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~ Troop 110 Tribune ~
Editor: Tom Sims
Mission Peak District, SFBAC

Scoutmaster: John Gillen • Committee Chair: Rita Haskin
SPL: Allen C. • ASPLs: Glenn G. & Ryan N.


October | November | December


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Troop Tribune - May 2008
By Tom Sims

Another New Eagle Scout!!!

Congratulations to Justin Mutch, the fifth of the six Screaming Eagles to complete the climb! Justin's Blood Drive was a huge success last month, exceeding the best expectations of his Red Cross Sponsors. He passed his Eagle Board of Review on Thursday, May 8, 2008.

Ben Sims' Eagle Scout Court of Honor

Check your calendars, be sure they are marked for this coming Saturday, May 24th, at 1:30 p.m. for Ben's Eagle Court of Honor. Please join Ben and his family as they celebrate his Scouting career at the Decoto Auditorium, New Haven Adult School, 600 G. Street in Union City.

In addition to his Eagle ceremony, a reception will follow in the same hall, and his Eagle Project can also be viewed next to the school office. See you there!

"Canoe Day" a Smashing Success!!!

Thanks to all the Troop 110 Scouts who braved the chilly spring winds at Quarry Lakes on April 19th. Several Webelos Scouts had the opportunity to enjoy food and fun with our Troop, as well as seeing the torch passed onto Mr. John Gillen, our new Scoutmaster.

May Canoe Campout Changed!

Check your calendars for the following change in the Memorial Day Weekend Schedule:

The canoe campout will now be held at Del Valle Regional Park in Livermore. Campers should meet on Sunday morning, May 25th, at the Chans' house "Bright and Early," to help load the canoes and gear - contact your SPL, Allen Chan, if you need more information!

Memorial Day Grave Decoration at Golden Gate National Cemetery

Due to the number of events scheduled for Memorial Day Weekend, this year Troop 110 will volunteer the following Saturday, May 31, 2008, to help remove the flags placed at the Cemetery in honor of our fallen veterans. Please let Mr. Gillen know as soon as possible, if you plan to participate.

Order of the Arrow Elections

Please be sure to attend the final Troop meeting in May, at the Chans' house on Friday, May 30, at 7:15 p.m. Representatives from Achewon Nimat Lodge of the Order of the Arrow will be in attendance to review the results of our Troop O/A elections. There are several worthy Scouts on the ballot who deserve your support, and we require at least half of the registered Boy Scouts to be present for the election results to count.

Kudos and Thanks

Kudos, Thanks and Welcome to our new Scoutmaster, John Gillen. John comes to us, as have many of our adult leaders, straight from his role with Pack 268, where he has served as Cubmaster for the last two years.

John stepped in at a time when Pack 268 was on the verge of extinction, down to their last half dozen Cub Scouts or so, and in the time since has built a strong core of adult and youth members that will no doubt carry the Pack well into the future. For his efforts he was awarded the Mission Peak Certificate of Appreciation in May, 2006, and the District Plaque in May 2007. As testimony to his success, the new Committee Chair of Pack 268 was awarded a Certificate of Appreciation at the District Dinner on May 10th - way to go, John!

Kudos to John Pedersen for his continuing interest in the progress of the Scouts of Troop 110. He has been meeting on advancement nights with boys interested in Citizenship and other Eagle-required Merit Badges. Thanks a million, John!

Kudos and thanks as well to Bill Fournell and Ben Sims for their support with the kitchen crew and color guard at the 2008 Mission Peak District Dinner.

Scout Account Balances

Please review the balance of your Scout Accounts on the Troop website. For those who have joined in the last year, please review the Scout Account Memo of Understanding (MOU) as well - it is YOUR responsibility to maintain a positive balance in your son's account.

Notes from the Troop 110 PLC, May 7, 2008 (from acting Scribe, Ryan N.)

The Mt. Tamalpais hike was a success for the new patrol, the Prowling Panthers; Patrol Leader Emilio A. attended his first PLC to represent his patrol. Upcoming meetings include a full Troop meeting on May 14th, where the Scouts will review lashings, and an advancement meeting on the 21st.

Ben Sims' Eagle Court of Honor will be on May 24th at 1:30 at the Decoto Auditorium; several Troop members were asked to participate. The annual Memorial Day Canoe campout will be held Sunday and Monday at Del Valle in Livermore; exact meeting time will be announced later, but the Troop will assemble at Mr. Chan's on Sunday morning. Scouts interested in assisting with the Memorial Day flags at Golden Gate National Cemetery should watch the website for details and be prepared to meet early Saturday morning in San Bruno, Mr. Chan will register the Troop to participate.

The last Friday of the month is May 30th, and we will have a Troop meeting at Mr. Chan's; Order of the Arrow elections will be held at that meeting.

Hold the date June 27th for the Summer Court of Honor, which will be planned by the Ghostly Hawks - Mr. Chan will check on the availability of the Niles VFW Hall. June 14th is the graduation campout for Pack 268, which is the same night as the planned orientation campout for the new Patrol. Mr. Gillen invited the Panthers to camp at Chabot group campsite along with the Pack.

Notes from the Troop 110 Committee Meeting, May 7, 2008:

The meeting was called to order by Chairperson Rita Haskin at 7:45.

Activities and Announcements: (See "Mark Your Calendars" for general information about upcoming Troop and District Events): Ben Sims Eagle Court of Honor has been scheduled for Saturday, May 24th, 1:30, at the Decoto School Auditorium, corner of "H" and 6th Streets in Union City. All Troop 110 Eagles in attendance are requested to participate in the flag ceremonies, Michael Haskin will be the Guard Captain.

Bruce will sign the Troop up for the Memorial Day flag decoration at GGNC; he will plan for a smaller group to participate, in view of the Veterans Day event planned for next fall at the Menlo Park Veterans hospital.

Old Business

Fundraising ideas: Some discussion about ways to improve, including having donations brought only on the day of the sale and reclaimed by the donors if they don't sell. Bruce will also talk to Safeway about allowing us in the far corner of their parking lot, perhaps also running a snack concession. He is also still looking into the July 4th parade for a Centerville parking location.

Fundraising ideas: Some discussion about ways to improve, including having donations brought only on the day of the sale and reclaimed by the donors if they don't sell. Bruce will also talk to Safeway about allowing us in the far corner of their parking lot, perhaps also running a snack concession. He is also still looking into the July 4th parade for a Centerville parking location.

New Leadership: John Gillen stressed that he needs all available assistance as he assumes the responsibilities of Scoutmaster. Reserve the second Wednesday in august, Scouts and parents, for the annual calendar planning session.

New Business

Troop Positions -- Adult: Someone needs to track the training of Troop adults. Tom will email John Pedersen's job descriptions to everyone, so they can be circulated. John deferred the discussion of youth positions until next month's PLC.

MP District Dinner: Saturday, May 10th at Prince of Peace Lutheran Church in Fremont. Bill Fournell had asked that the new Eagle Scouts participate, but no one is committed to being there at this time. No one offered any information on Troop 110 members that were up for awards, and the turnout representing the Troop is expected to be low.

Summer Court of Honor: Tentatively Friday, June 27th at the Niles VFW; see PLC notes above. Bruce is investigating the availability of the Niles VFW Hall.

July 4th Parade: John Gillen plans to attend the June planning meeting to discuss the Troop's participation and possible fundraising opportunities.

Order of the Arrow Elections: John would like to hold these at the May 30th meeting at Bruce's house, due to the expected higher turnout of Scouts; 50% of the membership is required for the vote to be considered. There is still a possibility that those elected from last year can attend the Fall Ordeal, since the Los Mochos event last fall was cancelled.

Committee Reports

Treasurer's reports: Craig is under the weather, but he reports that there are still some outstanding balances.

Summer Camp: Wayne Bowerman attended the meeting; all adults MUST be up to date with Youth Protection. Dehydration due to elevation will be an ongoing problem, so orient the Scouts. No electronic devices are permitted for the youth in attendance. Also, be advised that non-scheduled boat runs to the parking lot will be $20 each.

Scoutmasters Report: Mt. Tam hike, delayed due to an injury of a cyclist encountered on the way up. New Scout parent Dr. Araj was able to provide onsite first aid and later lecture the Scouts on the procedure. "The Wizard of Oz" was being presented at the outdoor theater, which provided some entertainment.

New patrol, Prowling Panthers, hiked Coyote Hills while working on their Scout badges. Hats off to Anthony Soldavini, for his skills and enthusiasm in dealing with the new boys.

Canoe day was well attended, as was Justin Mutch's blood drive, which topped off at a total of 27 pints. Justin is finished with his write-up and application, currently awaiting a call from the District Advancement Committee to schedule his Eagle Board of Review.

Russell's work is also completed with the efforts of neighbors and the Screaming Eagles. His write-up is in progress for a project that benefitted a Fremont city organization. The Cobras are also continuing to meet as a Patrol to encourage the remaining Life Scouts on their quest for Eagle. Glenn G. of the Falcons has completed his proposal and is currently looking for a place to have the wood cut for the organizers he is going to build for the police. Ryan N. is also working with Nelson Kirk at UC to do a project at San Andreas Park.

Shirley doffed her hat to John Pedersen and Tom Sims for their MB work with the Scouts.

Bill Fournell attended the DOC meeting this month - we need to push youth protection to the adults, as we are only at 20%. He also reported that Mission Peak is at 85% so far for their Friends of Scouting goal.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:42.

Mark Your Calendars!
Look for further information regarding each activity as the dates approach.
Also See Troop Calendar

May 2008


Mt. Tamalpais Rim Rover Hike

Tim Rodden


PLC @ 7:00 p..m., Troop Committee @ 7:45 p.m.



Troop Meeting @ 7:15, Contempo, "Lashing"

John Gillen


Troop Advancement @ 7:15, Contempo

John Gillen


Ben Sims Eagle Court of Honor @ 1:30, Decoto Auditorium

Ben Sims


Del Valle Canoe Campout



Troop Meeting @ 7:15, Mr. Chan's

John Gillen


Golden Gate National Cemetery Cleanup @ 7:00 a.m.

*** T.B.D.***

June 2008


PLC @ 7:00 p.m., Troop Committee @ 7:45 p.m.



Troop Swim Night and Last Day of School @ Contempo

John Gillen


New Patrol Campout @ Chabot

Wayne Burckhardt

* All Week *

Brownsea NYLT @ Wente



Troop Advancement @ 7:15, Contempo

John Gillen


Troop Meeting @ 7:15, Contempo, "Summer Camp Gear Prep."

Tim Rodden


Summer Court of Honor, place and time T.B.A.

John Gillen

** Plan Ahead **


Fremont Independence Day Parade - Centerville

John Gillen

7/6 thru 7/12/08
* All Week *

SUMMER CAMP/ Camp Oljato on Huntington Lake

Tim Rodden

*** But ALWAYS check the Troop Website at http://www.bsatroop110.org for the latest information ***

Troop Tribune - April 2008
By Tom Sims

Another New Eagle Scout!!!

Congratulations to Anthony Soldavini, the second King Cobra to achieve the rank of Eagle Scout. Anthony survived his Board of Review on Tuesday, March 18th to become Troop 110's 34th member of the Eagle Honor Roll.

He has been an inspiration to both younger and older Scouts, not only in our Troop but other units in the area as well; he has also served on the staff at Council Den Chief Training - hats off to Anthony and his family!

Justin's Red Cross Blood Drive

It's this Saturday, April 5th, from 8:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. "behind the Bat Cave" across from Washington Hospital, 1895 Mowry Avenue. Come out and support the Red Cross in a blood drive sponsored by our own Justin M. of the Screaming Eagles.

Justin also needs volunteers to help set up, run and clean up after the event. See the Troop Website <<members area>> for contact information, event flyer and other details. Logan Students be sure to bring your Community Service forms for Justin to sign!

"Canoe Day" at Quarry Lakes

Mark your calendars now for Saturday, April 19th, when we will host interested Webelos Scouts for a canoeing event and lunch at Quarry Lakes Regional Park in Fremont. Troop members should plan to be at Mr. Chan's house at 8:00 a.m. to load the canoes and equipment. The event will run from 10:00 a.m. until after lunch, about 1:00 p.m.

This is an excellent opportunity for the Troop to put its best webbed feet forward and show our future Boy Scouts how we like to kick off the summer's adventures.

Come on out and enjoy the sun and the surf, the Troop will be service hot dogs and sodas for lunch. As an added bonus attraction, our new Scoutmaster, John Gillen, will take over the reins from Bruce, who is stepping down after four great years of service.

Ben Sims' Eagle Scout Court of Honor

All Troop 110 families are invited to attend Ben's Eagle ceremony on Saturday, May 24th, beginning at 1:30. It will be held in the old Decoto Elementary Auditorium, now the multi-purpose room of the New Haven Adult School, corner of 6th and "H" Streets in Union City. More information will be available in next month's newsletter.

Summer Camp Orientation

Troop 110 will attend summer camp in the High Sierras at Camp Oljato, from July 6th through July 12th. Scouts planning to attend should have already paid any remaining balance of the $340.00 cost - check your Scout accounts online if you are unsure, the Treasurer has already paid the bill!

Visit the Pacific Skyline Council website for information on this great Boy Scout Camp: http://www.pacsky.org

Montebello Open Space Preserve Backpack Hike

Tim Rodden will lead a backpack hike into the Montebello Open Space Preserve this weekend. Interested Scouts should contact him with questions and to sign up. The group will assemble in the parking lot "behind the Bat Cave," at the same location as Justin's Blood Drive, at 9:00 a.m. Parents of Scouts interested in both events will be given driving directions to the Preserve.

Following the campout, interested Scouts can participate in a rifle range event at the Los Altos Rod and Gun Club, but only if they have obtained written permission from their parents or guardians - Class "A" uniforms are required to enter the range.

Skip Wagner has posted directions to Montebello from the "Batcave," as well as a parent permission form for interested marksmen.

Scout Account Balances

Please review the balance of your Scout Accounts on the Troop website. For those who have joined in the last year, please review the Scout Account Memo of Understanding (MOU) as well - it is YOUR responsibility to maintain a positive balance in your son's account.

Notes from the Troop 110 PLC, April, 2008 will be posted when they are available, on the Troop website.

Notes from the Troop 110 Committee Meeting, April 2, 2008:

The meeting was called to order by Chairperson Rita Haskin at 7:56.

Activities and Announcements: (See "Mark Your Calendars" for general information about upcomingTroop and District Events):

Ben Sims Eagle Court of Honor has been scheduled for Saturday, May 24th, 1:30, at the Decoto School Auditorium, corner of "H" and 6th Streets in Union City.

Old Business:

New leader transition: John Gillen will officially take over the post of Troop 110 Scoutmaster on Saturday, April 19th at the Troop "Canoe Day" event. Tom volunteered to put together a flyer for the District Round Table on the 10th.

Outstanding account balances: Rita sent a note to everyone with an account in arrears, two have settled.

New Business:

Fundraising: No one has stepped forward for the Art/Wine festival, so this fundraising opportunity will probably not continue. Other possibilities were discussed in a quick brainstorming session, include a garage sale; we will look into further this as summer approaches, and Rita will discuss past sales with Ted on Saturday.

Treasurer's Report: Craig reported that Summer Camp payments were the greatest expense, reimbursed to the general fund as individual checks have come back.

Summer camp: There will be a summer camp orientation meeting on Wednesday April 9th at Contempo - all parents whose Scouts will be going to Oljato must attend.

Scoutmasters Report: No SM present, some past and future events were discussed, "Mark Your Calendars". There was some concern expressed about the possible conflicts between the Sonoma Lake Canoe trip and the traditional Troop flag decoration event, as well as Ben's scheduled Court of Honor.

All agreed that the Troop needs to revive the annual calendar planning session, which is tentatively scheduled for the Troop Meeting slot on Wednesday, August 13th.

Tom reiterated to everyone that he and Gloria were planning to resurrect the 110 Venture Crew, and they invite all interested Troop members to join.

Justin M's Eagle Project will conclude with a scheduled Red Cross Blood Drive on Saturday, April 5th, from 8:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. in the eastside parking lot at 1895 Mowry Avenue. Walk-in donors are welcome. Rita reminded everyone who is planning to donate to be well hydrated in advance. Refreshments and child care will be provided.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:34.

Mark Your Calendars!
Look for further information regarding each activity as the dates approach.
Also See Troop Calendar

April 2008


PLC @ 7:00 p..m., Troop Committee @ 7:45 p.m.



Justin M. Eagle Project and Red Cross Blood Drive

Justin M.

Montebello Open Space Preserve Campout

Tim Rodden


Troop Meeting @ 7:15, Contempo, "Summer Camp
Orientation for Parents"

Bruce Chan


Troop Advancement @ 7:15, Contempo

Bruce Chan


Golden Gate Bridge Bike Trip and Camp

Bruce Chan


Troop Meeting @ 7:15, Mr. Chan's, "Dessert Cooking"
and Cooking Merit Badge


May 2008


Mt. Tamalpais Rim Rover Hike

Tim Rodden


PLC @ 7:00 p..m., Troop Committee @ 7:45 p.m.



Troop Meeting @ 7:15, Contempo, "Lashing"

John Gillen


Troop Advancement @ 7:15, Contempo

John Gillen


Golden Gate National Cemetery Decoration @ 7:00 a.m.

*** T.B.D.***

Ben Sims Eagle Court of Honor @ 1:30, Decoto Auditorium

Ben Sims


Sonoma Lake Canoe Campout



Troop Meeting @7:15, Mr. Chan's


** Plan Ahead **

7/6 thru 7/12/08
All Week

SUMMER CAMP/ Camp Oljato on Huntington Lake

Bruce Chan


Troop Tribune - March 2008
By Tom Sims

Chairperson's Corner, by Rita Haskin

Thank you for taking a few moments from your busy - and sometimes hectic - lives to read the Troop Tribune. We have seen through the years that having involved parents helps their sons remain in Boy Scouts, which provides a foundation for future success. Somehow we fit it in between working, commuting, school committee meetings and other community obligations. Take this time to reflect on how you are making a positive impact on your son and your community.

Scouting is successful because of all the volunteers. And, we can always use more assistance. If there is anything that you would like to do to help the troop, or a specific patrol, please let me know. It may be that you want to be the understudy for decorating for courts of honor. Pam and Ted Mutch have done a fantastic job over the years but as their son gets close to earning the rank of Eagle, they will need to hand off the tablecloths to someone else. Maybe you would like to coordinate our participation in Scouting for Food next November or arrange for the troop to take a hike. It doesn't have to be a continual commitment - every bit helps.

What are you passionate about and how could our scouts benefit from your experience? Being a role model for your son and all of our sons will turn you into a scout superhero - no cape required.

Justin's Red Cross Blood Drive

Reserve the date! Saturday, April 5th, from 8:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. "behind the Bat Cave" across from Washington Hospital, 1895 Mowry Avenue, come out and support the Red Cross in a blood drive sponsored by our own Justin M. of the Screaming Eagles.

Justin also needs volunteers to help set up, run and clean up after the event. See the Troop Website <<members area>> for contact information, event flyer and other details. Logan Students be sure to bring your Community Service forms for Justin to sign!

Montebello Open Space Preserve Backpack Hike

Following the Red Cross Blood Drive on Saturday, April 5th, Tim Rodden will lead a backpack hike into the Montebello Open Space Preserve. Interested Scouts should contact him with questions and to sign up. The group will assemble in the parking lot "behind the Bat Cave," at the same location as the Blood Drive.

Following the campout, interested Scouts can participate in a rifle range event at the Los Altos Rod and Gun Club, but only if they have obtained written permission from their parents or guardians - Class "A" uniforms are required to enter the range.

Joseph Mestre Eagle Court of Honor

Another Screaming Eagle celebrates his advancement to the highest rank in Boy Scouting! Please join Joseph and his family to celebrate his accomplishments, beginning ag 4:00 p.m. on Saturday, March 22nd at the Niles VFW Hall. You can view the invitation HERE.

Other Eagles in Flight

Russell B. is putting together a work crew in the next few weeks to help complete his Eagle Project, which will benefit child and family services in the City of Fremont. Details will be announced later - Be Prepared to help!

Be sure to watch the Troop website and your email for other opportunities to assist the Life Scouts of Troop 110 complete the trail to Eagle.

Kudos and Thanks

Kudos and Thanks to Rita Haskin for her efforts to bring the message of Scouting and its benefits to the Mission Peak community. Watch the Argus and the Tri-City Voice for the first of several articles on the exploits of the Eagle Scouts of Troop 110!

Summer Camp Planning

Troop 110 will attend summer camp in the High Sierras at Camp Oljato, from July 6th through July 12th. Cost is $340.00 per camper, and the first deposit of $50.00 is due immediately! Spots for 22 Scouts and 4 adults are tentatively reserved, and they will be assigned on a first-come basis.

Visit the Pacific Skyline Council website for information on this great Boy Scout Camp: http://www.pacsky.org

Scout Account Balances

Please review the balance of your Scout Accounts on the Troop website. For those who have joined in the last year, please review the Scout Account Memo of Understanding (MOU) as well - it is YOUR responsibility to maintain a positive balance in your son's account.

Notes from the Troop 110 PLC, March, 2008 (transcribed from Allen C., SPL)

The new Mighty Wolves need additional Troop Guides, there are lots of inactive Wolf patrol members. Candidates suggested were Sean Y., Anthony S., James L. and Martin G. A Wolf Patrol hike and campout will be held on March 29th-30th,details to be determined, but possibly including another "Rim of the Bay" hike.

Upcoming Eagle projects include Justin M's blood drive for the Red Cross, April 5th, 8am-1pm, across from Washington Hospital in Fremont; a flyer will be posted on the Troop web site (see Members Area). Interested participants can volunteer for time at the event, and they can also distribute flyers to recruit qualified donors; contact Justin for details. Another project is underway over Spring Break: Indy N. of Troop 876 in Hayward needs volunteers for work crews on March 22nd, 24th, 25th, 26th and 27th, either morning (9-12) or afternoon (1-4) shifts. Allan has contact information for those who are interested; the crews will be building a retaining wall at Rowell Ranch in Castro Valley.

Upcoming activities:

  • March 12th Troop meeting will be held in the park adjacent to the Contempo cabana - we will be playing "British Bulldog" and "Capture the Flag."
  • March 19th Troop meeting will be held at Mr. Chan's house; in addition to advancement and Merit Badge counseling, Patrols will be creating huge banana splits to celebrate their recent victories at the Indoor Rally and Klondike Derby.
  • April 5th-6th following Justin's blood drive the Troop will meet at that Fremont location with full backpacking gear, for a hike and campout at the Monte Bello Open Space Preserve. The return trip on Sunday will include a side trip for rifle shooting at the Los Altos Rod and Gun Club. Class "A" uniforms and parental consent forms are required to participate in the shooting; contact Mr. Rodden for details.
  • April 19th-20th, possible bike hike across the Golden Gate Bridge, or maybe a canoe day at Quarry Lakes.

Other news, a new Scout will be joining from Pack 176, James H. will bridge over on Tuesday, March 11th; Justin M. and Michael H. will assist. Also, Ben Sims' Eagle Court of Honor will be held at the Decoto school auditorium, Saturday May 24th at 1:30.

Notes from the Troop 110 Committee Meeting, March 5, 2008

The meeting was called to order by Chairperson Rita Haskin at 8:05.

Activities and Announcements: (See "Mark Your Calendars" for general information about upcoming Troop and District Events):

Ben Sims Eagle Court of Honor has been tentatively scheduled (see above), and a Scout from Tres Ranchos District, Troop 876, has requested help with his Eagle Project over Spring Break (see above).

Old Business:

Cabana Closed during March: Locations have been scheduled for March 12th, Contempo Park (see above) and March 19th, the Chan's (see above).

New leader transition: Current plan as reported last month is mostly unchanged; there is still no exact date to be announced, but it will take place sometime in mid-April, following the Pack 268 Blue&Gold and Arrow of Light events.

New Business:

Friends of Scouting: Bill Fournell remains the coordinator but was not present to give an update.

Keeping Scout accounts in good standing: Rita pointed out that several Scouts are in arrears with their Scout accounts. Troop parents are reminded to check the status of their families' accounts on the Troop website; she will be emailing some of the parents about this issue. A copy of the "memo of understanding" regarding these accounts will be attached to the March Troop Tribune, as well. Tom reminded everyone that everyone on the 2007 roster who did not respond to his request for direction otherwise, was assumed to be rechartering and asked to remit their fees to Craig Brown if there were insufficient funds in their accounts; he produced a report for the treasurer detailing applicable Scout account transfers or monies due the Troop.

Treasurer's Report: Craig is out of the country, but his current report shows $10,691.94 in the Troop checking account, with $6,624.83 of that balance allotted to the Scout accounts. A brief discussion of ongoing equipment replacement needs followed.

Summer camp: The initial check was submitted to Pacific Skyline Council for our reservation this summer at Camp Oljato; the balance for each Scout who plans to attend is due on March 21st. There will be a summer camp orientation meeting on Wednesday April 9th at Contempo - all parents whose Scouts will be going to Oljato must attend.

Scoutmasters Report: Events past and future were reviewed, as discussed previously.

For Justin's blood drive, work starts on Saturday April 5th at 6 am, the site for the event is the lot adjacent to the dental office where Pam Mutch works, a location affectionately know from the Arts Festival fundraiser as "The Bat Cave," across from Washington Hospital at 1895 Mowry.

For Scouts planning to go on the Monte Bello Open Space Preserve backpack and campout, plan to meet at noon in the parking lot next to the "Bat Cave" on Mowry at noon on April 5th - this will allow interested campers to help with the blood drive. Ron Natividad reminded everyone that strenuous activity such as hiking was inadvisable after giving blood; any eligible Scouts age 17 or older should NOT give blood that day, although any of the Scouts can volunteer to work the event.

Tim Rodden also reminded Scouts that, while the backpack hike was less than three miles into a campsite that has water, participants should consider bringing some water that "tastes good." Tom mentioned to everyone that he and Gloria were planning to resurrect the 110 Venture Crew, and they invite all interested Troop members to join. Rita explained to everyone that the reason the four Screaming Eagle Scouts were photographer was to include their pictures in the first of a series of press releases she has planned to salute new Troop 110 Eagles.

The meeting was adjourned at 9:00.

Mark Your Calendars!
Look for further information regarding each activity as the dates approach.
Also See Troop Calendar

March 2008

Feb 29-March 2-3

Klondike Derby

Bruce Chan


PLC @ 7:00 p..m., Troop Committee @ 7:45 p.m.



Troop Meeting @ 7:15 p.m.

Bruce Chan


SM/ ASM Training ACORN

Adults only


SM/ ASM Training ACORN

Adults only


Sundaes and Splits" @ 7:15, Mr. Chan's

Bruce Chan


SM/ ASM Training ACORN

Adults only


Joseph Mestre Eagle COH, 4:00PM, Niles Veterans Hall
See Troop Invitation

Mestre Family


New Patrol Hike, details TBA

Bruce Chan

April 2008


PLC @ 7:00 p..m., Troop Committee @ 7:45 p.m.



Justin M. Eagle Project and Red Cross Blood Drive

Justin M.

Montebello Open Space Preserve Campout

Tim Rodden


Troop Meeting @ 7:15, Contempo

Bruce Chan


Troop Advancement @ 7:15, Contempo

Bruce Chan


Golden Gate Bridge Bike Trip and Camp

Bruce Chan


Troop Meeting @ 7:15, Mr. Chan's

Bruce Chan


7/6 thru 7/12/08
All Week

SUMMER CAMP/ Camp Oljato on Huntington Lake

Bruce Chan


Troop Tribune - February 2008
By Tom Sims

What happened to January???

Happy New Year, everyone - as you can see there was no January Newsletter; this is because there was no January Troop meeting, which would have occurred during Christmas/Winter Vacation/Break.

Anyway, here we are; some of this news is old hat to most of you, but this puts it all together in one place, which, as you will see from the February committee notes, is something I feel is important.

As always, this newsletter is only as good as the material supplied, so if you think something is missing, please feel free to supply it to me in advance for next month!

Two New Eagle Scouts for the New Year!!!

Congratulations to Ben Sims and David Garges, Troop 110's newest Eagle Scouts.

Ben completed his Board of Review on January 3rd; David's was held on February 7th. Both Scouts were a credit to our Troop and its program, working long and hard on their projects and writeups and carrying themselves well in the face of the stern adults on their Boards - Way to go!

Flight 93 Memorial Dedication

On Saturday, December 8, 2007, the monument to the heroes of United Flight 93 was dedicated at Sugar Mill Landing. Local dignitaries and members of the victims' families gathered for a moving ceremony that included several Scouts from Troop 110 who were assembled for the event by Bill Fournell and Tom Sims.

First came a color guard of Eagles that included Shane and Matt Yorks, Joseph Mestre and Ben Sims, and Daniel and Joshua D. from Troop 273; they were joined by Eric B., who solemnly read the names on the monument stones following several speakers, including Michael Emerson, the man whose idea started it all.

Following a 21-gun salute the close of the ceremony was marked by a memorable performance of "Taps" by Eagle Scout Travis Gould, from the James Logan music faculty, echoed by former Troop Bugler Alex G. and trumpeter Andrew N. from Crew 224, the East Bay Scout Band.

Kudos and Thanks to everyone who participated - this was a fitting end to a great year and one of Troop 110's finest hours ever!

And another GREAT holiday party!!!

Thanks to the efforts of our senior patrol leaders, the annual holiday party was a HUGE success. The food, as always, was great, and we were all entertained by the "Snowman Game," which featured Sue Yorks, George Dahdouh and Ron Natividad sporting scarves, toilet paper "snow" and carrot noses (guess who won!?!) - all in good fun. The gift exchange was cleverly organized by Shirley Gonzales. No Scout left empty-handed. Same time next year?

When the Weather Gets Tough…

…the tough go bowling! The High Sierra snow campout with Troop 273 was cancelled this year by Mother Nature and her blizzard, but that did not stop either Troop from enjoying "Plan B."

A jovial gathering at the Mowry Lanes in Fremont gave all Scouts, Scouters, parents and siblings a chance to enjoy a few frames and some great bowling alley fast food. Patrick S. surprised everyone with his skill (too bad there's no Merit Badge for this sport!), and everyone there agreed it was a great way to ring out the old year.

Troop 110 Rocks the House at the 2008 Indoor Rally

Our Scouts claimed two first place ribbons in Knots and First Aid, along with a third place showing in the "mystery event," a relay that involved transporting ping pong balls balanced on spoons (no Merit Badge for this, either…).

Scoutmaster Bruce Chan reports that teamwork, planning and preparation were the key, capped off with a commitment to participation by all as well as a spirited Troop Cheer that had everyone rooting for us.

Kudos to all the leaders who kept the Scouts together, and Thanks especially to David Garges for his inspiring leadership at practice the weekend before.

Winter Court of Honor

The Troop gathered at Niles VFW hall in Fremont on Friday, February 8th, for the Winter Court of Honor. Sam H.and Julian Y. were recognized for earning their Scout badges, and Nicholas R. received his Star rank. Several Eagle-required merit Badges were also presented, including Jacob and Colin K. for Citizenship in the Community, Ryan N. and Brian L. for Personal Fitness, and Nicholas R. for Camping.

Participation patches were handed out for Scouting for Food and Wreath Sales, and the participants from the dedication of the Flight 93 memorial were recognized and thanked.

Scoutmaster Bruce Chan highlighted several other projects, including the Veterans Day visit to the Veterans Hospital in Menlo Park, the Thanksgiving Day meal delivery with the Newark League of Volunteers and our participation in the Niles Festival of Lights Christmas Parade. Troop 110 has been a visible and important presence in the Tri-City community this past year - we look forward to more of the same in 2008.

Other Kudos and Thanks

Kudos to the Scouts, Scouters and parents of the Cobra patrol for stepping onto the Eagle Trail together - on behalf of the Screaming Eagles I wish you all the best; we're here to help, too!

Thanks to Glenn G., Ben Sims and Anthony S., who made up the youth staff for Den Chief Training at the 2008 University of Scouting, Thanks to their continuing interest and participation, Mission Peak now has one of the best introductory youth training classes in the Council!

Other Eagles in Flight

Justin M. has completed preliminary planning for a Blood Drive, in cooperation with the Red Cross, that will satisfy the requirements for his Eagle Scout Leadership Service Project. The event will be held on Saturday, April 5th, details to be announced later - Be Prepared to help!

Be sure to watch the Troop website and your email for other opportunities to assist the Life Scouts of Troop 110 complete the trail to Eagle.

Summer Camp Planning

Troop 110 will attend summer camp in the High Sierras at Camp Oljato, from July 6th through July 12th. Cost is $340.00 per camper, and the first deposit of $50.00 is due immediately! Spots for 22 Scouts and 4 adults are tentatively reserved, and they will be assigned on a first-come basis. Visit the Pacific Skyline Council website for information on this great Boy Scout Camp: http://www.pacsky.org

Scout Account Balances

Please review the balance of your Scout Accounts on the Troop website. For those who have joined in the last year, please review the Scout Account Memo of Understanding (MOU) as well - it is YOUR responsibility to maintain a positive balance in your son's account.

Notes from the Troop 110 PLC, February, 2008 (Ryan N., Acting Scribe)
  • 2/8 - Friday - Dinner starts at 6:30 p.m., Court starts at 7:00 p.m. Dinner: (enough for 8) Appetizers/Side Dishes, A-J; Dinner, K-R; Dessert, S-Z. 6:00 p.m. 2 boys from each patrol help setup.
  • 2/13 - Webelo Scouts interested in visiting. Pancake Toss.
  • 2/20 - Patrol Meeting/ Advancement
  • 2/22-24 - Order of the Arrow Ordeal
  • 2/27 - Troop Meeting.
  • 2/29-3/2 - Klondike Derby

The meeting was called to order by Chairperson Rita Haskin at 7:50.

Activities and Announcements: (See "Mark Your Calendars" for general information about upcoming Troop and District Events): Important events for the coming two weeks include Brian Burckhardt's Eagle Court of Honor, 2:00 pm Saturday, February 16th, at the Niles VFW Hall, and the upcoming Mission Peak Tools for Trainers session, beginning at 8:00 am on Saturday the 16th.

Old Business: Rechartering: Due to the recent mixups over missing Scout registrations, the importance of a central point of contact in the Troop was reiterated. Tom Sims will collect and distribute information from adult coordinators for registrations, advancements and adult training, since he has to update the Troop database in all cases.

New leader transition: Current plan is for John Gillen to come over with Webelos from Pack 268, Bruce will replace him as Cubmaster. John will be the Scoutmaster, but all outdoor activities will be coordinated with one or more of the other Assistant Scout Masters in charge. The importance of the Troop Bylaws, Troop Parent Handbook and the BSA Guide to Safe Scouting were again stressed.

New Business: COH planning: Pam is still the coordinator for planning these events, however she wants to retire within the next six months, about the same time Justin will complete Eagle. For this coming event, setup will be at 6 with dinner following at 6:30. The importance of starting on time was reiterated: Adults should be in charge, food should be there on time; Rita suggests mailing a card to remind infrequent email users.

Community Service Opportunity: Diane Hoban introduced Donna Johnstone, president of East Bay Scottish Association. The annual Tartan Day event at Ardenwood is scheduled for Saturday, April 19th. The association needs assistance set up on Friday beginning at 3:30 to help set up display areas, as well as several people on hand for errands, parking, game supervision, etc., on Saturday. Setup starts before 8:00, and help is also needed at the end of the day for cleanup and break-down. All participants receive a free pass to the event. Bruce has cards from the EBSA with contact information for those who are interested.

Contempo Cabana Closed: From March 9 to March 28 the clubhouse will be unavailable - alternate sites will be identified in time for the March PLC.

Friends of Scouting: Bill Fournell will coordinate this, materials will be available at the February 8th Court of Honor.

Treasurer's Report: Not here, report sent. The Fremont Arts Festival is after Troop 110 to sell hamburgers again, but there is not much enthusiasm after the lukewarm success from last August. Tom Sims brought up the idea of Troop adults staffing polling places in the upcoming elections, for which it is possible to designate a charity to receive your income. This will be looked at for a future meeting.

Summer camp: Tim has received deposits from 5 Scouts, and reminded everyone that the deadline is this Friday. We have requested space for 20 Scouts and 4 adults. Some concern was raised about the new Scouts who will bridge this spring; the Troop will make a deposit on all spaces and absorb the loss, if any.

Scoutmasters Report: Ben Sims is the Troop's newest Eagle Scout, he passed his board of review on January 3rd.

Kudos to David G. for organizing the boys for the Indoor Rally; this included a special Saturday training session the week before. The Scouts were formed into teams based on strengths, but every Scout did at least two events. Troop 110 captured first place for knot tying and first aid and 3rd place in the special "mystery event."

Klondike Derby is coming the weekend of March 1-2, at Snowflower in the Sierras. Adults are needed to drive; details to be announced.

An early Order of the Arrow Ordeal is scheduled for February 22nd-24th at Rancho Los Mochos. This is a good opportunity for boys elected last year to complete their ordeal before the elections expire. Brownsea is coming up, we hope to send 3-5 Scouts.

Upcoming events to remember include a campout on March 29th and 30th at the Montebello Open Space Preserve campout and a bike hike across the Golden Gate on April 19th and 20th. Don't forget Justin M's Blood Drive for his Eagle project; the date is April 5th, and he will be taking signups to help shortly.

There are a couple of good Eagle project prospects at Coyote Hills, the front and back gates to the Ohlone Village; Ryan N. will take one, the other is available. Bruce also suggested it would be a good idea to plan a visible service project at Bernard-White Middle School to demonstrate support for the community in the wake of the shooting before Christmas.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:56.

Mark Your Calendars!
Look for further information regarding each activity as the dates approach.
Also See Troop Calendar

February 2008


Indoor Rally

Mission Peak


Mt. Tamalpais Rim-Rover Hike (revised to hike only)

Bruce Chan


PLC @ 7:00 p.m., Troop Committee @ 7:45 p.m.



Winter Court of Honor

Bruce Chan


Troop Meeting @ 7:15

Bruce Chan


Brian Burckhardt Eagle COH, 2:00PM, Niles Veterans Hall
See Invitation

Burckhardt Family


Troop Advancement @ 7:15

Bruce Chan


Order of the Arrow Ordeal, Los Mochos

Bruce Chan

29-March 2-3

Klondike Derby

Bruce Chan

March 2008

Feb 29-March 2-3

Klondike Derby

Bruce Chan


PLC @ 7:00 p..m., Troop Committee @ 7:45 p.m.



Troop Meeting @ 7:15 p.m.

Bruce Chan



SM/ ASM Training ACORN

Adults only



SM/ ASM Training ACORN

Adults only


Troop Advancement @ 7:15

Bruce Chan



SM/ ASM Training ACORN

Adults only


Joseph Mestre Eagle COH

Mestre Family


Montebello Open Space Preserve Campout

Tim Roddin

** Plan Ahead **


PLC @ 7:00 p..m., Troop Committee @ 7:45 p.m.



Justin M. Eagle Project and Red Cross Blood Drive

Justin M.


Golden Gate Bridge Bike Trip and Camp

Bruce Chan

July 2008

6 thru 12


SUMMER CAMP/ Camp Oljato on Huntington Lake



Troop Tribune - December 2007
By Tom Sims

Troop Chair: Rita Haskin December 6, 2007 Scoutmaster: Bruce Chan Senior Patrol Leader: Allen C. ASPLs: Glenn G., Ryan N.

Rechartering is Almost Done!!!

It's that time again, everyone: We need to renew our charter with the BSA. You have already received emails from me, and I have had replies from some of you - based on that information I have reenrolled everyone in the Troop for 2008.

The cost remains the same as in the past, $60.00 per Scout and $10.00 per registered adult. If there is not enough in your Scout Account to cover these fees (or if you do not want the account used for this), please send your check to Craig Brown as soon as possible!

Kudos and Thanks

November was a great month for Troop 110. Kudos to all the Scouts and families who were a part of the annual Scouting for Food Drive (thanks to Pack 268 for their participation, too!) and of the Thanksgiving meal deliveries for the Newark League of Volunteers. Thanks once again to Mike Magno for coordinating our participation with the League - this is a wonderful way to give back to the community and a fulfilling start to our holiday celebrations.

Kudos to the Scouts who marched with the color guard or assisted with merchant banners at the Niles Festival of Lights parade - that same group of boys also assisted with cleanup along the parade route afterward and won high praise from the Niles Merchants Association for their efforts.

Kudos to Shane Yorks and Joseph Mestre, along with all the Colts on the Logan Varsity Football team, for their undefeated season and their valiant stand in the 2007 playoffs.

Kudos to Eric B., Russell B., Adam D., David G., Ben S., Anthony S., and the James Logan Band and Color Guard for their prizewinning sweep of the Western Band Association finals - for the fourth year in a row!

Celebrate the holidays with Troop 110 on Wednesday the 19th of December!

Mark Your Calendars for this great annual event. The Troop 110 Patrol Leaders Council is putting their heads together once again to plan our annual holiday party. The new Brownsea Scouts will have some exciting games and prizes, our musicians will put together some sounds, and with the help of all of you we will have another memorable party!

Setup starts at 6:00 at Contempo, with the Screaming Eagles and the Mighty Wolves preparing the room for the festivities. The dinner line will open at 6:30, featuring a potluck menu provided by the parents and other Troop adults; last names A-L are asked to bring desserts or appetizers, M-Z please bring main courses or side dishes - and remember the 13th point of the Scout Law, "A Scout is (always) Hungry!"

This year we will once again old a gift exchange: anyone interested in taking part should bring a wrapped present ($5 minimum, $10 maximum, please!) and will be given a ticket to participate at the door. Santa may show up (or it may be the Grinch!). See you all there!

Be Prepared for the 2008 Indoor Rally

Upcoming Troop meetings in January (see "Mark Your Calendars") will be devoted to honing our skills for the upcoming 2008 Indoor Rally on February 1st. In addition to the usual Scout skills, this year will showcase another surprise event.

The annual District Chess tournament is also coming up soon. It will be held on January 19th, and this year there will be a division for beginners - the organizers are on the lookout for interested and experienced Scouts to help tutor the rookies, so let Tom Sims know if this is something you would want to do.

Other Eagles are in Flight!

Inside sources tell us that Anthony S. has also completed the work on his Eagle project, which involved some fencing and a gate at Garin Park. Way to go, Anthony!

Be sure to watch the Troop website and your email for other opportunities to assist the Life Scouts of Troop 110 complete the trail to Eagle.

Scout Account Balances

Please review the balance of your Scout Accounts on the Troop website. For those who have joined in the last year, please review the Scout Account Memo of Understanding (MOU) as well - it is YOUR responsibility to maintain a positive balance in your son's account.

Notes from the Troop 110 PLC, December, 2007

The meeting was called to order by ASPL Ryan N. at 7:22 pm. The dedication of Union City's Flight 93 memorial will be held this Saturday starting at 11:00. Mr. Chan notes the Troop is invited, and several of the Troop's members will be part of the color guard and "Taps" performance. Mr. Fournell has details.

Two boys attended OA Winter Awareness training, which will also continue at Troop meetings.

The Troop Christmas Party is on Wednesday, December 19th, with setup at 6:00 and dinner at 6:30. Ben S. and Anthony S. will be in charge of music, Glenn G. will be in charge of decorations, and Adam D., Alvin F., Martin G. and James L., our newest Brownsea Scouts, will be in charge of games, prizes for which will be provided by the Troop committee. The menu will be pot luck, with families A-L bringing desserts or appetizers, and families M-Z bringing main courses or side dishes. Screaming Eagles and Mighty Wolves are responsible for setup, but EVERYONE will help with cleanup. Mr. Sims asked that all former T110 Scoutmasters be invited to attend as guests. The gift exchange will be held again this year; gifts should be wrapped and cost between $5 and $10.

The December 22nd event has been changed: Instead of caroling at the Masonic Home, we will have a Troop Gear checkup and sled building and repair at Mr. Chan's house, beginning at 10:00 a.m. The Troop will provide lunch; perhaps even some Dutch oven dishes will be prepared.

The first big event of the New Year is a snow camp with Troop 273 at Marin Sierra. Other January activities include Indoor Rally skills night at the January 9th and 16th Troop meetings. The January PLC WILL be held on Wednesday the 2nd, and there will also be a Friday meeting at Mr. Chan's on the 25th.

Mr. Chan mentioned that there are some projects for potential Eagle candidates at Coyote Hills, which he will be discussing this with the ranger, Ms. Ortiz. Mr. Sims brought up Den Chief Training at the University of Scouting on January 26th; Glenn Gillen and Brian Le will assist Ben Sims as youth staff for the class.

November Activities were reviewed, including positive comments from the Niles merchants about the parade and cleanup efforts at the Festival of Lights. Scouting for Food with Pack 268 collected about 1200 cans and packages. It was suggested that the lack of bags was partially to blame for the low numbers, Mr. Sims will ask about this at the District Committee meeting next week.

The meeting was adjourned at 7:47

Notes from the Troop 110 Committee Meeting, December 5, 2007

The meeting was called to order by Chairperson Rita Haskin at 7:50. Steve Armstrong, Mission Peak District Commissioner was a guest.

Activities and Announcements: (See "Mark Your Calendars" for general information about upcoming Troop and District Events): Events and activities discussed at the PLC were summarized for the committee; see "Mark Your Calendars" for the latest details.

Old Business: Sign in sheets for the Fremont Festival of the Arts were delivered to Tom for his spreadsheet. The final take after all expenses was $1,424. Bruce will email Tom with the participants from last summer's July 4th parking lot fundraiser. All this will be sent to Craig thereafter.

Troop Trailer registration: Rita reported from Bill Westcott that the old trailer has been dismantled and salvaged, and it will be decommissioned once she and Craig figure out how to deal with the DMV. The newer one will be re-registered. Bill Fournell will be asked to take a couple of other committee members on a tour.

The charter for 2008 has been sent electronically to council, but signatures and a check are still needed. Tom will deliver it to the Commissioners staff at the District Committee meeting next Tuesday.

The Flight 93 Memorial dedication was discussed, as was the Christmas party (see details above).

New Business: New leadership transition: Per the bylaws, the new Scoutmaster must be approved by the committee. This transition will probably take place in the late Spring 2008, and this item will remain as Old Business until it is complete.

Treasurer's Report: None, the Treasurer was out sick.

Shirley Gonzales mentioned the wreath sales; all have been distributed. Rita mentioned the budget, which we need to develop concurrent with rechartering, including a reexamination of the way in which money is raised and how it is to be used. Bruce mentioned that next year's Festival of Lights participation will be planned more thoroughly in advanced, especially with regards to parking lot locations.

Scoutmasters Report: Changes in the calendar were noted, as mentioned in the PLC notes, as well as the activities for the holidays.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:24.

Mark Your Calendars!
Look for further information regarding each activity as the dates approach.
Also See Troop Calendar

December 2007



PLC @ 7:00 p.m., Troop Committee @ 7:45 p.m.



Flight 93 Memorial Dedication

Bill Fournell



Collect Popcorn Money

Suzie Gillen



Troop Meeting @ 7:15 p.m.

Bruce Chan



Christmas Party @ 6:30 (setup @ 6:00)




Gear Check and Sled Repair at Mr. Chan's house @ 10:00 AM

Bruce Chan



New Haven Schools Winter break








No Meeting/ Activity


*** Plan Ahead ***

January 2008


PLC @ 7:00 p.m., Troop Committee @ 7:45 p.m



Marin-Sierra Snow Camp w/ 273

Bruce Chan


Troop Meeting @ 7:15 p.m. "Indoor Rally"

Bruce Chan


Troop Meeting @ 7:15 p.m. "Indoor Rally"

Bruce Chan


District Chess Tournament

Mission Peak


Troop Meeting @ 7:15, Mr. Chan's House

Bruce Chan


University of Scouting at Foothill HS


February 2008


Indoor Rally

Mission Peak


Mt. Tamalpais Rim-Rover and Campout

Bruce Chan


PLC @ 7:00 p.m., Troop Committee @ 7:45 p.m.



Winter Court of Honor

Bruce Chan

March 2008



SM/ ASM Training ACORN

Adults only



SM/ ASM Training ACORN

Adults only



SM/ ASM Training ACORN

Adults only

July 2008

6 thru 12


SUMMER CAMP/ Camp Oljato on Huntington Lake



Troop Tribune - November 2007
By Tom Sims

A Call for Community Service

The holidays are here again, and there is no better time to pitch in and give back to our community. The Scouting calendar has several opportunities in the next couple of months (not that we should be limited to these days alone!), and with the Troop members engaged in their Eagle Scout Leadership Service Projects, there is work enough for all.

Many of the Scouts in 110 are of high school age, and most schools in Mission Peak have a service requirement for graduation. At Logan it is 20 hours. 20 hours!!! and yet so many students fall all over themselves trying to squeak by, often at the last minute, while countless opportunities abound for anyone paying attention. For Scouts celebrating Christmas in their Freshman year, the graduation requirement should almost be met, after Scouting for Food, LOV-Newark, Caroling at the Masonic Home and the flurry of Eagle Projects!

President Kennedy, himself a Star Scout, once remarked, "One person can make a difference, and every person should try." 'Tis the season to be jolly - and helpful, friendly, courteous and kind. Let's get busy!

Brian Burckhardt, our newest Eagle!

Brian Burckhardt passed his Board of Review to become Troop 110's newest Eagle Scout on October 25th. Congratulations to Brian and his family for keeping that Scout Spirit alive. Feel free to drive past the Union City Library or walk around the lake next door, and enjoy some of the 70+ heritage cactus plans that Brian and his intrepid team planted last August.

Kudos and Thanks

Thanks (and I mean a BIG THANK YOU) to Mike and Sue Yorks, for their tireless efforts with the Patrols of Troop 110. While spurring the Screaming Eagles on to achieve the goal worthy of their Patrol name, Mike has already started working with some of the newer members on their Personal Fitness Merit Badge - and all the while Sue is working as well to feed the undefeated Logan Football team! Your commitment and dedication are an inspiration to all of us.

Other Eagles are in Flight!

Ben S. completed his Eagle project on Halloween Day, installing four hefty planter boxes and two garden benches at the New Haven Adult School, formerly known as Decoto Elementary. Thanks to all the Scouts, parents, relatives and neighbors who came out to help build and stain the planters and transport everything to Decoto. The Principal and Assistant Principal were on hand (and in costume)_to help celebrate the occasion.

The remaining Screaming Eagles, Justin M. and Russell B., as well as several Cobras and Falcons are in the final planning stages for their projects as well. There may be some work to do over the Thanksgiving holiday, so be sure your Scouts check the Troop website frequently for schedules of upcoming work.

Scouting for Food!

The annual food drive begins this Saturday, November 10th, with the drop-off of the new, improved informational "door hangers," rather than the plastic grocery bags of old. The San Francisco Bay Area Council has decided, along with most of Northern California, to "go green" with this campaign. Meet at Searles Elementary School, corner of 15th and G Streets in Union City, at 8:00 a.m. We will be working along side Pack 268 in the area between Royal Ann and Farrol. Meet in the same location at 9:30 a.m. next week, Saturday the 17th, for food pickup. Be sure to bring extra grocery bags and boxes. Watch the Troop website for details about the traditional Family Pizza Nite to follow.

Help the Newark League of Volunteers Server Holiday Meals on Thanksgiving

Mike Magno returns to spearhead the Troop's participation in the Thanksgiving meal delivery for the Newark League of Volunteers. This is a great way to start your Thanksgiving celebration!!! Scouts and Scouters should wear their Class "A" uniforms (Girl Scouts, too!), and anyone who will be driving should bring area street maps - everyone should Be Prepared with rain gear. Meet at the Newark Pavilion, corner of Thornton Ave. and Cherry St., by 10:50 a.m. on Thanksgiving Day. This event will earn Scouts 4 hours of community service - high school students should bring their own schools' forms for this.

Celebrating 100 Years of Scouting

After helping the District celebrate the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Scouting movement last August, Troop 110 is now preparing to celebrate the Centennial of Boy Scouting in America in February 2010. The national organization is calling on Scouts across the country to help design a logo that captures the true Spirit of Scouting, in honor of the event. Every registered Scout is eligible to enter this contest, but the entries are due by November 30th, and they must be submitted by an adult on behalf of the Scout.

Scout Account Balances

Please review the balance of your Scout Accounts on the Troop website. For those who have joined in the last year, please review the Scout Account Memo of Understanding (MOU) as well - it is YOUR responsibility to maintain a positive balance in your son's account.

Notes from the Troop 110 PLC, November, 2007

Activities for October: (See "Mark Your Calendars" for general information about upcoming Troop and District Events):

The meeting was called to order by SPL Allen C. at 7:18 pm.

October activities were reviewed. Make A Difference Day on the 27th was a success, with lots of Scouts participating, and it was followed by another fun overnighter at Cameron's in Half Moon Bay . The Scoutmaster commented on the camp setup, which was well organized. Nicholas Roddin commented on the MB extravaganza, as the only Troop 110 participant.

Scouting for Food begins with "door hanger" drop-off this Saturday. We have our "traditional" area around Decoto Road, between Royal Ann and Farrol. Meet at Searles along with Pack 268 an 8:00 a.m., and fan west; plan to finish in about 1 1/2 hours. An email will be sent to the Troop. There is word about a Scout event at City Beach in Fremont; details will be posted, but it is an all-night activity and costs $20.00 per person.

Veterans Day will be marked with a visit to the VA Hospital in Menlo Park, Sunday, November 11th. This will be organized by Mr. Chan, and Class "A" uniforms are required. Details for the meeting time will be emailed and posted, but it will be a morning event. As it stands now, the plan is to meet at the carpool lot on Ardenwood at the 84 freeway, at 9:00 a.m.

Patrol leaders will be contacted by telephone to help plan the schedule for the Troop meeting on November 14th. The first few minutes will include an announcement to form a committee to plan the Troop Christmas Party.

Scouting for Food pickup is on Saturday, November 17th; meet at Searles at 9:30 a.m., and bring extra plastic bags, paper bags and boxes. There will be a Family Pizza Party afterward, details to be announced later.

The LOV-Newark Thanksgiving Day meal delivery is on again for this year, Mr. Magno is organizing it.

Friday November 23rd is the Fremont Festival of Lights, and the Troop has been asked to help with and march in the parade. Cleanup help afterward is also needed, and the organizers are looking for a parking area they can assign us for fundraising. Mr. Fournell is also organizing a color guard for this parade.

Saturday November 24th there will be a 20 mile hike following the Shoreline Trail, and over the Dumbarton Bridge and back, then through the Don Edwards preserve and Coyote Hills marsh. This is a "Scouts only" event due to the difficulty of hiking 20 miles. A short presentation and orientation on hiking and safety will be held at the meeting on the 14th.

Looking ahead to December, the PLC meeting on the 5th, the Troop Christmas Party will be held on Wednesday, December 19th, planning for which will begin after the 11/14 Troop meeting.

The Troop will hold its own Winter Awareness training at the meeting on 12/12 - it will be conducted by the PLC and Troop Instructors. This is in preparation for the 2008 Klondike Derby, as well as the Marin Sierra snow camp, tentatively scheduled for January 3rd to 5th at the end of the Winter Break, along with Troop 273. The January PLC on the 2nd will have this event on the agenda.

The highlight events for the rest of the year were briefly discussed, then at the Troop Committee Chair's request the meeting was adjourned at 8:06.

Notes from the Troop 110 Committee Meeting, November 7, 2007

The meeting was called to order by Chairperson Rita Haskin at 8:07.

Announcements: (See "Mark Your Calendars" for general information about upcoming Troop and District Events): news from the District included naming of Steve Armstrong as the new District Commissioner, a reminder to resubmit Quality Unit Award applications for 2007 (Council lost them), and word that Cub- Specific Training will be held on December 1st at the LDS Church on Walnut and Gallaudet in Fremont.

Old Business: Scout shares from Independence Day fundraiser: Email was sent and will be resent to Craig Brown for those Scouts who participated, and the amounts will be added to the Scouts' accounts. For the Fremont Arts Festival Fundraiser, signup sheets will be delivered to Tom by Ted shortly.

Rechartering: Bill Fournell will bring the packet from the Round Table to Tom, and Bruce will provide updated information about unregistered Scouts.

New Business: 100 Years of Scouting logo contest: the deadline is November 30th, detailed information is posted on the Troop Website home page.

Holiday Activities: The Troop Christmas Party is on Wednesday the 19th, and planning will start at the top of the 11/14 meeting. Neighbor packs 268, 263 and 176 will be invited. Tim Roddin offered to assist the boys in their planning and execution.

The Niles Festival of Lights is on Friday, November 23rd. Bill Fournell needs some bigger boys to help with the color guard, which steps off at 6:00 p.m. Since the Troop will be there assisting with the event, there will be many from whom to choose.

Shirley Gonzales reported that Citizenship World will be offered on beginning on November 14th by John Pedersen, during the normal Troop meeting time; Communication and Family Life will be offered by him, as well.

University of Scouting will be held at Foothill High School in Pleasanton on January 26th. This is an all-day event that includes many one-hour training session taught by experienced Scouters from all over the Council. Visit the Council website at www.sfbac.org for details, when they are posted.

Treasurer's Report: Craig has emailed the monthly report to the Chair and Webmaster. Things are quiet now in advance of the coming storm for popcorn and rechartering. See the members' area of the website for details. Trailer registrations are again due, Bill will report on the status of the newer one, Mr. Westcott will be asked about the other, of which once again the Committee agreed should be disposed.

Advancement Report: Brian Burkhardt is our latest Eagle, and several other boys' advancements are pending or imminent. Bruce reported that there are a number of projects available at Coyote Hills. Tom mentioned Decoto School, too.

Scoutmasters Report: Reviewed past activities and future highlights. For Scouting for Food, We have 1600 "door hangers" for distribution on the 10th, and the traditional pizza party will be held on the 17th, after pickup and delivery are complete. See Mike Magno's email about the LOV-Newark Thanksgiving meal delivery. The 20-miler on the 24th may be delayed if there is Eagle project work being done. Caroling at Masonic Home is tentatively planned for December 12th; we will schedule a practice session some time.

The Flight 93 memorial will be dedicated in Union City on December 8th at 11:00 a.m. Bill Fournell has asked for help in locating a three trumpet players to perform "Taps" for the ceremony. He is also in charge of the Color Guard, which will consist of Police, Fireman and Scouts. Details will be posted, or you can contact Bill directly. Scout participants should meet at 10:00 a.m. that morning.

Bruce reiterated his plans to step down in February, in order to assume the role of Cubmaster of Pack 268. The new Scoutmaster for Troop 110 will be announced at the Winter Court of Honor in February.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:54 p.m.

Mark Your Calendars!
Look for further information regarding each activity as the dates approach.
Also See Troop Calendar

November 2007



Popcorn Orders Due

Suzie Gillen



Fly Fishing Merit Badge

Council Activity



PLC @ 7:00 p..m., Troop Committee @ 7:45 p.m.

Leadership Corps



Scouting for Food/ City Beach $20 per person

All Scouts & families



Veteran's Day. Visit Wounded Vets in Menlo Park

Scouts only



Troop Meeting

Scouts only



Popcorn Pickup

Suzie Gillen



Scouting for Food Pickup and Family Pizza Party

All Scouts & families



No Meeting/ Activity




Thanksgiving LOV Newark/ Food Delivery

Mike Magno
All Scouts & families



Niles "Festival of Lights" Color Guard

Bill Fournell



20-Mile Hike, Coyote Hills to Ravenswood

Scouts only



Livermore Veteran's Hospital near Wente Winery


December 2007




Leadership Corps


Flight 93 Memorial Dedication

Bill Fournell



Collect Popcorn Money

Suzie Gillen



Troop Meeting

Scouts only



Troop Christmas Party

All Scouts & families



Caroling at Masonic Home

All Scouts & families



New Haven Schools Winter break








No Meeting/ Activity


*** Plan Ahead ***

January 2008


Marin-Sierra Snow Camp w/ 273

Bruce Chan


District Chess Tournament

Mission Peak

February 2008


Indoor Rally

Mission Peak


Mt. Tamalpais Rim-Rover and Campout

Bruce Chan


Winter Court of Honor

Bruce Chan

March 2008



SM/ ASM Training ACORN

Adults only



SM/ ASM Training ACORN

Adults only



SM/ ASM Training ACORN

Adults only

July 2008

6 thru 12


SUMMER CAMP/ Camp Oljato on Huntington Lake



Troop Tribune - October 2007
By Tom Sims

Joseph M., our newest Eagle!

Joseph passed his Eagle Board of Review in fine form on Thursday, July 19, 2007. Congratulations to Joseph and his family for their years of Scouting Spirit!

Other Eagles are in Flight!

Brian B. completed his Eagle project in August, planting over 70 legacy cactuses in the gardens around the Union City Library. His papers went to Council last week, so it's all over but the shouting. Ben S. has started his project to construct planters and benches for the New Haven Adult School - watch your email for his schedule and come help! The remaining Screaming Eagles, Justin M. and Russell B., are in the final planning stages of their projects as well, and it looks as if the entire Patrol will Eagle before the end of the school year!

Several Cobras and Falcons are hot on their tails, however - be sure your Scouts stay on the lookout for information about their work schedules.

Celebrating 100 Years of Scouting.

Troop 110 joined several of their fellow Scouts, Scouters and parents in celebration of the World Scouting Centennial on Wednesday, August 1, at Lake Elizabeth Park in Fremont. As has become our custom, we overwhelmed the other attending Mission Peak units with our participation and presence. SPL Ben S. and his able assistants led the entire assembly in song, and Allen C., Glenn G. and Ryan N. led an inspiring honor Guard for the opening flag ceremony.

Tom Sims was pressed into service as EmCee by District Vice Chair Steve Armstrong, and with the help of District Committee Chair (and Eagle Scout) Garrett Yee hosted a heartfelt tribute to the Scouters past and present who made Mission Peak the model district it has become.

Fall Court of Honor THIS FRIDAY!!!

Be sure to attend this Friday's Fall Court of Honor at the Niles VFW Hall, 2nd Street off Alvarado-Niles Road in Fremont.

In addition to Ron Natividad's eagerly-awaited film and slide presentation of the Troop's summer activities, dozens of awards, Merit Badges and Rank advancements will be presented.

All Patrols will be contacted by their leadership and asked to send two Scouts to help set up the hall at 6:00 p.m. and two additional members to assist after the show with cleanup. There will be a pot luck buffet beginning at 6:30, with the Court scheduled to start at 7:00. Don't be late!

Fall Activities Schedule is Underway!

Now that the new School Year has begun, the Troop Calendar is beginning to fill up for the rest of the year. There are so many exciting and amusing events being planned, but they work best for everyone if everyone participates!

Don't wait until the last minute to see what's going on: Stay informed via the website, keep in touch with the other parents and Scouts in your Patrol, and make yourselves available to help out whenever you can!

See something you really like? Say something, the chances are someone worked really hard to make it happen or keep it so otherwise. See something that kinda bugs you? Got a better idea? Speak Up! Pitch In! You can be part of the solution.

Scout Account Balances

Please review the balance of your Scout Accounts on the Troop website. For those who have joined in the last year, please review the Scout Account Memo of Understanding (MOU) as well - it is YOUR responsibility to maintain a positive balance in your son's account.

Kudos and Thanks

Thanks to all the Scouts who have helped with Color Guard activities around town during the last few months. Your efforts are appreciated by the community, and your presence speaks loudly about the value of the Scouting program.

Kudos and Thanks to Ben S., Eric B. and Patrick W. for their past 9 months of service as Troop 110's Senior Patrol leaders. You have set tremendous examples for the younger Scouts, and the parents and other adults have taken notice!

Notes from the Troop 110 PLC, October, 2007

ASP Glenn G. called the meeting to order at 7:18. Troop elections were held at last month's Cardboard Boat Regatta, and the new leadership was introduced by outgoing SPL Ben S.

Allen C. was elected as SPL, and his two ASPs are Ryan N. and Glenn G.; Adam D. was chosen as Quartermaster. Additional new leadership positions will be selected.

At his own request, Nicholas R. was appointed Troop Librarian. Tom Shields is in line for the next Troop Guide, Ben Sims will be a Troop Instructor, Alvin Feng will be asked to continue as Scribe, duties which he will share with Michael Haskin.

PLC format and start time were reviewed: Please note, all new youth leaders, the PLC is scheduled to start at 7:00 p.m. sharp.

The Fall Court of Honor will be held this Friday at the Niles VFW Hall. Evan L. and Adam D. are in charge. Families with last names starting A-L are asked to bring main courses, names beginning with M-S should bring appetizers, and T through Z desserts. Each dish should be prepared to serve 8-10 people.

PLC attendees were instructed to contact their patrols by phone, and the Scribe was asked to send an email as well to the entire membership. Setup will start at 6:00 pm, two Scouts from each patrol are required to be there, with an additional two Scouts assigned to remain afterward for cleanup. Dinner will start at 6:30, and the Court of Honor will open at 7:00.

Activities for October: (See "Mark Your Calendars" for general information about upcoming Troop and District Events):

The meeting was adjourned at 7:59.

Notes from the Troop 110 Committee Meeting, October 3, 2007

The meeting was called to order by Chairperson Rita Haskin at 8:04.

Announcements: (See "Mark Your Calendars" for general information about upcoming Troop and District Events):

Old Business: Spotlight on Scouting was held at the September Scout Round Table. George Dahdouh reported visits by several boys. Our display generated a great deal of interest, but he felt that more pictures should be posted next time.

Popcorn sale is in progress. Suzie Gillen is the new Troop Popcorn Kernel and has distributed materials. She will be on hand at the Court of Honor to remind everyone about deadlines: Orders must be submitted by November 1. See the Troop Website for a link to download the information and order form.

New Business: Tom Sims reported that 2008 Rechartering packets will be distributed at the October Roundtable, and he asked again that all future updates to the Council be done electronically.

Shirley Gonzales distributed information on the Christmas Wreath Sales, which will be "take order" sales only, this year. We are using the same company as last year; their prices have only increased slightly:

 Classic Wreath 

 Classic Spray 

 Victorian Spray 

 Victorian Wreath 

 Candlelit Centerpiece 

Product Cost


















Selling Price






Profit to Scout  






Bruce Chan and David Garges have arranged for the Troop to participate in a Make A Difference Day activity on Appian Way in the Seven Hills neighborhood. Details will be posted, but it will be in the morning on Saturday, October 27th.

The annual Scouting For Food campaign will be held on Saturday, November 10th and Saturday, November 17th. The SFBAC Council has decided that no plastic bags will be distributed this year, honoring the interests of Northern California environmental organizations. A "door hanger" has been designed for distrinution instead. Troop 110 is in need of an adult coordinator for this event, which will take place in our traditional territory around Royal Ann Street. Pack 268 Cubs will join us.

Brownsea Graduation will be held on Thursday, November 15th. Scouts are progressing toward completion of their challenges, with James L. and Martin G. scheduled to assist with a flag retirement at the Half Moon Bay campout, and organize the Scout participation in Make A Difference Day.

Tim Roddin reported that Summer Camp 2008 will be at Camp Oljato in the Sierras, during the third week of summer camp, July 8th-14th.

Scoutmasters Report: The Spotlight on Scouting display board did indeed work well, but the fact that Bruce brought a rifle, too, probably attracted more attention. He also took the liberty of preparing a new flyer, emphasizing reccent events since 2006.

Fall Camporee was sparsely attended this year, due to a lack of publicity. Troop 110 was the larger of two Mission Peak Boy Scout units, most other attendees were Venture Crews. No ribbons were given out this year, but for its participation, 110 was awarded a large can of cheese.

Our Troop formed the core of the color guard for the annual Newark Days celebration the weekend of September 22nd,. and their effort were much appreciated. Inclement weather forced the camping to be called off, however.

Bruce and Tom both made a pitch for parents and adult members to become Merit Badge Counselors, those already registered were asked to participate in the October 13th District Extravaganza, if possible.

Bill Fournell requests older scouts who are interested contact him about serving as color guard at the Niles Festival of Lights the Friday after of Thanksgiving, November 23rd.

Nine rank advancements and 100 or so MBs will be handed out this Friday at the Court of Honor.

Treasurer's Report: Not much activity this month, Craig Brown is awaiting participant details from the July 4th Parking Lot fundraiser, as well as the Fremont Arts Festival, before assigning profits to the Scout accounts.

Items not on the agenda that were discussed before adjournment included another request from Tom Sims for data required to update the TroopMaster database, as well as for all advancement and rechartering to be done electronically, rather than in writing. There was also considerable discussion over recent breakdowns in communication of calendar changes, events, and missing advancements and Merit Badges. The bottom line here is that we are all volunteers.

The meeting was adjourned at 9:10 p.m

*** Mark Your Calendars ***

October, 2007



PLC @ 7:00 p..m., Troop Committee @ 7:45 p.m.




Fall Court of Honor, Niles VFW, 6:p.m. Setup

Bruce Chan



Rocket Jamboree, Pleasanton Armory

Bruce Chan



Troop Meeting @ 7:15 p.m.

Bruce Chan



Merit Badge Extravaganza, Gatewood LDS

Mission Peak



Patrol Meeting, Advancement Night #7:15

Bruce Chan



Monte Bello Campout and Service Project

Tim Roddin



"Make A Difference Day," Seven Hills




Camerons Halloween Campout, Half Moon Bay

Bruce Chan

November, 2007



Popcorn Orders Due

Suzie Gillen



Fly Fishing Merit Badge




PLC @ 7:00 p..m., Troop Committee @ 7:45 p.m.




Scouting for Food, City Beach ($20.00)

**Volunteer needed**



Veterans Day Visit to Menlo Park VA Hospital

Bruce Chan



Troop Meeting @ 7:15 p.m.

Bruce Chan



Popcorn Pickup

Suzie Gillen



Scouting for Food Pickup and Family Pizza Party

**Volunteer needed**



Thanksgiving Meal Delivery with Newark L.O.V

Mike Magno



Niles "Festival of Lights" Color Guard

Bill Fournell



20-Mile Hike, Coyote Hills to Ravenswood

Tom Sims

*** But ALWAYS check the Troop Website at http://www.bsatroop110.org for the latest information ***


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