeal



Patrol Meetings



• Webelos Woods (***)
• St. Helena Hike/Camp



Patrol Meetings



Troop @ Mr. Chan's



SFBAC Family Camp



Grave Decoration GG National Cemetery



** Memorial Day **

June 2005



PLC/Troop Committee



Camporall USS Hornet



Troop Meeting



MP Round Table



?? Court of Honor ??
** Logan HS Last Day of School **



** Fremont/Newark HS Last Day of School **


(one week)

Eagle Camp


(one week)




Patrol Meetings



Troop @ Mr. Chan's



Patrol Meetings

July 2005


(4 days)

Lions Club Fundraiser



Fremont Independence Day Parade



PLC/Troop Committee


(one week)

Summer Camp at Wente



Patrol Meetings



Troop @ Mr. Chan's



?? Fremont Arts Festival Fundraiser ??


(10 days)

BSA National Jamboree

August 2005



PLC/Troop Committee



Troop Meeting



?? 10-Mile Hike TBA ??



Patrol Meetings



Troop @ Mr. Chan's


(all week)

SFBAC Family Camps

September 2005



MP District Picnic



** Labor Day **



PLC/Troop Committee



Spotlight on Scouting


Troop Tribune - November 2004
by Ron Natividad

Latest News & Kudos

1. Mt. Man Rendezvous- The event was successful and all participants enjoyed themselves. There were plenty of activities for the scouts as well as adults and many beads were collected. Gloria Ho was in charge of Indian Lore and everyone from Troop 110 took turns in assisting her. Although it rained, spirits remained high and everyone did their part to get the camp squared away. A few new scouts got their first taste of camp cooking, clean up and setting/packing wet and muddy tents.

2. Fall Camporee - The Fighting Falcons, with special guest David G., worked well as a team and impressed many of the judges. They showed plenty of spirit and were told by a couple of judges that they were one of the favorite troops in the competition because of their spirit. Having won two 3rd place ribbons in the Spring Camporee, they were challenged by the Scout Master to better that to win a special prize. They more than doubled their ribbon count for a total of five ribbons, including two for first place, two for second place, and one for third place. Congratulations on this impressive achievement. Prize is yet to be determined by the Falcons.

3. Mt. Tamalpias Hike - 17 adventurous scouts and adults hiked up Mt. Tamalpias November 11th and enjoyed the beautiful weather and breath taking views. This hike is one of the Rim Rover hikes. We had one visitor, David Parks, who may join our troop. Hopefully this hike will solidify his decision. Also joining the hike were three generations of the Brown family and Mike Magno's wife and daughter. Everyone enjoyed the hike and returned safely. See the website for photos.

Notes from the Troop Committee Meeting, November 4, 2005

1. Opening - Tom Sims

We had a visitor from Pack 174, Michelle Aldridge, who wanted to see how a committee meeting is conducted.

2. Minutes of the Last meeting - Carol Barnes

a. Minutes read and approved

3. Old Business

a. Troop 110 donated $100 to Pack 815 who had their flag and other gear stolen. This flag has been with the troop since its inception. Fortunately, the troop equipment was found in a nearby neighbor's yard. Everything was there, although not in the same condition. Pete Stark donated a flag that flew over the capital to replace the one stolen. Pack 815 will be invited to the next Court of Honor.

b. Troop 2 (blind troop) will be presented their check Wednesday, November 10th by John Pederson at their next meeting.

c. Nine scouts and five adults participated in Scouting for Food November 13th. The troop worked in the Lake Arrowhead area of Fremont. Bags were distributed to every house in their area and will be collected next weekend on Saturday, November 20th . If you would like to join in the collection of the bags, please meet 8:30 AM at Contempo to get organized into teams.

4. New Business - We have several committee positions open that needs to be filled. These positions help provide the leadership to keep Troop 110 functioning efficiently and make sure that our boys and girls have interesting activities that will help them become good citizens when they become adults. Please review the list and let us know if you would like to take any of the open positions. If you would like detailed descriptions of each position, you can find them in the troop website. You might also want to talk to any of the committee members and the last person who held that position to gain insight into how you can help the troop.

a. Open Troop Positions
i. Troop Tribune - filled by Ron Natividad
ii. Advancement Coordinator
iii. Training and Youth Protection Coordinator
iv. Membership Coordinator
v. Scouting for Food Coordinator
vi. Christmas Wreath Sales Coordinator
vii. Chaplain
viii. Round Table Representative

b. Positions that will be open soon

i. Outdoor Activities Coordinator
ii. Popcorn Kernel
iii. Summer Camp Coordinator

5. Committee Reports - Not covered in this meeting due to Committee position discussion.

6. Upcoming Activities

a. Mt. Wittenberg Camp/Hike - This is one of the Rim Rover hikes so if you want to complete all the rockers, plan on attending this one. You may attend just the hike if you want. Check out the website for more detail or talk to Mike Magno.

7. Announcements

a. Ron Natividad will be taking over the Troop Tribune for Julia Lloyd. Julia, thanks for your service as the Troop Tribune and Christmas Wreath Coordinator. Please forward any information that needs to be included in future troop tribunes to Ron. Please bear with me, as I get accustomed to this responsibility. Thank-you.

Meetings closed 9:15 PM

Mark Your Calendars!

November 2004



PLC/Troop Committee



OA Vigil Ordeal



Troop Meeting



MP Round Table
** Veterans Day **



** Fremont/NHUSD No School **



Scouting for Food Dropoff



Patrol Meetings



Brownsea Graduation



• Scouting for Food Pickup
• Family Pizza Party



** Thanksgiving Break **



** No Troop Meeting **



Newark LOV Holiday Meal Delivery

December 2004



PLC/Troop Committee



OA Winter Awareness Training



Troop Meeting



MP Round Table



Wittenberg Hike/Camp



• OA Lodge Banquet
• HAT Snow Camping Indoor Session



Patrol Meetings


two weeks

Christmas Break

January 2005



PLC/ Troop Committee



Troop Meeting



MP Round Table



10-Mile Hike TBA



HAT Snow Camping Outdoor Session



** MLK Jr. Holiday **



Court of Honor



• SFBAC Camp Interviews
• MP Chess Tournament



Troop Indoor Rally Skills Night



MP Indoor Rally
** Logan HS Semester Break **



Pow Wow / University of Scouting



** Newark No School **

February 2005



PLC/Troop Committee



• SFBAC Award Dinner
• MP MB Extravaganza



** Newark No School **



Troop Meeting



MP Round Table



SFBAC Camp Interviews



Patrol Meetings



?? SF Aquarium Camp ??



** Presidents Day **



Patrol Meetings



Troop @ Mr. Chan's

March 2005



PLC/Troop Committee



• NH Health&Science Day
• Klondike Derby



HAT Backpacking Indoor Session



Troop Meeting



MP Round Table



** Newark No School **



Patrol Meetings



• Pinnacles Hike/Camp
• HAT Backpacking Outdoor Session



Patrol Meetings



Troop @ Mr. Chan's



** Fremont No School **


(one week)

** Spring Break **


(one week)

Eagle Camp

April 2005



PLC/Troop Committee



Troop Meeting



MP Round Table



MP Fishing Derby



Patrol Meetings



Angel Is. Hike/Camp



** Newark/Logan STAR testing Begins **



Patrol Meetings



Troop @ Mr. Chan's



OA Wente Ordeal

May 2005



PLC/Troop Committee



• MP MB Extravaganza
• MP District Dinner



** Logan HS No School **



Troop Meeting



MP Round Table



OA Royaneh Ordeal



Patrol Meetings



• Webelos Woods (***)
• St. Helena Hike/Camp



Patrol Meetings



Troop @ Mr. Chan's



SFBAC Family Camp



Grave Decoration GG National Cemetery



** Memorial Day **

June 2005



PLC/Troop Committee



Camporall USS Hornet



Troop Meeting



MP Round Table



?? Court of Honor ??
** Logan HS Last Day of School **



** Fremont/Newark HS Last Day of School **


(one week)

Eagle Camp


(one week)




Patrol Meetings



Troop @ Mr. Chan's



Patrol Meetings

July 2005


(4 days)

Lions Club Fundraiser



Fremont Independence Day Parade



PLC/Troop Committee


(one week)

Summer Camp at Wente



Patrol Meetings



Troop @ Mr. Chan's



?? Fremont Arts Festival Fundraiser ??


(10 days)

BSA National Jamboree

August 2005



PLC/Troop Committee



Troop Meeting



?? 10-Mile Hike TBA ??



Patrol Meetings



Troop @ Mr. Chan's


(all week)

SFBAC Family Camps

September 2005



MP District Picnic



** Labor Day **



PLC/Troop Committee



Spotlight on Scouting


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