~ Troop 110 Tribune Archive
Editor: Pete Godfrey
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Troop 110 Tribune
September 2001Kudos Korner
Kudos to Greg G. for completing his Eagle Rank. Greg is the first scout from Troop 110 to complete the Eagle in almost 2 years.
Kudos to Mike York for helping advance scouts in rank at this years summer camp.
Kudos to Olaf G. for answering the questions about scouting history in the last issue of the Troop Tribune. Olaf received a 3-Cell Mag Flashlight for his effort.
Kudos to Pete Godfrey for donating a $110 camper ship to a deserving scout attending this years summer camp.
Kudos to Mike Magno for completing his Woodbagde Ticket. Mike will receive his beads September 14, 2001 at Camp Los Mochos. Mike joins Wayne Barnes, Carol Barnes, Marvin Williams and Pete Godfrey from Troop 110 as Woodbadge members.
It's time to put everything in perspective.
This month I was told the Troop Committee would not allow any editorials in the Troop 110 Tribune. I've written two in the last 10 years I've been associated with this troop. Three and a half of those years as the editor, publisher, and distributor of the Troop110 Tribune. Many of the issues were done with no cost to the troop. Since I'm not allow to gave an opinion once in a blue moon, fine dismiss me, never mind, I resign as editor. Someone else can take notes and try to inform parents who can't or don't make the monthly troop committee meetings. Someone else can write about our outings. Someone else can even share camping or Dutch Oven recipes with the troop. Someone else can even find corny jokes and try to encourage our scouts to read the tribune by occasionally offering prizes. Don't panic, I'm sure we have abundant talent within our troop and after three and half years it's time for a change anyway. P.S. I didn't write the following but it certainly touched me, maybe you too. It does put everything in perspective.
What a difference a day makes.
Last Monday there were people fighting about praying in schools. Last Tuesday you would have been hard pressed to find a school where someone was not praying
Last Monday there were people trying to separate each other by race, sex, color and creed. Last Tuesday they were all holding hands, crying together.
Last Monday we thought that we were secure. Last Tuesday we learned differently.
Last Monday we were talking about heroes as being athletes. Last Tuesday we looked at firemen and EMS and learned what "hero" meant.
Last Monday people were fighting the 10 commandments on government Property. Last Tuesday the people all said 'God help us all' while thinking 'Thou shall not kill'.
Last Monday people argued with their kids about picking up their room. Last Tuesday people could not get home fast enough to hug their kids
Last Monday people picked up McDonalds for dinner. Last Tuesday they all ate at home around the table.
Last Monday people were upset the traffic moved so slow. Last Tuesday they stood in line for hours to give blood.
Last Monday politicians argued about budget surpluses. Last Tuesday, grief stricken, they sang 'God Bless America.'
Last Monday we worried about getting to work late. Last Tuesday we worried about getting home.
Last Monday we were irritated that our rebate checks had not arrived. Last Tuesday we gave to the Red Cross and Salvation Army.
Last Monday some children had whole families. Last Tuesday some were orphans.
Last Monday the president was going to Florida to read to children.
Last Tuesday he returned to Washington to protect our children.
Last Monday we emailed jokes. Last Tuesday we did not.
What a difference a day makes.
Notes from the Pumpkin Parents Meeting August 29, 2001:
Since this was a normal Wednesday scout meeting Bill Westcott took the scouts to Contempo Park leaving Contempo Homeowners building free for the Parent Pumpkin meeting hosted by Bill Fournell.
Following adults were in attendance:
Sue York, Judy Pratt-Majesky, Rawnie Clements, Mike Short, Bill Fournell, Dana Smith, Mike Magno, John Pedersen, Roger Butler, Pete Godfrey, Marvin Williams, Tom Simms and six parents from the new Screaming Eagles patrol.
Bill Fournell started the meeting by reviewing the past two years of activity with the Christmas Tree lot fundraiser. He stated that the 2001 season would probably be slower than the past two years. In 2000 the troop used 1600 adult hours and 580 scout hours. It was necessary to grind 1400 trees into sawdust at an expense of $3,500. Because of an anticipated slow down the troop will order fewer 8-9 foot Nobel Firs and try to sell more Douglas Fir and table top trees.
Question from Judy Pratt-Majesky: Who can work the lot?
Answer from Bill Fournell: Only direct relative's, an uncle, brother, or grandfather, Mike Magno added that high school students needing service hours could also participate.
Question from Sue York: How were the shares divided last year? With all the hours the York's worked Sue found it hard to believe she still needed to pay to send her two boys to summer camp this year.
Answer from Bill Fournell: I will explain at a later date.
Bill went on to explain that six religious groups can have $2.00 per tree donated to their religious group if they use a special coupon. To date four religious groups signed up for the $2.00 per tree donation.
Question from Pete Godfrey: Can the troop give a $2.00 discount to fellow scouters?
Answer from Bill Fournell: No. At this point Rawnie Clements also felt the discount to fellow scouters should be allowed. Mike Short said " a discount was like robbery without a gun" he further added that the scout shop does not give us discounts for supplies purchased why give fellow scouters a discount. Tom Simms added that the discount program to religious groups was a better way to go. Bill Fournell was planning on explaining our tree lot to fellow scouters at the next Scout Roundtable September 16, 2001. One new parent volunteered to add Saint Edwards Church to the original four. One more group will be accepted.
Question from a new parent: Will eleven-year-old scouts be required to work the tree lot?
Answer from Bill Fournell: Scouts will not be required to work tree lot. Mike Short added that the lot will be set for families and there will be jobs for everyone.
Question from Roger Butler: What is the availability for troop parents?
Answer from Bill Fournell and Bill Westcott:
Sue York will be making a sign up list. Each family is required to work 40 hours. The lot will be a troop lot and will go forward. If parents sign up and cannot make their appointed time they must find a replacement. If enough parents do not sign up other troops will be invited to participate and share in the profits. The goal is to make the lot a Troop 110 function first, but the tree lot will go on. Bill Westcott added the goal is for each family to work 40 hours but 20 hours will be accepted.
Question by Roger Butler: How will inventory be handled?
Answer by Bill Fournell: Both Mike Short and Bob Standley have many years experience running tree lots. Mike Short will handle inventory. We will not receive shipments late in the season. If we do they will be sold on consignment from Bob Standley. We will try to be very conservative with the tree inventory this year. The goal is to sell at least 1000 trees.
Bill Fournell continued on that the tree lot will start Friday, the day after Thanksgiving and be done by December 23, 2001.
Question by Sue York: Have all families from Troop 110 been asked if the troop should under take this fundraiser?
Answer by Mike Short: That's probably a good idea.
The discussion on the tree lot ended at 8:20 p.m.
Next Bill Fournell talked about the Pumpkin lot to precede the tree lot. He said the profits could be good. The lot will be open from 10:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. from October 17 to October 31, 2001. Mike Short added that he knew of one lot in the Newark area that would not be open this year and it would be possible to bring school children to the lot during the day.
Question by Roger Butler. Does the tree lot need preparation?
Answered by Bill Fournell: We need weed pulling and the installation of a fence.
Question by Roger Butler. How will the pumpkins be delivered?
Answer by Mike Short: Pumpkins will be delivered on a trailer and will be off loaded by hand.
Question by Judy Pratt Majesky: Will we have a Scarecrow contest?
Answered by Bill Fournell: Maybe.
Notes from the Troop 110 Committee Meeting September 5, 2001
The committee meeting was called to order at 8:00 p.m. by Troop Committee Chairperson John Pederson. The following adults were present:
Bill Fournell, Carol Barnes, Shirley Gonzales, Roger Butler, Sue and Mike York, Dana Smith, Carl Grippa, Pete Godfrey, Marilyn Epps, Rawnie Clements, Cindy Short, Ed Pauley, Bill Westcott. Arriving at 8:15 p.m. Judy Pratt Majesky and Mike Magno.
Carol Barnes read the minutes from the August Troop Committee meeting. Sue Yorks introduced a motion to accept the minutes and Bill Fournell seconded the motion. The motion to accept the minutes was voted unanimously in favor by all present.
John Pederson made the following three announcements:
September 21-23 2001, annual Fall Camperee. The troop will leave Contempo at 7:00 p.m. Cost will be $10.00. This will be the last Camperee hosted by a troop. John asked for an adult to lead the trip. Initially no response however Mike Magno felt maybe he could.
September 26, 2001, Troop 110 Fall Court of Honor. Richard B. and Josh S. will be in charge of setup and cleanup. All families requested to bring a desert.
September Desert buffet starts at 6:30 p.m., COH at 7:00 p.m.
September 29, 2001, Mike Magno needs an adult leader and scouts to march in Saint Ann's parade as flag bearers. Cindy Short and Bill Fournell felt they might be able to lead a group of scouts. Contact Mike Magno in interested. Free ice cream for anyone who attends.
Treasurers Report:
* Financial details omitted here. Troop 110 members may go to our Members Page for a financial report.
Scoutmaster Report:
Bill Westcott reported that 31 scouts attended summer camp, 11 scouts advanced in rank, 80 merit badges were earned, 25 partial merit badges started. Five families totaling eighteen people attended the Troop 110 Family Campout at Camp Tamarancho. Bill also promised a troop calander will be distributed at the fall COH.
New Business:
Pumpkin Patch Lot; Pete Godfrey asked when did the Troop 110 Committee approve a Pumpkin Patch fund raiser. No one at the committee meeting could answer the question. However Cindy Short felt it was approved and the committee would proceed with planning. Contact Cindy Short or Bill Westcott for details.
Think and Grin:
Scoutmaster: Knock, Knock
Boyscout: Who's There?
Scoutmaster: Moscow.
Boyscout: Moscow, who?
Scoutmaster: Ma'cow gives better milk than Pa'cow.Camp Chawanakee Ranger: "Sorry son you're not allowed to fish here?
Boyscout: "I'm not fishing, sir. I'm giving my pet worm a both."
Boyscout: If a skunk wrote a book, what list would it be on?
Scoutmaster: The ten best smellers list.Dutch Oven Cooking:
- 2 pounds ground beef, (leaner the better)
- 1 medium white onion, chopped
- 1 tbsp. olive oil
- 1, 15-ounce can chili beans
- _ tsp. Chili power (add more if desired)
- _ tsp. Pepper
- _ tsp. Salt
- 1, 8-ounce tomato sauce
- 2, 6-ounce packages cornbread mix (necessary ingredients for cornbread mix
Brown ground beef and onion in the olive oil using an open Dutch oven. Add beans, chili power, salt, pepper, and tomato sauce and cook for 15 minutes. Mix cornbread as directed on the package and add to the top of the meat and beans. Place lid on the Dutch oven with 8-10 charcoals on the lid. Bake for an additional 20-30 minutes or until corn bread is done.
Serves 6-8 hungry scouts.
Troop 110 Tribune
April 2001Check out Troop 110's new web site at www.bsatroop110.org. The latest troop pictures, financial statements, and calendar information can be found there. Many links can also be found to other troops and web sites with information for scouts. Thank you and Kudos to Skip Wagner to maintaining our old site and starting our new one.
Troop 110 PLC April 4, 2001 Adults Present: Mike Magno, Rawnie Clements, and Katrina Grippa, Scouts Present: Jeff & Josh S., Richard B., Chris M., Olaf G., Shane Y., Daren O., Russell B., Stephen E., Eric W., Allen G.
Troop 110 Committee meeting April 4, 2001 members in attendance: Carl Barnes, John Pedersen, Marilyn Epps, Shirley Gonzales, Dana Smith, John Pedersen, Pete Godfrey, Carl & Katrina Grippa, Cindy Short, Ed Pauley, Mike Magno, Roger Butler, Cindy Short, Mike York and Bill Fournell. The following new parents were also present: Tom Simms, Karen ?, Ted Munch?
Carol Barnes read the March 2001 Troop 110 Committee meeting minutes.
John Pedersen made the following announcements:
- Spring Camporee April 6-8, 18 spaces reserved, Bill Westcott and Rawnie Clements handling details.
- Pinnacles outing April 20-22, 2001. Dana Smith will be leader. The Troop will leave Friday evening at 6:30 p.m. from Contempo Homeowners Association. Bring extra shoes as we will be exploring Bear Cave, water will be present. More details contact Dana Smith.
- Summer Camp medicals due by June 15, 2001. Camp will be at Camp Chawanakee on Shaver Lake, August 4-11, 2001. More details contact Mike Magno.
- Third summer camp payment due July 11, 2001. Make check payable to Troop 110 and turn into to Felicia, Yau or Mike Magno.
- Chair position open for a new Scout-0-Rama chairperson contact John Pedersen if you would like to volunteer.
- Felicia Yau could not attend the April troop meeting. A copy of her financial statement was handed out to all present at the meeting.
* Financial details omitted here. Troop 110 members may go to our Members Page for a complete financial report.
Carol Barnes motioned to accept the financial statement. The motion was seconded by Carl Grippa and voted unanimously in favor to accept.
Mike Magno gave the following Scoutmaster Report for Bill Westcott: Five adults and nine scouts attended the Annual Mission Peak Klondike Derby. Dana Smith, Judy Pratt-Majesky, Cindy & Mike Short, and Ed Pauley were the drivers for Philip P., Chris M., Joe P., Steven E., Joe & Josh S., Richard B., Olaf G., and Luke T.. Three scouts built an igloo and spend the evening sleeping in it, Stephen E., Josh S. and Joe P. One scout only had one pair of shoes and no boots. It was suggested that on outings of this nature that pack inspections should be performed to make certain the scouts have the necessary equipment. Patches for the outing are ordered and should arrive by the next court of honor.
Roger Butler asked that everyone complete the information forms so he can enter the data into the troop data base. Roger also needs medical history for the database. If you need a new form contact Roger.
Rawnie Clements asked that all scout bring their scout books to Wednesday meetings so she can update and keep current the advancement chart.
Rawnie Clements also announced the following scouting district activities.
- Volunteers needed to help clean Rancho Los Mochos on April 14, 2001. If interested please contact Rawnie for more details.
- Family Fighting Kite Day in Newark on May 14, 2001. Contact Rawnie for details if interested.
- National Cemetery Flag set up on May 26, 2001. Interested scouts will meet in San Bruno at 7:15 a.m. The event should finish by noon. At which time the troop might travel to San Francisco by BART and complete a city hike along the waterfront. Interested scouts and parents contact Rawnie Clements or Pete Godfrey.
Bill Fournell volunteered to attend the May, Scout Roundtable. Our troop charter will be handed at that time. He also announced that Union City needs volunteers for a disaster drill. If interested contact Bill Fournell.
Shirley Gonzales announced that she would like another parent to take over duties as the Court of Honor Chairperson. Katrina Grippa has volunteered as the new COH chairperson. Thank you and Kudos for Shirley's past service and Katrina's new position.
Cindy Short announced that the troop needs to weed the Christmas Tree lot. She would like volunteers on Sunday April 29, from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. She suggested that service hours could be awarded but a discussion by committee members felt that this was a financial venture not worthy of service hours. However the decisions was not final. Bring gloves, weeding tools and wheel barrels if you have them.
Pete Godfrey proposed that Troop I 10 purchase a telescope. A motion was introduced and passed to purchase one, not to exceed $600.00. Roger Butler then proposed that the committee follow Roberts Rules of Order and table a motion before voting to accept or reject for future motions. Rogers' proposal was not voted on. John Petersen then asked the troop committee to form a budget sub-committee to deal with troop finances specifically to deal with the profits from the 2000 Christmas Tree lot. The following people volunteered to sit on the new committee: Cindy Short, Marilyn Epps, Carl Grippa, Pete Godfrey, John Pedersen, and Bill Fournell. The first meeting will be Wednesday April 11, 2001 at 6:00 p.m. in the Contempo Home Owners Association building.
The meeting was adjourned at 9:15 p.m.
Spring Camporee
Troop 110 fielded two patrols for the annual spring Camporee hosted by the Order of the Arrow at Los Mochos. The adventure started in the rain forcing everyone who attended to setup tents in the rain frantically trying to stay dry. Fortunately our new tents weather the downpour Friday evening keeping everyone dry and warm. Saturday morning with more rain threatening the scouts plowed through the new mud, cold, and windy fields to complete the Mountain Man themed events. The rain stayed away Saturday allowing for a perfect star filled campfire latter that evening. The highlight of the campfire was the Order of the Arrow Callout. Chris Magno was the only scout nominated from Troop 110 to be invited to join the OA.
The International Association of Machinists presented Los Mochos Memorial Camp to the Oakland BSA Council many years ago. The first scout who can correctly give the exact date, (month day and year) this event took place will receive a 3-cell Mag Lite flashlight. Answers must be given to Pete Godfrey to win.
Troop 110 Tribune
October/November 2000Troop 110 PLC and Committee Meeting October 2, 2000
PLC attendance:
Mike Magno, Keith K., Matt Y., Philip P., Luke T.Troop 110 Committee Attendance:
Katrina Grippa, Pete Godfrey, Debra Day, Lori Keller, Bill Farwell, Rawnie Clements, Dana Smith, Ed Pauley, Mike Magno, Mike and Cindy Short, Judy Pratt-Majesky, John Pedersen, Carol Barnes, Mike and Sue Yorks, Bill Westcott, and Marilyn Epps.Minutes read by Carol Barnes, motion to accept by Pete Godfrey, seconded by Dana Smith, voted all in favor.
Announcements by Marilyn Epps:
- October 15 bike outing will be changed to October 14 starting at 10:00 a.m. Coyote Hills
- October 21 Rim Around the Bay hike changed to October 22 lead by Mike Magno. Later changed back to
October 21 for a 10-mile hike to Prusmia Open Space in San Mateo County new leader Pete Godfrey.- October 27 Dillon beach outing lead by Mike and Cindy Short. Provide your own transportation and food if attending.
Treasury Report:
Felicia Yau not present, no report given.
Scoutmaster Report by Bill Westcott:
- October 11, Mike York Merit Badge Class on Bicycling
- October 14, Bike outing to Coyote Hills
- October 18, Outing to Fremont Ice Skating Rink
- October 25, Pumpkin Carving
- November 1, PLC and Committee meeting
- November 5, Angel Island Backpacking
- November 8, To Be Determined
- November 15, Troop Officer elections
- November 21, NO MEETING
Christmas Tree Lot Update by Mike Short:
- Mike reported we will use same lot however rent, has been increased $200.00. We need more wood chips and work crews to weed and spread wood chips before fence can be installed. Planned work parties for October 21-22 and November 4 and 5.
- Carol Barns will prepare new handout/flyer.
- We will not be selling 4 inch blue pines at Christmas Tree Lot.
- Still need volunteers to sign up for Christmas Tree Lot work hours. We will start on November 24 closing lot on December 22.
New Business:
Welcome back Barry Combs into Troop 110. Barry was a previous Assistant Scoutmaster several years ago helping past Scoutmasters Tom Helper, Wayne Barnes, and Dave Drake.
Troop Dues are now due, $10.00 for adults and $60.00 for Scouts. Checks for dues should be made out to Troop 110 and given to Felicia Yau.
Committee Meeting November 1, 2000
PLC Attendance:
Mike Magno, Nicholas B., Eric W., and Philip P.Troop 110 Committee Attendance:
Pete Godfrey, Lori Keller, Dana Smith, Ed Pauley, Mike Magno, Cindy & Mike Short, Lori Carry, Marvin Williams, Bill Westcott, Marilyn Epps, and Felicia Yau.Carol Barnes missing no October Troop 110 Committee minutes read.
Announcements by Marilyn Epps:
- November 4-5, Angel Island Backpacking- Pete Godfrey
- November 4, 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. @ Fremont Scout House
- November 15, Troop registrations are due, $10 for adults and $60 for scouts, please leave a check with Felicia Yau.
- December 2, Winter Awareness Castro Valley High School
- January 17, Winter Court of Honor details to follow
Treasurer's Report:
* Financial details omitted here. Troop 110 members may go to our Members Page for a complete financial report.
Announcement by Mike Magno:
The league of Volunteers, (LOV) is preparing a Thanksgiving Dinner and needs support. Contact Mike Magno if you want to help out from 8:00 to 11:00 a.m. November 23, 2000. You must pre-resister with Mr. Magno, last minute support will not be accepted, call 510-793-5638.
Scoutmaster Report by Bill Westcott:
Congratulations to Mike York for his Merit Badge Class on Bicycling and leading the 20 mile bike ride last month.
- Thank you to Mike Short for the pumpkins and apples at the October 25 scout meeting.
- Sixteen scouts participated on the October 18 ice skating outing.
- Twenty-seven scouts and leaders attended the overnight submarine outing on October 25.
- Two families attended the Dillon Beach outing, the Shorts and Smiths.
- November 8, lashing demo by Philip P.
- November 15, Troop officer elections
- November 22, NO MEETING
- November 24 or 25 opening of Christmas Tree Lot, need more sign-up
- December 2 Winter Awareness Training
- December 2 Union City Holly Day Parade, possible to enter a Troop
Congratulations to Philip P. and Eric W. for completing "Ticket Items" from last summers Brown Sea Training.
Congratulations to Scout Eric W. and Assistant Scoutmaster Ed Pauley for completing their "Ordeal" outing for Order of the Arrow.
Christmas Tree Lot Update by Mike Short:
Mike reported that some scouts and adults help spread wood chips on the tree lot October 21. He has also applied for permits and plans are under way to install fence and lights.
New Business:
The troop passed a motion introduced by Pete Godfrey and seconded by Mike Short to collect can goods and food items to be donated to Tri City Volunteers, Inc. The motion was passed in favor by all present.
Pete Godfrey also offered a 3-cell Mag-Lite flashlight for the scout who collects the most cans of food. Only cans will count toward winning the flashlight. Final total will be announced November 15, 2000 and the flashlight awarded the same evening.
A new motion was introduced by Pete Godfrey to give a cash donation of $100 to Tri City Volunteers, Inc. from the troop general account. The motion was not seconded.
One last motion was introduced by Bill Westcott to refund gasoline used on troop outings transporting scouts and equipment. The motion was not seconded, however it was agreed by all present that the motion would be discussed again at the December Troop Committee meeting.
California Coastal Clean Up
This years annual California Coast Clean-up took place on Angel Island. Troop 110 under the leader ship of Assistant Scoutmaster Mr. Butler actively participated by helping to clean the beach imminently east of Point Blunt on Angel Island. Seven scouts, six adults and one older brother volunteered for this worthy cause along with the thousands of others who helped clean California's beaches. The scouts on the trip were Chris G., Richard B., Luke T., and Andrew W. all from the Roadkill Patrol. The rest of the scouts included Sean C., Nicholas B., Lukas G., and Lukas' older brother Noah. Adults included Mr. Butler, Mr. Godfrey, Mr. Grippa, Mr. Wagner, Mr. Belich, and Mrs. Cary.
The adventure started in Sausalito at the Core of Army Engineer's, San Francisco Bay model. At 8:30 p.m. everyone boarded a W.W.II seaplane tender, the Coyote, and sailed to Angel Island's Point Plunt. Point Plunt is the last remaining active military facility on Angel Island. It is used as a Coast Guard navigation aid for ocean going ships entering and leaving San Francisco Bay.
Disembarking the Coyote our group enthusiastically collected plastic bags of recyclables, (aluminum, glass, and plastic) and a considerable amount of garbage. The most unusually piece of garbage collected received a special California Coast Clean up T-shirt. The object deemed most unusual was a piece of china pottery dated 1941. It probably was part of the mess hall dishes from Fort McDonald back when the island was an active military base.
We left Angel at noon and headed back across Raccoon Straight for a Bar-B-Q lunch hosted by the Marin City Lyons club. Here our group meet up with others who also participated in the California Coast Clean Up. After lunch our group toured the Bay Model and a museum dedicated to men and women who built over sixty tankers and cargo ships in Sausalito which were used in World War II.
Unofficial Scout Account Balances
* Financial details omitted here. Troop 110 members may go to our Members Page for a complete financial report.
Troop 110 Tribune
September 2000Troop 110 PLC Attendance 9-6-00
Adults present; Mike Magno
Scouts present: Philip P., Max L., Richard B., Matt Y., Andrew A.Troop 110 Committee meeting 9-6-00
Meeting brought to order by Marilyn Epps at 7:50 p.m.
Members present: Felica Yau, Cindy Short, Dana Smith, Ed Smith, Roger Butler, Mike Dunn, Bill Fournell, Mike Magno, John Pedersen, Jerome Hoban, Carol Barnes, Bill Westcott, Pete Godfrey, Mrs. Curry, Mr. Ta, and Mike Yorks.
Carol Barnes read the August Troop 110 committee meeting minutes. Dana Smith presented a motion to accept the minutes. The motion was seconded by Felica Yau and voted in favor unanimously by all present.
Bill Fournell handed over a donation to the troop general fund for $100. The Lyons Club gave the donation to Bill. Bill also asked Troop 110 to present the colors in Saint Ann's annual carnival parade. The date for the parade is September 23. Bill also reported that the Union City Police Department is hosting an open house on September 16. He reported to the troop committee that the Chief of Police called him personally and invited our entire troop. Bill felt it would be in the best interests of Troop 110 if some of our scouts attended.
Marilyn Epps thanked Shirley Gonzales for hosting a troop garage sale. The profit from the sale, approximately $100 was added to the troop general fund. Marilyn also announced that the Court of Honor would be held at the Contempo Homeowners Association, not Contempo School as announced in the August Troop Tribune. All other details for the Court of Honor remain the same.
Felica Yau presented the troop financial statement for August 2000. She also presented a revised statement for July 2000. The original July statement was incorrect. The following is a summary of the troop finances.
* Financial details omitted here. Troop 110 members may go to our Members Page for a complete financial report.
Ed Smith introduced a motion to accept the treasures report. The motion was seconded by Dana Smith and voted unanimously in favor by all present.
Bill Westcott in his Scoutmaster report to the committee felt the canoe trip was a huge success and everyone on the trip totally enjoyed themselves. The trip consisted of eleven youth and six adults. Bill especially thanked Roger Butler for his enthusiasm in filming and photographing the entire trip. Bill congratulated Matt York on obtaining the rank of Life Scout. He also announced that the Oakwood Water Slides overnight campout would be canceled, but he would lead a day trip leaving Contempo Homeowners Association on September 16 at 8:00 a.m. Contact the scout master for more details.
Bill also announced to the committee that Troop 110 needs a Popcorn coordinator for the opening of the Popcorn fundraiser starting on September 30, see Bill Westcott or Marilyn Epps if you want to volunteer for the job.
The following proposal was presented to the Troop 110 committee by Ed Smith
Christmas Tree Proceeds
The Budget Committee, (Marilyn Epps, Felica Yau, and Ed Smith) met with Mr. and Mrs. Short (Christmas Tree Lot Committee Chair) and Mr. Westcott on Sunday August 27, 2000 in order to decide upon the recommendation for the allocation of profits from the sale of Christmas trees this year. The group took under consideration the responses to the questionnaire, as well as the input of committee members from previous meetings. After much deliberation they came up with the following plan:
* Financial details omitted here. Troop 110 members may go to our Members Page for a complete financial report.
The meeting ended at 9:15 p.m.
Troop Outings and Weekly Meeting Themes for September:
13-September - Card Board Regatta-CANCLED
16-September - Coast Clean Up at Angle Island-contact Roger Butler
16 September - Union City Police Department Open House-contact Bill Fournell
20-September - Uniform Inspection, Contempo Home Owners Association.
22/24-September - Fall Camporee at Camp Royaneh-contact Dana Smith
27-September - Troop 110 Court of Honor at Contempo Home Owners Association
Troop 110 Tribune
May 2000OA Spring 2000 Camporee
Friday evening our troop departed for the long trip to Ardenwood Farm, (really only 4 miles). Anticipation was high thinking about camping with the chickens, pigs, lambs, goats, peacocks, and the balance of the barnyard animals on the farm. Fortunately for all the farm animals when we arrived we were led to a freshly plowed vintage walnut grove. This site would serve as our base camp for the next two evenings. All the critters were safely locked away in their respective pens except for the peacocks and free roaming skunks. The farm animals may not have been allowed to roam freely, but we were well compensated by the fresh farm aromas.
As with any scouting event, come Saturday morning schedule changes were made. As usual they did not match information handed out to the Scoutmaster. This caused confusion as to the correct time for the evening retreat and campfire.
Three patrols participated in Saturday's events. The Roadkill patrol was at maximum strength with eight scouts competing. Members of the Tigers, Flaming Arrows, Lighting Bolts, and one member from the Dragons formed into two patrols in order to compete.
During the day one event was dropped from the program and one event changed because an adult felt striking matches with a hatchet was not an appropriate scouting event. At one time scouts were actually encouraged to play "mumble peg". Okay, "mumble peg" could be a little dangerous but trying to strike matches with a hatchet sounds like something scouts would like to do. In a supervised event what's the problem?
Saturday's campfire left a lot to be desired. Normally the awards campfire is the highlight of the camporee. In my humble opinion more effort could have been spent assuring its success. The campfire started by an attempt to light the campfire with a chant of "burn fire burn." Except when the magical moment came and the fire sprang to life with a short burst of pyrotechnic sky rocket devices and Pick-a-lo Pete's, it quickly fizzled out. A member of the Order of the Arrow rushed out and doused the fire pit with Charcoal lighter. He dropped several matches into the kerosene-saturated wood before a proper camp fire ignited.
The campfire consisted of each troop performing a skit. Troop 110 showcased "J.C. Penny," always a campfire favorite. In the skit several scouts displaying an article of clothing, shoes, socks, pants, ect. are complimented on how nice the particular item looks. They ask where the scout got the clothing and he responds with, "I got it from JC Penny." Everyone is led to believe that the scout purchased the clothing at a J.C. Penny department store. In the end Olaf Guadarrama, who definitely was the star of the performance, runs into the campfire circle being stripped of all his clothing, except his boxer shorts. He introduces himself as J.C. Penny. The skit did bring a thunderous roar of laughter followed by a resounding applause. Other skits barely received a courtesy applause. The biggest problem was the lack of any amplified sound. As the scouts tried to perform their skits, those who didn't speak up could not be heard.
After about an hour of watching skits that were barely audible the real purpose of the campfire began, the "Calling Out" Ceremony for the Order of the Arrow. Several Indian braves appeared and started lighting torches to the rhythmic drumming of a single tom-tom drum. Soon the senior members of the OA approached the center of the campfire and started the "Call Out" asking for silence from all present. Stephen E. and Eric W. were nominated from Troop 110. Ed Pauley should also have also been "Called Out" but due to a paper works snafu was not. The campfire ended with all the new Order of the Arrow nominees sworn to silence for the balance of the evening.
Sunday morning all the scouts presented themselves for colors at 8:00 a.m. At this time awards were handed out from Saturdays competition. Troop 110 walked away with third place for the Cleanest Camp at the Camporee. The Roadkill Patrol scored a first place for Trail Signs and a third place for the Ski Event.
When the troops were dismissed everyone was forced to march past a set of portable toilets placed in an open field for the convenience of the scouts at the camporee. Saturday night one or more mischievous juvenile scouts completely trashed all the portable toilets. In the end the Camporee hosts were forced to clean up the disgusting mess. Actions like this only leave a bad reputation with the public and in the end will severely narrow down the sites scouts are welcomed to visit or use.
Prior to leaving Sunday morning Felica Yau and Rawnie Clements donated several dozen donuts provided our campsite was cleaned. It's amazing what a few donuts can accomplish to motivate our scouts. By 10:00 p.m. everyone was safely home.
Scouts work with Max L. on Eagle Project
by John PedersenOn Sunday, May 1st, scouts from Troop 110 met at Ardenwood Historical Farm to assist Max L. on his Eagle Project. For his project, Max has decided to replace a large portion of the horse coral at the farm. The current coral has seen better days and is definitely in need of repair and replacement. With plenty of water on hand as well as a box of Krispy Kream donuts, the Eagle Project got underway. Scouts that showed up to help Max were; Joseph G., Stephen E., Chris M., Joe P., and J.R. P. The adults that participated were Mr. Jack Lyness, Mr. Mike Magno, and Mr. John Pedersen.
Max directed the day's activities, which included pulling hundreds of nails from recyclable lumber for reuse in the coral and digging holes to setup new fence posts. This aggressive Eagle Project got off to a great start with the help of all who participated.
Check the Troop Web site for pictures.
Lighting Bolts Take Part in Earth Day
by John PedersenOn Saturday, April 22, the Lightning Bolt Patrol led by Keith Keller and joined by patrol members, J.R. P., Chris M., Jeff S., Josh S. and Joe P. went to Don Edwards San Francisco Bay Wildlife Refuge for the annual Earth Day and Coastal Clean-up. Others on the service project included Mr. Mike Magno, Mrs. Christobel Magno, Kristen Magno, Mr. John Pedersen and Mr. Mike Short.
Everyone met at the Magno Estate and caravanned over to the Wildlife Refuge. Once at the park, bags and gloves were issued and the "Bolts" got shuttled down to the Bay Shore line and got to work picking up all kinds of litter. The litter was separated into trash and recyclables. The patrol filled up seven 55-gallon trash bags and five other bags with recyclable items. Strange items found this year included; an expended 12-gauge shot gun casing, a big yellow Tupperware bowl, a dead 30 pound sturgeon fish, eight dead ducks, a tin printing press sheet and a 1965 calendar.
After service project the patrol went to the Native Plant Sale to fulfill one of their First Class requirements to identify ten native plants. With the help of a naturalist named Arthur, the "Bolts" learned a lot about botany that afternoon. Among the many trees he showed the scouts, there were oak, pine (Monterey, white, and yellow), Buck-eye, and sycamore. Other native plants included; California's state flower the poppy, the wild rose, and milk weed.
The patrol held a working lunch at Newark's Subway Sandwich Shop and planned their afternoon events. After sandwiches, chips and drinks, the refreshed patrol regrouped at Coyote Hills Regional Park to work on their compass skills and to complete an orienteering course. After a most brilliant lecture from Mr. Magno and Mr. Pedersen regarding the finer points of land navigation, three teams consisting of two boys each tackled the orienteering course. Each team left with a compass and written instructions and much to the joy of the scout leaders and parents, all teams made it successfully back utilizing their land navigation and orienteering skills.
Garden Project
Our garden at the Tri-Ced Recycling Center is now in operation. The garden is located on Western Avenue in Union City. We need volunteers to help with weed pulling, laying a new drip irrigation system, establishing a new rock garden, and getting the compost bins back into full production. If you have not visited the site yet come by and help out. It's the perfect place to earn or start the following Merit Badges; Gardening, Citizenship in the Community, (items 7, 8, and 10), Soil and Water Conservation, Environmental Science, and Insect Study.
On Saturday April 29, six people showed up, Marilyn Epps, Katherine E., Amada Wellcome, Pete Godfrey, Chris G., and David H. to volunter their time for planting and weeding. The work started with a donation from Tri-Ced of six flats of flowers. Most of the flowers were planted in the outside double-layered planters boarding the Tri-Ced driveway.
Since the first planting on April 9, the snails were busy devouring most of the herbs, lots of the flowers and some of the squash and bell peppers. These have all been replaced and a liberal sprinkling of snail bait was set out in all of the planters. Three mounds of pumpkins were also mistakenly up-rooted. New pumpkin mounds are now enclosed in two concrete circles. Since Tri-Ced donated so many flowers two concrete circles where the rock garden was located are now full of summer annuals. Come by and check it out.
Scoutmaster Report:
Our Scoutmaster reported that the PLC has been given the following calander for May:
May 10, swim night
May 17, planning fot Scout-O-Rama
May 24, Skills night
May 31, final check out for Scout-O-RamaScouts also have been warned not to carry propane lighters even if they do not have a Firemans Tote.
Our Scoutmaster would like to see the troop decide on an out of councile camp for nest year's summer camp. Bring any suggestion to the next committe meeting so we can start planning and place a deposit.
Troop 110 scouts have been encouraged to help with the garden project and donate time for Max L's. Eagle project at Ardenwood Farms. If you want to help contact Max for the Eagle project and see our Scoutmaster, or Mike Magno for the garden project.
The May 2000 Troop Committee was brought to order at 7:50 p.m. by Marilyn Epps.
The following parents were in attendance: Marilyn Epps, Bill Westcott, Carol Barnes, Mike Magno, John Pedersen, Bill Fournell, Mike and Cindy Short, Dana Smith, Chris Keller, Laura Torres, Ed Pauley, Felica Yau, Ed Smith, Pete Godfrey, arriving late Jerome and Diane Hoban.
Carol Barnes read the April 2000 Troop Committee minutes. Dana Smith motioned to accept the minutes. The motion was seconded by Chris Keller and voted in favor by all present.
Marilyn Epps made the following two announcements:
1) The troop now has nine new members: Ryan A., Andrew A., Nicholas B., Sean C., Josiah C., Carl D., Lukas G., Collins M., and Roshan S. Please give a big welcome to these new scouts and their families.
2) Mission Peak District is having its annual volunteers recognition dinner on May 13, 2000. Troop 110 will be recognized as an outstanding unit at that time and receive an award. Please try to attend to cheer on our troop.
Bill Fournell proposed that old troop equipment, mainly tents be donated to a needy troop. Everyone agreed that would be a good idea and Bill will take care of the details.
Mike Magno reported that 45 scouts would attend summer camp with 6 full and part time adults. He also reported that Carl Grippa will be attending full time and help look after all the first year scouts at camp. He reminded everyone that physicals are required and make sure they are in order before attending camp. Adults over 40 must have a physical every year. Scout physicals are good for three years and must also be current. The troop will have a mandatory parents meeting for camp on May 10, 2000. Parents attending camp need to pay for food at the rate of $10.00 per day. The troop will not pay this expense.
Scout-O-Rama candy has arrived and is ready to be picked up. Rawnie Clements by way of Chris Keller proposed that $0.05 of each bar of candy sold be returned to the troop general fund. Pete Godfrey proposed a motion to have all candy profits kept by the scout who made the sale, (at $3.00 a bar plus a Scout-O-Rama ticket). The motioned was seconded by Felica Yau. Everyone at the meeting voted in favor except for Diane Hoban and Bill Fournell who opposed the motion.
Another motion, proposed by Pete Godfrey to send four scouts to this years Brown Sea Training was introduced. If the four scouts complete their "Ticket" the troop will pay for half of their camp fee provided the troop has the funds. The motion was seconded by Chris Keller and voted in favor by all present.
The four who will attend are Philip P., Stephen E., Eric W., and Wesley S.
Pete Godfrey, Marilyn Epps, and Bill Westcott talked about on the troop garden project. We need more scouts to help make this project a success. Few scouts are actually helping more enthusiasm is needed. Please come by and help, the garden would be a perfect opportunity for a Life Scout to start their Eagle Project. We need scouts to take charge of this project.
Felica Yau presented the May treasurer's report. A motion to accept the report was proposed by Chris Keller. The motion was seconded by Pete Godfrey and voted in favor by all present. Copies are attached to this news letter. You may also view the report in the members section on our Web site.
The committee meeting adjourned at 9:15 p.m.
Kudos to Mike and Cindy Short, and Bill Westcott for completing Mission Peak District Accorn Training.
Kudos to Marvin Williams for helping with the May 5 -7 outing to Point Reyes National Seashore. Look for a story about the waterlogged adventure in the June Tribune.
Kudos to the adult volunteers, Bill Westcott, Ed Smith, Mike Magno, Marilyn Epps, Rawnie Clements, and Pete Godfrey who have worked on the garden project.
Cooking Korner:
Adirondack Griddlecakes
Tired of the same old humdrum, "complete mix in a box," just add water pancakes? You make a batch that ends up too thick and it sits like a lead sinker in your stomach for the next three hours. If so, mix up a batch of Adirondack Griddlecakes, (home made pancakes for you young Tenderfoots). This rich batter is best made just prior to cooking, but if at home and in a pinch it can be made the night before.
- 2 cups buttermilk
- 2 eggs, separated
- 1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract
- 1/2 cup melted butter
- 2 cups cake flour
- 1/2 teaspoon baking soda
- 1/8 teaspoon salt
- 1/2 cup confectioners sugar
- 1/4 cup canola oil
- 1 cup pure maple syrup, warmed
1) Pour buttermilk into a large mixing bowl; add egg yolks and vanilla and whisk to combine.
2) Continue to whisk while adding melted butter.
3) In a second mixing bowl combine flour, baking soda, and salt, set aside.
4) In a third mixing bowl whisk the two egg whites until frothy slowly add sugar and beat until mixture form soft peaks, set aside.
5) Add wet ingredients to dry, stir to combine.
Pre-heat griddle and coat with canola oil. Pour batter into 4-5 inch diameter circles. Heat for approximately 1 minute or until air bubbles form. Flip and cook an additional 30 seconds.
Q. Why do seagulls fly over the sea?
A. Because if they flew over the bay they'd be bagels.Q. How can you make a pumpkin into another vegetable?
A. Throw it up into the air, and it will come down squash.Q. What place would vegetarians never go?
A. To meatings (meetings)Q. Why did the cookie go to the doctor?
A. Because he felt crumby.No one answered any the riddles in last months contest for the Mag Lite flashlight. Here are last months answers. Mississippi, Rabit Transit, Hare Spray, and Dinner.
The first scout who would like to cook a batch of Adirnodack Grittle Cakes at a tr oop meeting for a cooking demo will receive a 2-D cell Mag Lite flash light (first come first choice).
Troop 110 Calendar: (also see Calendar)
May 10, 2000 Summer Camp Christmas Tree Adult Meeting.
May 13, 2000 SFBAC Mission Peak District Recognition Dinner.
May 13, 2000 Merit Badge Extravaganza, details see Carol or Wayne Barnes
May 20, 2000 Troop outing to Moaning Caverns and Natural Bridges
June 3, 2000 Scout-O-Rama at Kennedy Park in Hayward.
June 16, 2000 Court of Honor at Garin Park in Hayward.
June 18-23, 2000 Eagle Camp and Brown Sea Training.
July 2, 2000 Start of Troop 110 Summer Camp
Troop 110 Tribune
April 2000Court of Honor March 15, 2000
The biggest activity last month was Troop 110's Court of Honor held at Cabello Middle School on March 15, 2000. A Webelos Patrol from Pack 273 were the troops official invited guests. The first order of business that evening was officially recognizing our new Troop Officers; lead by Max L. as SPL, Joseph G. and Philip P. as ASPL, and Stephen E. as Troop Historian.
Wayne Barnes our founding Scoutmaster was presented with a long over due Black Troop Adult Neckerchief. After receiving the neckerchief Wayne presented Troop 110's 2000 Charter to committee Chairperson Marilyn Epps. Wayne also wanted the entire troop to stand for a surprise uniform inspection. After the inspection including a finger nail inspection Wayne presented the troop with a Quality Ribbon for a 100% subscription to Boys Life magazine.
Rank Advancements:
Two scouts completed the rank of Scout. Jason Y. and Justin S. both from the Roadkill Patrol.
Five scouts completed the rank of Tenderfoot. Jeff S., Keith K., Hilton D. from the Lighting Bolts Patrol, and David H., Andrew W., from the Roadkill Patrol.
Eight scouts completed the rank of Second Class. Chris G. from the Roadkill Patrol, Nolan K., Allen G. from the Flaming Arrows. JR P., Joe P., Jeff S., Josh S., and Chris M. from the Lighting Bolts.
Three scouts completed the requirements for Star Scout. Matthew Y., Eric W., from the Flaming Arrows followed by Stephen E. from the Tigers.
Merit Badges:
Eighteen Merit Badges were presented to the following scouts:
- Hiking awarded to Chris G. and Eric W.
- Salesmanship awarded to Chris G., Stephen E., and JR P.
- Music awarded to Andrew W.
- Citizenship of the Community awarded to Nolan K.
- Citizenship of the Nation awarded to David K., CJ H., Philip P., and Stephen E.
- Family Life awarded to JR P.
- Personal Fitness awarded to Joseph G., Philip P., and Stephen E.
- Camping awarded to Matt Y. and Eric W.
- Indian Lore awarded to Josh S.
Totem Chip and Event Awards:
- Totem Chips were awarded to David H., Justin S., Jason Y., and Jason L. They are now officially registered to carry an approved pocketknife.
- Scouts who attended past Mission Peak District events for the Klond Dike Derby and Indoor Rally received commemorative emblems.
Door Prizes:
Since our troop purchased over $2,700 of equipment from Redwood Surplus the store donated eleven door prizes that were also awarded at the Court of Honor. The following adults and scouts won their choice of a Swiss camp knife, a compass, or a baseball cap:
Eric W., Joseph G., Allen G., Carol Barnes, and Lukas G. received a Swiss camp knife. Matthew Y's grandfather, Chris Keller, and Chris Magno's sister received a compass. Cindy Short, Shane Y., and Hilton D. received a baseball cap.
Committee Update:
The April 2000 Troop Committee was brought to order at 7:50 p.m. by Marilyn Epps.
The following parents were in attendance: Marilyn Epps, Bill Westcott, Pete Godfrey, Shirley Gonzales, Carol Barnes, Mike Short, Ed Pauley, Ed Smith, Mike Magno, Rawnie Clements, Lorie Keller, Dana Smith, Bill Fournell, Felicia Yau, and Ed Smith.
Carol Barnes read the March 2000 Troop Committee minutes. Bill Westcott motioned to accept the minutes. The motion was seconded by Mike Dunn and voted in favor by all present.
Marilyn Epps presented the following announcements:
- SFBAC for the Mission Peak District will be having its annual District Recognition Dinner on May 13, 2000. Carol Barnes reported that the dinner is being planned and staffed by the parents and members of Troop 2. Those who attend will have a choice of Tri-Tip or chicken. The dinner will be held at the Union City Buddhists Temple on Alvarado Niles Road in Union City. If you plan on attending please contact Carol Barnes and let her know you preference.
- Eagle Camp sign ups are due see the Scoutmaster, dates April 17 to 22 and June 18 to 23, 2000.
- Merit Badge Extravaganza will be held May 5, 2000 from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m., see Carol or Wayne Barnes for details.
- Scout-O-Rama June 3, 2000 at Kennedy Park in Hayward. It was suggested at the community garden on April 10 by Pete Godfrey, Marilyn Epps, Mike Magno, and Rawnie Clements that this year's theme will concern the troops efforts with our community garden project. We plan on having a booth to show the benefits of composting, soil conversation, environmentally safe food production and general garden care.
- Brown Sea Junior Leader Training on June 18 to 23, 2000. Bill Westcott proposed that our troop send eight scouts, Max L., Stephen E., Eric W., CJ H., Philip P., Joseph G., Mark D. and David K.
- Coast Camp Backpacking outing set for May 5, 6, and 7, 2000. See Pete Godfrey for details.
- Spring Troop Court of Honor is set for June 16, 2000 at Garin Park in Hayward. Mark your calendar to be sure to attend.
Scoutmaster Report:
Our Scoutmaster Bill Westcott reported that he will be away on personal business all of April has appointed Assistant Scoutmaster Mike Magno to over seen his duties for the month of April. Our Scoutmaster briefly commented on the March snow trip. He has passed on pictures from the snow trip to the troop Webmaster, Skip Wagner for posting on the troop web site. Mr. Westcott reported that several scouts have been elected from our troop into the Order of the Arrow. At the Spring Camporee the Order of the Arrow will have a "Call Out Ceremony" at which time the names of the scouts elected will be announced. Our troop is also allowed each year to elect one adult into the Order of the Arrow and Mr. Westcott nominated Ed Pauley. Who will join Dana Smith, Tom Helper, and himself as adult members of the Order of the Arrow for Troop 110.
Mr. Westcott would like everyone in the troop to welcome our latest member Carl Dunn. Carl is the first of several other Webelos expected to join Troop 110. Mr. Westcott felt the troop will be Bridging two additional Webelos from Pack 268 and five Webelos from Pack 273.
Mr. Westcott reminded everyone that he has applications for Eagle Camp, Brown Sea and the National Scout Jamboree. Any scouts interested should contact the Scoutmaster.
Mr. Westcott proposed to the Troop Committee that fees charged to new scouts joining Troop 110 be increased from $31.00 to $50.00. He felt it was necessary to justify the increase because a scout slide, neckerchief, Troop 110 emblem, and Troop T-shirt exceed the old $31.00 joining fee. He also mention that the new scouts would earn advancements during summer camp that the troop will be obligated to buy.
Mr. Westcott further proposed that Troop 110 send eight scouts to this years Brown Sea training and that the troop pay for 75% of the scouts Brown Sea camp fee provided they finish their "Ticket." Mr. Westcott in consultation with our past Scoutmaster Dana Smith recommended that the follow eight scouts attend: Eric W., Max L., CJ H., Mark D., Stephen E., Philip P., Joseph G., and David K.
In past years the troop has sent 2-3 scouts and paid half of the scouts fees.
Summer Camp Update:
Mike Magno wants all scouts and parents to attend a special troop meeting on May 10 to discuss this years Wente Summer Camp. The meeting will start at 7:00 p.m. After the meeting the scouts will be allowed to swim while a short parent meeting takes place. After the Summer Camp meeting a special Christmas Tree meeting will be held to find out what the troop commitment will be to support this event.
Treasurer Report:
* Financial details omitted here. Troop 110 members may go to our Members Page for a complete financial report.
Community Garden 4/10/00
Our garden at the Tri-Ced Recycling Center is now in operation. The garden is located on Western Avenue in Union City. We need volunteers to help with the weed pulling, laying a new drip irrigation system, additional planting, establishing a new rock garden, and getting the compost bins back into full production. If you have not visited the site yet come by and help out. It's the perfect place to earn or start the following Merit Badges; Gardening, Citizenship in the Community, (items 7, 8, and 10), Soil and Water Conservation, Environmental Science, and Insect Study.
On Saturday April 8, Bill Westcott, Eric W., Pete Godfrey, Chris G., Rawnie Clements, Liz C., Molly C., Olaf, Guadarrama, Mike Magno, Chris M., and Marilyn Epps volunteered their time to start the initial garden clean up. Mostly they pulled weeds but some of the scouts enthusiasm turned into professional bug exterminators as they learned the correct way for smashing garden snails. By 2:00 p.m. most of the garden was in ship shape condition to start planting.
The following Sunday Pete Godfrey, Chris G., Marilyn Epps, and Stephen E. were back at the garden to actually start some summer crops. They planted flowers, herbs, and vegetables. The vegetable plantings included cucumbers, Summer Squash, Butternut Squash, Bell Peppers, three varieties of tomatoes; Yellow Pear, Husky and Heirloom, and pumpkins. The herbs included Sweet Basil and Spearmint. For color and bug protection Nasturtiums, California Poppies, Lobelia, mixed Petunias, and Yellow Marigolds were started.
There is still a lot of space to plant so come on out and start your favorite variety of vegetables. We want this garden to be a community showcase for Troop 110. Without everyone's support it cannot happen. Check out pictures at the troop Website.
At last months Court of Honor our troop donated $625 to help support the Friends of Scouting Fund-raiser. The $625 was contributed by only four families. Three contributed at the Family Level of $125 and one gave a generous $250. Thank you to those who supported this worthy cause.
PLC Update:
The Troop 110 PLC meeting was brought to order at 7:15 by Bill Westcott. Scouts Present: Joseph G., Chris G., Stephen E., Eric W., Chris M., Keith K., Olaf G., and Philip P. Adults Present: Bill Westcott, Pete Godfrey, Dana Smith, Mike Magno, Rawnie Clements. Mr. Westcott reminded the scouts that the PLC starts at 7:00 p.m. and please try to be on time.
The next item was the Spring Camporee. Each patrol will need their patrol flag and should ware their Troop 110 "T" shirt during the events. Each needs a Sierra cup, one member of the patrol needs a knife with a can opener.
Arriving there will be a uniform inspection. Scouts need to be in full scout uniform for maximum number of points. Each patrol must also have a duty roster and food menu before the Camporee event.
Mr. Westcott will be away during the month of April and Mr. Magno will take his place.
The April 19, troop meeting will be a demo on backpacking and what is needed for the Coast Camp trip on May 5, 2000.
Mr. Godfrey told the scouts they need to fill out a food menu on April 19, to be handed back the following week. A sample was passed out along with Coast Camp notes on the upcoming trip.
Meeting adjourned 7:45 p.m.
Cooking Korner:
Hot and Spicy Potato Wedges
submitted by Marilyn Epps
- 4 russet potatoes (can also try sweet potatoes)
- 1 Tablespoon oil
- 1/2 teaspoon paprika
- 1/2 teaspoon cayenne pepper
- 1/2 teaspoon garlic powder
- 1/2 teaspoon chili powder
Preheat Dutch Oven to approximately 425 degrees, (6-8 coals under oven 8-10 on the lid). Scrub potatoes and cut them in half crosswise. Then cut each half into six wedges.
In a bowl mix the potato wedges with the oil and spices until the potatoes are evenly coated. Salt to taste.
Spread the potatoes in one layer on an aluminum pie tin placed in the Dutch Oven and bake about 20-25 minutes, or until slightly browned.
Think and Grin:
Q. Why did the old man put an old shoe in his ear?
A. He likes to listen to sole music.Q. Mr. Barnes, How can you tell that a train just went by?
A. It left its tracks.Scoutmaster:
- What has 4 eyes but can't see?
- Why did the golf player bring two pairs of pants to the game?
- Why does the Easter Bunny have such a nice coat?
- What is the Easter Bunny called on a farm?
- How does the Easter Bunny commute to work?
Be the first to correctly answer and win a Mini Mag Flashlight. Answers must be submitted to Pete Godfrey, Saturday April 15, 2000 at the Spring Camporee. Early entries will not count.
Troop 110 Calendar:
- April 17-22, 2000 Eagle Camp
- April 14-16, 2000 Spring Camporee at Ardenwood Farm, Fremont, CA
- April 19, 2000 Acorn Training Session #2 , see Bill Fournell or Carol Barnes for details
- May 3, 2000 Deadline for applications to Brown Sea Training
- May 5-7, 2000 Backpacking Outing at Point Reyes National Seashore, see Pete Godfrey for details
- May 10, 2000 Summer Camp Christmas Tree Adult Meeting
- May 13, 2000 SFBAC Mission Peak District Dinner
- May 13, 2000 Merit Badge Extravaganza, details see Carol or Wayne Barnes
- June 3, 2000 Scout-O-Rama at Kennedy Park in Hayward
- June 16, 2000 Court of Honor at Garin Park in Hayward
- June 18-23, 2000 Eagle Camp and Brown Sea Training (http://www.sfbac.org/training/brownsea/index.html)
- July 2, 2000 Start of Troop 110 Summer Camp
Troop 110 Tribune
March 2000Hawk Ridge Outing Feb. 18-20, 2000
Our troop departed Friday evening February 18, for Anthony Chabot Regional Park in a convoy of eight vehicles lead by Assistant Scoutmasters Mr. Magno and Mr. Godfrey. Nine adults participated along with 17 scouts, eight from the Roadkill, seven from the Lighting Bolts, and one each from the Tigers and Dragon patrols. Arriving at the park the scouts packed in their personal gear down a private road to our campsite at Hawk Ridge. All of the adults were permitted to drive the last mile. Camp was setup in short order and by 11:00 p.m. the scouts were all in their tents. Several adults managed to stay up watching the campfire burn down until after midnight.
Saturday morning after breakfast, Mr. Godfrey and Mr. Yau took Chris G., Jason L., Jason Y., Richard B., Stephen E., and Jeff S. fishing at Lake Chabot. Recent storms and stream runoff made Lake Chabot a giant mud puddle. Lake Chabot normally has excellent fishing for bass, crappie, catfish, sunfish and trout. Anglers fishing using a slide sinker baited with Rainbow Power Bait usually have no problem catching fish.
This particular Saturday due to the muddy lake all the boys got "skunked." Chris, Jeff and Richard all hoped to complete the Fishing Merit Badge so they were rather disappointed.
While the party of seven fished the balance of the scouts except for Josh S. and Joe P. went on a five-mile compass hike lead by Andrew W. Our Scoutmaster Mr. Westcott arrived early Saturday morning and stayed in camp with Josh and Joe. At one point in the 5 mile hike all the scouts were challenged to measure the height of a tree. Andrew was the only one to get the height correct winning a dollar.
Later in the afternoon when everyone returned to camp Mr. Westcott conducted a Scoutmaster conference for Hilton D., for the rank of Tenderfoot. That same evening Mr. Godfrey, Mr. Pedersen and Mr. Keller conveyed a Board of Review for Hilton. Hilton is now a Tenderfoot Scout well on his way to Second Class.
Just prior to dinner Mr. Godfrey, Mr. Westcott and several scouts cut 2 to 2.5 inch diameter eucalyptus sprouts into 8-foot long poles for a simple lashing project. The scouts and Mr. Godfrey attempted to build a bridge but had little luck; more rope and poles would have helped. The next morning several scouts felt that the poles would be perfect hiking staffs so they cut the poles down to 4 to 5 feet in length. Actually the hiking sticks made better baseball bats. Two of the scouts cut 1-inch diameter shoots that did turn out to be perfect walking/hiking staffs.
Sunday morning with rain treating all the scouts except for two packed out their gear to the main road for the short ride home.
Kudos Korner:
Kudos to Marilyn Epps, Dana Smith, Mike Magno, Mike Dunn, Mike and Cindy Short, Wayne Barnes, and Pete Godfrey for attending the SFBAC Scouter's Recognition Dinner. One of the highlights that evening was our own Carol Barns accepting the Silver Beaver Award. All the adults who attended also received a special invitation to "Climb to the Top" on the climbing rock in the lobby of the New Youth Training Center in San Leandro.
Kudos to Rodger Butler for leading the SAC train outing.
Kudos to Rodger Butler and Pete Godfrey for providing red California State Railroad Museum Neckerchiefs to everyone on the SAC outing.
SAC Train Outing Feb. 25, 2000
On Saturday February 26, Troop 110 Departed to Sacramento with 11 Boy Scouts, 2 Cub Scouts, 9 adults and 4 additional family members for a total of 26 persons. The trip was planned and lead by Assistant Scoutmaster Rodger Butler. Our group left Contempo at 6:30 a.m. to catch the northbound Amtrak Capital Express in Emeryville. Due to construction on East I-80 the group actually arrive in Berkeley and needed to back tract to the Emeryville station. However everyone arrived in time to board the 7:45 a.m. train.
Boarding the train the conductor assigned our entire group to one coach. Having Boy Scouts on his train before he probably knew the rest of the Amtrak passengers would appreciate having us separated. Once the train departed the station some of the scouts quickly discovered the snack bar, two cars behind. Scouts with spending money felt this was the perfect time to start subsidizing Amtrak. As the train continued to Sacramento Mike Dunn challenged all comers to a stimulating game of Chess. The balance of the scouts entertained themselves by playing hide and seek, tag, making numerous water cooler visits, snack bar visits, toilet breaks, and spit ball fights until we arrived in Sacramento.
The Sacramento Association of Museums (SAM) provided us with a bonus. Fourteen participating SAM sites were open free of charge. These included the California State Railroad Museum, Discovery Museum, Sutter's Fort State Historical Park, California State Indian Museum, California State Capital, and the Wells Fargo History Museum to name just a few.
After Mr. Butler instructed everyone to meet back at the train station by 5:00 p.m. several groups set out in different directions. Scouts who visited the California State Capital building completed requirement 4b, for Citizenship in the Nation Merit Badge. Scouts interested in completing the Railroading Merit Badge fulfilled requirement 6a if they visited the California State Railroad Museum. Traveling to Sacramento on the train completed requirement 6c.
Information for requirements 1a, 2a, 2b, 2c, 3a, 3b, 4, 6b, and 7 was also available by visiting the California State Railroad museum.
On the return trip you would think everyone would want to sleep, but not our scouts. We were again assigned to a single coach and the predictable activities took place. One act of a malicious nature happened in one of two toilets in our coach. Someone thought it would be funny to drop a full role of toilet paper into a toilet. Fortunately the vandalism was seen by one of the troop leaders who unplugged the mess and cleaned up the area before it was noticed by an Amtrak train conductor. When the scouts were question as to the identity of the unscrupulous Boy Scout everyone pleaded innocence. When a deliberate act like this happens and we are in uniform, all Boy Scouts are blamed and their Trustworthy reputation is tarnished.
With the exception of the last incident the outing turned out to be a excellent day visiting our state's capital city by rail.
Big Basin Hike March 4, 2000
The hike to Big Basin's Berry Falls started at the park ranger station at 10:30 a.m. The scouts on this trip were Chris G., Andrew W., Gavin M., and Stephen E., lead by adults Pete Godfrey and Jarve Metcalf. More hikers were expected but due to illness, fear of rain, or possibly fear of the unknown the original group now totaled six.
The weather was perfect with an average temperature of 56 degrees, and a sunny blue sky. Rain was forecasted for Saturday night and as predicted rolled in after 7:00 p.m. Most of Big Basin is a magnificent virgin redwood forest. In October of 1769 these coastal redwoods were discovered by the Portola expedition that was exploring up the California coast. They called these giant trees "palo colorado". The Spaniards declared them the thickest, tallest, and strangest trees they had ever seen. When Big Basin was discovered many of the party was ill but by the end of their stay, they all had recovered. The Portola party named Big Basin "Canada de la Salud," or Canyon of Health.
Our small group setoff by Crossing Maddock Creek and proceed up to the beginning of the Sunset Trail. After about a mile of walking thorough a thick mixed forest of Tan Oak, California Bay Laurel, manzanita, madrone, Douglas fir, and Pacific Coast Redwoods we came to a junction and preceded on the Skyline to the Sea Trail. Storms closed the trail to the ocean but it was open to Berry Creek Falls. After about 3.5 miles the scouts found a twenty-five foot redwood plank somebody had placed on a four-foot diameter log making the perfect teeter-totter or old fashion seesaw. Here the hikers quickly learned a lesson in kinetic and potential energy. The seesaw could easily balance all four scouts four to five feet off the ground but as soon as one fell off, the opposite side of the plank accelerated by gravity crashed to the forest floor ending in laughter and some pain.
The next trail junction was the Berry Creek Falls Trail. This was the point where we had our first look at Berry Creek Falls. The falls cascade down a steep cliff for approximately 65 feet. Several storms had swelled most of the forest creeks so plenty of water was available to momentarily overwhelm our senses with a fantastic view.
Our lunch stop was at the junction of West Berry Creek and Berry Creek at the top of the falls. After lunch we climbed along West Berry Creek to Golden Falls and Silver Falls. Due to storms the trail was almost washed out. Climbing along the edge of Silver Falls, the park service provided a steel cable with guideposts to help negotiate the trail. Reaching the summit we again joined Sunset Trail passing Sunset Trail Camp.
Walking through the cathedral of redwoods the scouts identified many of the forest plants and animals. We saw banana slugs, California newts, Steller Jays and crows. Gavin, Chris and Andrew completed the second class rank requirement for identifying 10 plants and animals.
At 4.10 p.m. the group returned to the park's ranger station exhausted after completing a grueling twelve mile hike.
Committee Update:
Troop 110 Committee meeting brought to order at 7:45 by Marilyn Epps.
Member present Carol Barnes, Shirley Gonzales, Chad and Julie Engstrom, Rawnie Clements, Bill Fournell, Ed Smith, Ed Pauley, Dana Smith, Mike Dunn, Pete Godfrey, Marvin Williams, Mike Magno, Felicia Yau, Rodger Butler, Cindy Short, and Bill Westcott.
Carol Barnes read the February committee meeting minutes. Pete Godfrey motioned to accept the February minutes. Motion seconded by Mike Dunn, unanimously voted in favor by all present. Marilyn Epps announced the upcoming HAT backpacking training, March 4 & 5, 18 & 19, informed the committee that Troop 110 "T-shirts" sizes small, medium, large, and extra large for $10.00 are still for sale. Marilyn also asked for adults to sign up to sponsor or lead an outing check troop calendar if you are interested.
Carol Barnes reported on dates for Acorn Training. Wednesday sessions April 19 and 26, Saturday 29 all day session, followed by campout session at Los Mochos May 5, 6, and 7, 2000. Cost will be $30.00.
Bill Westcott motioned to cancel the Pioneering outing at Los Mochos for March 31, April 1, & 2, 2000. The motion was seconded by Dana Smith, unanimously voted in favor by all present. Bill will be planning a troop snow camp outing for March 18 and 19, 2000. Everyone will be allowed to attend even if they did not attend this year's Winter Awareness. Contact Bill Westcott for details.
The National Scout Jamboree will be held July 21 to August 4, 2001. Mission Peak District will sponsor three troops of 36 scouts each, cost approximately $1,800.00 see Bill Westcott or contact SFBAC, Mission Peak office if you are interested in going. Eagle Camp will be June 18-23 and July 17-22, 2000 if interested in filling out an application see Bill Westcott.
Felicia Yau presented the March troop financial statement. Summary as follows:
* Financial details omitted here. Troop 110 members may go to our Members Page for a complete financial report.
Mike Magno reported 40 scouts have signed up for summer camp at Camp Wente. He also reported the troop will have 5 full time adults in camp along with 5 part time adults. Adults over forty must have a current physical every year. Scouts physicals are good for 3 years. Mike also reminded the committee that a FOS presentation will happen at the March Court of Honor, bring you check books or bank cards as both will be accepted. Family membership is still $125.00.
Members to serve on the sub-committee for next years Christmas Tree lot are: Mike Short (committee chairperson), Cindy Short, Dana Smith, Ed Smith, Bill Fournell, Pete Godfrey, Shirley Gonzales, and Bill Westcott.
Rodger Butler reported on the success of the Sacramento Train trip. See details under SAC Train Trip.
Bill Fournell reported on five items presented at the last Roundtable.
- Troop 20 won overall award but Troop 110 first place with sprit at Indoor Rally.
- Roundtable staff suggested to divide troop into age groups, 11 and 12 younger group 13 and over for Venture group.
- At the April Roundtable all adults with Dutch Oven cooking skills invited to cook their best dish. All recipes will be collected and made into a Roundtable Cook Book.
- Next Roundtable to be held at LDS Church, 810 Walnut Street at 7:30 p.m., April 6, 2000.
- Bill wants to see more adults from Troop 110 at this years Acorn Training.
PLC Update:
Troop 110 PLC meeting brought to order at 7:20 by Max L.
Scouts Present: Max L., Greg G., Joseph G., Chris G., Stephen E., Eric W., Chris M.
Adults Present: Pete Godfrey, Dana Smith, Mike Magno, John Pedersen.
Max presented the following schedule:
- March 8, 2000 work on setting up new tents and knots.
- March 4, 2000 Big Basin Hike to Berry Creek Falls sign up with Pete Godfrey.
- March 15, 2000 Court of Honor and FOS at Cabello School, start at 6:30, bring dessert. Any patrol wanting to do a skit sign up with Scoutmaster.
- March 18 and 19, 2000 snow camping - sign up with Scoutmaster.
- March 22, 2000 Order of the Arrow elections.
- March 29, 2000 practice events for Spring Camporee.
- April 5, 2000 April PLC meeting starts 7:00 p.m. sharp!
- April 14-16, 2000 Spring Camporee at Ardenwood Farm, OA event.
PLC closed at 7:45 p.m.
Cooking Korner:
Pete's Dutch Oven Enchiladas
- 2-28 ounce cans of enchilada sauce
- 6 ounces Queso Fresco Casero cheese
- 2 ounces sharp cheddar cheese
- 1/4 tsp. black pepper
- 1/2 tsp. salt
- 1/2 tsp. ground cumin seed
- 1 tbs. chili power
- 10 flour tortillas
- 4 skinned chicken breasts
1) Boil chicken breasts in water for 25 minutes. After boiling drain water and allow chicken to cool.
2) Add enchilada sauce, setting aside 1 cup, into a large frying pan. Heat over medium heat.
3) Add black pepper, salt, chili power, ground cumin seed to enchilada sauce.
4) Shred cooled chicken and add to sauce.
5) Preheat a 12 inch Dutch Oven with 4-6 charcoals placed under the Dutch Oven. Have 10-12 hot coals ready to place on the top of oven lid.
6) Dip one tortilla into the chicken/enchilada sauce and place the chicken mixture into tortilla. Fold tortilla around mixture and carefully place enchilada into the Dutch Oven. Repeat until tortillas are filled.
7) Pour 1 cup of enchilada sauce oven all the tortillas in the Dutch Oven.
8) Crumble Queso Fresco Casero cheese over tortillas.
9) Spread the cheddar cheese across the top of tortillas.
10) Place the cover on the Dutch oven with 10-12 hot charcoals.
11) Heat for approximately 30 minutes or until enchiladas are hot and all cheese has melted.
Serves 6-8 scouts.
Think and Grin:
Little Girl: Mother can I play with the boys?
Mother: No, there to rough.
Little Girl: If I find a smooth one can I play with him?Scout: What do get when you cross a sheep dog with a vegetable?
Scoutmaster : A collieflower.What should gymnasts do if they find themselves in a haunted house?
Exorcise.Principle: Tony did you miss school yesterday?
Tony: I didn't miss it one little bit, sir.Troop 110 Calendar:
- March 15, 2000 Court of Honor, Cabello School
- March 18, 2000 Moaning Caverns - CANCELED
- March 18-19, 2000 Snow Camping Trip, details see Scoutmaster.
- March 31, April 1-2, 2000 Pioneering Outing at Los Mochos - CANCELED
- April 5, 2000 Troop 110 PLC meeting at Contempo, 7:00 p.m.
- April 5, 2000 Troop 110 Committee meeting at Contempo, 7:45 p.m.
- April 14-16, 2000 Spring Camporee at Ardenwood Farm, Fremont, CA
- April 19, 2000 Acorn Training Session, see Bill Fournell or Carol Barnes for details.
- May 5-7, 2000 Backpacking Outing at Point Reyes National Seashore, see Pete Godfrey for details.
Troop 110 Tribune
February 200020 Mile City Hike - Read all about it, pictures too!
Troop Elections Held
On January 19, Max L. was elected Troop 110 Senior Patrol Leader taking over duties from retiring SPL Greg G. Greg will function as the new Patrol Leader for the Dragons. Philip P. and Allen G. were elected to share the duties as Assistant Senior Patrol Leaders. The remainder of the Troop Officers, Scribe, Quartermaster, Historian Librarian will be appointed by Max, Philip, and Allen in the coming weeks.
Kudos to Jennifer S. and Stacy W.. They were our Cheer Leaders for Troop 110 at the annual Mission Peak Indoor Rally.
Kudos to Roger Butler for stepping forward to organize a Sacramento train trip outing February 25, 2000.
Kudos to Carol Smith for providing an excellent dinner at this years Klondike Derby.
Kudos to Max L., JR P., and Chris G. for having the correct answers in last months "Candy Quiz" they each won a Mini Mag Lite flashlight.
Kudos to the 9 adults, Roger Butler, Felica Yau, Marilyn Epps, Pete Godfrey, Chris Keller, Scott Tempelton, Julie Engstrom, John Peterson and Marvin Williams, who endured blisters and sore feet but continued to encourage 12 scouts to complete a 20 mile city hike.
Kudos to the 6 adults who provided transportation to this years Klondike Derby.
Fireman's Carry A Win, Feb. 4, 2000
Troop 110 complete against seven other troops in the annual In Door Rally successfully pulling off a First Place in the Fireman's Carry event. The troop also scored a Third Place for Spirit. However if you were in attendance it was hard to believe we didn't place first in Spirit. Our troop showed up with 15 scouts, 17 adults, and 7 siblings. We even were represented by 2 cheerleaders dressed in cheer leading uniforms complete with Troop 110 "T-shirts". At one point our scouts laid on the gym floor and spelled out "T-110" under the guidance of the cheerleaders, Jennifer S. and Stacy W.
During the Scoutmaster Pull we had sufficient "scout-power" to pull Mr. Westcott but during the excitement several scouts tripped causing half of our team to crumble. Needless to say the scouts did not place well for this event but they did add a lot of entertainment.
In the end, Troop 20 of Union City again won the overall completion. If our troop wants to win next year more practice in knots and first will certainly help.
Klondike Derby - Snowless Jan. 29, 2000
Troop 110 departed Saturday January 29, for the annual Mission Peak Klondike Derby with 6 adults and 17 scouts. Arriving at Pinecrest Camp minus the snow. Even though several winter storms passed through the Sierra, Pinecrest at elevation 5600 feet lacked the fluffy white carpet everyone expected. Some drifts were present around Pinecrest Lake but not enough for a decent snowball fight or to build igloos in.
Around 4:30 p.m. Keith K., Hilton D., and Chris M. decided to go off for a short adventure loosing track of time. Nightfall settled in when the troop noticed that three scouts were missing. None of the scouts carried flashlights and they quickly became disoriented trying to find their way back to camp. As the rest of the troop sat down for dinner several adult leaders started a search for the missing scouts. At this point they were gone for close to two hours. Mr. Keller was the first to find the scouts but decided to teach them a lesson . He concealed himself on the trail as the three weary scouts were making their way toward him. When they passed Mr. Keller he jumped out and frightened them enough that they panicked and ran all the way back to camp.
The highlight of the trip could have been the Chili dinner pre-prepared by Carol Smith. Nothing was left in the Dutch ovens, in fact the scout's bowls were literally licked clean. Had the three missing scouts not resumed when they did their portion would have been consumed.
The troop departed early Sunday morning as a new storm started to blow in. Another hour of delay and all the drivers would have been required to "chain up."
Since no snow was present on this trip the troop is think of planning another snow outing to Big Meadow or Pinecrest possibly in March. If we decide to go in March, the Moaning caverns trip will be pushed out to May, stay tuned.
Silver Beaver Awarded to Carol Barnes
On February 4, 2000, our own Carol Barnes received the coveted Silver Beaver award for noteworthy service of exceptional character to youth by registered scouters. Carol has been active in Cub Scouting, Boy Scouting and Venturing for 20 years. Her current position within scouting is acting as Troop 110 secretary and as an Associate Crew Advisor to Venture Crew 2 for the California School for the Blind. Outside of Scouting she has contributed time and energy to a variety of community organizations, including youth bowling, PTA, Fremont Elks, Sunbridge Senior Citizens, Easter Seals, and the Niles Historical Foundation. Carol is the forth Silver Beaver recipient who has served with Troop 110. The others include Wayne Barnes, (Carol's husband and founding Scoutmaster of Troop 110), Tom Helper, (past Scoutmaster of Troop 110), and Charlie Grant, (past Unit Commissioner and Assistant Scoutmaster of Troop 110).
Please take a moment to congratulate Carol on her distinguished achievement.
The following scouts and adults were in attendance at the February Troop PLC meeting; Greg G., Max L., Chris M., Ivan T., Chris G., Philip P., Stephen E., CJ H., and David H., Bill Westcott, Pete Godfrey, Dana Smith, and Mike Magno.
The meeting was started at 7:20 p.m. by Greg G.. Mr. Westcott reminded everyone to attend the Indoor Rally. He presented the following calendar dates and activities:
- February 9, Skill Advancement Night.
- February 18-20, Hawk Ridge Outing.
- February 23, Advancement Skill Night and Scoutmaster Board of Review.
- March 4, Merit Badge Hike to Berry Falls, Golden Falls, and Silver Falls, in Big Basin State Park.
- March 15, Court of Honor at Cabello School.
Mr. Westcott further reported to the PLC that the troop committee will be purchasing troop tens, back packing equipment, and repelling equipment with profits from the Christmas tree lot.
Mr. Westcott told the scouts present he would like organize several special off site Wednesday meetings. These could be at Mission Cliffs, Rock City, a roller rink, a bowling alley etc. Mr. Westcott said he would try to have Merit Badge Councilors or possibly a member of the Fremont Fire Fighters to lecture at future Wednesday meetings, allowing scouts opportunities to earn Merit Badges.
Since this years Klondike Derby lacked snow, the scouts were given a chance to plan another snow trip, the month of March was proposed. Other items mentioned in the PLC meeting:
- The troop will be purchasing new patrol stoves and lanterns for each patrol.
- SFBAC will have a new Council Patch, ideas for the design should be submitted by February 28 to the District Office. Both scouts and registered adults can summit a design to be picked at the dedication ceremony April 12.
- A time capsule will also be buried at the dedication ceremony. Any troop may submitted items for the capsule, however they should be small. It will be opened in the year 2010. The scouts present were given encouragement to submit items for the time capsule. See Mr. Westcott for details.
Mr. Magno reminded everyone to register for summer camp and make sure physicals are in order. The meeting was adjourned at 7:50 p.m.
The following adults were in attendance for the February Committee Meeting: Marilyn Epps, Ed Smith, Bill Westcott, Rawnie Clements, Tina Hyland, Chris & Lori Keller, Felica Yau, Pete Godfrey, Mike Dunn, Jarve Metcalf, Lorie Torres, Chris Magno, Dana Smith, Ed Pauley, Cindy & Mike Short, Bill Fournell, Chad & Julie Engstrom, Roger Butler, Shirly Gonzales, and Carol Barnes.
The meeting was started at 7:55 p.m. by Marilyn Epps. Carol Barnes read the January Committee minutes. Mike Dunn introduced a motion to accept the minutes. The motion was seconded by Chris Keller and passed unanimously by all present.
Marilyn Epps made the following announcements:
- The Sacramento train trip will be moved to February 26. On February 26 all museums in Sacramento will be free. Roger Butler will purchase train tickets for any one wishing to attend. Those going will meet at the Contempo Home Owners Association Saturday at 6:30 a.m. February 26. The plan is to car pool to Emeryville and meet the 7:30 a.m. Capital Express. Contact Roger Butler if you plan on attending. Citizenship Merit Badges will be offered.
- A volunteer is needed for Scout-O-Rama. Rawnie Clements volunteered to be the troop coordinator for this years event.
- HAT Basic Backpacking is set to start March 4, 2000 at Moreau High School. The fee is $50.00 to pre-register/$55.00 at the door.
Felica Yau presented the following Troop Treasurer's Report:
* Financial details omitted here. Troop 110 members may go to our Members Page for a complete financial report.
Bill Fournell reported that Council will be mailing a refund check for $170.00. This represents a bill Council originally felt Troop 110 owed for 1999 Summer Camp. The $350.00 bill was in error it actually should have been a $ 176.00 credit from Council. In the process $6.00 was dropped providing for the $ 170.00 refund, per Bill.
Pete Godfrey submitted a bill for $25.46 for printing charges for the December and January Troop Tribune.
Pete Godfrey motioned that Shirley Gonzales be allowed to purchase plastic storage containers to store COH supplies. The budget for this motion was $25.00. The motion was seconded by Bill Westcott and voted unanimously by all present.
A motion was introduced to accept the Treasurer's Report by Chris Keller. The motion was seconded by Rawnie Clements and voted unanimously by all present.
Mr. Westcott informed the committee on the items covered in the earlier PLC meeting.
Shirley Gonzales informed the troop committee that no one has paid for the Pizza/Salad dinner at last months Court of Honor. It was suggested that one adult from each patrol would collect $3.00 for each person who attended. The following will collect for their patrols:
Pete Godfrey - Road Kill
Cindy Short - Lighting Bolts
Shirley Gonzales - Dragons
Bill Westcott - Flaming Arrows
Marilyn Epps - TigersMoney collected should be turned in to Felica Yau.
A motion was introduced by Pete Godfrey to allow any scout who's parents worked 20 hours in the Christmas Tree lot, to have the equivalent cost of scout camp placed in their scout account if he chooses not to attend camp. The motion was seconded by Dana Smith and voted unanimously by all present
The Christmas Tree Fund-raiser Subcommittee met twice last month. At the second meeting consisting of Bill Westcott, Marilyn Epps, Ed Smith, Chris Keller, Cindy and Mike Short, a spending proposal was drafted. Their recommendations are as follows:
* Financial details omitted here. Troop 110 members may go to our Members Page for a complete financial report.
A motion was introduced by Chris Keller to accept the first 5 recommendations. The motion was seconded by Pete Godfrey and voted in favor unanimously by all present.
Very Berry Pie - by Brian Terry & Kent Mayberry, 1st Place World Championship Dutchoven Cook-off
FILLING: 2 cups fresh strawberries, 2 cups fresh blueberries, 2 cups fresh raspberries, 5 Tbs. of clear-jel, 3/4 cup sugar, 1 Tsp. vanilla.
CRUST: 4 cups flour, 1 1/2 Tsp. salt, 2/3 cup shortening, 1 cup lard, 1/2 to 1 cup water, 2 large sheets of parchment paper (if you want to take pie from oven).
EGG WASH: 1 medium egg, 1 Tsp. water.
GLAZE SAUCE: 1 brick cream cheese, 5 Tbs. raspberry concentrate, 1/2 half bottle of marshmallow creme.
CRUST: Place the parchment paper in the bottom of the 12 inch oven. Combine flour and salt mix well. Cut the lard & shortening in the flour until pieces are the size of small peas. Stir in cold water until dough forms a ball. Let the dough chill and rest while mixing the filling.
FILLING: Combine sugar and vanilla with clear-jel. Mix well. In a separate bowl combine all berries. Layer and sprinkle sugar mixture over berries. Let berries set to let flavors mellow. Cover until the pie crust is ready.
After filling is prepared use half of the dough to make bottom crust. Roll to desired thickness and shape to sides & bottom of oven. Place dough in oven and smooth up oven sides to top and on the bottom. Trim the dough on the top edge of the oven. Place sugar mixture in pie crust. Place the butter around the top of the berry mixture in pie crust. roll top crust to desired thickness. Cut vent at the top of the crust to allow steam and the wonderful aroma to escape. Before you place the top crust on the pie, wet the top edge of the bottom crust with water, so you can seal the seams of the crust. Push the crust seams together sealing the edges. Trim the crust as desired.
Bake 60 minutes with 10-12 coals on top and 12- 14 coals on the bottom (approximately 350 degrees). Rotate the oven and lid often to insure even browning. Brush the top of the pie with the egg wash about 10 minutes before the pie is done to aid in browning. Cool pie. As pie is cooling combine all the ingredients for the berry glaze sauce. Holding the edges of the parchment paper remove the pie from the oven. Whip sauce until smooth, drizzle over pie and enjoy.
A Sea Scout is ship wrecked and washed ashore on a deserted tropical island. When he awakens he notices that the sand is purple. As he becomes more aware of his surroundings he notices that the jungle foliage is purple, purple fruit is hanging from the trees. To his surprise the sky is purple and even the ocean is purple. Then he notices to his horror that his skin is turning purple and the shouts: "HELP I'm marooned!"
A three-legged dog walks into a saloon in the Old West. He slides up to the bar and announces: "I'm looking for the man who shot my paw."
CALENDAR EVENTS (also see Calendar)
February 18-20 ,2000 Hawk Ridge Outing
February 26, 2000 Sacramento Train Trip
March 1, 2000 PLC and Committee Meeting
March 4, 2000 Start of HAT Training
March 4, 2000 Big Basin Hike
March 17-18, 2000 Moaning Caverns
March 31-April 2, 2000 Los Mochos
Troop 110 Tribune
January 2000KUDOS KORNER
Kudos and a Big Thank You to Mike and Cindy S. for planning, organizing and managing the Christmas tree lot. Without their dedication and effort the Christmas tree lot would not have been a success. Together with their two sons Josh and Jeff and daughter Jennifer they staffed the lot for a total of 350 hours.
Kudos to the 30 Families, 27 Scouts, 9 Siblings and 55 Adults who together donated approximately 1,700 hours of labor contributing to the success of the Christmas tree lot generating approximately $xxxxx of profit (exact dollar amount omitted for online posting).
Kudos and another Big Thank You to Bob Standley, Mike's trusted friend who provided most of the initial investment for the Christmas tree lot.
Kudos and big thank you to the families and scouts who contributed Christmas packages to the family we adopted for the holidays. The family received 14 gifts, $100.00 in scrip for Safeway, and a $15.00 certificate to purchase a Christmas turkey. Troop 110 donated the script.
Kudos to the following scouts and adults who attended this year's Mission Peak District Winter Awareness Training: Richard B., Hilton D., Mark D., Christopher G., Greg G., Keith K., Nolan K., Max L., Christopher M., J.R.P., Brett W., and Philip P., who was one of the Order of the Arrow staff instructors. Adults: Roger Butler, Chris Keller, Mike Magno, and John Pedersen.
The following scouts and adult leaders attended the January PLC meeting: Chris G., Stephen E., Max L., Josh S. and Greg G. Adult Leaders Bill Westcott, Dana Smith, and Pete Godfrey. Bill Westcott reported to all present on the success of the tree lot and hoped this would become an annual Troop 110 fund-raiser. He reminded the scouts about the upcoming Court of Honor at Cabello Elementary School on Wednesday January 12, 2000. He also encouraged the patrols to perform a skit during the Court of Honor. Bill talked about the following calendar events:
January 19 Unit elections for a new Senior Patrol Leader and Assistant Senior Patrol Leader. The new SPL and ASPL will then appoint a new Troop Scribe, Historian, and Librarian. For the balance of the meeting the troop will practice for the up coming Indoor Rally, February 4, 2000.
January 22 will be a Troop outing in the form of a 10 or 20 mile hike along the San Francisco Waterfront lead by Pete Godfrey. The scouts should meet at the Union City BART station at 7:30 a.m. and will depart Union City on the 8:00 a.m. train. Bring a lunch, BART money, day pack and water.
January 26 will be a winter clothing demo by the Tiger Patrol followed by winter first aid presented by the Scoutmaster.
August 6-12, 2000 canoe trip on the Klamath River. The estimated cost will be $200-$225 for the seven day trip. To participate a scout must have passed the BSA Swim Test. It was advised that scouts planning on attending this trip also complete the Swimming and Canoeing Merit Badges. In closing our Scoutmaster promised that if the troop takes first place at the Indoor Rally the troop will have an ice cream and pizza party. If the troop places second we will have a pizza party.
PLC adjourned at 7:35 p.m.
Members present; Marvin Williams, Mike Dunn, Dennis and Sheri Wollum, Roger Butler, Judy Pratt-Majesky, Chad and Julie Engstrom, Chris and Lori Keller, Ed Pauley, Shirley Gonzales, Carol Barnes, Debra Day, Dana Smith, Cindy Short, Felicia Yau, Pete Godfrey, Dale Wagenman, Rawnie Clements, Mike Mango, Bill Fournell, Marilyn Epps and Bill Westcott.
The meeting was opened at 7:45 p.m. by Marilyn Epps. Carol Barnes read the committee minutes from December, 1999. Pete Godfrey introduced a motion to accept the minutes. Roger Butler seconded the motion and it voted unanimously in favor by all present.
Marilyn Epps officially welcomed the newest members to Troop 110, Chad and Julie E. and their sons Russell and Dillon. Marilyn then reported on the following items:
Congratulations to Carol Barnes for winning the Silver Beaver Award representing the Mission Peak District of SFBAC. Carol and Wayne Barnes are the founding members of Troop 110. An award banquet dinner is scheduled for February 5, 2000. If you are interested in going please contact Marilyn for details, the cost is $19.00. Carol is the third member of Troop 110 to receive this coveted award. The others are Wayne Barnes and Tom Helper. Marilyn also reported that Troop 110 has once again won the District Quality Unit award for 2000. Marilyn introduced Felicia Yau who will be taking over as the new Troop Treasure.
HAT Backpacking Training will be held March 4-5, 2000 followed by an outing at Los Mochos for March 18-19, 2000. The cost is $50.00 to pre-register and $55.00 at the door.
Our Scoutmaster reported on the items from the above January PLC Meeting. He request that he wants to break Troop 20's dominance in the Indoor Rally and will try to provide practice for the events on upcoming troop meetings. He also request a strong showing of all the parents of Troop 110 on February 4, 2000. Points are awarded for overall attendance at the Indoor Rally. They will be needed if we really want to dethrone Troop 20.
He proposed to limit the number of scouts joining Troop 110 to 14 or 16 boys. He felt that because we registered over 20 scouts last year our program has not been a complete success. We still have some boys who have not obtained Scout Rank and most have not earned their Tenderfoot. Our Scoutmaster would like to see all scouts reach First Class within their first year of joining the troop. Our Scoutmaster is allowing First Class and above scouts to sign off advancements for Scout, Tenderfoot, and Second Class at any troop function.
With the help of Ed Pauley, Dana Smith, Jerome Hoban, our Scoutmaster would like to see a Venture group formed for the older scouts. If and when this happens the Ventures would have their own program for outings and events.
Plans for the Klondike Derby have not been finalized but we will probably leave Contempo at 6:00 a.m. on Saturday January 29 and return early Sunday so everyone can still see this year's Super Bowl.
Roger Butler proposed to contact a foreign Boy Scout Troop to exchange scouts. Roger will E-mail a troop he is in contact with in Germany and report back.
Cindy Short reported that the Christmas Tree lot was a gigantic success. Gross proceeds topped $xxxxx earning Troop 110 approximately $xxxxx of profit (exact dollar amounts omitted for online posting). Bill Westcott introduced a motion to have the Christmas Tree lot again for the year 2000. The motioned was seconded by Debra Day and voted unanimously in favor by all present. Carol Barnes introduced a motion to set aside $3,000.00 to be used for start up funds on the tree lot for Christmas 2000. The motioned was seconded by Debra Day and voted unanimously in favor by all present. A third and final motion was introduced by Pete Godfrey to send all scouts who were registered in Troop 110 for 1999 and will continue to be registered in 2000 with Troop 110 to summer camp from July 2 to July 8, 2000 at Camp Wente. A scout may also choose to attend Eagle Camp in June of 2000 if they are not going to Wente. For budget purposes this motion would cost the troop approximately $7,175 based on 35 scouts attending at a cost of $205.00 each. The motion was seconded by Felicia Yau and voted unanimously in favor by all present. Russell E. and Dillon E. were included in this motion.
No further action was taken with the balance of funds earned from the Christmas Tree lot.
A subcommittee consisting of Dana Smith, Chris Keller, Pete Godfrey, Ed Pauley, Bill Westcott, Mike Short, and Marilyn Epps was formed to evaluate and recommend troop needs for some of the profits from the tree sales. They will report back to the committee at the February meeting.
Rawnie Clements reported that 8 scouts have each completed 12 service hours in 1999 to earn the Presidential Service to America Award patch. The boys are Olaf G., David and Keith K., Brent W., Eric W., Jason L., Jason Y. and Nolan K. Our troop contributed a total troop 208 hours toward this program. The Boy Scouts of America pledged to President Bush and President Clinton a total of 200 million hours through 2000. If 75% of a units scouts earn the award all unit leaders will also earn the award.
- January 22, 2000 San Francisco City hike 10/20 miles weather permitting, details contact Pete Godfrey
- January 22, 2000 University of Scouting, Castro Valley High School
- January 22, 2000 Den Chief Training @ University of Scouting
- January 29 & 30, 2000 Klondike Derby
- February 2, 2000, February Troop PLC Meeting and Committee Meeting
- February 4, 2000, Indoor Rally at Logan High School
- February 5, 2000, SFBAC Awards Banquet
- March 4 & 5, 2000 HAT Basic Backpacking Training Indoor Session
- March 18 & 19, 2000 HAT Basic Backpacking Training Outdoor session
Below are fifteen clues to the names of popular candy bars. The scout who can name the most by Wednesday January 19, will win a genuine MagLite flashlight. Two flashlights will be provided in the event of a tie. If more than two tie, a drawing will be held for the two winners. Pete Godfrey will provide the flashlights.
- A trio of old.
- A famous baseball player
- A Feline.
- Single women look for.
- A dry cow.
- Father of cane.
- Sun Explosion.
- Laughing not out loud.
- Most games are decided by this.
- Something you call when you know the name of it.
- Two letters.
- To see.
- A workers favorite day.
- An orchestra plays a.
- Two female pronouns.
Troop 110 Tribune
December 1999KUDOS KORNER
Kudos to Chris P. Anyone watching the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade live from New York on Thanksgiving Day may have seen one of our talented Scouts, Chris P. Chris is an accomplished percussionist with the Logan Jazz Band and the Logan Marching Band. Because of his percussion skills Chris was invited to participate in Macy's parade. Chris also has his own Rock & Roll band, Minds Eye.
Kudos to Westley S. and Stephen E. for earning the Hiking Merit Badge. Westly and Stephen started the requirements for this badge May 17, 1998.
Kudos to Ed Smith for donating Mistletoe for our Christmas Tree lot. All the Mistletoe sold will generate 100% profit for the troop.
Kudos to Mrs. Westcott for a donation of 250 Luminaries to sell at our Christmas Tree lot.
* Financial details omitted here. Troop 110 members may go to our Members Page for a complete financial report.
The financial statement for November was not complete and not approved by the Troop Committee. It will be reviewed again at the next Troop Committee meeting.
The December 1, 1999 PLC meeting was held at our Christmas Tree lot. The following boys and adults were present. Dana Smith, Bill Westcott, Travis S., Greg G., Josh S., Eric W., Max L., Bret W., and Stephen E..
The boys were presented with a troop program/calendar through January. The focus for the next several meetings will be practice aimed at upsetting Troop 20 from winning the Indoor Rally. The PLC has planned a Christmas Social for the night of December 22, 1999. Greg G. and our Scoutmaster will be planing the details with the individual Troop Patrol Leaders.
Adults present: Judy Pratt-Majesky, Bill Westcott, Carol Barnes, Wayne Barnes, Rodger Butler, Mike Magno, Jerome Hoban, Bill Fournell, Dana Smith, Chris Keller, Ed Pauley, Marilyn Epps, Mike York, John Pedersen, Shirley Gonzales, Mike Dunn, Mike Short, Rawnie Clements, Tina Hyland, Ed Smith, and Pete Godfrey.
The December 1, 1999 Troop meeting was held at our Christmas Tree lot. Carol Barnes read the November 3, 1999 committee notes. Pete Godfrey introduced a motion to approve the November Troop Committee minutes, it was seconded by Mike Short and unanimously voted in favor by all present.
Marilyn Epps reported on the following:
A big Thank You and Kudos to Skip Wagner for setting up and maintaining the troop web site.
Also a Gigantic Thank You to Mike and Cindy Short for supervising and coordinating the setup of our Troop Christmas tree lot. Without Mike and Cindy's effort we would not have an opportunity to run a Christmas Tree lot providing a much need source of revenue for our Boy Scouts, Scout Accounts. As of this writing we have turned the corner in paying off all our expenses. Everyone please keep up the dedication and hard work to make this event an annual fund raiser for us in the future. Without Mike and Cindy's help it would not have been possible.
Anyone wanting to attend the University of Scouting it will be on January 22, 1999 at Castro Valley High School. Contact Marilyn Epps for more details.
The Winter Court of Honor will be held on January 12, 2000 at Cabello Elementary School. Cabello is located on the corner of Regents Blvd. and Cabello Street. The Court of Honor will be a Pizza/Salad Dinner. A motion was introduced by Carol Barnes to charge $3.00 for Adults and Scouts, children under 6 will be free. The motion was seconded by Mark Dunn and unanimously voted in favor by all present. For more details contact Shirley Gonzales.
Bill Westcott reported that Popcorn Money is now due. The troop will write one check for the entire bill minus the 30% which will be placed into individual Scout Accounts depending on the amount of popcorn each scout sold.
Bill also reported that he purchased 240, 5 inch decorated blue pine Christmas trees, 24, 5 inch lighted and decorated Christmas trees and 10 Bonsai trees to sell at our Christmas tree lot. The 4 inch trees will sell for $6.00, the 5 inch and Bonsai for $10.00. He also has lots of Luminaries donated by his mother which will be sold for $3.00 each. Bill added that he has Council Popcorn left over which will also be sold at the Christmas tree lot.
Bill Fournell reported that the $365.00 the troop owed to council from our 1999 Summer Camp at Camp Wente has been cleared up. Instead of owing $365.00 the troop is due a $196.00 refund from the San Francisco Bay Area Council. Bill also reported that he has refunded $170.00 to Lori K. since her son Keith did not participate as planned.
At the November Troop Committee meeting, the committee agreed to sponsor a needy family for the Christmas Holidays. Marilyn Epps has found a family who is in the process of a divorce and has two young boys in the second and third grade. One of the boys is under going leukemia therapy. A motion was introduced by Pete Godfrey to give the mother a $100.00 food gift certificate. The motion was seconded by Roger Butler and unanimously voted in favor of the motion by all present. It was further proposed that each troop family donate a gift for one or both of the young boys. If you choose to give a gift it should be new and wrapped. Mark on the outside what the present is so we can make it fair for both boys. The boys names are Kyle (second grade) and Sean (third grade).
Roger Butler proposed a motion to give the retirement apartment complex next to our Christmas Tree lot either a full size Christmas Tree, Christmas Wreaths, or several of the 4 inch decorated trees. The motion was seconded by Tina Hyland and vote unanimously by all present. Roger visited the apartment complex Friday December 3, The residents preferred to take two Christmas Wreaths and two of the 4 inch decorated trees.
Pete Godfrey presented a Troop calendar for the months of January thur August. Bill Westcott and Marilyn Epps will be up dating the calendar before it is distributed.
First Full Moon - submitted by Katrina Grippa Pack 273
This year will be the first full moon to occur on the winter solstice, December 22, commonly called the first day of winter. Since a full moon on the winter solstice occurred in conjunction with a lunar perigee (point in the moon's orbit that is closest to Earth) The moon will appear about 14% larger than it does at apogee (the point in it's elliptical orbit that is farthest from the Earth) since the Earth is also several million miles closer to the sun at this time of the year than in the summer, sunlight striking the moon is about 7% stronger making it brighter. Also, this will be the closest perigee of the Moon of the year since the moon's orbit is constantly deforming. If the weather is clear it is believed that even car headlights will be superfluous.
On December 21st. 1866 the Lakota Sioux took advantage of this combination of occurrences and staged a devastating retaliatory ambush on soldiers in the Wyoming Territory. In laymen's terms it will be a super bright full moon, much more than the usual and it hasn't happened this way for 133 years! Our ancestors 133 years ago saw this. Our descendants 100 or so years from now will see this again.
I hope someone will find this interesting! Remember this will happen December 22, 1999.
SCOUTS IN ACTION (also see Calendar)
- December 22, 1999 Christmas Social Troop meeting contact Bill Westcott
- January 12, 2000 Troop 110 Court of Honor
- January 15, 2000 San Francisco City hike 10/20 miles weather permitting, details contact Pete Godfrey
- January 22, 2000 University of Scouting, Castro Valley High School
- January 22, 2000 Den Chief Training
- January 28, 29, and 30, 2000 Klondike Derby
- February 4, 2000 Indoor Rally
Scoutmaster: What story do snowmen like to tell their children?
Boy Scout: Coldilocks and the three brrrsScoutmaster: What do snowmen have for breakfast???
Boy Scout: SnowFLAKES!!!!Scoutmaster: Where does a Snowman keep his money?
Boy Scout: In a snowbank.Scoutmaster: Why does Santa Claus have a garden?
Boy Scout: So he can Ho! Ho! Ho!
Troop 110 Tribune
On Saturday November 27, 1999 the Christmas Trees will arrive. Mike Short would like everyone to be present. The trees must be unloaded and placed on stands. Mike will also conduct a meeting as to what is expected for this to be a successful fund raiser. At the last committee meeting Mike started a calendar for everyone to log their 20 hours of required time at the Christmas Tree lot. If you have not filled in any dates please do by contacting Mike. We all want this GIGANTIC FUND-RAISER to be a huge success and it will not happen unless we all PARTICIPATE.
Kudos to Carol and Wayne Barnes, Dana Smith, Rawnie Clements, and Pete Godfrey for helping with the Mission Peak Districts Merit Badge Extravaganza. Carol and Wayne organized the event while Dana, Rawnie and Pete served as councilors.
Kudos to Bill Westcott for completing Scoutmaster Fast Start Training at the Merit Badge Extravaganza.
If you are planing on attending the Klondike Derby you must register and complete the Winter Awareness training on December 4, 1999. No one will be allowed on the trip unless they have completed Winter Awareness in 1998 or 1999.
Bill Westcott would like to lead a canoe trip on the Klamath River during the weeks of August 6-12 or 13-19, 2000. If you plan on attending let our Scoutmaster know what week is best so we can plan the calendar for August.
Troop elections will take place in December to elect a new Senior Patrol Leader and two Assistant Senior Patrol leaders.
HAWK RIDGE OUTING NOVEMBER 5 to 7, 1999 (see pictures)
Six adult leaders and fifteen scouts departed Contempo Friday night for a two day outing at Anthony Chabot Regional Park. After arriving at the locked gate leading to the group camp site all fifteen scouts hitched up their backpacks and started down the trail to Hawk Ridge. The scouts completed a night hike approximately 1.2 miles with their equipment lead by Chris G. and Gavin M. Chris and Gavin scouted the trail the previous weekend. The adult leaders drove into camp and had peace and quite for the next 30 minutes until the scouts arrived.
On Saturday morning Mr. York arrived followed by two adult leaders and four Cub Scouts from Pack 273. The Pack was invited so several of the Cub Scouts could complete a requirement for their Arrow of Light Award. All the six of the Cub Scouts participate in a ten mile Merit Badge hike around Lake Chabot. The hiking party departed at 10:00 a.m. Lead by Mr. Godfrey. Six boys stayed in camp with Mr. Westcott, Mr. Smith and Mr. Short to work on scout advancements. The group who stayed in camp set up a lashed flag pole, a Scoutmaster shaded shelter/awning, and a regulation sized beach volleyball court. During the day the group was joined by Mr. Pederson and his son JR, who originally planned on leaving with the Friday night group.
The majority of the group hiking around Lake Chabot arrived back in camp at 2:30 p.m. The slower hikers arrived about 20 minutes latter. Everyone completed the hike except Andrew W. who was nursing a back injury from gymnastics competition and his father Mr. Wagner. Andrew and his father turned back after crossing the spill way to Lake Chabot.
The balance of the after noon was spent in leisure activities with volleyball, tag football, rope swings, catch, and Frisbee throwing. Mr. Butler and his son, Richard, even had time to go fishing. At 5:00 p.m. the colors were lowered followed by Patrol meals. The Cub Scouts ate dinner with the Roadkill Patrol and departed camp exhausted, but well feed. Their leader thanked the troop for an exciting outing and hoped to be invited back at some future date.
Note: Individual Scout accounts not included as per web site policy.
October 99 Financial Statement
per Bill Fournell* Financial details omitted here. Troop 110 members may go to our Members Page for a complete financial report.
The following parents attended the November committee meeting: , Judy Pratt-Majesky, Bill Westcott, Ed Pauley, Pete Godfrey, Mike Magno, Dana Smith, Marilyn Epps, Carol Barnes, Mike Short, Bill Fournell, Lourie Keller, Rawnie Clements, Rodger Butler, Debra Day, and Tina Hyland.
The following Scouts and parents were present at the November PLC meeting: Greg G., Alan G., Travis S., Chris M., and David H.. Adults: Dana Smith, Pete Godfrey, Rodger Butler, Mike Magno, Rawnie Clements, Lorie Keller, and Tina Hyland.
Bill Westcott proposed a motion to the committee electing the following persons as new officers for the Troop 110 Parent Committee. The motion was seconded by Carol Barnes and voted unanimous by all present:
Committee Chair Person:
Marilyn Epps
Asst. Committee Chair:
Roger Butler
Carol Barnes
Felicia Yau
Editor Troop Tribune:
Pete Godfrey
Ed Pauley
Tenderfoot-First Class:
Pete Godfrey and Mike Magno
Camp Coordinators:
John Pedersen and Debra Day
Uniform Bank Coordinator:
Judy Pratt-Majesky
Roundtable Coordinator:
Bill Fournell
Outdoor Coordinator:
Marilyn Epps
Court of Honor Coordinator:
Shirly Gonzales
Please support our new officers in the coming year and remember if you want a say in how Troop 110 is managed be sure to attend our monthly committee meetings. The Troop Committee meets the first Wednesday of each month in the Contempo Homeowners Cabana at 7:45 p.m.
Marilyn Epps reminded everyone that dues are due. Scouts fees are $60.00 which includes a subscription to Boys Life. The second and third scout in the same family pays only $50.00. Adults fees are $10.00. Checks should be payable to Troop 110 and given to Marilyn who will be handling our charter renewal this year. If you want your fees taken from scout accounts contact Bill Fournell and he will give you a form to fill out.
Marilyn reported that our Troop owes $365.00 to the SFBAC for summer camp fees. Troop summer camp records were destroyed after camp making it difficult to figure out who is correct, the Council or Troop 110. Laurie Keller is owed a $185.00 camp refund since her son did not attend camp and notified the troop in time for a full refund. The Council will not refund the $185.00 until the Troop settles their account. Bill Fournell stepped forward to reconstruct the camp records and try to persuaded Council of their mistake. Discussion continued as to refund Laurie Keller's camp fees but not action was taken.
Marilyn also has Troop 110 "T" shirts. They sell for $10.00 each in adult sizes of small, medium, large and extra large.
Pete Godfrey, Marilyn Epps, and Felicia Yau completed an audit of the troop treasury. Several minor errors were noticed. The biggest being the amount of money credited to the scout accounts for selling 1998 Christmas Tree Wreaths. Each wreath sold earned a credit of $8.00 in an individual scout account. The profit was actually $6.17 with the difference being shipping and handling which the troop paid. It was agreed to leave the accounts alone but this year only $6.00 will go into each account for each wreath sold.
Debra Day reported that over $3,700 worth of popcorn has been presold by only 16 scouts. Earnings form the sale of the popcorn will be added to the scout accounts shortly. Debra will be needing help to distribute the popcorn on November 20, 1999, and any scout who helps will be earning service hours. Contact Debra Day or Bill Westcott for details.
Mike Short reported that the Christmas Tree lot is moving forward. He has spend $112 for permits and $97.00 to print the red and green fliers everyone received in their scout file last month. The Christmas Tree distributor has arranged for a lot, fences, toilet, lighting, and mulch. Trees will be delivered November 27, 1999, Mike has request the support from the entire troop and wants everyone present at the lot when the trees arrive. Bill Fournell volunteered to secure a permit for the electrical connection and set up a power pole. Mike also reminded everyone that the sign up work calendar is open on a first come basis. Make sure you sign up to work in the lot. Each family is expected to donate 20 hours.
Mike Magno volunteered to collect can goods for Troop 110's participation in the annual Scouting for Food. Pete Godfrey suggested we sponsor one to two needy families and prepared a Christmas food basket. Mike and Marilyn Epps will organize this effort.
Pete Godfrey and John Pederson were given permission to purchase a Coleman lantern and stove for their respected patrols, the Roadkill and Lighting Bolts. Ed Pauley was given permission to purchase a Coleman stove for the Tiger patrol.
Rawnie Clements will be looking into an outing on the retired submarine moored at Fisherman's Wharf in San Francisco. Rawnie also reported that Boreal Ridge at Lake Tahoe will be hosting a scouting ski week end March 4 and 5, 2000. Merit Badge Councilors will be available to complete the Skiing Merit Badge.
Our new web site is up and running, (http://www2.inow.com/~wag/troop110/). It will include meeting schedules, calendar, coming events, pictures, general information and much more as it grows over time. The basic layout is already posted and over the next several months more and more information will be posted as it becomes available. Please go check out our site and if anyone has any suggestions, ideas, concerns or information you would like posted, please feel free to contact me. I would appreciate your input. Skip Wagner - email: macbrass@aol.com
SCOUTS IN ACTION (also see Calendar)
- November 17, 1999 Troop advancement night
- November 20, 1999 Popcorn distribution, details contact Debra Day
- November 20, 1999 Scouting for Food bag turn in, details contact Marilyn Epps
- November 27, 1999 Christmas Tree sales begin, details contact Mike Short
- December 4, 1999 Winter Awareness, required to attend Klondike Derby, details contact Bill Westcott
- January 12, 2000 Troop 110 Court of Honor
- January 15, 2000 San Francisco City hike 10/20 miles weather permitting, details contact Pete Godfrey
- January 28, 29, and 30, 2000 Klondike Derby
Aussie Outback Cattle Drover's Stew submitted by Craig Anderson of BSA Troop 237
In Australia the cattle and sheep "stations" are huge. It can take a drover several days to ride from one border to the other. So when they have a party its a very big one.
- 12 large kangaroos [can substitute 8 medium camels]
- 1 ton salt
- 1 ton pepper
- brown gravy mix, a few packages
- 500 bushels potatoes
- 200 bushels carrots
- 3000 sprigs parsley
- 2 small rabbits
- Cut kangaroos or camels into bite sized pieces. [This should take about 2 months.]
- Cut vegetables into cubes [another 2 months]
- Place meat in pans and cover with 1000 lbs. of brown gravy
- Simmer for 4 weeks
- Shovel in pepper and salt to taste
- When meat is tender, add vegetables
- Simmer for 4 more weeks
- Garnish with parsley
- Will serve 3800 people
Note: If more are expected, add 2 rabbits.
Knock knock
Who's there?
Despair who?
Despair tire is flatKnock knock
Who's there?
Icon who?
Icon tell you another knock knock joke. Do you want me to?Knock, Knock.
Who's there?
Ya who?
What are you getting so excited about?Q. What do you get from a nervous cow?
A. MilkshakesQ. Why did the kid stick a hose in his friends ear?
A. Because he wanted to brain wash him
Troop 110 Tribune
At the last Troop Committee meeting we unanimously voted Bill Westcott as the new Scoutmaster of Troop 110. I personally want to congratulate Bill and pledge to help Bill make Troop 110 one of the best Scout Troops in the San Francisco Bay Area Council. Just as Bill needed the approval of the Troop Committee I would like to propose that all committee jobs also be approved unanimously as we enter our new charter for the 2000 scouting year. The Committee Chair, Assistant Scoutmasters, Secretary, Treasurer, Troop Tribune Editor, Summer Camp Coordinator should all receive the full support of the Troop Committee by unanimous approval. If more than one person would like to hold a particular position the Troop Committee should vote for the best qualified person. Lets have elections at the November meeting to properly staff our troop for the upcoming calendar year. Pete Godfrey
Dana wanted to thank John Peterson and Mike Short for helping out with the Lighting Bolts at the Manteca Water Slides. He also felt that fall Camporee was a success. Patches for the event will be handed out on the January 12 Court of Honor. Dana also congratulated Mike Mango for attending this years Woodbadge training. He also handed Mike a Webelos Den Leader Certificate from the district for two years of outstanding service as a Webelos Den Leader.
- Kudos Skip Wagner for starting a Troop 110 Web site
- Kudos to Sherly Gonzales and Beth Lyness for volunteering to act as our Christmas Wreath chairpersons.
- Kudos to the Flaming Arrows for winning two first place ribbons at the Fall Camporee.
- Kudos to the Roadkill for winnig a second place ribbon at the Fall Camporee.
- Kudos to Richard B., Chris G.,and Mikael T. for cleaning a beach at Angle Island for the California Coast Cleanup Campaign.
Scouts present: Josh S., Gary G., Ivan T., Travis S., Allen G., Justin S., and Max L. Adults Present: Dana Smith, Bill Westcott, Pete Godfrey, Mike and Cindy Short, and Roger Butler. Dana announced that this will be his last PLC meeting and thanked all the scouts for their support. Dana asked if the scouts would like to have a Halloween theme troop meeting, October 27 was set as the official date.
Greg congratulated the troop for participating in the Fall Camporee and personally congratulated the Roadkills and Flaming Arrows for winning several events. Greg also requested an active Merit Badge Councilor list which Dana quickly handed over. Dana announced that October 23 is Union City's Make a Difference Day. Interested scouts should contact Rawnie Clements or Lori Keller for details.
Mike Short explained the Christmas Tree sales program and encouraged all the scouts to participate if the committe approves this type of fund raiser.
Bill West explained the Popcorn Sales Program. Popcorn will be distributed November 20 provided sales forms are returned to Debra Day by October 20. One hundred percent of the profits will be deposited in the scout accounts.
The meeting was adjourned at 7:05 p.m.
Called to order 7:10 p.m.
Committe member present: Carol Barnes, Rodger Butler, Bill Fournell Ed Smith, Ed Pauley, Rawnie Clements, Lorie Keller, Lorie Torres, Mike Magno, John Peterson, Dana Smith, Marilyn Epps, Cindy Short, Mike Short, Bill Westcott, Sherly Gonzales and Pete Godfrey.
September Troop 110 minutes read by Carol Barnes and approved by all present.
Marilyn Epps presented the following items:
Congratulations to the eighteen scouts who attended Mission Peaks Fall Camporee hosted by the Troop 114. Mayilyn thanked Skip Wagner for setting up a new web site. Troop 110's official web site is as follows: http://www2.inow.com/~wag/troop110/ Marilyn has collected 20 American flags from NHUSD that need to be retired. If you want to enclude a retirement flag ceremony on one of our outings contact Marilyn.
Marilyn also reminied everyone that Matt F. will have a Eagle Court of Honor on Octomber 20 starting at 8:00 p.m.
Marilyn reported she purchased the Troopmaster Data Base. She will be collecting data to fill the data base in the comming weeks. Marily requested that the troop purchase Troop Ledger Data Base. A motion to purchase Troop Ledger was introducted to the committe by Pete Godfrey and seconded by Carol Barnes. The entire committee voted in favor.
Our troop charted will be due soon and Marilyn wanted dues to be turned in to her by Novemver 30, 1999. A motion was entered by Carol Barnes and seconded by Sherily Gonzales to leave the fees the same as last year. The motion was passed by the entire committee. The fee will be $60.00 for scouts and $10.00 for adults. The $60.00 will enclude a years subscribition to Boys Life and register each member with BSA. For accounting purposed please write a check to Troop 110 or arrange with Bill Founell to transfer funds from your boys scout account to the troop scout accout.
Beth Lyness and Sherly Gonzales have voluntereed to serve as this years Christmas Wreath sales chairperson. Sherly reported that she has purchased 150 Christmas Wreaths for the troop to sell as a fundraiser. Our cost to purchase the wreaths are $1,474.50, ($8.19 + $1.64 shipping and handling x 150). They will sell for $16.00 producing a profit of $6.17. Order forms will be available at the next troop meeting for pre-orders. All pre-orders must be complete by October 27, 1999.
Mike Short reported that he received thirty positive responses from the tree survey. A motion was introduced to sell Christmas Tree but delay how the profits would be distribituted by Bill Westcott. The motion was seconded by John Peterson and the entire committee voted in favor to sell Christmas Trees. Each family will be expected to volunteer 20 hours at the Christmas tree lot. Details and signups will be forth comming.
Carol Barnes introducted a motion to electect Bill Westcott Scoutmaster of Troop 110. The motion was seconded by John Peterson and passed by all pressent. Bill Westcott is now offically the new Scoutmaster of Troop 110.
Pete Godfrey reported the planning meeting produced an abundance of good ideas for the coming scouting year. A calendar has been prepared for October thur January based on the involvement of the scouts who participated. The balance of the calendar will be forth coming.
Note: Individual Scout accounts not included as per web site policy.
September 99 Financial Statement
per Bill Fournell* Financial details omitted here. Troop 110 members may go to our Members Page for a complete financial report.
SCOUTS IN ACTION (also see Calendar)
- October 15 1999 Night hike along Alameda Creek, meet at Contempo at 6:30 p.m., details Pete Godfrey 487-3628
- October 20, 1999 Eagle Court of Honor, details Bill Westcott
- October 23, 1999 Union City Make a difference Day, details Rawnie Clements or Lori Keller
- November 3, 1999 Troop 110 Committee and PLC meeting, details Marilyn Epps, Greg G.
- November 5, 6, and 7 Hawk Ridge outing, details Pete Godfrey
- November 20, 1999 Scouting for Food Bag Turn In, details Marilyn Epps
- November 26, 1999 Christmas Tree sales begin, details Mike Short
- December 4, 1999 Winter Awareness required to attend Klondike Derby, details Bill Westcott
- January 12, 2000 Troop 110 Court of Honor
- January 15, 2000 City hike 10/20 miles weather permitting, details Pete Godfrey
- January 28, 29, and 30, 2000 Klondike Derby
In light of the rising frequency of serious incidents between humans and black bears, the California Department of Fish and Game is advising Boyscouts, hikers, hunters and fishermen to take extra precautions and keep alert for black bears while in the field.
We advise that scouts wear noisy little bells on their clothing as a warning, so as not to startle bears that aren't expecting them.
We also advise scout adult leaders to carry pepper spray with them in case of a close encounter with a bear.
Additionally, it is a good idea to watch out for fresh signs of bear activity. Scouts should also be able to recognize the difference between the black bear and its more ferocious cousin, the grizzly bear.
While the tracks for the two species of bear are quite similar, the black bear dung is smaller and contains lots of berries and squirrel fur.
On the other hand, the grizzly bear dung has little bells in it and smells like pepper.
Included in this newsletter, now posted in our About Troop 110 page.
Troop 110 Tribune
September 1999Editorial Comment
From time to time a question arises as to exactly who is and who is not allowed to earn Merit Badges. I have always believed that if a scout is mature enough for a particular merit badge they should be allowed to earn the badge regardless of their scouting rank. Some merit badges obviously need to be earned after a scout gains experience and maturity. The amount of experience and maturity needed should be determined solely by the merit badge counselor. If a counselor is satisfied that a scout has met the requirement and signs off the merit badge no one else has the authority to withhold the award or tell a scout he is too young to receive it. Merit badges help a scout discover abilities he didn't know he had. With over a hundred Merit Badges to choose from it's possible to discover interests in fields he's barely heard of. Merit Badges are designed for a scout's hobbies, future career, fitness, Scouting Skills, leisure activities and most important they stimulate his personal growth. The BSA official Scoutmaster Handbook clearly states: "Any registered Scout, regardless of rank, may work on a merit badge and receive the award when he earns it."
---Pete GodfreyKudos Korner
Kudos to Olaf G. for submitting two design for the "T" shirt contest. Olaf was the only scout to do so.
Scoutmaster Report
Our planning outing has been canceled. In order to complete our 1999-2000 calendar a planning session is planned for Wednesday August 18, 1999. Bring your ideas to the next Troop meeting. The meeting will start at 7:00 p.m.
Our fall Court of Honor will take place on Wednesday September 22, 1999. Set up is at 6:00 p.m. followed by desert buffet at 6:30 p.m. The Court of Honor will start at 7:00 p.m. SHARP.
We will also have a Eagle Court of Honor for Matt F. on October 20, 1999 at the Contempo Homeowners Building. Details to follow.
Mike Magno and Pete Godfrey are the new Troop Advisors for the rank of Tenderfoot and Second Class. Mike and Pete will be working with all the new scouts helping to obtain the ranks of Tenderfoot and Second Class.
PLC Highlights
Scouts present; Greg G., Travis S., Alan G., Max L., Chris G., Nolan K., Olaf G.. Adults present; Peter Godfrey, Dana Smith, and Rawnie Clements.
Greg G. reported that there will be an Order of the Arrow Ordeal on the weekend of September 25 & 26, 1999. If anyone needs to go contact Greg and he will try to arrange transportation. Dana Smith will not be going.
Dana Smith reported that the outing to the Manteca Water Slides is scheduled for September 18, 1999. Cost is $4.00 per person per night, Water Slides $11.00, Saturday lunch $4.25. Contact your patrol leader or Dana Smith for more details.
Pete Godfrey proposed the Troop form a Venture Unit for the older scouts. No action taken.
Rawnie Clements gave a short leadership pitch to the scouts and encouraged the Senior Patrol Leader and Assistant Senior Patrol Leader to use the BSA "Woods Wisdom" for planning future Troop meetings.
By the Numbers
Bill Fornell was not present at the Troop Committee but he did leave copies of the July and August financial statements. Since Bill was not present to answer questions the July and August statements have not been officially accepted. The August 1999 statement shows a balance of:
* Financial details omitted here. Troop 110 members may go to our Members Page for a complete financial report.
Committee Update
Committee members present; Pete Godfrey Judy Pratt-Majesky, Rodger Butler, Ed Smith, Mike Dunn, Cindy Short, Bill Westcott, Carol Barnes, Dana Smith, Marilyn Epps, Ed Pauley, Debra Day, Rawnie Clements, Jerome Hoban, Lori Keller, Stephanie Serene, and John Pederson.
Stephanie Serene reported that she can no longer be the Chairperson to head up Christmas Wreath sales. No one at the committee has volunteered to replace her for this important Christmas fund-raiser. The position need to be filled immediately, please contact Marilyn Epps if you are interested in becoming the Christmas Wreath Chairperson.
Bill Westcott reported on the following four items:
- Bill's wife Elaine Westcott will not be the Chairperson for this years Popcorn Fund-raiser for our Troop 110. Elaine has volunteered as the Mission Peak District Popcorn Fund-raiser Chairperson. Debra Day volunteered to replace Elaine. Details for this years Popcorn Fund-raiser will be forthcoming.
- Bill proposed that the Troop staff a new Outing Committee Chairperson position. The Outing Committee Chairperson would file troop tour permits, coordinate with adult drivers needed for outings, make reservations for the outings and make sure planned Troop outings are not canceled for lack of support. No action was taken to fill this position. If you are interested please contact Marilyn Epps.
- Bill also proposed that drivers on any official outing be reimbursed a nominal gas allowance. He further proposed that this fee be charged back to the number of scouts on the outing. No committee action was taken on this proposal.
- Bill lastly proposed that scouts obtaining the rank of Eagle be given $100.00 to help pay for some of the costs associated with an Eagle Court of Honor. The $100.00 would come form the Troop general funds. Bill Westcott proposed a motion for his suggestion. Mike Dunn seconded the motion and a unanimous vote was cast by all present at the committee meeting. Troop policy will be to award $100.00 to each new Eagle Scout to help cover costs associated with a Eagle Court of Honor.
Rawnie Clements asked for and received permission from the Troop Committee to order 20 to 30 Troop 110 uniform numbers. They will be available to any scout in Troop 110 at cost. Rawnie also received permission to purchase a new Advancement Poster for the Troop.
Marilyn Epps reported that only one scout submitted a design for a new troop "T" shirt. Since very little interest was shown for a new design the Troop Committee decided to use the old design but change the colors. We will purchase shirts in a forest green with a gold or deep yellow design. Marilyn will place orders so the shirts are available for the Fall Camporee.
Marilyn also reported no decision has been made on the Christmas Tree Lot. A decision will be made after the Christmas Tree Surveys are tallied.
Pete Godfrey reported that no one solved last months riddle, "Twelve pears hanging high, twelve men passing by, each took a pear and left eleven hanging there. How can this be? How can eleven pears be left? The answer is, "Each" is a mans name. This month there are two riddles to solve to win.
Scouts in Action
- September 18, 1999 Manteca Water Slides contact Dana Smith for Details
- September 18, 1999 California Coast Clean Up Day
- September 24, 25, and 26, 1999 Dillion Beach Campout Contact Pete Godfrey for details
Cooking Korner
- Peach Nut Dumplings
- 1/2 cup sugar
- 1 cup water
- 1 cup chopped walnuts
- 2 cups Bisquick
- milk
- 3 cups fresh sliced peaches
In a 12 inch Dutch oven make syrup by mixing the sugar and water. Bring to a boil and take off the heat. Mix Bisquick and milk for the dumplings. Add peaches to the syrup mix and return to heat. Mix 1/2 cup of walnuts into dumpling mixture. Drop balls of dough into the peaches and syrup. Sprinkle remainder of the walnuts over dumplings. Cover Dutch oven and add 10 to 20 coals on top of the lid. Remove all but 5 or 6 coals from the bottom. It is important to cook using mainly heat at the top of the Dutch Oven. Cook for approximately 25 minutes. Serves 6.
History of Scouting Part VIII
By 1960 the total membership in scouting was 31,563,809 members. The United States Post Office issued a commemorative stamp to honor Scouting's Golden Jubilee which was held in 1960. Several important reports were presented to President John F Kennedy on the values of scouting during the next three years. In 1964 Scouting lost a dear friend and life time supporter, Waite Phillips donor of the Philmont Scout Ranch. In the same year the 6th National Jamboree was held with over 52,000 scouts and leaders attending.
By 1965 the 500,000th Eagle Badge was awarded and the 40,000,000th member joined scouting. In 1967 the Boy Scouts of America hosted the XII World Jamboree. In this same year the WEBELOS scouting program was introduced to Cub Scout Packs. Scouting membership in the end of 1969 was 47,795,216 registered members.
Brain Teasers
A cowboy rode to an inn on Friday. He stayed two nights and left on Friday. How could that be?
David's father has three sons : Snap, Crackle and _____ ?
Think and Grin
Q. Where do bees go when they're sick?
A. To the waspital!Q. Why is the fly afraid of the keyboard?
A. Because of the World Wide WebQ. What is the biggest ant in the world ?
A. Gi-antQ. Why did the Beetles stop playing music?
A. Because they got exterminated!