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       The Troop Tribune has been discontinued. The May 2009 issue was the final issue. Past issues will remain posted for historical purposes. Special thanks to Tribune editors Pete Godfrey, Julia Lloyd, Ron Natividad and Tom Sims for keeping this valuable online journal of troop activities and information going for so many years.


~ Troop 110 Tribune ~
Editor: Tom Sims
Mission Peak District, SFBAC

Scoutmaster: John Gillen • Committee Chair: Rita Haskin
SPL: Glenn G. • ASPLs: Ryan N. & Adam D.


Note to Troop: Versions of the Troop Tribune posted on this page will not include
pictures or full names of Scouts. If you missed getting your Troop Tribune PDF via email
(original, including pictures and full names), you can view a copy in our
Members area.

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Troop Tribune - May 2009
By Tom Sims

Kudos and Thanks!

Kudos and Thanks to Randy Heald, Tim Roddin and the Scouts of Troop 110 for the highly-successful Skyline-to-the-Sea hike during Spring Break. Hats off as well to Gloria Ho, Mike Magno and the members of Crew110, who started out the night before, met them along the way and beat them to the beach.

Kudos and best wishes to our new senior patrol leadership; SPL Nicholas R. and his ASPs Martin G. and Brian L. were elected at the end of April to serve through the summer - let's give them our full respect and cooperation.

Kudos and Welcome to our newest members who bridged over from Packs 441 and 268 last month. Boys, the adventure is just beginning; Parents, we have the perfect job for each of you!

Kudos to Assistant Scoutmaster Anthony Soldavini, who continues to rock as a member of Venture Crew 110. Anthony attained the Silver Award in April, the highest rank in the Venture Outdoor program

Russell Bowerman's Eagle Court of Honor

On Saturday, March 28th, Russell Bowerman's advancement to Eagle Scout was celebrated in the grand manner at the Veteran's Hall in Niles. Guests of honor included Union City Mayor Mark Green, who spoke eloquently about the value of Scouting and the programs it offers the youth of our community.

Congratulations to Marvin and Sue for allowing our village to raise another Eagle - thanks, as well, for all those years back in Pack 268. More is still to come, as Marvin recently completed his training for the position of Unit Commissioner in Mission Peak, and his first assignment will be to take over that position, currently held by Steve Armstrong, with Pack 268!

You can see the Tri-City Voice article about the Eagle Court at:

http://www.tricityvoice.com/displayPages.php?issue=2009-04- 01&page=19

Boy Scouts Meet Girl Scouts

The Troop Historic Trails hike at the Presidio on Saturday, May 9th was historic in more ways than one, as the Scouts from Troop 110 were sharing the park with over 7000 representatives from Girl Scout Troops all over the country.

Details from the hike itself are sketchy, but parking was quite a challenge, and the stretch across the Golden Gate Bridge was delayed as a result. Still, the weather was incredible and the views from the bridge breathtaking. Several members of Crew 110 were on hand assisting the Girl Scouts, as well.

110 Rocks the House Again at the Mission Peak District Dinner

The 2009 Mission Peak District Dinner was kicked off, to the accompaniment of the East Bay Scout Band, by members of Troop 110 who performed the opening flag ceremony. The color guard was manned by Eric B., Dave Garges, Evan L. and Patrick W. and led by Anthony Soldavini.

Following a great Dutch oven dinner, there were kudos for several Troop 110 Scouters and special recognition to Jay Hendee, who was awarded the District Certificate of Appreciation

Union City 50th Anniversary Parade

Union City continues the Golden Anniversary celebration with a parade along Alvarado-Niles Road, Saturday, May 16, 2009. Uniformed Scouts are still needed to assist with the color guard and with carrying banners. Contact Tom Sims or Bill Fournell if interested.

All participants will assemble at the intersection of Dowe and Pacific Avenues at 9:00 a.m.; the parade begins at 10:00, and will follow the street up to Logan High School.

Memorial Day Flags at the Golden Gate National Cemetery

Once again this year our Troop will join Scouts around the country in honoring those who served in our armed forces, by placing American flags at every marker in our national cemeteries. Assistant Scoutmaster Jim Lola is coordinating our participation, which will again take place at the Golden Gate National Cemetery in San Bruno.

Flags will be placed on Saturday, May 23rd, for which each registered participant will receive a patch. Those Scouts who also assist with removal and cleanup on the following Saturday, May 30th, will receive a pin in addition to their patch. Contact Jim Lola at the regular Troop meeting on May 13th, if you want to help.

Spring Court of Honor Moves Back to Contempo

In an effort to economize during these tough times, the PLC decided to return to the Contempo Cabana for the Spring Court of Honor, which will be held on Wednesday, June 24th. This is our opportunity to showcase the Troop's latest accomplishments for the incoming Scouts and their families, so stay tuned for any announcements from your patrol leaders.

The PLC is expected to announce details as to the setup time and menu, following their June meeting on the 3rd.

And Finally, the Last Word

This will be the final edition of the Troop Tribune. After some discussion at last week's Troop Committee meeting, it became clear that most of the members moving forward feel there are ways to communicate and distribute information about activities past and future that are better and more timely in light of the Troop's diverse and dynamic program.

I'm not sure how I feel about this, having attempted (unsuccessfully) to give up the job twice before, but it is really up to the next generation of 110 Scouters to customize this kind of support as they see fit.

Not many of those who were active when I joined are around, anymore, so not everything that was in place and working "back then" still flies as well today.

I would be the last person to suggest that, just because "we've always done it that way" is necessarily a good reason to continue something. I do, however, have a couple of suggestions:

First, to the parents who have sat in the back and watched everyone else have all the fun (i.e. do all the work): Get involved! Scouting is not just another activity to send your kids to; it is an ideal program that complements your family life. I treasure every moment I shared in Scouting with my son, even though he ignored me most of the time; and thanks to the methods of Scouting he did just fine out there on his own while I was having fun with the kids my age.

Don't just drop your kids off and wait for them to come back: Drive to a hike, help with a campout, take on one of those small but essential jobs that keep things running - go along! The outdoors is not just for kids, and the Patrol Method works just as well with adults.

Second, to the adult leadership: Please revive the "First Year/First Class" program! There are few absolutes in Scouting, but the inverse relationship between advancement and retention is one of them. In addition, the orientation for new Scouts and parents, mandatory or at least highly encouraged, was the perfect time to recruit new adult participation in an ideal setting dedicated no nothing else.

Finally, to the Scouts I would say that if a meeting goes by without some Scouting skill being taught by a Scout to another Scout, then the meeting has to that extent been wasted. During my first two years in the Troop I do not remember this happening, not often anyway, and it is up to you to make it happen all the time.

"The Scout training tends to make the boys into better men - in fact, into gentlemen, which, in the terms of the definition of Bernard Shaw, is one who does not expect to take more from the world than he gives to it." -Robert Lord Baden-Powell

Notes from the Troop 110 PLC, May 6: The May, 2009, Patrol Leaders Committee was called to order at 7:05 by new Senior Patrol Leader, Nicholas Roddin. For complete details, please refer to the notes from ASP Brian Le in the Members Area of the Troop website. For a list of upcoming events discussed, please refer to the schedule below. Patrol leaders and senior youth leadership are reminded that the PLC starts at 7:00 SHARP, so please be on time and in uniform. Patrol leaders are further reminded that they are responsible for communicating information from the PLC/SPL/ASPs to their patrol members. The meeting was adjourned at 7:49.

Notes from the Troop 110 Committee Meeting, May 6, 2009

The meeting was called to order by Chairperson Rita Haskin at 7:55.

Activities and Announcements: (See "Mark Your Calendars" for general information about upcoming Troop and District Events):

Tom Sims announced this would be his last Troop Committee meeting, and that the functions of Scribe and Newsletter Editor need to be assumed by someone else, in order for him to be able to take on the job of Mission Peak Training Chairperson. Rita announced she would be stepping down as Troop Committee Chair by the middle of this coming July.

Tom urged members to attend the District Dinner on May 9, 2009, and the last Scout Roundtable of the year on May 14, 2009, in order to see some of the Troop adult leadership honored for recent accomplishments. He also reported that Mission Peak Acorn training, the umbrella under which the B.S.A. "Scoutmaster and Assistant Scoutmaster Leader Specific" and "Introduction to Outdoor Leadership Skills" are locally taught, was once again alive and well. Troop members Robin Drotleff, Tom Felardo and John Gillen were among the students, and Tom, Bruce Chan, Bill Fournell and John Pedersen helped with the training team. John was awarded the patches and cards for completion, having missed the Sunday graduation. Certificates for all the participants will be awarded at the Roundtable.

Jim Lola announced he was taking over Merit Badge Extravaganza functions for Mission Peak. Among several important changes, Merit Badges offered will be announced in advance.

OLD BUSINESS: UC Parade: Scouts who can help carrying the unit banners or with the Color Guard should contact Tom Sims or Bill Fournell, respectively, as soon as possible. All participants should arrive at the intersection of Dowe and Pacific Avenues NO LATER than 09:00 a.m. on Saturday, May 16th. Many of our members are marching with other details, including the James Logan Band and Color Guard and the New Haven Schools Foundation scholarship award recipients.

Cooking equipment replacement status: Kevin G. coordinated this effort with the assistance of George Dahdouh. With the approval of the committee, a new group cooking stove as well as new pots and utensils. Bruce Chan reviewed the current equipment inventory, for which he distributed a spreadsheet that will be posted on the web. Leaders were reminded that the Scouts should still do their cooking in patrols when on campouts, and not have their meals prepared for them by adults.

Leaders for activities: Jim Lola will head up the Memorial Day flags event at Golden Gate National Cemetery; he needs a count of Scouts and siblings by the May 13th meeting, in order to reserve patches and pins with the Pacific Skyline Council office.

NEW BUSINESS: Spring Fundraiser: Shirley Gonzales reported that for the recent take-order Candle fundraiser, only one person participated, and it was generally felt this was not a good idea. Toward the end of the summer, the Troop will hold a garage sale instead. Shirley has agreed to host this at her house on July 25th, but everyone is reminded that anything that doesn't sell MUST be reclaimed by the Scout family that donated it.

Brownsea Contribution: Rita requested a motion, which carried, to reimburse $75.00 of the cost of training to those Scouts who complete their goals.

Troop committee leadership changes: New adults are urgently needed for the Scribe and Chairperson positions, although after some discussion it was decided that the newsletter no longer served an important purpose, since most communication took place in a timelier manner via electronic mail or the Troop website, so the May 2009 edition will be the last "Troop Tribune."

Bruce will meet with the new parents and Scouts at the first Patrol campout, possibly at the Rancho Los Mochos campout after the Union City Parade. Ron Natividad suggested assigning incoming parents roles. Tom reminded everyone that this used to take place at an orientation evening that introduced the "First Class in First Year" Troop program.

Linda Wilson has been replaced by Shirley Gonzales for T-Shirts, and Craig Brown stated that a new Treasurer will be needed after the end of the calendar year.

Treasurer report: Camp check came in, so the bottom line is lower than his report that was emailed. For garage fundraiser, Shirley will be advised to hold a meeting; goods donated for sale will be delivered to her house the day of the sale, only.

Scoutmaster report: Past events were discussed, including the Castle Rock backpack camp on March 14th, which was a shakedown for the Skyline-to-the-Sea hike, held during Spring Break, Russell Bowerman's Eagle Court of Honor and the Fly Fishing Merit Badge session on March 28th. On April 4th the Troop was joined by members of Crew 110 for a day hike up Mt. Wittenberg that featured great weather and even a wedding reception. The Crew also joined in the Skyline-to-the-Sea hike, starting out a day earlier and meeting up with the Troop at Castle Rock trail camp. High winds caused power outages at the Big Basin campground, so showers for the hikers were delayed until the return home. 6 Webelos Scouts from Pack 268 were bridged into the Troop on April 24th.

Five Scouts will be attending the "New Youth Leadership Training at Brownsea" sessions this year, Thomas B., Colin K., Andrew L., Avinav R. and Jeremy T.

Due to the Troop's dwindling finances, the Spring Court of Honor will return to the Contempo Cabana on Wednesday, June 24th. The PLC is planning the event, for which details will be announced later.

We were adjourned at 9:22, and the next Troop Committee meeting is Wednesday, June 3rd.

Mark Your Calendars!
Look for further information regarding each activity as the dates approach.
Also See Troop Calendar
May 2009



PLC @ 7:00 p.m., Troop Committee @ 7:45 p.m.




Presidio/Golden Gate Hike

John Gillen



Merit Badge Extravaganza @ 9:00 a.m., Gatewood LDS

Jim Lola



MP District Dinner @ 6:30 p.m., Prince of Peace Lutheran Church

Mission Peak



Troop Meeting @7:15, Contempo - Uniform Inspection

John Gillen



Patrol Leaders meeting @ 7:00, Mr. Chan's - Gear night

Bruce Chan



Union City 50th Anniversary Parade @ 9:00 a.m., Dowe & Pacific Ave.




Rancho Los Mochos campout after Parade -Shooting sports

Bruce Chan



Troop Advancement Night @ 7:00 p.m., Contempo

John Gillen



Memorial Day Flags at GGNC @ 06:30 a.m., San Bruno

Jim Lola



Troop Meeting @7:15, Contempo - Hobo Stoves




Memorial Day Flags at GGNC @ 06:30 a.m., San Bruno

Jim Lola

June 2009



PLC @ 7:00 p.m., Troop Committee @ 7:45 p.m.




Scout Day at the Oakland A's, time T.B.A.

John Gillen



Troop Meeting @7:15, Contempo - Dutch Ovens and Fun Night

John Gillen


All Week

Brownsea NYLT, Week #1 at Camp Wente




Troop Advancement Night @ 7:15, Contempo - Last chance for
Court of Honor Advancements.

John Gillen



Canoe Camping at Lake Sonoma, time T.B.A.

Bruce Chan



Spring Court of Honor at Contempo, time and menu T.B.A.

John Gillen


All Week

Brownsea N.Y.L.T. Week #2 at Camp Tamarancho


Plan Ahead



Fremont Independence Day Parade Color Guard, time T.B.A.

Bill Fournell


All Week

Troop 110 Summer Camp at Wolfeboro Scout Reservation

John Gillen



Troop Garage Sale, time T.B.A

Shirley Gonzales

*** But ALWAYS check the Troop Website at http://www.bsatroop110.org for the latest information ***

Troop Tribune - February 2009
By Tom Sims

Why is this Newsletter So Late?!?

Well. It's simply a matter of time, folks; we're all increasingly busy, and my work both on the job and with Scouts and Venturers and all forces this newsletter to the bottom of the pile sometimes, that's all. Fortunately we have a great website, and most of us have email access - and the rest of us have telephones, by the way, so most things have been getting out there to you all.

I will try to post the Troop Committee notes in a more timely manner, however, which can sometimes ward off confusion and sometimes cause even more. And let me repeat again that I'm always on the lookout for articles from Scouts, Scouters and parents - I don't go to all the activities, and if those who do don't tell me what happened, then I either have to make something up or leave something out!

Bridging Presentations

There is so much confusion about this subject that I was prompted to pop the newsletter back to the top of my pile and report the decisions of the Troop committee on Page One.

First some history: In the past our "general fund" was full of money. For three years, starting in 1998, the Troop ran a Christmas Tree lot nearby, and the profits from that lot enabled us to be very generous to our incoming Webelos, and to buy some great equipment as well. Those days are past; our recent fundraising projects and annual Troop dues have barely kept up with the cost of advancements and awards, and the other expenses of running the Troop.

At one time, all entering Webelos received a Troop neckerchief, neckerchief slide, Scout Handbook and a handy 6-ft piece of 3/8" hemp with which to learn their basic Scout knots. We decided at the February 2009 Committee meeting not to present the BSA Handbook, which is the most costly item, although we are considering the Handbook as a gift to be given when the new Scouts complete their first rank.

It has never been the adopted practice of Troop 110 to present a Scout cap of any kind to incoming Webelos or first year Scouts. We have kicked the idea of a Troop Hat design around for the past five years, and one of our former Scoutmasters created a prototype at Troop expense, which was presented to all current members at the time. However, no design was ever adopted by the Committee, nor did the Troop ever commit to presenting Scout caps at the bridging ceremonies.

Per the Parent Handbook, Scout caps are considered a part of the Class "A" and Class "B" uniforms, to be purchased by the Scout; any cap sold by the B.S.A. or otherwise provided by its member units is considered an "official" Scout cap for this purpose. I hope this clears everything up!

Russell Bowerman's Eagle Court of Honor

It's here, the moment we've all been waiting for, as the last of the Screaming Eagles celebrates his advancement to the highest rank in Boy Scouting. Family, friends and fellow Scouts are invited to attend this ceremony on Saturday, March 28th, 2009, from 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. at the Niles VFW Hall in Fremont. The Troop Invitation can be printed from the Troop website: Troop Invitation

Skyline-to-the-Sea in April

Tim Roddin and Randy Heald have planned an exciting hike for Spring Vacation this year. Scouts will hike from Skyline Boulevard to the Pacific on the Saratoga Gap Trail. Starting on Monday morning, April 13th, at Castle Rock State Park, the route is 32 miles long with three nights camping, and ends at Waddell Beach on Thursday, April 16th.

Several "Shakedown Hikes" are planned for younger Scouts who are new to backpacking; watch the website or contact your SPL for details.

Castle Rock Shakedown Hike

Venture Crew 110 invites you to come along for a one-night, 6.5 mile round trip hike in Castle Rock State Park, March 14th and 15th. Hikers will meet on Saturday morning at the Castle Rock main parking lot and hike to the Castle Rock Trail Camp for the night.

Contact Tim Roddin or Randy Heald if you are interested; meetings will be scheduled to plan meals and discuss equipment requirements, as necessary. Members of the Crew (you know who you are!) should contact the Crew President or Vice President.

Congratulations AGAIN, Mr. Soldavini

Anthony completed all the requirements for his Venturing Gold Award with a Crew Review on Saturday, January 31st. Way to go! All Scouts should remember dual membership in the Crew and the Troop allows any work toward advancement in either unit to be used to fulfill advancement requirements in both. Anthony continues to lead the way in both Crew and Troop, and he is closing in on finishing the work on the two remaining Venturing Awards.

Scout Account Balances

Please review the balance of your Scout Accounts on the Troop website. For those who have joined in the last year, please review the Scout Account Memo of Understanding (MOU) as well - it is YOUR responsibility to maintain a positive balance in your son's account.

Notes from the Troop 110 PLC, February 4, 2009 (transcribed from Scribe Brian Le)

February Patrol Leaders Committee was called to order by SPL Glenn G. at 7:00. Announcements were made of a planned In-Troop training for adults and scouts sometime in March or April, and of a request from the Union City 50th Anniversary committee for pictures of local Scout units to be submitted for the 100th Anniversary Time Capsule.

Upcoming Events:

  • Friday, 02/06: Indoor Rally at 6 pm. Scouts must be in full uniform with class B under.
  • Wednesday, 02/11: Winter Awareness Presentation Weekend, 02/13-15: Backpack trip/hike
  • Wednesday, 02/18: Troop advancement night
  • Weekend, 02/20-22: OA Ordeal at Rancho Los Mochos
  • Wednesday, 02/25: Troop advancement night
  • Friday, 02/27: Winter COH at 6:00 pm, Niles Veterans Hall
  • Wednesday, 03/04: Klondike Derby Training. No PLC. Will start at 7pm
  • Weekend. 03/06-08: Klondike derby at Sunflower reserve
  • Wednesday 03/11: PLC
  • Friday, 03/13: Patrol night at Mr. Chan's house. Discussion of patrols/reinstating patrol leaders.
  • Wednesday, 03/18: HAT night
  • Saturday, 03/21: Troop hike
  • Wednesday, 03/25: Regular Troop meeting
  • Saturday, 03/28: Russell Bowerman's Eagle Court of Honor
  • Wednesday 04/22: Election day for troop positions.

Meeting adjourned at 7:45.

Notes from the Troop 110 Committee Meeting, February 4, 2009:

The meeting was called to order by Chairperson Rita Haskin at 7:53.

Activities and Announcements: (See "Mark Your Calendars" for general information about upcoming Troop and District Events):

Summer Camp presentation was held last Wednesday, anyone still needing a should pamphlet contact John Gillen. Tom Sims announced he had been asked by the Union City 50th Anniversary celebration committee to submit Scout unit pictures for the 100th Anniversary time capsule - the PLC is considering this and will decide whether or not to recommend one of the unit pictures already taken or to schedule another. John introduced a visiting Cub parent who was interested in membership.

Old Business: Revisions to the Troop Parent Handbook, which had been posted on the website for review, were approved for 2008-2009; Tom will ask Skip to post the latest version.

In response to the Troop's decision to "Adopt-a-Soldier," Rita Haskin had proposed "Operation In Our Hearts." An extra youth picture with the boys holding a sign, "Thank You, Brandon," will be sent to our adopted soldier in Iraq, along with valentines of support from the Troop. The last collection will be held at the Winter Court of Honor on Friday, February 27th.

New Business: There was a great deal of discussion on the history of Webelos bridging and the question of what gifts from the Troop were a part of that presentation. This came about because of recent confusion around Troop Hats, which have never been officially adopted. Most present felt that, with the current state of Troop fundraising, which has not been hugely successful in the last couple of years, the presentations should be limited at bridging and the more expensive items deferred until the incoming Scouts indicate their longer term commitment to Scouting and to the Troop.

From this time on, the presentation to each bridging Webelos will include a Troop neckerchief (blue with the Troop patch, see the cover of the Parent Handbook), generic BSA neckerchief slide and a length of hemp for knots. It was further proposed that, on completion of the Scout Rank the new members receive their BSA Handbook. Incoming adult leaders will receive their adult Troop neckerchief (same as youth but black), and on completion of training for their position they will be given a BSA name tag.

There was also a great deal of discussion as to what equipment the Troop should stock for loan to youth and adult members. John Gillen reminded everyone that Kevin is the youth Quartermaster, and that the Scouts had been given direction last fall to use the excess 2008 Summer Camp funds to replace unusable tents, etc. A number of committee members expressed concern as to the storage of expensive items such as tents and stoves, several of which are now incomplete or missing.

Rita again reminded us of the state of our fundraising, and Randy Heald requested a complete inventory of all items owned by the Troop, as Camp Wolfeboro does not provide canvas tents. We have nine useable tents at this time and recent attempts to locate the backpack stoves refurbished in 2007 were unsuccessful, so another full inventory of camp gear will be scheduled. Some of the equipment used on recent events has been on loan or donated. John will work with Kevin.

Consensus of the committee is that equipment requires better tracking and care in the future, and that tents should probably be owned by individuals rather than the Troop. Ron would like to step down as Troop Quartermaster, so Rita asked for volunteers. Tom proposed recommending a "Troop tent" that could be purchased locally

Tom talked briefly about his idea for a Den Chief conference that would revolve around training new Scouts as Den Chiefs, as well as training adults in Troops and Packs about how to use them, particularly for Webelos to Scout transition. More details will follow as interested adults and Scouts come on board.

Shirley asked the Troop to consider adding a Spring fundraising opportunity, selling candles from the same company as we deal with for wreaths. Rita recommend this for individuals rather than the general fund.

Treasurer's report: Craig reported that the Troop checkbook looks strong, with recent large payments for rechartering and wreaths. The Festival of Lights fundraiser check will be deposited, 60% will go to Troop and the remaining 40% will be split between the participants. There was some activity for Scout accounts as well, with transfers for recent activities and rehartering.

Summer camp: Summer Camp deposits are due by Monday, February 16th as they need to send to Silverado Council by the 19th. Numbers should be firm for current Troop members, but Webelos have until May to add themselves. The cost per Scout will be $320 total if paid by mid-March, $30/person more thereafter.

Rita is still waiting to hear about the current Alcatraz lottery, which puts the Troop in line for an overnighter plus a conservation project.

Reservations for Scouts interested in the upcoming "Skyline-to-the-Sea" hike are due to Tim Roddin by February 11th; he is asking for a $6 deposit from each person. The hike will be about eight miles each day, and the actual route is still being developed. It will take place Monday through Thursday during the Spring Break weekend, and adults are need for the hike as well as for transportation to and from the start and finish.

Scoutmaster Report: The Troop picture was retaken on Saturday, January 10th, and the Scouts picked two for the website and one thanking our adopted solder, Brandon. Another full Troop picture will be taken at the Winter Court of Honor, to be given the City for their time capsule.

We had a visit from the Webelos Scouts of Pack 441 on January 14th, in addition to some Indoor Rally training, which was enjoyed by all. John also reported that the Homeowners Association had replaced the missing hasp, and that both doors now lock.

Other January events included Brian Le's Eagle Project on the weekend of the 17th, which included building some replacement bird boxes for Lake Elizabeth Park, the University of Scouting on the 24th, which was attended by five Scouters and by Avinav Rao, who completed Den Chief training. Thirteen families attended the Summer Camp presentation on the 28th, as did visiting Webelos from Packs 112 and 876, who enjoyed the ongoing Indoor Rally training.

Upcoming things to note in February: The snow camp scheduled for the 14th was cancelled due to problems with campsite reservations, the Indoor Rally is this Friday at the Decoto LDS Stake, six of the 110 Order of the Arrow candidates have chosen the upcoming Ordeal at Los Mochos on the 21st, the remaining five will attend later in the Spring at Wente or Royaneh.

Don't forget the upcoming Winter Court of Honor on Friday, February 27th, at the Niles VFW Hall. Setup is at 5:00 and the buffet begins at 6:00; watch the Troop website for details as to which families bring what food.

Another request was made for the costs of any outings to be available in advance, and John also announced he had purchased a broom and dustpan to donate to the Contempo Homeowners Association for the cabana closet. Our next meeting is Wednesday, March 4 - we were adjourned at 9:06.

Mark Your Calendars!
Look for further information regarding each activity as the dates approach.
Also See Troop Calendar
February 2009

PLC @ 7:00 p.m., Troop Committee @ 7:45 p.m.



MP Indoor Rally @ 6:30 PM, Decoto LDS Stake

John Gillen


Merit Badge Extravaganza @ 9:00 AM, Gatewood LDS in Fremont

Tom Sims


Troop Meeting @7:15, Contempo: Winter Awareness presentation

John Gillen


Possible Troop Hike

John Gillen


Troop Meeting @7:15, Contempo

John Gillen


Order of the Arrow Ordeal @ Los Mochos

John Gillen


Troop Advancement Night @ 7:15, Contempo
***Last Chance for Winter Court of Honor Advancement Signoffs!!! ***

John Gillen


Winter Court of Honor, 6 pm at Niles Veteran Hall

John Gillen


Troop Gear Inventory @ Mr. Chan's

Bruce Chan

March 2009

NO PLC - Klondike Derby Training. Troop Committee @ 7:45 p.m.

John Gillen


Klondike Derby @ Snowflower Preserve

Bruce Chan


PLC @ 7:00 p.m.

John Gillen


Patrol Night at Mr. Chan's house

Bruce Chan


Hat Night - Details TBA - @ 7:15 p.m., Contempo

John Gillen


Troop Hike - Details TBA

John Gillen


Troop Meeting

John Gillen


Russell Bowerman's Eagle COH - 11AM to 2PM, Veterans Hall, Niles

Marvin Bowerman

Fly Fishing MB Class - 8AM to 3PM

John Gillen

Plan Ahead

Fly Fishing MB Class

John Gillen


Troop Elections

John Gillen


Oakland A's Boy Scout Day


All Week

Troop 110 Summer Camp at Wolfeboro Scout Reservation

John Gillen

*** But ALWAYS check the Troop Website at http://www.bsatroop110.org for the latest information ***

Troop Tribune - January 2009
By Tom Sims

Happy New Year!

I hope you all stayed warm and healthy over the holidays. As you may remember, it was a busy time for Troop 110. The highlight, as usual, was out annual Holiday Celebration on December 17th at Contempo. Hats off to the Senior Patrol leadership for a fun-filled evening that resulted in the recruitment of two new Webelos Scouts!

The reborn Venture Crew held its first two outings late in the year, including an arduous loop to the top of Mission Peak and back, and four new members accompanied the Troop to Sunset Beach for canoeing on the Elkhorn Slough. I'm told the campfire singing was especially memorable.

The Senior Patrol leadership has planned an exciting series of activities for the coming months, so please stay tuned to the Troop web site for the latest schedule. As newsletter editor, I have a special request to make of them: Please consider designating an "event scribe" for these outings, to provide the details and some new perspective on the way the Troop carries itself in the great outdoors. I am not able to attend all the weekend activities, and in order to make this newsletter more interesting, I may have to resort to, well, making things up…

Congratulations, Anthony Soldavini

Anthony, as you know, is one of our most dedicated Scouts, and he has also been a Venture Scout since 2005. You all remember 2005, that was the year of the National Jamboree, the Cobras attended Brownsea NYLT, and many who participated in either of those events have gone on to complete the work for their Eagle advancement.

Now, one of the nice things about dual membership in the Crew and the Troop is that any work toward advancement in either unit can be used to fulfill advancement requirements in both. Anthony was instrumental in supporting the rejuvenation of Crew 110, and that effort, together with many of the things he was already doing for Boy Scout advancement anyway, qualified him to be awarded the Venturing Outdoor Bronze Award in December. Way to go, Anthony!

Scout Account Balances

Please review the balance of your Scout Accounts on the Troop website. For those who have joined in the last year, please review the Scout Account Memo of Understanding (MOU) as well - it is YOUR responsibility to maintain a positive balance in your son's account.

Notes from the Troop 110 PLC, January 7, 2009 (transcribed from Scribe Brian L.)

The meeting was called to order by SPL Glenn Gillen a 7:12.

January Plans 2009:

  • Saturday, January 10: Troop photo redo, youth members only, 2PM (time may change) at Contempo. Must wear FULL Uniform, Class A with MB Sash.
  • Wednesday, January 14: Troop Meeting: Indoor Rally Training planned by Browsnea Scouts.
  • Saturday, January 17: Mission Peak District holding Game Day, 10:00AM to 12:00PM at LDS church on Walnut in Fremont. Games include a chess tournament.
  • Wednesday, January 21: Troop Meeting: Troop Advancement Night. Conferences available. Brownsea and Scouts ranked Star and above are to wear FULL class A uniform and will be coordinating this meeting.
  • Saturday, January 24: University of Scouting. Contact adult leaders or look at troop website for more information.
  • Sunday, January 25 : Patrol Night.
  • Wednesday, January 28: Patrol night. Indoor rally games at Mr. Chan's house or Contempo. Patrol positions will be assigned.
  • Saturday, January 31: Mission Peak Hike! Meet at Ohlone College at 8:00AM and we will start at 8:30AM.

There was a mention about Indy Nelson's Conservation Project. One of the work days will be on January 23, and the work will be planting 300 native plants at Rowell Ranch. For more information, contact Indy himself at these numbers: (see Members area for contact info)

February Plans 2009:

  • Wednesday, February 4: PLC. Must be in FULL uniform, Class "A" with MB Sash.
  • Friday, February 6: Indoor Rally. 7 PM at LDS Church on Decoto.
  • Saturday, February 7: Merit Badge Extravaganza & Den Chief Training at LDS Church.
  • Wednesday, February 11: Troop Meeting: Winter campout training (presentation), Scorpions are in charge of this meeting and need to be in FULL class A uniform.
  • Saturday & Sunday, February 14 - 15: SNOW CAMPING. Not sure of location yet. Maybe Yosemite, or Pine Crest (this is not Klondike Derby).
  • Wednesday, February 18: Troop Meeting: Last minute rank advancement night.
  • Friday, February 27 : winter Court of Honor, and it will be planned by the Prowling Panther Patrol (with Anthony Soldavini). Will be at Veteran's Hall.

Other Misc Announcements: Brian L. has an Eagle Project coming up, Patrols will be more defined this year (positions, jobs, activity, meetings, etc.), SPLs are designating older rank scouts to prepare activities and troop meetings this year, and PLC and conference meetings all Scouts participating will be wearing full class A uniform (it includes scout socks, sash and hiking boots). More leadership must be done because there is a need to practice leadership skills.

Some troop activity coordinators have been designated. Their task is to think of tasks that the troop will do after each troop meeting. The following Brownsea scouts were designated: Jacob K., Patrick S., James L. and Martin G.

The summer camp that the troop will be attending is Camp Wolfeboro from July 12-18.

Meeting adjourned at 7:40.

Notes from the Troop 110 Committee Meeting, January 7, 2009

The meeting was called to order by Chairperson Rita Haskin at 7:50.

Activities and Announcements: (See "Mark Your Calendars" for general information about upcoming Troop and District Events):

The Troop picture - youth only - will be retaken this Saturday, 2:00 pm, at Contempo Park. All youth should wear their Full Uniform, which is Class "A" plus Merit Badge Sash. There may be an informal family "pizza night" afterward.

Old Business: Summer camp at Wolfeboro: The date is firm, July 12-18, and the deposit on the campsite has already been paid.

Bylaws: Changes posted on the Troop website since November were passed unanimously. Tom will send them to Skip. Discussion on the changes to the handbook was postponed until February.

Adopt-a-soldier: The Troop will adopt Brandon Brinkman, Shirley's husband's cousin's son. Valentines of support will be signed by the Scouts, and individual Patrols are encouraged to purchase gifts. Target date for shipment is the end of February, with final pickup at the Winter Court of Honor. Rita asked that one photo this coming Saturday include a message of support from the Troop.

Tom reminded everyone about Hazardous weather training, now required for at least one adult who signs a tour permit.

New Business:

FOS: Bill Fournell will coordinate the Troop's participation, kicking it off with a 5-minute presentation at the Winter Court of Honor.

Eagle MB booklet proposal replacement: Colin K. asked the Troop to consider replacing some Merit Badge booklets. Most important this time around are Eagle-required Environmental Science and First Aid. The consensus was to stock three of each Eagle-required booklet, as well as 5 copies of the current "requirements" summary book. He will email a list to Tom, who is planning a trip to the Scout shop this week.

All booklets are being updated by the BSA, but many of them do not have changes in the requirements, so they will be evaluated case-by-case as they are published. Tom recommended First Aid, as it was noted at a recent District meeting that some significant changes had been made.

Randy Heald asked about Snow Awareness training; the Troop is holding its own full session at the January 14th Troop meeting, to which the members of Crew 110 are also invited. He also brought a message from Tim Rodden, who is interested in leading a Spring Break Skyline-to-the Sea Hike. This would take three days, 4/11-13. Both he and Tim are willing to plan and lead it; coordinating transportation will be a major challenge. Tim is also interested in returning to Pinnacles for another 2-night campout and service project. Some members felt that a return to Wittenberg or St. Helena would be more appropriate, since the Troop has been to Pinnacles more recently.

Treasurer's report: The updated spreadsheet has been sent; rechartering was the biggest outlay, and there was some more fundraising income as well. It was brought up that event costs should be estimated in advance and settled quickly, preferably by an adult coordinator.

Bill Fournell brought up a fundraising possibility, selling copies of the souvenir calendar for the Union City 50th Anniversary celebration. Featured monthly posters include the Logan Band in China, as well as Bill Fournell (BSA). The Troop can sell them for $12 and keep $2 for each one sold. The committee felt this was too late a time to be involved.

Bill also mentioned that a Scout Color Guard would be needed at most of the public events during 2009, including the 1/26 reenactment of the UC charter signing in the evening at the Barnard White middle school site. The celebratory parade on May 16th is already on the Troop calendar, as is the festival at Kennedy Park in September. Contact Bill to be included. The committee congratulated him on his selection.

Scoutmasters Report: John Gillen reported on Winter Awareness training, which only one member and his father attended. The holiday party on the 17th was a huge success - we have already recruited two new Webelos members. The canoe trip at Sunset Beach and Elkhorn Slough was also a hit, and Tom spoke for the members of the Crew who attended and also had a great time.

Brian L's Eagle Project proposal has been signed off, work will take place on the weekend of January 17th, with Scouts being recruited for measuring and drawing cuts for bird boxes for Lake Elizabeth Park; cutting will be done at Shawn Smith's on Sunday the 18th. A flyer with detailed times will be posted on the website. Glenn Gillen is in the write-up stage, having delivered the last of his project to the Union City Police Department. The Panther Patrol members are all on track to achieve Tenderfoot rank by the Court of Honor.

Indoor Rally participation will be spearheaded again this year by David Garges, beginning with the Troop meeting this coming Wednesday. Rita reminded the adults that their presence at the Rally to cheer the Scouts on is equally important.

Announcements: At the monthly Roundtable tomorrow, Jim Lola will showcase his MB Counselor registration system, completed in fulfillment of his Wood Badge ticket for the Pacific Skyline Council.

Our next meeting is Wednesday, February 4; we were adjourned at 8:38.

Mark Your Calendars!
Look for further information regarding each activity as the dates approach.
Also See Troop Calendar
January 2009

PLC @ 7:00 p.m., Troop Committee @ 7:45 p.m.



Troop Photo - Scouts Only -Contempo Park @ 2:00

John Gillen


Troop Meeting @ 7:15, Contempo: Indoor Rally Skills Night

John Gillen


Mission Peak Game Day @ 10:00-12:00, Walnut LDS in Fremont



Troop Advancement Night @ 7:15, Contempo

John Gillen


SFBAC University of Scouting @ 8:00-3:00, Decoto LDS Stake

John Gillen


Patrol Night, Time and Place T.B.A.

John Gillen


Troop Meeting @ 7:15, Contempo, Patrol Night - Scout Skills

John Gillen


Mission Peak Hike @ 8:00 AM, Ohlone Parking Lot

John Gillen

February 2009

PLC @ 7:00 p.m., Troop Committee @ 7:45 p.m.



MP Indoor Rally @ 6:30, Decoto LDS Stake

John Gillen


Merit Badge Extravaganza - Den Chief Training @ 8:00, Gatewood LDS in Fremont

Tom Sims


Troop Meeting @7:15, Contempo: Winter Awareness presentation

John Gillen


Snow Campout - Details TBA

John Gillen


Troop Advancement Night @ 7:15, Contempo
***Last Chance for Winter Court of Honor Advancement Signoffs!!! ***

John Gillen


Order of the Arrow Ordeal @ Los Mochos

John Gillen


Winter Court of Honor, Time and place TBA

John Gillen

Plan Ahead

Klondike Derby @ Snowflower Preserve

Bruce Chan

All Week

Troop 110 Summer Camp at Wolfeboro Scout Reservation

John Gillen

*** But ALWAYS check the Troop Website at http://www.bsatroop110.org for the latest information ***

Troop Tribune - October/November 2008
By Tom Sims

Rechartering Reminder

Rechartering time is RIGHT NOW!! And Jo Hendee will most likely be contacting you soon, if she has not already done so. Please be prompt in returning her calls and emails - we need to complete the Troop paperwork before the end of November. Needless to ask, please also be prompt in reimbursing the Troop Treasurer for all recharter fees!!!

Scouting for Food

Scouting's annual food drive kicks off this coming Saturday. Scouting for Food provides much of the food distributed by local organizations in Alameda County, and the need for such contributions has never been greater. We will again be joining Pack 268 in this effort, and our area has been expanded to include not only the "Seven Hills" area near Mr. Chan's house, but also the development across Mission Boulevard, next to Emanuelle Elementary.

The PLC has decided to have the Troop meet at Odom Pool, across the street from the Logan field and Pavilion, at 8:00 a.m. Saturday. From there they will travel up the street to Searles to meet the Cub Scouts, departing for their assigned distribution areas at 9:00.

Food pickup will take place the following Saturday, November 15th, for which the entire group will meet at Searles at 8:30 a.m. Both days qualify for local high school community service requirements.

Veterans Day Visitation

Note the change of date and time: The Troop's annual visit to the Veterans Medical Center in Menlo Park will take place on Sunday, November 16th. Scouts should assemble in full uniform, Merit Badge sash included, at the Contempo parking lot at 9:00 a.m. Plans include a 3-hour visit with veterans at the facility and then a possible pizza lunch after the trip home. Contact Bruce Chan for more information.

NEW Troop Picture to be Taken

Next Wednesday's meeting, November 12th, will be very important: A new photograph of the Troop has been requested by the webmaster to update the website. Take a look at the picture below. How many of those people do you recognize (and gee, don't the big ones look young!?!?). Our official group snapshot is five years old!!!

So please, everyone, show up at the next Troop meeting on time and in full uniform to be included. No exceptions, by the way, for either Scouts or Scouters. See the Committee notes below or download and review a copy of the Troop Parent Handbook if you don't remember what the Full Uniform is.

Thanksgiving Day Meal Delivery

Mike Magno is back to organize our annual participation in the Newark League of Volunteers effort to bring holiday meals to the homebound on Thanksgiving Day. Interested Scouts, their brothers and sisters, can earn four hours of community service and help the Troop kick off Thanksgiving in the best way ever.

This is a "Class A" uniform event, including Girl Scout vests for those sisters who join in. The people we visit truly appreciate our efforts, and your own Thanksgiving Dinners will never have tasted better!

Meet at the Newark Pavilion Parking Lot on Thornton and Cherry at 10:00 a.m. After we have assembled and registered with Mike, we will check in inside the Pavilion at 10:30 to receive our assignments. This really is the best way ever to usher in the holiday season - see you there!

Niles "Festival of Lights"

Another great Troop 110 tradition is our participation as Color Guard in the "Festival of Lights" Parade, scheduled for Friday, November 28th at 6:00 p.m. Bill Fournell is organizing our parade participation, but John and Bruce are also looking into a fundraising opportunity running a parking lot for the Festival organizers. Check with Bill if you are interested in marching with the flags, and watch the Troop website for details on other activities that evening.

Parade participants (Bill is interested in the "bigger boys") are expected to arrive at 5:00 p.m. There is little parking at the site, so the best place to park is outside the area, on Mission Boulevard near the Niles Station, and then walk through the Sullivan Underpass to the parking lot at the parade head on Niles Road.

Kudos and Thanks

Kudos and thanks to Allen C. for his service as Troop 110 SPL, and congratulations to Glenn G., his well-trained replacement. Glenn will be joined by ASPLs Adam D. and Ryan N.. Kudos to Nicholas R. and his team for their successful Fall Court of Honor, where over 100 Merit Badges and 10 Rank advancements were awarded.

Order of the Arrow Elections

Order of the Arrow Elections were held last month, and eleven Scouts were referred to the OA for membership. One Scout has already completed his Ordeal, and the remaining 10 are planning to attend the February, 2009, Ordeal at Los Mochos. If you are an elected OA candidate, please complete your paperwork and submit it to the Scoutmaster as soon as humanly possible (note: that's much faster than ASAP!!) and reserve the weekend of February 20-22, 2009. Congratulations to our adult candidates George Dahdouh and Ron Natividad, too - it's a weekend you'll never forget.

Get Ready for the Holidays

Plans are underway for the annual Troop 110 Holiday Bash, Wednesday, December 17th, at Contempo. Our guests that evening will include Crew 110 and Packs 268 and 263. Please contact the PLC or Troop Committee if you have ideas for activities or suggestions for additional guests. The time to get involved is RIGHT NOW!!

Scout Account Balances

Please review the balance of your Scout Accounts on the Troop website. For those who have joined in the last year, please review the Scout Account Memo of Understanding (MOU) as well - it is YOUR responsibility to maintain a positive balance in your son's account.

Notes from the Troop 110 PLC, October 1, 2008 (Brian Le, acting Scribe):

The meeting started at 7:10 PM at Contempo.

One of Evan L's Brownsea goals was finished at this meeting. He asked the troop the following questions: 1) What should the troop continue doing at meetings? 2) What should the troop stop doing? 3) What should we continue doing? 4) What should the troop do to further personal goals and help members understand each other. Some answers are stated as below.

• There should be more rank advancement for the troop and the younger scouts should be more focused on, especially in advancement.

• There should be more activities for the older boys of the troop, and more patrol related activities.

• Everything in the troop is good. Nothing should be changed and continue doing what the troop has been doing. One personal goal is to achieve the rank of Eagle and to help the troop in any way. Another personal goal is to focus on the Scout Law and Oath and apply it to the world around. Another personal goal is to be more tolerant. Another goal is to have a positive attitude.

• There should be an opening activity to encourage more scouts to attend (more activities should be done). There should be a balance of games and work.

• There should be less procrastinating and more work. Patrols should support each other.

• More people should attend and be more fully uniformed.

• Older and younger scouts should socialize with each other, rather than break off into groups. Older scouts should involve the younger kids more often. Older boys should take initiative and lead when necessary. Older boys should help younger scouts mature. Older boys should learn how to communicate, especially to young scouts.

• More specific materials (rope, stoves) should be brought to advancement nights for requirements that need specific materials.

• Scouts should be more punctual. The troop should focus on advancements and merit badges. Learning should be fun.

• Any feasible, reasonable, and popular ideas should be made into a reality.

Mark Nobel, a guest speak from Troop 132, came at about 7:30 to speak to the troop about a potential summer camp. It is in Hawaii on the island of Oahu named Camp Pupukea. It is very rainy there. There's an attachment about the campsite attached. Also, David G. received his Order of the Arrow packet.

Notes from the Troop 110 Committee Meeting, October 1, 2008:

The meeting was called to order by Chairperson Rita Haskin at 8:00 PM

• Crew 110 will hold its first orientation meeting on 10/19 at the Sims' residence.

• Yet another new BSA Adult Application form is now required by National; it includes an addendum acknowledging the member's understanding that providing his/her Social Security Number implies consent to a full criminal background check by the B.S.A.

• The Troop might participate in the "Adopt-a-Soldier" program, which will be considered under Old Business at the November committee meeting.

Old Business:

Make A Difference Day, October 25th: Troop 110 will participate in a graffiti abatement program with Union City workers, details will be announced via email and on the website.

Summer Camp 2009 Locations: Bill Fournell introduced TC Noble, Scoutmaster for Troop 132, who spoke about Camp Pupukea in Hawaii. This reservation, which is only open for four weeks per summer, though they may add a fifth if necessary, supports Oahu Troops and some out-of-council. It features great facilities, well-designed campsites, similar to Wente but with better maintained tents and platforms. Dinning is "cafeteria style" at dinner, "Jamboree style" for breakfast and lunch. All camp facilities are new except for the showers, which are not as good as the rest. The camp is staffed predominantly by older Scouts from Oahu, and they are also generally pretty good. A special day-long SCUBA program, including PADI certification, is available at a reduced cost, but participants must be driven to Aloha SCUBA and back each day.

Camp extras also include a "Hawaiiana" program, designed to teach about Hawaiian culture, carving and dancing. Pupukea is on the opposite side of the island from the airport, so the Troop will need to arrange for round trip transportation; 132 rented two minivans, but charter buses and public transit are also options; the Honolulu city bus stops at the bottom of the hill below camp. Air fare is the most expensive part of the cost, Troop 132 worked out a low rate of about $320.00 round trip.

They started planning in November for the following summer for a contingent of 2 adults and 12 boys. Price for the camp is similar to Wente. Some weeks are open next summer and the boys in the Troop 110 PLC are interested in going; the cost will be $600-$800 per Scout, depending on extra activities and personal "spending allowances."

New Business:

Distributing Information in a Timely Manner:A request from the Chair to all Scouts and Scouters: Please communicate to your kids, friends and colleagues to provide details for any Troop activities at least 2 weeks in advance. Email webmaster Skip Wagner (mailto:macbrass@aol.com) if you can't send bulk email from your own accounts.

Bylaws and Handbook: A request from the Newsletter Editor: Please review the Troop Bylaws and Parent Handbook for the November meeting; if you think changes are required, please be at the meeting to discuss them.

2008 Centennial Quality Commitment and Achievement Award: We will be completing the forms for the 2008 Quality Unit award at the November meeting - please be prepared to provide your input.

Program Activities During Committee Meeting Times: There was some discussion and general agreement that other activities such as review boards, advancement and Scoutmaster conferences should be avoided during Troop Committee meetings. This should be discussed at the PLC, which should be required to start and end on time, per the schedule posted on the Troop website.

Troop 110 Rank Advancement Programs: Committee members have noticed that some of the newer Patrols need assistance in their rank advancement. There was some agreement on a recommendation to team a parent with each patrol, similar to the Panthers. More training may be required for Assistant Scoutmasters.

Troop Committee Reports:

Treasurer's Report: Emailed to committee officers, as the Treasurer is travelling on business. Questions were asked about fundraisers and whether or not the committee should establish a threshold to trigger fundraising activities. Shirley Gonzales reported that flyers for the annual Christmas Wreath and gift fundraiser had been distributed.

Scoutmasters Report: Order of the Arrow Ordeal: The next OA Ordeal is scheduled for Wente on October 10-12; one Scout will attend but John would like to send the other 10 as a group.

Upcoming Activities:

• Four 110 families attended the 2010 National Scout Jamboree orientation meeting; this will be the last Jamboree to be held at Fort AP Hill. The estimated be upwards of $2800 per Scout. This interested need to sign up online: Download the application, fill it out and have the Scoutmaster sign it. Scouts must be 12-17 years of age, with a minimum First Class rank at the time of the Jamboree; there are still 68 slots open as of the meeting last week.

Next meeting is Wednesday, November 5. The meeting was adjourned at 9:28.

Notes from the Troop 110 PLC, November 5, 2008 (transcribed by Tom Sims):

The meeting was called to order by SPL Glenn Gillen a 7:15. Mr. Sims reminded all Scouts present that the PLC starts at 7:00 SHARP.

November activities:

• 11/8: Scouting for Food Flyer Distribution, coordinated by Mr. Gillen and leaders from Pack 268. This activity will earn school- required community service hours. 110 Scouts will meet at Logan pool at 8:00, and then carpool to meet the Cubs at Searles at 8:30, to depart as a group at 9:00. Please wear your Class A uniforms.

• Mr. Chan will coordinate a Veterans Day visit to the Menlo Park Veterans Medical Center, see the Troop Committee notes, below, for new date and time. All Scouts should wear their full uniform, including Merit Badge sash.

• 11/12: Troop Meeting and Troop Photo. Opening Ceremony starts at 7:15, and the photo will be taken at 7:30. Full uniform, sash included, and hiking footwear are required to be in the picture - No Exceptions!

• 11/15: Scouting for Food pickup. Everyone will meet at Searles at 8:30, all Scouts wear their Class A Uniforms.

• 11/16: Mr. Yorks has scheduled work on the Personal Fitness Merit Badge at 10:00 - watch the website for further details.

• 11/19: Troop Advancement night at 7:15.

• 11/27: LOV NewarkThanksgiving meal delivery will earn participants 4 school community service hours; Mr. Magno will coordinate, see below for additional details.

• 11/28: Color Guard for Niles Festival of Lights and Parking Fundraiser. Generators will be available, lights, even Christmas lights are needed, to illuminate the parking area. Mr. Fournell is coordinating the ceremony, see below for details.

• OA Ordeal: Adam D., Alvin F., David G., Kevin G., Martin G., Jacob K., Brian L., Evan L., Nicholas R. and Patrick S. are Troop 110 candidates elected to the Order of the Arrow. Those present selected the Los Mochos Ordeal, scheduled for February 20-22nd , 2009, to attend as a group.

• 12/13: OA Winter Awareness training - all Scouts who have not been trained should attend if they plan to participate in the upcoming Klondike Derby.

• 12/17: Christmas Party at Contempo. Watch for details at December PLC.

• 12/20: Mission Peak Hike. Watch the website for details.

Meeting adjourned at 7:50.

Notes from the Troop 110 Committee Meeting, November 5, 2008:

The meeting was called to order by Chairperson Rita Haskin at 7:55.

Activities and Announcements: (See "Mark Your Calendars" for general information about upcoming Troop and District Events):

Bruce announced that the annual Veterans day visit to the Menlo Park facility will be on Sunday, November 16th. Scouts should meet at 9:00 a.m. at Contempo in Full uniforms, including sashes. There will be a 3-hour session with the veterans, including conversations and card games, the purpose of which is to thank them for their service to the country. Current plans are to return at 12:30, possibly meeting for pizza afterward. Mr. Yorks will be contacted to see if he will be willing to move his Personal Fitness Merit Badge session to later in the day.

Old Business: Camp Cherry Valley: Rita has received paperwork, we are eligible to return in 2011. A $200.00 deposit is required, along with our choice of two weeks to attend; after some discussion the committee selected the weeks of 7/10/11 and 7/31/11.

Alcatraz Request Status: We have entered the lottery for 2009. Price to the Troop is $1500 for up to 35 Scouts and adults.

Summer Camp 2009 Locations: Further discussion about Camp Pupukea in Hawaii, and a decision needs to be made soon. Tom Sims will email the Troop with information and a request to let Rita know by the November 19th advancement meeting. The estimated cost is about $800.00 per Scout. Participants must be First Class or above, and there will be a local alternative, e.g. Wolfeboro in Mt.Diablo Silverado Council, (http://www.bsa-mdsc.org/wolfeboro.php).

Bylaws and Parent Handbook Updates: Several updates will be proposed as amendments at the December meeting and brought back to the Troop Committee in January for approval.

Adopt A Soldier was tabled until next month.

Centennial Quality Commitment and Unit Achievement Award: With the guidance of Unit Commissioners Bill Fournell and Tom Sims, the Troop's goals were set for 2008.

Holiday Activities: LOV - Newark Thanksgiving Day Meal Delivery is on again for this year; Mike Magno is coordinating our participation. Scouts and adults should be at the Newark Pavilion on Thornton and Cherry, by 10:30 in their Class "A" uniforms. Please remain in the parking lot until directed to enter in as group and obtain assignments. 4 Service hours will be given, Tom Sims will have forms for Logan.

For the Niles "Festival of Lights" on Friday, November 28th, Bill Fournell is again coordinating the color guard and requests all interested older Scouts participate. Meet at 5:00 p.m. in the parking lot next to the Sullivan Underpass between Mission Bl. and Niles Bl. Bruce Chan and John Gillen are organizing a parking lot fundraiser, as well.

New Business: No items were scheduled, but Bill Westcott mentioned he had recently received information on the water programs provided by CanoeWest, the guides who led the Troop on their three whitewater outings on the Klamath over the past several years. He and Tom will review the DVDs sent out earlier, which may feature former Troop 110 Scouts in action, for possible viewing at a future Troop meeting.

Troop Committee Reports: Membership report: Rechartering is underway.

Treasurer's Report: The Treasurer is out of the area, but Rita asked how the boys were to pay for Camerons? Bruce and John will settle, but for future reference the approximate costs should be known in advance.

Scoutmasters Report: Past activities:

• 10/4: The 12.5 mile loop trip from Lake Elizabeth was a success.

• 10/11: Rocket Jamboree was sparsely attended, with only one Troop 110 Scout and parent.

• 10/12: Fall Court of Honor coordinated by Nicholas Roddin was very successful, with 100 Merit Badges awarded, 6 Second Class, 1 First Class, 1 Star Scout and 2 Life Scouts Honored. Allen Chan received special recognition for his service as Senior Patrol Leader.

• 10/25: For Make-A-Difference Day, 17 Scouts plus several members of Pack 268 joined forces to remove graffiti, after which the Troop went on to Camerons in Half Moon Bay, along with many representatives from Packs 268 and 441. There were many more participants than expected but everything went well, although excess cooking smoke resulted in a call to the fire department.

• 11/2: Troop participated in a service project along the Sunol railway called the "Mud ball Express," which involved hurling mud balls of poppy seeds onto the hillside from the train.

Eagles in flight: Brian L. is soliciting donations of materials for birdhouses at Lake Elizabeth, which are due to be completed by end of January; he has received a donation of plywood from Hulbert Lumber and is still looking for hardware donations, screws, nails, etc. Glenn G. delivered trunk organizers to UCPD to complete his project. Patrick W. is looking for a Project, and Michael H. is polishing up his proposal.

Five of the six Brownsea candidates have finished their goals, and the fifth is due to complete at an upcoming Troop meeting. Brownsea Graduation is Thursday, November 20th, and all the Scouts are on target. Rita requested a motion, which carried, to reimburse 1/2 of the cost of training to those Scouts who complete their goals.

Anthony S.completed his Order of the Arrow Ordeal at Wente on October 12th, leaving ten candidates remaining. The PLC selected the Los Mochos Ordeal, February 20-22nd, to attend as a group. John Gillen also nominated Ron Natividad and George Dahdouh as adult members.

Martin G. has been assigned as a Troop Guide to work closely with Sam Hart;

See PLC notes for upcoming activities, our areas for Scouting for Food are the Seven Hills neighborhood off Appian Way and the new development across Mission Bl. from there.

Mark Your Calendars!
Look for further information regarding each activity as the dates approach.
Also See Troop Calendar
November 2008

PLC @ 7:00 p.m., Troop Committee @ 7:45 p.m.



Scouting For Food Flyer Distribution @ 8:00, Logan Pool

John Gillen


Troop Meeting @7:15, Contempo: Troop Picture, Full Uniform!!!

John Gillen


Scouting for Food Pickup

John Gillen


Veterans Day Visit to Menlo Park VMC, meet 9:00 a.m., Contempo 

Bruce Chan


Troop Advancement Night @ 7:15, Contempo

John Gillen


Brownsea Graduation, location and time TBA

John Gillen


LOV-Newark Thanksgiving Delivery @ 10:00, Newark Pavilion

Mike Magno


Niles "Festival of Lights" Parade @ 5:00, Niles parking area


December 2008

PLC @ 7:00 p.m., Troop Committee @ 7:45 p.m.



Troop Meeting @7:15, Contempo

John Gillen


Winter Awareness Training @ 9:00 a.m., Location T.B.D.



Troop Christmas gathering



Mission Peak "Night Hike" - Time and meeting location T.B.D.

John Gillen

Plan Ahead

Winter Court of Honor, time and place TBA



Troop Tribune - September 2008
By Tom Sims

The Summer In Review

Welcome back everyone; it has been an eventful summer. Russell Bowerman passed his Eagle Board of Review on July 1, 2008, making it a clean sweep for the Screaming Eagles of Troop 110. Two of the King Cobras, David Garges and Anthony Soldavini, celebrated their Eagle ranks in memorable ceremonies at the Niles VFW Hall later that same month. Four more Eagles are in flight or making their final preparations for takeoff.

Summer camp at Oljato was a modest success, with over 100 Merit Badges earned and much work being completed on rank advancements toward First Class by the younger Scouts. Planning for next summer's camp has begun, and the PLC will be presented with several options to consider, following the Troop Elections later this month.

Our newest Scouter, Randy Heald, joined seasoned members George Dahdouh and Ron Natividad to lead a hike and campout into the backcountry at Echo Lake. The water was cold, though warmer I'm told than Oljato, and crystal clear at their Aloha Lake campsite.

Several Scouts participated in the 2008-member Beijing Olympic Orchestra, as members of the James Logan Band and Color Guard. Eric B., David Garges and Anthony Soldavini (clarinets), Russell Bowerman (trombone), and Adam D. (drums) were among the ambassadors representing Union City to the world.

Four of our Scouts are off to college this fall, having been together since joining Den 1 in Pack 268. Congratulations to Russell Bowerman (UCLA), Brian Burckhardt (CalPoly), Justin Mutch (CSUEB) and Ben Sims (SJSU) - don't be strangers, though!

And so a new year of Scouting begins - it's hard to believe another has gone by so fast. My thanks to all of you, Scouts, parents, siblings and friends, who have helped the years sail so smoothly by, with all your efforts and support!

Justin's Eagle Scout Court of Honor

Come and help celebrate Justin Mutch's Eagle advancement, this Sunday, September 7th, at 12:00 noon. The ceremony will be held at the Elks Lodge, 38991 Farwell Drive in Fremont.

A reception will be held in the same hall, following the Court - see you there!

September 11 "Spotlight on Scouting"

Once again this year, the Fall Spotlight on Scouting falls on the anniversary of the attacks on the World Trade Center in 2001. The last time this occurred, in 2003, Troop 110 was privileged to provide the honor guard for the opening ceremony, and our Scouts set a new standard in the District for such events. This year we have been given that privilege again.

Our Scoutmaster will be contacting the most experienced Scouts to lead this event, but all the boys are encouraged to participate. The Spotlight is an opportunity for the Troops in Mission Peak to "put their best foot forward" and show other units, Packs especially, what is special about their programs. Troop 110 has always risen to these occasions, and I hope to see us do so again.

Order of the Arrow Elections

Please plan to attend the Troop meeting at Contempo on Wednesday, September 17th. Representatives from Achewon Nimat Lodge of the Order of the Arrow will be in attendance to review the results of our Troop O/A elections. There are several worthy Scouts on the ballot who deserve your support, and we require at least half of the registered Boy Scouts to be present for the election results to count.

Troop position elections will be held the same night, as well as a raffle and "Troop Olympics." Bring your BSA membership card, which will be used as a raffle ticket.

Kudos and Thanks

Kudos and thanks to the parents and Scouts of the Screaming Eagles. We all just ROCK, and there's no further proof needed than the picture of our six Eagle Scouts on the wall up at Council. While every one of us gave more than our required share, there are a few I would like to embarrass specifically, so here goes:

Marvin Bowerman stepped into the whirlpool as the leader of Den 1 when our founding father moved away; every Cub who stayed through to the end achieved his Arrow of Light, due in no small part to Marvin's experience, energy and skills. Not content to take a back seat once the boys bridged into 110, he lobbied for and planned a successful 50-mile hike along the Skyline-to-the- Sea trail that set a new standard for backcountry adventure in the Troop. Thanks as well to Sue Bowerman for letting him come out to play all the time!

Ted and Pam Mutch kind of blended into the background back in the Pack, but when the chance came to play Boy Scout, Ted joined me in the class of Acorn 54. He survived the outdoor rigors, hazing and the dismal lack of coffee in his assigned patrol (the Weally Wascally Wooly Wolverines) and emerged energized. He and Pam took control of (you guessed it) the Troop Coffee Pot, chips, and other ancillary accessories, and their culinary and decorative efforts brightened Honor Courts, swim nights, and celebrations of all kinds (he turns 50 on the 15th, by the way, anyone have any black balloons?!?).

Mike and Sue Yorks were already active parents when we joined Pack 268, and they have simply never stopped. While still Cubmaster, Mike became one of the Raging Roadrunners of Acorn 53, and every time he's thought out loud about retiring or stepping back, he's found something else that needed to be done and been right back into the thick of things with scarcely a weekend off. Thanks to Sue for keeping him wellgrounded, but also for knowing when not to. We simply would not have made it this far without the two of you leading the way.

To Gloria Ho, for letting me out of the house, sometimes several times a week, and encouraging me to keep going when the going got annoying; to Bill Westcott, the "godfather" of the Screaming Eagles, for recruiting us all; and finally to Wayne Burckhardt - we must have made it look easy or fun or otherwise somehow worthwhile, because he's suited up and ready to play; to all of you, in the patrol and out, who came, liked what you saw, and stayed to play: It takes a village to raise an Eagle Scout, and you all are our village. Thank you.

Scout Account Balances

Please review the balance of your Scout Accounts on the Troop website. For those who have joined in the last year, please review the Scout Account Memo of Understanding (MOU) as well - it is YOUR responsibility to maintain a positive balance in your son's account.

Notes from the Troop 110 Committee Meeting, September 3, 2008:

The meeting was called to order by Chairperson Rita Haskin at 7:50.

Activities and Announcements: (See "Mark Your Calendars" for general information about upcoming Troop and District Events): Be sure to attend Justin Mutch's Eagle ceremony this Sunday at the Fremont Elks Lodge, 12 Noon.

If you are thinking of sending your Scout to the next National Jamboree, July-August 2010, plan to attend the Information Night at the San Leandro office, September 25th, 7:30-8:30 p.m.

Lake Chabot Campout for the younger Scouts, Saturday, September 27th: two Scouts working on their Second Class requirements need to plan and cook an outdoor meal. Jo Hendee is coordinating this.

The Fall Court of Honor is now scheduled for Sunday, October 12, at the Niles VFW hall. Setup will begin at 2PM with the Court to convent at 3:00. Nicholas R. is the Scout in charge; Val Smith and Laurie Keller are the new adult coordinators.

Tom Sims has new membership cards for all Scouts and Scouters registered as of August. He will be mailing them to anyone who did not receive them at tonight's meeting.

Troop OA elections 9/17, all youth members should attend, there will also be a "Troop Olympic" event led by Patrick Smith and Jacob Keller, and raffle that evening as well - your BSA Membership Card is your raffle ticket.

Old Business:

Firm Up Troop Calendar:

Having received no responses following the distribution of the calendar after last month's planning session, the schedule will stand as delivered (see "Mark Your Calendar" and "Plan Ahead")

Adult Positions:

Ron Natividad renewed his commitment to the position of Troop Quartermaster, George Dahdouh reports ha is an ASM. Tim Roddin is Advancement Coordinator, with Val Smith's assistance. Val and Laurie Keller are the new Court of Honor coordinators. Jay Hendee will continue as Summer Camp coordinator, and Jo Hendee will assume the responsibilities of Recharter Representative.

New Business:

Planning and Preparing for Hazardous Weather:

Training in preparation for hazardous weather conditions is required for all adults to lead outdoor events, effective January 1, 2009. This class is available online at www.sfbac.org.

Adult Membership Requirement - Background check:

In 2003 the BSA revised the Adult Registration form to request Social Security Numbers in order to perform background checks on all new members. Effective this past summer, new applications including this information are required for all continuing adult members who have not filed the newer form since 2003. Tom Sims reported that several Troop 110 Scouters are impacted by this, including some of those who have filed the new forms since 2003 for other district and unit positions. This will be resolved during the November rechartering cycle, but those who have received notice of their impacted status can file a new application at any time.

Make A Difference Day, October 25th:

Rita, John and Bruce are looking for possible community service projects, perhaps with the VFW post. Any other ideas are also welcome, contact the Chair or Scoutmaster.

Committee Reports:

Treasurer's reports: Craig reported a quite month and promised an updated spreadsheet by the weekend. Rita presented Craig a letter for the Middle America Council of the BSA, to accompany Troop's donation of $200 to the Little Sioux Scout Ranch Relief fund. Following a discussion at the Summer Court of Honor, committee members approved this donation after learning of the devastation caused by a tornado, which resulted in the deaths of three Scouts at their National Youth Leadership Training session.

Scoutmasters Report (includes Scoutmaster minutes from PLC):

Seven older Scouts were led by Randy Heald on a backpack hike and campout at Echo Lake; special thanks to Evan L. for planning the meals and to George Dahdouh and Ron Natividad for rounding out the required adult leadership. Tom pointed out that someone new should attend HAT Backpack training, in order to meet the requirements for BSA Tour Permits.

Thomas B. completed Second Class and Nicholas R. will complete Life rank by the Fall Court of Honor. Eagle Project status: Brian L. is looking for a project, Ryan N. is in the final stages of approval with the District and Glenn G's project is underway - he is looking for assistance this coming weekend.

Kevin G. is coordinating work between Merit Badge counselors and Scouts on Family Life - six boys - and Physical Fitness - nine boys; special thanks to Rita Haskin and Mike Yorks for their efforts.

All six Brownsea Scouts have discussed their goals with the Scoutmaster; they must be submitted in writing for final approval.

Recent events discussed included the July 4th parade, David Garges and Anthony Soldavini Eagle ceremonies and the July 4th Cardboard Boat regatta, which was won by the boys of the new Panthers patrol.

Mission Peak's annual Spotlight on Scouting, Thursday, September 11th, falls again this year on the anniversary of the World Trade Center attacks. Troop 110 will provide the opening flag ceremony for the occasion - contact John Gillen if you are interested.

Important Troop meeting on Wednesday, September 17th: Order of the Arrow elections will be held, and 2/3 of the youth membership are required by the OA to elect new candidates.

Over 100 Merit Badges were earned at Camp Oljato this summer, to be awarded at the Fall Court of Honor in October. Other upcoming events include the Newark Days parade on Saturday, September 20th, in which we will be working with the VFW, details are still pending, and the Fall Camporee on Friday-Sunday, Oct 17- 19, at Los Mochos; this OA-sponsored event will feature a Halloween theme.

Thanks to Allen C., Kevin G., Michael H. and Ryan N. for providing the color guard to kick off the Relay for Life at James Logan High School, Saturday, August 16th.

Upcoming Activities:

Bill Fournell reported that planning for the celebration for Union City's 50th birthday is underway. A parade is scheduled for Saturday, May 16, 2009. He is coordinating all Scout activities for the District, including possible color guard and fundraising activities. Watch this space for details.

Shirley Gonzales is running the Troop's Christmas Wreath sale again this year, more information will be presented at the October committee meeting.

Next meeting is Wednesday, October 1. The meeting was adjourned at 8:52.

Mark Your Calendars!
Look for further information regarding each activity as the dates approach.
Also See Troop Calendar
September 2008

PLC @ 7:00 p.m., Troop Committee @ 7:45 p.m.



Justin Mutch Eagle Court of Honor, 12:00, Fremont Elks Lodge

Justin Mutch


Troop Meeting @ 7:15, Contempo

John Gillen


"Spotlight on Scouting" 110 Color Guard and 911 Commemoration

John Gillen

Fall Popcorn Sale Kickoff

Suzie Gillen


Troop Meeting @ 7:15, Contempo, OA Elections and Raffle

John Gillen


"Newark Days" Color Guard and Parade with VFW, time T.B.A.

John Gillen


Lake Chabot Campout

Jo Hendee


Fall Order of the Arrow Ordeal

John Gillen

October 2008

PLC @ 7:00 p.m., Troop Committee @ 7:45 p.m.



Troop Meeting @ 7:15, Contempo

John Gillen


"Rocket Jamboree," Dublin, $20 + rockets/engines

John Gillen


Fall Court of Honor @ 3:00, Niles VFW



Troop Advancement Night @ 7:15, Contempo

John Gillen


Fall Camporee at Los Mochos "Halloween"


"Mt. Man Rendezvous" at Boulder Creek



"Make A Difference" Day



Halloween Campout at Cameron's, Half Moon Bay

Chan and NYLT Scouts

November 2008

PLC @ 7:00 p.m., Troop Committee @ 7:45 p.m.



"Scouting for Food" flyers distributed

Val Smith


"Veterans Day" visit to VA in Menlo Park

Bruce Chan


Troop Meeting @ 7:15, Contempo

John Gillen


"Scouting for Food" pickup

Val Smith


Troop Advancement Night @ 7:15, Contempo

John Gillen


Newark-LOV Thanksgiving meal delivery

Mike Magno


Niles "Festival of Lights" Parade @ 6:00 p.m.

Bill Fournell

*** Plan Ahead ***

Troop Christmas gathering



Winter Court of Honor, time and place TBA



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