~ Troop 110 Tribune ~
Editor: Tom Sims
Scoutmaster: Mike Magno | Committee Chair: John Pedersen
SPL: Andrew W. | ASPLs: Hilton D., Josh S.
2002: 2003: January
| February
| March
| April
| May
| June
| July
| August
Troop Tribune - September
2003 Kudos to Shane and Joseph Shane Y. and Joseph M. took top honors at the Troop 110 Cardboard Boat Regatta on August 27th. Way to stay afloat. Thanks to Russell B. for putting together such a fun, successful event! Fall Court of Honor Rescheduled Due to the many conflicts with Back to School events, the Troop 110 Fall Court of Honor has been rescheduled to October 8th. Setup will begin at 6:00 to prepare for the annual dessert social at 6:30. All families should bring a small dessert, Lightning Bolts will set up, Falcons will clean up, Any and all additional help will be welcome. Two new Eagles are on the way! Following a successful fundraiser, Olaf G. has started his Eagle service project. He will be installing a sprinkler system and a warm compost bin for Lincoln Elementary School in Newark. Scouts needing service hours should contact him for details - work parties are scheduled for the weekends of September 6 th and 13th. Josh S. has started his fundraising activity, consisting of recycling bottles and cans. Contact him to donate materials. 20 Mile Hike a (painful) Success Five determined Scouts, together with three adults and one sister, successfully completed the Alameda Creek 20 mile hike on Saturday, September 6th. Congratulations to Jeff S., who led the hike and completed his Hiking Merit Badge. Troop 110 Highlights "Spotlight on Scouting" Troop 110 will present the opening flag ceremony in commemoration of the second anniversary of the 2001 World Trade Center tragedy at the Mission Peak Spotlight on Scouting, Thursday, September 11th. Shane Y. and Joseph M. will also be on hand to display their winning cardboard boat for visiting Webelos Scouts. All flag ceremony participants should arrive by 6:15 in full uniform to prepare for the ceremony and help set up the Troop display. Fall 2003 Bay Area Coastal Cleanup Troop 110 will clean a half mile stretch of Sabercat Creek in Fremont during the Bay Area Coastal Cleanup on Saturday, September 20th. Participants should meet at Contempo in their Class B uniforms at 8:00 a.m. Bring your gloves and your enthusiasm and help up contribute to this annual effort. Calling All Volunteers!!!! A new coordinator is STILL needed for the Christmas Wreath sales - this person needs to be on board and up to speed by the end of September. That's just three weeks away, folks! Also, the Troop needs a new parent volunteer, preferably someone who is comfortable with personal computers, to take over as Advancement Chair and maintain the Troopmaster database. Anyone with an hour a week to spare can make a great contribution to the Troop. Please come to the next Troop Committee meeting on October 1st at 7:45, and find out how you can help!
Notes from the Troop 110 Committee Meeting, September 3, 2003: The meeting was called to order by Chairperson John Pedersen at 7:58 p.m. Olaf G. was asked to present his Eagle project plan. He will be building a sprinkler system and compost bin for Lincoln Elementary School in Newark, and he needs volunteer assistance for the weekend of September 13th and 14th. Josh S. also spoke about his Eagle project fundraiser, recycling beverage containers -- all contributions are welcome. Secretary Carol Barnes was not present during the August meeting, so the minutes were read from the September newsletter, and were approved as read. Announcements: (See "Mark Your Calendars" for general information about upcoming Troop and District Events): Tom Sims and Bill Westcott have completed their Woodbadge tickets and will be beaded at the Woodbadge campfire on October 11th. John Pedersen will represent Troop 110 in this year's Woodbadge class. Troop 110 will participate in the annual Spotlight on Scouting on Thursday, September 11th ; their display for visiting Webelos Scouts will feature the winning boat from last month's cardboard boat regatta, piloted by Shane Y. and Joseph M. The Scouts will also conduct the opening flag ceremony - those who will be present should wear their full uniform and arrive at the LDS church on Gallaudet and Walnut in Fremont no later than 6:15 to prepare for the ceremony at 7. Court of Honor has been rescheduled, due to "back to school" nights. October 17th will be a regular Troop meeting, first aid presentations by Ben S. and Darren O. Fighting Falcons will clean up, Leadership Corps and Lightning Bolts will set up, everyone should bring desserts and prepare to socialize beginning at 6:30, Court will open at 7:00. The Fall Court of Honor has now been rescheduled for Wednesday, October 8 th . Treasurer's Report: Outstanding Scout account balances for transferred Scouts have been taken care of. The final figure for the Lions Club donation from their Independence Day fundraiser is ...* Financial details omitted here. Troop 110 members may go to our Members Page for financial details. See Committee Meeting Notes *.... Advancement Report: Deferred, no chair present, and this position is now open. During the course of the discussion it came up that there may be a new volunteer for the position of Quartermaster, but someone who is computer literate is needed to manage the Troopmaster database. Fundraiser Report: Deferred, no chair present. Scoutmasters Report: Shane Y. has completed the requirements for Life Scout, and most of the Fighting Falcons have completed their Tenderfoot requirements. Lightning Bolts are all Life Scouts save one, and Josh S. and Olaf G. are now in the process of working on their Eagle Projects. Josh is in the fundraising stage, and he will be collecting recyclable bottles and cans. His project involves building planters, benches and a tool shed for the VA Hospital in Menlo Park. Shane Y. and Joseph M. took first place in the Cardboard Boat Regatta, and their boat will be featured in the Troop 110 booth at the Mission Peak Spotlight on Scouting on September 11th. Saturday, September 6th we will hold a 20-mile hike on Alameda Creek. Scouts should meet at Contempo at 7:30 am, bring plenty of water, snacks, lunch, sunscreen and insect repellent. Lunch will be at the Niles Canyon Staging area, and all participants should be back at Contempo by 5:00. We will participate in the Fall Camporee on the weekend of October 3rd . It will feature a "Lord of the Rings" theme, Russell B. is coordinating Scout participation. Mike Magno will also coordinate the Troop's involvement in the Tres Ranchos Rocket Jamboree the weekend of October 11 th . Full participation package, including rockets and engines, will run about $85. Contact Mike for more information. The Troop has also been signed up for the Coastal Cleanup on September 20th . We will meet at Contempo at 8:00 a.m. and carpool to the Sabercat Creek area in Fremont. Summer camp possibilities for next year have been narrowed to Camp Paihatsi near Soda Springs, Camp Pico Blanco near Big Sur, and Camp Winton, also in the Sierra, as well as a return to Chawanakee. Bill Westcott mentioned the possibility of scheduling a 50 mile trek for next summer, as well. Sue Yorks now has the materials for Popcorn sales, which will start up shortly. Old Business: Discussion of the Truck Show Pancake Breakfast in May will be again deferred, and John Pedersen will invite the PAL representative to the Fall Court of Honor to give him a chance to speak to Troop parents at that time. It was pointed out that a key to future success is to involve more parents in these efforts. New Business: Bill Fournell wants to bring a new Scout into the Troop who will be focused on completing his Eagle project. The Scout will be asked to contact Mike Magno and we will request an advancement report from Council. Bruce Chan asked about recruitment, after mentioning that the current Webelos II Den in Pack 268 is very small. He believes we should begin actively recruiting by scheduling events to which the Webelos can be invited, beginning in December or November. The meeting was adjourned at 9:17 p.m.
Troop Tribune - August
2003 Kudos to Troop 110!!! Lead the way! Troop 110 has been invited to present the Colors at Spotlight on Scouting, to help commemorate the anniversary of the September 11, 2001, World Trade Center tragedy. This first District Round Table of the year will also highlight the activities of area Scout Troops, as they put their best feet forward for visiting Webelos Scouts. Troop 110 will be showcasing their Cardboard Boatbuilding skills. Full Class A uniforms are required for the opening ceremony. Start the year with a 20-Mile Hike!! The first Troop outing of the new school year will be a 20-mile hike along the Alameda Creek Trail. We will meet at Contempo parking lot at 7:30 a.m. and then carpool to the Coyote Hills Visitor Center parking lot. The hike will start on Glider Hill Trail, over Red Hill Top, down to the Creek, and then all the way to Niles Canyon for lunch. The hike will return down the other side of the creek, and back to Coyote Hills. Bring LOTS of water, snacks and a lunch. Class B uniforms and good shoes are recommended. Fall Court of Honor on September 17th Reserve Wednesday, September 17th, the Troop will hold its Fall Court of Honor, details still to be planned. Contact your Patrol Leader if you want to express a preference for the type of food to be served (Dessert Social, etc.) -- this event will be hosted by Darren O. and Ben S., and final details will be planned at the September PLC. Mission Peak Fall Camporee Join your fellow Scouts of Troop 110 for the first campout of the new year. The Mission Peak Fall Camporee will be held the first weekend of October. Details are still being worked out by the District, but Russell B. will be coordinating the involvement of Troop 110 as partial fulfillment of his Brownsea challenges. Calling All Volunteers!!!! Troop 110 STILL needs a Quartermaster-in-Training to work with Ed Pauley in preparation for his upcoming retirement. A new coordinator is also STILL needed for the Christmas Wreath sales - this person needs to be on board and up to speed by the end of September.
Notes from the Troop 110 Committee Meeting, August 6, 2003: The meeting was called to order by Chairperson John Pedersen at 7:50 p.m. Secretary Carol Barnes was not present, so the reading of the minutes was deferred. Announcements: (See "Mark Your Calendars" for general information about upcoming Troop and District Events): Someone is needed to run the meeting on August 13 th , since Mike Magno will be on vacation. The following events are also scheduled during the next three months, as reported out of the PLC earlier this evening:
Treasurer's Report: Deferred, no chair present. Advancement Report: Deferred, no chair present. Fundraiser Report: Deferred, no chair present. Scoutmasters Report: Mike Magno reported on the meeting with the new Brownsea attendees, who are scheduled to complete their challenges by the end of October. Two will run the September Court of Honor, Next week the Cobras will coordinate a baseball game in the park, but two adults are needed to run the meeting. Other meetings in August and September are reported above, out of the PLC notes. There is a new official Troop position, Color Guard Captain, which will rotate every six months. This Scout will take care of the Troop flags and other equipment, present flag etiquette and run all Color Guard activities for Troop meetings and events. Michael H. is the first Troop Color Guard Captain. Shirley Gonzales asked about the Cardboard Boat rules, which Mike briefly explained; Tom Sims pointed out that the final word on the rules is still awaiting Russell B.'s flyer. Bill Fournell will be bring some visiting Webelos Scouts. Old Business: Discussion of Olaf's Eagle project was brief, due to the absence of Rawnie Clements and Bill Westcott. He has submitted a plan, and it is the Chair's understanding that it has been approved. Bill Fournell reported that the final figure on the Independence Day fundraiser was settling around $4,800. Bill Fournell asked if the Troop would like to do the opening flag ceremony at the Fall Camporee. We will keep this in mind. New Business: The Truck Show Pancake Breakfast discussion was on the agenda, but it will be deferred until next month when a representative from PAL can be present. Wood Badge was discussed briefly, so far John Pedersen and Cindy Short are tentative attendees. Bill Fournell asked for clarification on dates for some scheduled events, the Alcatraz trip (November 8 th -9 th ), and Angel Island (November 22 nd -23 rd ). Shirley Gonzales reminded the Troop Committee that a new Wreath Sales chair needs to be in place by September. Mike reported on his research into summer camps out of council. He is looking at Pico Blanco in Monterey, which has a broader Merit Badge curriculum. We are also on the waiting list for Cherry Valley on Catalena. He is also looking at camps in the Sierras. The meeting was adjourned at 8:25 p.m.
Troop Tribune - July
2003 Kudos to Troop 110!!! Lead the way! Troop 110 had GREAT summer camp at Wente this year, completing 78 Merit Badges, including 29 from the list of Eagle required. Kudos to the King Cobras, awarded this year as an Honor Patrol. Thanks a Million!!! Mike and Sue Yorks did an outstanding job as the 110 Summer Camp Scoutmasters. What a great team! And let's not forget to mention Sue's stunning victory in the Wente Thumbwrestling Finals at dinned on Friday night - I know I'll never forget it! Independence Day, 2003 Thanks to the 9 Troop 110 Scouts, including 2 Eagles, who marched in the Fremont Independence Day parade this year. Our small but determined and patriotic band joined in with a group from Troop 273. After the parade, they all helped in the cleanup effort and were rewarded with hotdogs and sodas for lunch. Calling All Volunteers!!!! Troop 110 STILL needs a Quartermaster-in-Training to work with Ed Pauley in preparation for his upcoming retirement. A new coordinator is also STILL needed for the Christmas Wreath sales - this person needs to be on board and up to speed by the end of September.
Notes from the Troop 110 Committee Meeting, July 16, 2003: The meeting was called to order by Chairperson John Pedersen at 7:48 p.m. Secretary Carol Barnes read the minutes from the June 2003 meeting, which were approved as read. Announcements: (See "Mark Your Calendars" for general information about upcoming events): Treasurer's Report: Two months worth of transactions, most of the expenses were from Webelos Woods. Staff will reimburse the Troop from their Scout accounts. Washington Hosp. CEO donation underwriting the costs for supplies at Webelos Woods is included in the "miscellaneous" deposits. Report was approved as read, with clarification. Advancement Report: Mike Magno reported in the absence of the Chair on advancements at the last Court of Honor, 8 Scouts, 3 First Class, 1 Star, 2 Life and a Gold Eagle Palm. See Scoutmasters Report for Summer Camp advancement. Fundraiser Report: Chair is still waiting for resolution of Krispy Kreme cards. We will also be participating with an Eagle Scout who holds magic shows for fundraisers. In return for scheduling a hall for the event and selling tickets, the participating Scouts will divide 50% of the profits for their Scout accounts. Scoutmasters Report: PLC agenda for July: Cardboard Boat Regatta will be moved to the 30th of July, Russell B. will MC as a part of his Brownsea challenges. July 23rd meeting, Hilton D. and Ben S. will present leadership methods as a part of their Brownsea challenges. Fighting Falcons will provide a game. A meeting is scheduled for Thursday, July 25th, with Andrew W. and the Brownsea candidates. Camporall was a great success with 110 hosting an Art Merit Badge booth. 3 Scouts from other Troops completed the Art Merit Badge. June 18 Court of Honor featured the Webelos Woods Barbecued Chicken. Several Scouts were awarded Merit Badges and other advancements. Troop 110 participated in the Fremont July 4th Parade down Warm Springs Blvd. 7 Scouts and 2 Eagles marched with Troop 273 and helped clean up afterwards. They were rewarded with a hot dog lunch. Russell B., Hilton D., Darren O. and Ben S. attended Brownsea Junior Leader Training, Joe P. and Andrew W. attended Eagle Camp the same week. Summer Camp had 25 Scouts participating, with 4 full time and 5 part time adults. The Scouts completed 78 Merit Badges with 6 partials, 29 Eagle required. The King Cobras were received the Honor Patrol award. Bruce Chan was recognized for helping with an archery presentation and assisting some camp staff in changing a tire. For the next couple of years we will probably look for camps outside of the SFBAC. There will also be a Council-sponsored trip to Philmont for some of the older Scouts, and the National Jamboree will be held in Virginia in 2005. Old Business: Bill Fournell reported on the Lions Club Fundraiser. ...* Financial details omitted here. Troop 110 members may go to our Members Page for financial details. See Committee Meeting Notes *... New Business: The Troop has an opportunity to partner with Troop 273 and assist in cleanup for the Fremont Arts Festival, July 26th and 27th. Staffing of 2 adults and 6 boys will be required from 9:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. Water and Festival T-shirts will be provided by the event staff. Consensus was that this was too short notice. Tom Sims introduced a draft of his "First Class to Life" pamphlet. Sue Yorks offered to produce a similar collection of materials she and Mike have put together for first year Scouts. Bill Fournell brought up another opportunity to work with the Lions Club for the Truck Show at Kennedy Park. The Troop would be running the morning pancake breakfast, renting the grill from the Lions Club. It is scheduled for next May. There are several possibilities for the Scouts to participate, either through service or pre-event ticket sales. It would also provide a spring time recruitment opportunity. It was recommended that this be a standing Old Business item while more information is collected. John Pedersen reported that Troop 110 has won the Alcatraz lottery. There is a limit of 5-6 adults can go, the limit on the party is 35 people. It is scheduled for November 8th and 9th, and it was recommended that active, senior Troop members be given preference, with a lottery, perhaps, to fill the slots if there are more who want to go than can. Bill Westcott will act as organizer for the event. Cost will be $40.00 per person plus meals. Mike Magno reported that there will be an Angel Island backpacking experience, with a conservation project as well, for the weekend of November 22nd and 23rd. The group will be limited to 25 people, more information will be forthcoming. The Troop is scheduled for the campsite from Friday the 21st. The meeting was adjourned at 9:07 p.m. Hello 110, There have been a couple of changes in the Troop meeting schedule since the calendar was published in the July newsletter. The Cardboard Boat Races have been postponed until August. Watch your email boxes for more details. Next week's meeting will be a Swim Night! Have a great time, and I hope the water is warmer than the last time I went in! Your Friendly Editor,
Troop Tribune - June
2003 Kudos to Troop 110!!! The following letter was received by Rita Haskin. It was written to her children by one of her coworkers, following the Flag Decoration at Golden Gate National Cemetery on Saturday, May 24th : "Your mom told us at work that both of you had helped decorate Golden Gate National Cemetery, along with your scout troops. Both my mom and dad now "reside" at Golden Gate. So upon hearing this, I had to go take a look. The sight is breathtaking with all those thousands of flags blowing in the wind. "I want you to know how grateful I am to you and your friends for making such a beautiful difference on this past Memorial Day. "Thank you from the bottom of my heart!" Kudos and thanks to all the Scouts who helped make the Webelos Woods weekend a success! Kudos to Matt Y. on his rousing and tuneful Eagle Court of Honor. Thanks to Troop Instructor Eric W. and Den Chief Ben S. for their assistance with the youth of Pack 263 while their parents and leaders were presented with BSA Youth Protection Training. Quiet, please! Boys at Work!!! It has been great to see so many parents at the weekly Troop meetings, but with the increasing adult crowd has come increasing adult noise. This causes the Scouts in increase their noise to compete, and it has made it more and more difficult for the Troop leadership to conduct their weekly business. As a courtesy to those well-intentioned Scouts (after all, it is their meeting!), please conduct parent business and other conversations as quietly as humanly possible - hey, it's summer, why not conduct it outside?). Calling All Volunteers!!!! The annual Lions Club Independence Day Fundraiser is coming again, soon, but unlike last year, most of the parents should be able to participate, since the Scouts will not be away at summer camp. Troop 110 adults will be staffing a booth for the Lions Club in 4-hour shifts, 9:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m., July 1st through 4th . We need 4 people per shift, and if everyone signs up for just one shift apiece, then no one will have to work that hard! Please see Tom Sims at an upcoming Troop meeting, or contact him at home to volunteer for a day and time (trsims@att.net or (510) 471-8061). Forgot when you 're working? View the schedule online at the Troop website: http://www.bsatroop110.org. Also, the Troop STILL needs a Quartermaster-in-Training to work with Ed Pauley in preparation for his upcoming retirement. He will need to be replaced by the end of the year - a tough act to follow, but I'm sure there is someone out there with enough energy and garage space to pull it off! A new coordinator is also STILL needed for the Christmas Wreath sales - this person needs to be on board and up to speed by the end of September. Also, we are always in need of additional assistance with Merit Badges, especially a Swimming Merit Badge Counselor, to round out our support for the Eagle-required badges.
Notes from the Troop 110 Committee Meeting, June 4, 2003: The meeting was called to order by Chairperson John Pedersen at 7:50 p.m. Secretary Carol Barnes read the minutes from the May 2003 meeting, which were approved as read. Announcements: (See "Mark Your Calendars" for general information about upcoming Troop and District Events): Note that the PLC and Troop Committees meeting for July will be delayed until 7/16, the week after summer camp. Treasurer's Report: Deferred due to absence of Treasurer. Advancement Report: Deferred due to absence of Advancement Chair or her representative. Fundraiser Report: Tickets are still available for Camporall, required for admission on the day of the event. Tickets are $3, parking is $7, this is the fairgrounds facilities policy, not the BSA. Scoutmasters Report: Mike Magno reported on the upcoming Troop meetings. 6/11: Swim night and water balloon fight &endash; overruled due to possible damage to pool filters, but they can bring super-soakers instead. 6/18 will be the Summer COH, barbequed chicken, Cobras bring chips, Falcons and Eagles bring salads, Lightning Bolds bring desserts, Leadership Corps bring bread and dinner rolls, and there will be a Dutch oven cookoff (setup at 5:30 for this) with 1st, 2nd, 3rd place prizes. For those who miss the Court of Honor due to vacations or Scout camps, the Annual Planning meeting will be 6/25, and the remaining awards will be distributed. 6/6. Meet at Contempo at 5:30 to leave for Camporall. Participants should eat dinner before going up there. Day-only participants are welcome, as well. Friday night will feature a program and campfire run by the Order of the Arrow. For campers there will be a pancake breakfast at 0700, with lunch provided, also available for non-campers at $6 each. Closing ceremony is scheduled for 4:00 p.m. 3 Cobras attended the Merit Badge ext. on 5/10, several awards were received that day by the Troop and members at the District Recognition Dinner. We also had the best appetizer table in the room. Webelos Woods was a great success, and our Scouts are well positioned to repeat the event next year. Summer Camp orientation was a great success as well, we now have an orientation video. Other May events included the Eagle Court of Honor for Matt Yorks on 5/31, and a lashing presentation at the 5/28 Troop meeting for the newer Scouts. Old Business: Lions Club Fundraiser update by Bill Fournell &endash; we need to bring the parents up to speed on running things, since it will be run entirely by the Troop adults. He also wants to purchase 4 tax calculators for the event. This was approved, since it was under $20/ea. Activities are limited to 9am-9pm &endash; there will be breakout sessions to train the parents at the 6/18 and 6/25 Troop meetings. Tom Sims will take over signup of parents in the absence of John Pedersen who started it. Tom Sims proposed an amendment to the bylaws to conform to BSA national policy:
V.1.3 Youth membership is open to all boys who are between 11 and 18 years of age, or who have completed the fifth grade, or who have earned the Arrow of Light as a Cub Scout. Motion carried, and the amendment was approved unanimously. New Business: Parents and adults at the Troop meetings. John Pedersen pointed out that the increasing number of parents at Troop meetings has begun to impact the Boy-run Troop meetings. It was proposed that parents be requested to move their conversations outside. Bill Westcott suggested this be handled via an email to the Troop. Mike Yorks will provide gentle reminders on the evenings of Troop Meetings. Rita Haskin suggested a sign outside the door. Tom Sims will put it in the Troop Tribune. Rita Haskin asked for a broader discussion of a "quartermaster" type position for the keeper of the flags. Tom pointed out that it is really a larger problem, that there are more Scouts in need of leadership rolls than there are leadership positions available. Bill Westcott pointed out there were also opportunities at the Scoutmaster's discretion, as well as possibilities with other, smaller Troops. Also, there are requirements of leadership that extend beyond the simple job description of the position. John Pedersen reminded everyone that it was at the Scoutmaster's discretion. Mike Magno pointed out, in the case of the flags, that this was a good opportunity to create a new leadership position, someone who would take full responsibility for presentation of the colors at meetings and events. Parent Merit Badge counselors for their own children. According to the Parent Handbook, parents cannot counsel their own boys for Eagle-required MBs. Rita Haskin asked that an exception be made in the case where 3 or more boys are working on the badge at the same time. Carol Barnes pointed out that there is nothing in the BSA rules that would prevent this. Bill Westcott pointed out that it was developmentally good for the Scouts to seek out other adult association when there is another adult available as counselor. This thought was echoed by others, including the Chair. The Handbook will be amended to say "except in groups of 3 Scouts or more," but the recommendation for counselor will remain at the Scoutmaster's discretion. A Troop Yell was also suggested. Bill Fournell added that the Eagle Scouts have been selected to march as a color guard in the Fremont 4th of July Parade. They are requesting a minimum of 12 flags. Carol Barnes asked if anyone had heard anything about Webelos Woods. What little he has heard has been extremely positive. It was suggested that a more detailed list of equipment for newbie campers, however. The meeting was adjourned at 9:19 p.m.
Troop Tribune - May
2003 Kudos to Troop 110!!! On Saturday, May 10th, our Troop and several of the adult leaders were honored by Mission Peak at the annual District Awards Dinner. First, for its continuing support of Troop 2 (and in advance appreciation of the upcoming Webelos Woods, no doubt!), Troop 110 received the Distinguished Unit Award. In addition, Certificates of Appreciation were awarded to Rawnie Clements, John Pedersen, Tom Sims, Skip Wagner and Sue Yorks for their contributions to their Packs and to Troop 110. District Plaques were awarded to Mike Magno and Bill Westcott, for their years of exemplary service to the Scouting program. And last but not least, for his outstanding commitment to the District and the Troop, Bill Fournell received the District Award of Merit. Congratulations to us all!!! Help Honor our Fallen Veterans On Saturday, May 24, 2003, the Boy Scouts will pay tribute to the men and women who served our country bravely by placing an American flag at each of the 150,000 graves. Check-in starts at 7:15 at Golden Gate National Cemetery. We will check in as a Troop, so we'll meet at Bakers Square Restaurant on Rollingwood Drive (cross street Sneath Lane) in San Bruno at 7:15. Then we will walk the 1 block to the cemetery. Full Class A uniform. Bring water to drink. At the registration area our Troop will be given the map of the area in which we will be placing the flags and a ticket to secure the metal pokers. We will get our pokers and then proceed to the opening ceremony. After the ceremony we'll proceed to our area and place the flags. When we finish our area we can check with the volunteers to see if there is another area that needs to be covered. We are all invited to be present at the official Memorial Day services on Monday, May 26th at 10:00am. - Rawnie Clements Calling All Volunteers!!!! The Troop STILL needs you. We are in need of a Quartermaster-in-Training to work with Ed Pauley in preparation for his upcoming retirement. He will need to be replaced by the end of the year - a tough act to follow, but I'm sure there is someone out there with enough energy and garage space to pull it off! A new coordinator is also needed for the Christmas Wreath sales - this person needs to be on board and up to speed by the end of September. Also, we are always in need of additional assistance with Merit Badges, especially a Swimming Merit Badge Counselor, to round out our support for the Eagle-required badges. Webelos Woods needs Y-O-U! This is your last chance to sign up for Webelos Woods Staff: Scouts and adults are still needed to help with events, support, cooking and cleanup at Rancho Los Mochos, Friday to Sunday, May 16th to 18th. If you have already spoken to Eric W. but do not remember what you signed up to do, check out the duty roster at the Troop website: http://www.bsatroop110.org More information on Webelos Woods Backpacks not required! Bring a sleeping bag and a duffel bag with your personal items. Class A Uniform. You don't have to wear up to camp but will need it for Saturday. If wearing it is the only way not to forget it then wear it Friday to camp. Almost everyone will be sleeping in a building but you will need a cot or ground padding as their are not enough for everyone. Sleeping areas will be assigned. You may want to bring a water bottle or two. The water at camp is safe but a little on the hard side. Taste OK. Temperatures at night can get cold and days mild so bring jackets and rain gear. You don't need to bring any food unless you have a special need. Any boy who wants to shoot the BB guns or use the Archery range will need a parent's signature on permission slip. These will be available Wednesday, May 14th, at the Troop meeting. If you need a ride to camp try and arrange with adults going. If you are still unsure let me know Wednesday. - Bill Westcott
Notes from the Troop 110 Committee Meeting, May 7, 2003: The meeting was called to order by Chairperson John Pedersen at 7:55 p.m. Secretary Carol Barnes was absent at the April meeting, so the reading of the minutes was deferred. Announcements: (See "Mark Your Calendars" for general information about upcoming Troop and District Events): District dinner May 10, 16 parents are now signed up to attend, several people will be bringing hors d'oeuvres. Webelos Woods, May 16-18 at Los Mochos. So far about 50 Webelos have signed up. The 110 Scouts will meet at Los Mochos on Friday evening, dinner will be provided by the adults; duties will be assigned as appropriate. The event has been well publicized, attendance is expected to grow. One complaint from last year was the quality of water; Bill Westcott will put the word of warning out, but the water is drinkable. The event list will be delivered to Skip for posting on the web and made available at the next Troop meeting. Anyone with a digital camera, please bring it up, as the Troop will be making and selling CDs to help defray costs (bring cords/connectors as well). Troop meeting on 5/21 will feature a summer camp orientation; please bring all current medical and medication forms, or be prepared to complete them that evening. Pending the availability of a BSA-certified lifeguard, the Scouts will have a swim night, Class A uniforms are not required. Saturday, May 24th will be the annual grave decoration at Golden Gate National Cemetery in Colma. Troop 110 will meet at Bakers Square in San Bruno at 7:30, walk in and register as a Troop. Contact Rawnie Clements for details, flyers and maps will be provided at the 5/13 Troop meeting. Matt Y. Eagle Court of Honor will be held on 5/31 at 1:00 p.m. in the auditorium of the New Haven Adult School. June 1st and 2nd, there will be an Open House at the USGS in Menlo Park. June 6th and 7th is the new Scout-a-Rama, now called Camporall. The 110 PLC has voted to revisit the planned "hobo cooking" event, in search of a more realistic, Scout-oriented activity. Following review of the upcoming activities, the minutes for the April meeting were read from the April Troop Tribune. Minutes were approved as well. Bill Westcott added to the calendar that the summer Court of Honor will be held on Wednesday, June 18th; Philip Pauley's Eagle Court of Honor will also be scheduled for June. Treasurer's Report: Returned checks are being taken care of. Bob Stanley wrote the Troop a check for past power bills, as well as compensation for supplies left by the Troop in the tree lot shed. Some Scout accounts are now overdrawn due to Summer Camp payments having been taken out. Cindy will be contacting them as necessary. The report was accepted as delivered. Advancement Report: Mike Magno reported that Eric W. has earned his Gold Eagle Palm. Fundraiser Report: Garage sale, 11 Scouts worked, 7 families donated, and they made $452.75, which will be divided between the participants and donors. Krispy Kreme cards are also being sold. Camporall tickets are available in packets of 10, $3 apiece. Tickets will be required for admission for the day. Campers will pay $14, which includes admission, patch, meals and camping. Scoutmasters Report: Steve Wallcave and Bruce Chan completed Acorn 56; John Pedersen, Wayne and Carol Barnes were on staff. Six new Scouts joined as the "Fighting Falcons" patrol, and have already held their first patrol campout. Russell B., Ben S., Hilton D. and Darren O. will attend Brownsea. No 110 Scouts attended Spring Camporee, due to lack of interest and inclement weather. April Meetings held Troop elections, Andrew W. is SPL, Hilton D. and Joshua S. were elected ASPs. Troop officers have yet to be selected. The new PLC has been challenged to bring Scouting Sprit to Troop 110. If the challenge is met, the Scoutmaster will dip into the pool in January. Bill Westcott asked if the current leadership will serve for a full year, and Mike Magno said yes, that the elections will now be held in Spring. Old Business: Several names were bandied about as possible replacements for Ed Pauley. Nothing definite, but it was hinted that the new parents might want to consider stepping forward. New Business: Budget subcommittee met to recommend Troop 110 make a donation of $500 to Troop 2. Also recommended, for future fundraising planning, that the goals for fundraising be determined in advance if appropriate, rather than the reverse. The first recommendation was approved unanimously. New Business: Lions Club fundraiser is July 1 to July 4, three shifts each day. John Pedersen is recommending four adults per shift. Hours will be shorter on the 4th. A parent is required to take charge of the scheduling, contact John Pedersen or Ted Mutch, if interested. Those attending the District Dinner should pay at the door for themselves. Please bring hors d'oeurves and decorations. Gathering is at 6:00, dinner is at 7:00, and this year there will be a silent auction of Scout memorabilia. The meeting was adjourned at 9:30.
Troop Tribune - April
2003 Calling all Volunteers!!! The Troop needs you. We are in need of a Quartermaster-in-Training to work with Ed Pauley in preparation for his upcoming retirement. He will need to be replaced by the end of the year - a tough act to follow, but I'm sure there is someone out there with enough energy and garage space to pull it off! A new coordinator is also needed for the Christmas Wreath sales - this person needs to be on board and up to speed by the end of September. Finally, we can always use more Merit Badge Counselors -- don't hide your talents, put them to work for the Troop! On the web you can surf over to http://meritbadge.com and see where you fit in. We are especially in need of a Swimming Merit Badge counselor to help the Scouts complete work they bring home on that award from Scout camp. Webelos Woods needs Y-O-U! Scouts and adults alike are needed to help with events, support, cooking and cleanup at Rancho Los Mochos, Friday to Sunday, May 16 th to 18 th. This will be a great time for everyone, if we all pitch in. We expect several dozen Webelos Scouts to participate. The campout and events will be run by the Scouts: Eric W. is putting it all together. If you have an event you find particularly interesting, let him know. Adults are needed to cook and provide support for the Scout-run events. I'm told the cooks will sleep in especially comfortable accommodations (I'm there!) Kudos!!!! To Matt Y., who became Troop 110's newest Eagle Scout on Thursday, March 20, 2003. Kudos and a big 110 Welcome to the Troop's newest Patrol, the Fighting Falcons. Six new Scouts bridged from Cub Scout Pack 268 on Friday, March 21, 2003. Several Arrow of Light alumni from the Pack were on hand to welcome them across. Welcome as well to the parents and new leaders, one of whom we understand is already Acorn-trained, and a member of the infamous Sponge Bob Greenpants patrol.
Notes from the Troop 110 Committee Meeting, April 2, 2003: The meeting was called to order by acting Chairperson Ted Mutch at 7:54 p.m. Secretary Carol Barnes was absent, so the reading of the minutes was deferred. Mike Magno opened the meeting by presenting Phillip P. with his Eagle neckerchief, slide and patch. Announcements: (See "Mark Your Calendars" for general information about upcoming Troop and District Events): The Spring Camporee, sponsored by the Order of the Arrow, will be held at Los Mochos the weekend of April 12-14. The Troop attendees will meet at Contempo Friday, April 12, at 6:00. Treasurer's Report: A couple of returned checks, this is being taken care of. All Scout accounts are up to date, summer camp deposits have been taken out. It is being proposed to move the savings account into the other bank account, no longer needed for the tree lot. Please check your accounts and settle any outstanding balances within 30 days. The PG&E bill will no longer be a line item on the report, it is no longer the Troop's responsibility. Bob Stanley will be reimbursing the Troop for past power usage and some other expenses. The report was approved. Advancement Report: Mike Magno spoke up to welcome Bruce Chan and the new patrol, the Fighting Falcons. Bruce is currently enrolled in Acorn 56, a member of the Sponge Bob Greenpants patrol. Mike Yorks spoke in lieu of the Advancement chair, as he has been working with several Scouts from 110, as well as Troop 154, along with Bill Westcott. Fundraising Report: Ted Mutch reported that the check had arrived from the Chevy;s fundraiser, $174.24. The Mutches will be hosting a Troop Garage Sale on Saturday, April 5 th , the Senior Patrol Leader is in charge of scheduling Scouts to work. The Troop has also begun to purchase Krispy Kreme fundraiser cards; they cost the Troop $5 each, the Scouts sell them for $10 and keep the $5 profit in their Scout accounts. Scoutmaster's Report: The Troop fielded 7 Scouts and 3 adults for the Order of the Arrow Klondike Derby on March 7 th - a good time was had by all. Three 110 adults, Bill Westcott, Cindy Short and Mike Magno, successfully completed the HAT Backpacking training in the rain at Los Mochos. March Troop meetings were dedicated to the Camping Merit Badge, with "Leave No Trace" training on the 12th . Half of the Cobra Patrol has made it to First Class, and there were three Star Scouts at the Court of Honor on the 19 th, as well. Thanks to Tom Sims for taking over the Friends of Scouting; the Troop met its District goal at the Court of Honor. Matt Y. passed his Eagle Board of Review on Thursday, March 21st ; Mike Magno sat on some of the review boards that same evening, and he spoke highly of the "mock Eagle Boards" held by the 110 adults. Six new Scouts joined Troop 110 from Pack 268, bridging over on Friday, March 21 st . They took the name "Fighting Falcons" at the Troop meeting on March 26 th . Nine Scouts volunteered to assist Cindy Short by manning water stations for the marathon "training run." Upcoming Troop meetings: Troop elections for SPL and assistants will be held April 9 th ; Patrols are also asked to bring their stoves, in order to practice the Pancake Toss for Webelos Woods. Ed Pauley asked that, in addition, they bring their entire Patrol Boxes. As time permits during the April meetings, Scouts will be seam welding the Troop tents and practicing other Webelos Woods events. There will be no Troop meeting on April 23 rd , due to the schools' Spring Break. Other meeting topics include "skills seminars" for the newer Scouts, Tenderfoot to First Class advancement. The last meeting of the month will be on April 30 th , and it will be devoted to Troop planning for the upcoming Scout-a-Rama, now known as "Camporall." The Order of the Arrow is hosting an overnight campout for Friday night; during the Saturday event, the theme will be "Advancement," and booths will be geared toward Merit Badges, Cub Scout electives, and possibly belt loops and Webelos Activity pins. Scouts are reminded that any activities in August are the responsibility of the Patrols to plan. Adults are reminded that the District Recognition Dinner is being held on Saturday, May 10 th at 6:00 p.m. Carol Barnes is the contact. Groups are encouraged to bring finger foods to their tables as appetizers to encourage socializing. Old Business: The new Troop Parent Handbook was adopted in time for distribution to the incoming families. Webelos Woods planning is on target, but Scouts and adults are still needed. The cost will be $15 per person and covers the patch and food for the staff. It will be "boy run" with adults available as resources. New Business: Matt Y. is tentatively scheduling his Eagle Court of Honor for May 31 st . It will also feature a jazz band from Logan High School. Bill Westcott reminded all adults in training classes to inform him of their nights camping. Discussion of an amendment to the Troop Bylaws was brief, it will appear as Old Business for action at the May Troop Committee meeting. Ed Pauley suggested that someone might want to take over his duties as Troop Quartermaster by the end of the year. We are also still looking for someone to coordinate the Christmas Wreath sales. Bill Fournell indicated that the Lions Club Independence Day Fundraiser will need adult volunteers again this year, details to be announced. A standin will be required for the Fundraising Chair, however, as the Mutches will be on vacation. The meeting was adjourned at 8:55.
Troop Tribune - March,
2003 Spring Court of Honor March 19th Troop 110's Spring Court of Honor will be held on March 19th, 2003, beginning with a pot luck dinner at 6:30 p.m. The Lightning Bolt Patrol will take care of setup, beginning at 6:00. Troop families with last names beginning in A through L should bring salads or main dishes; families whose last names start with M through Z should bring desserts. In addition to advancements and other recognition, there will be a presentation by a representative of the Friends of Scouting. Klondike Derby
Marathon "Team in Training" Booths A group of local marathon runners is preparing for an upcoming race, and Cindy Short has arranged for the Scouts in Troop 110 to provide four hours each of community service manning water stations along Alameda Creek to support the training effort. Older Scouts can work in teams of two or more, younger Scouts (1st Class and below) should work with the older Scout teams. Four stations will be staffed, and the runners will judge a contest for best decorations and spirit. Uniform dress code is class "B" shirts and "funky hats." All Scout participants are invited for pizza afterwards. Contact Cindy Short for more information. Webelos Woods, May 16th-18th Troop 110 will host the spring "Webelos Woods" at beautiful Rancho Los Mochos the weekend of May 16th-18th. Scouts will be needed to staff the different event sites, and adult volunteers will be needed to staff the kitchen. This is a great opportunity to show off our Troop program to Mission Peak's Webelos Scouts. There will be great food, great fun, an inspiring campfire presentation and -- best of all -- the Los Mochos lodge is reserved for the staff!! All volunteers should plan to arrive Friday evening; they will be treated to burgers, chips and an evening "Cracker Barrel." Saturday breakfast and lunch will be prepared for the Staff. Visiting Webelos should plan to arrive Saturday morning to register and are expected to provide their own sack lunch. Saturday dinner, cracker barrel, and Sunday breakfast will be prepared for the entire camp by the Troops adult culinary experts. Contact Eric W. to volunteer for the event staff; contact Bill Westcott to volunteer for the kitchen and advisory staff. Webelos Woods Event Stations
Notes from the Troop 110 Committee Meeting, March 5, 2003: The meeting was called to order by Chairperson John Pedersen at 7:51 p.m. Secretary Carol Barnes read the minutes from the January meeting, which were approved unanimously. Announcements: (See "Mark Your Calendars" for general information about upcoming Troop and District Events): Mike Magno, Cindy Short and Bill Westcott are currently enrolled in the High Adventure Training Backpacking class. Treasurer's Report: All outstanding deposits from last month were made. No written report was given. The Budget Subcommittee still has to meet to recommend the Troop 2 donation and the funding of additional Brownsea attendees. Advancement Report: Steve Wallcave reported that Julie Kirkpatrick has nothing to report. Mike Magno reported that two of the Screaming Eagles have advanced to Star and several of the Cobras have advanced to First Class. Some Merit Badges and another Eagle Palm, as well as numerous activity awards, will also be given out at the March 19th Court of Honor. Fundraising Report: Ted Mutch reported that the Troop would hold a Garage Sale later around the first weekend in April at his residence. All Scouts should be canvassing their friends and neighbors for suitable second-hand goods to donate. Bill Fournell suggests that all unsold items be stored for an upcoming Police Activities League fundraiser. Donated goods can be delivered to Ted Mutch for safekeeping. Scoutmaster's Report: Two members represented the Troop at Pow Wow in February -- Ben S. completed Den Chief Training. February Troop meetings featured "Winter Awareness" presentations in preparation for the Klondike Derby. 5 Scouts and 3 Adults trekked up Mt. Tamalpais, where they also ran into members of Troop 141. The March 12th and 26thTroop meetings will be devoted to Camping and Hiking Merit Badge work. The Court of Honor will be held on the 19th. Order of the Arrow elections and adult nominations will be held on the 26th. Pack 268 will bridge 5-6 Webelos into the Troop at their Pack meeting on March 21st. All Scouts are encouraged to put on their full uniform and attend. Meet at Searles Elementary at 6:50 -- contact Mike Magno for details. Four Scouts have been nominated to attend Brownsea: Lucas G., Russell B., Joseph M. and Ben S. Mike Magno asked the Budget Subcommittee representatives to consider approving the funds to reimburse one additional Scout. Steve Wallcave and Mike Yorks also attended the Pack 268 Blue and Gold on February 21st. Old Business: A couple of additional Troop 110 parents have signed on for Acorn 56. New Business: Tom Sims asked for permission to post his draft of the Parent Handbook on the Troop website, so that parents can review it. A motion was approved unanimously, and it will soon be available at: http://www.bsatroop110.org Bill Westcott reported on the plans for Webelos Woods, May 16th, 17th and 18th at Los Mochos. Eric W. is in charge of the event program. A question was raised as to funding and supplies; Webelos and their parents/guardians will be charged $15-20 each to cover costs of food, prizes, patches, etc. The Troop will not be out any money, although the adult staff has traditionally provided Friday dinner and Saturday breakfast and lunch for the staff only. Carol Barnes volunteered to handle registration. John Pedersen expressed his thanks on behalf of the Troop to Bill Fournell, for presenting the challenge to the Troop, and to Bill Westcott for assisting the older Scouts in stepping up to it. Marvin Bowerman expressed interest in participating in a "fact-finding" committee to help plan for a 50-mile backpacking trip in the summer of 2004. This will be brought to the table again after our three attendees return from HAT Backpacking. The meeting was adjourned at 9:25.
Troop Tribune - February,
The following tribute to the crew of the Columbia was passed in resolution at the February National Executive Board meeting. View the tribute on the web at www.sfbac.org/mp/flyers/columbia.html Space Shuttle Columbia Whereas, the National Executive Board and Advisory council of the Boy Scouts of America deeply grieves for the tragic loss of the seven members of the Columbia space shuttle crew who died on February 1, 2003; and Whereas, of the 293 pilots and scientists selected as astronauts since 1959, 180 have been active in Boy Scouting; and Whereas, all four of the male American crew members were involved in scouting in their youth, including Eagle Scout William McCool, Columbia's pilot; Now, therefore be it Resolved, that the Boy Scouts of America, at its National Executive Board Meeting, here assembled in Dallas, Texas, this 5th day of February 2003, conveys its profound gratitude to the members of Columbia for their ultimate sacrifice in their duty to their country and its deepest sympathy to the families of the crew members. Roy S. Roberts, President Roy L. Williams, Chief Scout Executive
Kudos!!! To Philip P., who became Troop 110's latest Eagle Scout on Tuesday, February 4, 2003. Kudos and thanks to the Scouts of Troop 110 that attended last month's Indoor Rally in Fremont. It was a great show of spirit, especially by the younger Scouts. Wait 'til next year! Notes from the Pinnacles Hike Even though it was Jan. 18, our Pinnacles hike was on a hot day and it was all up hill from the start. We crossed over the same river many times during the hike. We had to take a few breaks to wait for the people in the back to catch up. At one part I got in the front then I got tired fast and then I ended up in the back. When it was lunch time, we had about a 30 min. break. After lunch the group split up into two groups: shorter hike and longer hike. Most of the adults took the long way, and almost all of the kids took the short route. On the way down, the scouts went up to an over look, which looked like a perfect campsite. It had a nice stream and it had a lot of grass. There were some bad things about it too. The stream was on the edge of a cataract so anything could fall and the odds were it would never be seen again. The rest of the hike was easy. When we reached the bottom of the hill we rested for a little bit then set out on the adventure back to the cars. Michael H.
Notes from the Troop 110 Committee Meeting, February 5, 2003: The meeting was called to order by Chairperson John Pedersen at 7:47 p.m. Secretary Carol Barnes read the minutes from the January meeting, which were approved unanimously. Announcements: (See "Mark Your Calendars" for general information about upcoming Troop and District Events): Pow Wow and University of Scouting is happening February 8th, all day. Den Chief training is also available for 1st Class Scouts 13 and over. Tom Sims is the contact. Saturday, March 22nd is a "team in training" day for runners preparing for an upcoming marathon in Alaska. Cindy Short is coordinating the Troop's participation in manning the four water stations for the participants. Volunteer Scouts are welcome, and they need at least one adult per station. A theme is being considered, with a decorating and setup contest to be judged by the runners. Stay tuned to the Troop website for details: http://www.bsatroop110.org More upcoming events will be discussed under New Business and in the Scoutmaster's Report Treasurer's Report: (delayed to the end of the meeting) All dues are paid up, not much other activity. The report was approved as read. Advancement Report: Steve Wallcave reported for Julie Kirkpatrick. Advancement reports from Troopmaster have been distributed to parent representatives of all Patrols. She is awaiting their return. Bill Westcott reported on his successful "Life to Eagle" session. Philip P. passed his Eagle Board of Review on Tuesday, February 4th, to become the Troop's latest Eagle. Matt Y. has submitted all his paperwork, and Olaf G. is still working on his writeup. Fundraising Report: Ted Mutch reported on the Chevy's fundraiser, which netted $175.00 after expenses. Bill Westcott requested that the Budget Subcommittee consider earmarking the money to send additional Scouts to Brownsea this year; he also reported that all last year's attendees had completed their challenges. Tom Sims suggested that the PLC be challenged to devise a way in which the Scouts can more actively participate in future fundraisers with Chevy's. It was also pointed out that August 2003 has been designated a "Patrol outing" month, for which the Scouts may wish to do some fundraising of their own. Scoutmaster's Report: The Pinnacles campout and hike was a huge success, thanks to a heavy last minute signup. There were over 20 hikers on Saturday, great weather for camping (though the nights were very cold), and of course great food for the adults! Two 110 Scouts participated in the Chess Tournament, with David G. taking 4th place in his division. A total of 41 Scouts attended, a great start to a great new District tradition. The Indoor Rally on Friday the 31st was also a success, with 12 Scouts from 110 and 3 Webelos guests from Pack 268, who also participated in the opening ceremony. Troop 20 was the overall winner, although our scouts appeared to come in 4th in the "stick relay." Mike Magno survived the "Scoutmaster Drag," and the boys came away determined to take the "Spirit Award" next year. Saturday the 1st of February featured a Merit Badge Extravaganza, attended by some of the Cobras. 110 had a few visitors at the January Troop meetings, including several Webelos and a 2nd Class Scout. February Troop meetings will focus on Winter Awareness in preparation for the Klondike Derby (March 8-9) and a possible Troop snow camp outing. 2/12 will feature a presentation on Snow Safety by Hilton D. and Richard B., the Screaming Eagles will discuss Winter Clothing on the 19th, and on the 26th Jo P. and Chris M. will cover "Winterizing Your Tent and Sleeping Bag." There will also be some games. The weekend of 2/21-23 will include either a snow camp or Mission Peak hike, depending on the weather. Other important events include Blue and Gold banquets at Packs 268 and 273 on the 21st of February, which will be attended by the Scoutmaster and one or two other ASMs. Pack 263 at Eastin Elementary is holding their first Blue and Gold on Thursday, February 20th, which Tom Sims will attend. The PLC has been asked to plan an overnight trip to the USS Hornet, which will include some work on the Aviation Merit Badge. Finally, the two Webelos 2 Dens from Pack 268 will bridge 10 Scouts into Troop 110 on Friday, March 21st. All 268 alumni are encouraged to attend in Full Uniform; plan to arrive at 6:45 to assist in setup. Old Business: Be sure to sign your "memos of understanding" with the Treasurer, if you have not already done so. New Business: Acorn 56 is coming up, and three of our fine Scouters are on staff, John Pedersen, Carol Barnes and Bill Fournell. Dates are the 20th, 27th and 29th of March and April 1st at the Fremont Scout Hut, with the hill session at Los Mochos from April 4th to 6th. Leaders who participate will be reimbursed, as will any Cub Scout leaders who bridge into 110. Bill Westcott recommended that the Troop look for a way to raise the $500 we used to donate to Troop 2 out of the Tree Lot profits. It was suggested that the pumpkin patch would be an ideal vehicle for this, in addition to individual donations. The Budget Subcommittee will consider this, as well. Bill Fournell reported that he had been approached by the District to host the spring Webelos Woods, the date is yet to be determined. It would require strong Scout leadership and the participation of 6-10 adults. Bill Westcott will take it to the Eagle Scouts, once he has some information on last year's program. John Pedersen reported that the District Dinner is on May 10th, and asked that recommendations for awards be forwarded to him or Mike. Bill Westcott reported that Mike Magno, Cindy Short, Julie Pratt and John Pedersen will be joining him at the HAT Backpacking Training on the first and third weekends in March. The meeting was adjourned at 9:15.
Troop Tribune - January,
2003 Happy New Year, Everyone!! It hardly seems possible that another Christmas has come and gone, and that the new year is already underway. The Troop has renewed its Charter, summer camp is being planned, the newest Troop 110 Patrol has completed Winter Awareness training in preparation for the upcoming Klondike Derby -- a brief rest only, then on we go! Before too much of 2003 slips by, I'd like to say thanks to all of you for the good thoughts and the hard work you have invested in this Troop over the last year. We are each an important part of what makes 110 special. I especially want to thank our tireless Chairperson, John Pedersen, and our devoted Webmaster, Skip Wagner, for their unflagging efforts to keep us all informed and up to date. A monthly newsletter simply cannot keep up with the number of Scout and school activities and the pace of our changing schedule. Indeed it seems that once a schedule is in print it is already out of date. Though we are all committed to accurate and timely notice, we need to move at light speed. Fortunately we have the world-wide web, where the straight story is just a click or two away. Make it a resolution for 2003 to visit us often, at www.bsatroop110.org. Kudos and Thanks Kudos to Eric W., who earned his Bronze Eagle Palm at the last regular Troop meeting of 2002. Several other Scouts completed advancements by the end of the year: Kudos to Life Scout Andrew W., Star Scout Russell B., First Class Scout Lucas G. and Second Class Scout William Y. Thanks for helping the Troop ring out the old year in style! Pinnacles Campout and Hike Mark your calendars for the first RimRover hike of the new year at Pinnacles State Park, Saturday, January 18th. Our new Scoutmaster, Mike Magno, will lead the hike, which counts as one of the Hiking Merit Badge requirements. A group campsite has been reserved for Friday and Saturday nights, but Scouts and their families are also welcome to go on Saturday only, just for the hike. Sign up for camping by the January 15th Troop meeting!!! Scouts will be camping, cooking and eating in their Patrols. Those interested in going on Friday evening should contact Cindy Short as soon as possible, since space is limited. Those interested in camping on Saturday should contact Mike Magno. All who are interested in the hike should have plenty of water and a bag lunch prepared in advance. The hike will depart the campground at 10:30 a.m. Chevy's Fundraiser January 23rd Our first fundraiser of the new year will be held on Thursday, January 23rd, at Chevy's Restaurant in Union Landing. Flyers for the fundraiser will be available at Troop meetings for distribution by Troop members to family, friends and neighbors. Any who present a Troop 110 flyer that day, whether for lunch, dinner or takeout, will have 20% of their total purchase donated back to the Troop. Thanks to Fundraising Chair Ted Mutch for putting it all together! Mission Peak Chess Tournament Come and play at the first ever Mission Peak District Chess Tournament, hosted by Scenario Games, on Saturday, January 25th. Registration is $5.00 per Scout at the door, and includes a really neat patch! There will be divisions for Scouts, Webelos Scouts and Cub Scouts, and even if you don't play chess you can come out and help with the younger Scout divisions, register and pick up a patch for participating. Contact Mike Magno for more information. Mission Peak Indoor Rally This year's Indoor Rally will be held at the LDS Church on Decoto Road, Friday, January 31st, at 7:30 p.m. Our Troop is preparing for participation at the January Troop meetings -- this year there will be an additional "mystery event," as well as the traditional Scouting skills relays. Come on out and help your fellow Scouts -- show the visiting Webelos guests what 110 is all about. Plan to arrive at 7:00 if you go. University of Scouting The 2003 Pow Wow and University of Scouting is being presented by the San Francisco Bay Area Council on Saturday, February 8th, at Canyon Middle School in Castro Valley. This is an area-wide training extravaganza for adult Scout leaders, a great opportunity to learn more about the aims and methods of Scouting from veterans in the field. Registration is $20.00 per adult in advance, $25.00 for forms received after January 27th. Several Bay Area Troops will be on hand during the lunch hour, offering a variety of menu items at reasonable prices, for those who forget their lunch. For First Class Scouts who are 13 years old the Council is also offering Den Chief Training, a good introduction to Scout leadership skills. Registration is $12.00, including all materials and "trained" patch, and it must be received by January 27th. Participants should being a sack lunch and an open mind. Contact Tom Sims for a registration form, if interested.
Notes from the Troop 110 Committee Meeting, January 8, 2003: Acting Chair Cindy Short called the meeting to order at 7:45. Minutes from the December meeting were presented by Carol Barnes and approved unanimously as read. Announcements: (See "Mark Your Calendars" for general information about upcoming Troop and District events). Mike Magno will lead the Pinnacles Rimrover hike and campout, scheduled for the weekend of January 17th-19th. There will be a party leaving Friday evening, contact Cindy Short if interested -- all who wish to camp must sign up at the January 15th Troop meeting. A second group will leave Saturday morning at 8:00 a.m. from the Contempo parking lot. A group site has been reserved, Scouts will camp and eat in their patrols. Scouts and their families who only want to hike should meet everyone at the Pinnacles campsite by 10:00 a.m. Saturday. Hikers should bring water and a bag lunch. The first annual District Chess Tournament will be held at Scenario Games in Fremont on Saturday, January 25th. Registration for Scout and Cub Scout divisions is $5.00 at the door and includes a great patch. Scouts are also needed to supervise the Cub Scout division, for those who are interested in attending, but who do not wish to play chess. All Scouts should wear their Class "A" uniforms. Bill Westcott will host a Life-to-Eagle presentation for all Troop 110 Life Scouts on Monday, January 27th, 7:00 p.m. at his house. Contact Bill or Eric Westcott if interested. The Indoor Rally on Friday, January 31st has been moved to the LDS Church on Decoto Road. Scouts and their guests should meet at 7:00 p.m. Class "A" uniforms are a must! The San Francisco Bay Area Council Recognition Dinner will be held on Saturday, February 1st, at Merrit College. Bill Fournell reported that three Mission Peak volunteers will be honored. Tickets are $30.00 at the door, $22.00 if mailed in advance by January 17th. Bill also reported that the SFBAC web site is down until further notice. The annual Pow-Wow and University of Scouting is scheduled for Saturday, February 8th, at Canyon Middle School in Castro Valley. Interested Scouts and parents should pick up a registration from from Tom Sims at the next Troop meeting. Tentatively scheduled for Wednesday, February 12th, a trip to the climbing wall at City Beach in Fremont -- contact Mike Magno if interested, a second training session for adults may also be scheduled. Treasurer's Report: Distributed report was corrected, with an additional $50.00 for popcorn sales. Cindy reminded everyone that the Recharter fees and signed Treasurer's Memo of Understanding are due at the end of January. The MOU can be downloaded from the Troop Website. Mike Magno reminded everyone that summer camp deposits are due; $20.00 is due now to reserve a spot, and the second deposit of $65.00 will be due in February. Camp is scheduled for the second week of July. Advancement Report: Data from the District recharter reports has been loaded into Troopmaster; advancement reports from the Troop database are being distributed to the Patrols for verification. The Spring Court of Honor will be held on March 19th. Bill Westcott reported that Matt Yorks, Phil Pauley and Olaf Guadarama are making excellent progress toward Eagle. Fundraising Report: Ted Mutch reports that the first Troop 110 Chevy's fundraiser will be held on Thursday, January 23rd. Anyone presenting a Troop 110 flyer at Chevy's will have 20% of their tab donated to the Troop. Several present volunteered to distribute copies at the upcoming District Roundtable. Scoutmaster's Report: The remaining Troop meetings in January will be mostly devoted to practicing for the upcoming Indoor Rally. There will also be some additional games, as well as some presentations on Winter Awareness by the Scouts who attended the December Order of the Arrow classes. There may be a Troop snow camping trip scheduled in February, stay tuned to the web site for up-to-date information. Congratulations to Andrew W., 110's newest Life Scout, Russell B., the newest Star. Also, Lucas G. reached his First Class Rank, and William Y. earned Second Class. Two Webelos 2 Dens from Pack 268 are expected to bridge their boys into Troop 110 on March 21st. Mike Magno and Tom Sims will attend their den meeting this Friday, to be interviewed for their Arrow of Light requirements. Bill Westcott reported that the Troop will be making a decision in the next couple of months as to which Scouts will be sent to Brownsea. Mike Magno reported that Troop elections for Senior and Assistant Senior Patrol Leaders will be held in April, as the current SPL will be graduating from high school. Old Business: The Treasurer's "Memo of Understanding" is on the web, please download and sign! New Business: Shirley Gonzales is stepping down as Wreath Sales coordinator, and a replacement is needs to be in place by next September. Contact Ted Mutch if interested. Cindy Short reported that several upcoming marathon training sessions will need Scout volunteers at the water stations, an excellent service opportunity. Times and dates are yet to be determined, contact Cindy if interested, and watch the website. Tom Sims is currently revising the Troop Parent Handbook -- suggestions are welcome, and volunteers will be needed to proofread. The City of Fremont is providing smoke alarms free of charge to interested Fremont residents, including installation. They are looking for Scouts to canvass areas of town for them. Contact Bill Fournell if interested. The meeting was adjourned at 9:15.
Troop Tribune - December,
2002 Kudos and Thanks Kudos and Thanks to the Scouts and their families who assisted the Newark League of Volunteers on Thanksgiving Day. You all know who you are, and your efforts helped to brighten the holidays for around 20 homebound families. Take that, Mr Grinch! Kudos to Mike Magno, our new Scoutmaster, in whose capable hands the Troop has unanimously been placed. Thanks to Ted Mutch, for being the first to answer Mike's call for new volunteers by bravely encouraging Pam Mutch to serve as Court of Honor coordinator -- wait, it feels as all this has happened before .
Notes from the Troop 110 Committee Meeting, December 4, 2002: The meeting was called to order at 7:50 by Chair John Pedersen. Minutes from the November meeting were presented by Carol Barnes and approved unanimously as read. Announcements: (See "Mark Your Calendars" for general information about upcoming Troop and District events). Order of the Arrow "Winter Awareness" training will take place on Saturday, December 7th. There will be some quest attendees as well as all but two of the Cobra Patrol, a total of 4 adults and 9 Scouts. As it is a Council event, Class "A" uniforms are required. The Winter Court of Honor and Dessert Social will be held Wednesday, December 11th. Roadkill and Screaming Eagles will setup, beginning at 6:00 -- some Cobras and Screaming Eagles will not be in attendance, due to the Cesar Chavez Winter Concert. Dessert will be served at 6:30, and the Court will begin at 7:00, with Olaf G. and his ASPLs as Masters of Ceremonies. The Troop will provide drinks, plates, utensils and napkins. At the request of Mike Magno, Pam Mutch volunteered to be the new Court of Honor Coordinator. The Mt. Tamalpais Rimrover hike is on for Saturday, December 15th. Interest in a campout will be assessed at the Winter Court, and if there is not it will be a day event only. Bill Westcott will lead the hike, and all participants should meet at Contempo at 8:00 a.m. Saturday morning. The Troop meeting on December 18th will be devoted to preparation for the upcoming District Indoor Rally. January 2003 PLC and Troop Committee meetings will be moved back one week, to the 8th. Other important January events are the Pinnacles Rimrover hike and campout on the weekend of the 18th, and the Indoor Rally at Logan High School on the 31st. SF Bay Area Council Pow-Wow and University of Scouting will be held on Saturday, February 8th, time and place to be announced. Tom Sims (and at least one other interested adult, identity to be determined) will be taking interested Scouts for Den Chief Training. Treasurer's Report: Deferred, as the Treasurer is celebrating her anniversary in Hawaii! Advancement Report: Steve Wallcave reported that Julie Kirkpatrick is building the advancement database Patrol by Patrol and could use an adult contact in each group. Tom Sims volunteered to review the reports for the Screaming Eagles; Julie Pratt will take care of the Lightning Bolts, and Bill Westcott will work with the Leadership Corps and the rest. Fundraising Report: Bill Westcott reported that wreath orders are in, and Shirley Gonzales should be contacted for distribution. John Pedersen asked about restaurant fundraisers currently being done by other Troops and schools. He will work with Ted Mutch to set one up for late January. Scoutmaster's Report: The Troop "chess night" went very well, with all in attendance participating. The Scouts are well prepared for the upcoming District tournament on January 25th, hosted by Scenario Games. This event will feature Cub and Boy Scout divisions, and parent volunteers are needed! There is a $4.00 advance entry fee to participate, which will cover the patch being made for all participants. Several first year Webelos have been invited to attend the upcoming Indoor Rally. The organizing committee may also add a "mystery event," as well as the standard Scouting skills competition. Also in January, Bill Westcott will host a "Life to Eagle" meeting at his house, and the 110 Venture Crew will hold its first meeting. Dates and times will be announced after the holidays, and Eagle Scouts will be asked to participate as mentors in the "Life to Eagle" program. Mike Magno acknowledged the efforts of three Troop 110 drivers, himself, John Pedersen and Tom Sims who, along with two other adults, four Scouts and three siblings, assisted in delivering over 100 lunches and dinners to homebound on Thanksgiving Day. Their efforts were enhanced by handmade and personalized greeting cards, prepared in advance by Rita Haskin. Scouting for Food was also a success, with 733 items collected by 42 Scouts and family members. We may go for an even larger area next year, and Rita Haskin has volunteered to design flyers and thank you cards. Old Business: The Treasurer's "Memo of Understanding" is on the web site, http://www.bsatroop110.org Rechartering should be completed by this Saturday. District representatives will be at the Scout Hut behind Centerville Junior High School in Fremont, from 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. on Saturday, December 7th. New Business: In addition to the items covered above, Mike Magno was nominated to succeed Bill Westcott as the Scoutmaster of Troop 110. He was unopposed and elected unanimously. In his acceptance statement, he stated that his primary emphasis will be on turning Scouts into leaders, and that to assist him in this effort he will be asking for A LOT of assistance from the other Scouters and parents. The meeting was adjourned at 9:35.
Troop Tribune - November,
2002 Kudos and Thanks Kudos to Eric W., Troop 110's latest Eagle Scout. His Eagle Court of Honor on October 27th, 2002, was a grand event featuring guests from far and wide -- including three (count 'em, THREE) Bill Westcotts! Several Union City officials plus Scouts from up and down the West Coast were witness to the event and to the feast that followed. Way to go, Eric! Eagle Response (The following response was given by Eric W. at his Eagle Court of Honor, October 27, 2002) I'm sure you are getting tired of speeches by now so I will try to keep this brief. I would like to thank everyone for being here today. It means a lot to me to have so many friends and family members here to share this special occasion with me. First of all I would like to thank everyone in the troop for supporting me. The adults that created a program that allowed me to advance and not just watch but do. My fellow scouts that gave me an opportunity to teach lead the troop. I would like to thank all of you that helped on my Eagle project. It was a lot of hard work and I appreciate all of your time and effort. 33 people put in 422 hours to help make this project a success. Entire families gave up a part of their weekend or afternoons and I appreciate all of you. To my best friends Brett and Matt. You have always helped me when I needed it and never let me down. To the Shorts and the Yorks families. For all your time, effort, and support throughout my scouting career and beyond, Thank you. Teachers like Mr. and Mrs. Andrews, Mr. and Mrs. Forrest, Mrs. Iwamoto and many others never let me settle for 2nd best. Thank you for your encouragement and motivation. And I must not forget one of the people that I respect most. She hasn't had the best life but yet she always looked on the bright side of it. She never said no when I needed her help. And best of all she is an A's fan. I can't thank her enough for being apart of my life. She is my Aunt Linda. But most of all, Id like to thank my family and grandparents. I can't even begin to acknowledge them for all the things they have done and for being there when I needed them. My Dad who constantly takes an interest in what I do and wants what's best for me. To my Mom for doing all of the things you thought I never noticed or appreciated. Thank you , Thank you , Thank you. And not forgetting my sister, Staci, I do listen to your advice, on occasion. Again thank you everyone. I am honored to receive this award. - Eric W.
Notes from the Troop 110 Committee Meeting, November 6, 2002: The meeting was called to order at 7:52 by Chair John Pedersen. Minutes from the October meeting were presented by Carol Barnes and approved unanimously as read. Announcements: (See "Mark Your Calendars" for general information about upcoming Troop and District events). The November 13th Troop meeting will feature a joint Scout and adult Youth Protection training session hosted by Bill Fournell. The annual Troop Scouting for Food contest will also be judged, with prizes for First, Second and Third place, according to the number of items contributed. Scouting for Food will be conducted over two weekends in November, with bags distributed on the 9th and picked up on the 16th. Meet at Contempo at 8:30 a.m. both days, for distribution and collection assignments. Class A uniforms are required, and all family members are encouraged to participate. The Memorial Park campout, scheduled for November 22nd - 24th is in need of a leader. Cindy Short may be able to take over, but the group would have to go up Saturday rather than Friday. An announcement will be sent out via email with details. Mike Magno is coordinating Troop participation in the Newark League of Volunteers Thanksgiving Dinner. Our part will be to deliver dinners to the homebound, between 10:30 and 12:30 -- Drivers Wanted! Last minute word is that our Troop will once again be on setup, beginning at 8:30 a.m. at LOV-Newark. Meet behind the Big-O Tires, corner of Newark and Cedar!!! Steve Wallcave is organizing the Troop's attendance at the annual Order of the Arrow Winter Awareness training, Saturday December 7th at the Canyon Middle School in Castro Valley. This all-day event is required for Scouts who want to participate in the Klondike Derby next February. Carpools are encouraged Please reserve Friday, December 6th as a tentative date for the Troop's next Eagle Court of Honor, featuring Dennis Hoban and Matt and Travis Smith. The Winter Court of Honor is tentatively scheduled for Wednesday, December 11th, but it may be rescheduled to coincide with the Eagle Court. The next scheduled Rim Rover hike is Mt. Tamalpais on December 14th. There is a slight possibility that a campout will be scheduled around this hike, as well. Stay tuned to the Troop website for the latest: Treasurer's Report: Very little activity this month, although new pots and pans were purchased for all Patrol boxes -- plastic and/or wood utensils will be required for this new equipment, and will be purchased before distribution. The motion to approve the Treasurer's report carried unanimously. Advancement Report: Steve Wallcave reported that all information has been accumulated and is being entered into the Troop database by Julie Kirkpatrick. There will be one more 2nd Class Scout for the December Court of Honor. Fundraising Report: Wreath orders are due, popcorn sale is over. There is no standing location for wreath sales, all work was done on a take-order basis. Scoutmaster's Report: Mike Magno reported on the PLC, the new SPL was absent due to his participation in a school play. ASPs Joe P. and Chris M. led the meeting. The November 20th Troop meeting will include a presentation on chess by Hilton D., David G., Richard B., Chris M. and Joe P. Scouts are encouraged to bring their chess sets, in order to practice for a Troop tournament in December. This is in preparation for a regional tournament in January, hosted by Scenario Games. There will be no Troop meeting on November 27th, in order to allow the Troop to get plenty of rest in anticipation of their participation in helping with the annual Holiday Dinner at LOV-Newark. Bill Westcott reported that interested Scouts age 16 and older should consider applying for staff positions at Camp Wente next summer. Scouts age 15 and older can sign up for Camp Intern Training (C.I.T.) at Wente, for which room and board would be provided while they learn. Pow-wow/University of Scouting and miscellaneous youth training will be held on Saturday, February 8, 2003. Late word is that Tom Sims volunteered to coordinate Scout and adult participation. Old Business: Venture Crew update: while all 14 year old Scouts who were Troop members during this past Summer Camp were automatically signed up as Crew 110 members, they will have to recharter (no extra charge) for next year. Scouts who turned (or will turn) 14 after that date will also need to sign up, if interested. New Business: A final draft of the Troop Treasurer's Memo of Understand to parents and Scouts, which covers all aspects of the Troop Scout accounts, was approved. Bill Westcott's recommendation that it be signed annually during rechartering was also adopted unanimously. Bill Westcott reported that Bob Stanley, our Christmas tree supplier, will be operating a lot on our old location. He would like to purchase the bits of Troop property (flame retardant, stands, locks, etc.) left in the shed on the lot, as well as taking over the PG&E account. He would also like to arrange for the use of the Troop trailer, for which he would make a donation to the Troop at the end of the season. Both wishes were granted unanimously. The meeting was adjourned at 10:00.
Poet's Corner (The following tale was presented as a Leaders' Skit at the Troop 110 Fall Court of Honor. It is neither an endorsement of plagiarism nor an implied commentary on the work of Dr. Seuss. Thanks to Lynda Brown, Advancement Chair, Troop 103, for the artwork)
Troop Tribune - October,
2002 One year ago, and then some. Welcome back, Scouts, Scouters and Parents! After a wonderful, though all to short summer, I'm looking forward to the new year as your Tribune editor. It is almost impossible for me to think back on this year without recalling how it started. The horrific events of September 2001 affected us all as individuals, as Scouts, as Americans, and as citizens of the world. We are continually reminded that the world has changed, that nothing can ever be the same again -- how true does this look, looking back? Last October, as in years before, the Scouts joined their fellow Americans on one grand day, to Make a Difference in their community. Last November, once again, we joined our fellow Scouts in their annual drive to collect food for those less fortunate than ourselves. In December, as always, we joined the cultures of the world in their celebrations of peace, good will and renewal. In these and all other days, in thousands of ways, the Scouts continued to do as they always done: Make a difference, day by day, one good turn at a time -- changed forever, perhaps, yet unchanged. I believe it is most fitting that we do this, that we continue to help our fellow Americans show the world our best face. However permanently we see it affected, either by events or by individuals, the world is certainly changing around us. We have a wonderful opportunity with each new day to let the values of Scouting illuminate a way through these troubling, uncertain times. What will you do to help? Kudos and Thanks Well I guess I'd like to start off with a big thanks to our retiring Scoutmaster, Bill Westcott. Five and a half years ago, after my son urged me to attend a Cub Scout informational meeting at Decoto Elementary, Bill recruited us into Pack 268. I was not a reluctant participant -- attended every meeting, helped as best as I thought I could, but to this day I wish I had done more from the start. I have done nothing in the last four years in Scouting that did not enrich me and my family. In all that time Bill has served by his actions as an example of what we can do for Scouting, and by so doing, what Scouting can do for us. Farewell, Bill -- glad we still have you aboard! Kudos to Matt Y. and Phillip P., who are wrapping up work on their projects and are on the way to becoming our next Eagle Scouts. Kudos to the King Cobras, for their hard work over the summer, making almost all of them 2nd Class Scouts by the Fall Court of Honor. Kudos and thanks to all the Scouts and Scouters who participated in keeping the Troop program hale and hearty during the summer months. We are on our way to another Quality Unit Award, I'm certain of it! Notes from the Troop 110 Committee Meeting, October 2, 2002: The meeting was called to order by Chairperson John Pedersen at 8:00 p.m. Secretary Carol Barnes was present, but there were no minutes from the previous meeting, which was devoted to Troop Committee training by Richard Westover. Announcements: (See "Mark Your Calendars" for general information about upcoming Troop and District Events): For the Court of Honor on October 9, 2002, the Troop will be providing hot dogs and buns; desserts will be provided by the Lightning Bolts and Cobra, and the Roadkill, Screaming Eagles, and Leadership Corps will be bringing salads or vegetable sides. The Cobra and Roadkill patrols will be responsible for setup and cleanup services, respectively. Carol Barnes reminded everyone about the upcoming District Merit Badge Extravaganza on October 12th, to be held all day at the LDS Church on Gatewood in Fremont. Emphasis will be on technology Merit Badges; all aspiring Merit Badge councilors are also encouraged to attend. Troop elections will be held at the October 16th meeting, for Senior Patrol Leader and his first Assistant SPL; all other Troop leadership positions will be reviewed by new leaders, and the torch will be passed at the November 6th Patrol Leaders Council meeting. Rawnie Clements reported that signups for the Pacific Skyline Mountain Man Rendezvous, October 18th to 20th, are complete, and that the troop will be sending 36 Scouts and family. Quartermaster Ed Pauley reminded everyone that tents and other Troop equipment are the responsibility of the person or persons to whom they are issued, and should not be passed onto others to return. Mike Magno announced that no Scouts had shown interest in the Fall Camporee, so at this time there is no planned Troop 110 participation. Interested Scouts who have not yet spoken up may be able to attend with members of Troop 273, and should contact Mike Magno immediately. Bill Fournell needs volunteer Scouts age 15 years or older to fill staff positions; Scouts holding Life rank are preferred and should contact Bill if interested. Make A Difference Day is Saturday, October 26th. Troop 110 efforts are being coordinated by Joe P., and will probably involve a cleanup and home repair effort on Mission Blvd. Further details will be forthcoming. The Troop and families are invited to attend Eric W's Eagle Court of Honor on Sunday, October 27th, at 1:30 in the Holly Community Center. Details are still being finalized, though Bill Westcott informed the Committee that there would be swords, a family tradition. We can also look forward to Eagle Courts for Dennis Hoban, Travis Smith and Matt Smith. Upcoming November events include the PLC and Troop Committee on Wednesday, November 6th, and the weekend campout at Memorial Park on November 22nd-24th, exact campsite locations to be announced later. John Pedersen will once again submit the Troop for the Alcatraz Island campout lottery;' Bill Westcott will try to schedule a date for the USS Hornet. Treasurer's Report: ...* Financial details omitted here. Troop 110 members may go to our Members Page for financial details. See Committee Meeting Notes *... Advancement Report: Deferred, though Bill Westcott spoke on her behalf. Judy Kirkpatrick is still trying to get all the data up to date and entered. Most of the Cobra Patrol has attained 2nd Class rank, and members of the Screaming Eagles are awaiting positions in which to serve their 6 months of Troop leadership. Scoutmaster's Report: Upcoming Troop meetings will feature a First Aid presentation by Joe Pratt-Majesky on October 23rd, and Pumpkin Carving on October 30th. New Venture Leader Training will be held at the San Leandro center on October 12th, and H.A.T. (High Adventure Training) Backpacking recertification will be held in November. See Bill Westcott if interested. The Committee was also reminded that Venture Crew 110 had been chartered, and that all Scouts age 14 and over, together with all registered adults, were charter members through the end of the current year. Two events for 2003 that are sponsored by Scenario Games were also highlighted, a District Chess Tournament on January 25th, and a family kite day in May, 2003. Powwow/University of Scouting is now scheduled for Saturday, February 8th, 2003. In closing, Bill Westcott read a formal letter of resignation - he will continue his duties as Scoutmaster through the end of the charter year. He acknowledged himself and Tom Sims for recently completing their Wood Badge training; both were congratulated by the Committee. Old Business: Tom Sims will assume responsibility for Merit Badge Councilor signups as a part of his Wood Badge ticket. New Business: Tom Sims recommended that planning for next year's Troop 110 Pumpkin Patch begin now. Bill Westcott also spoke to the desirability of helping the District's Tiger Cubs with their Pumpkin Day next year. Several proposals from the Budget Subcommittee were also brought forward.
Motions were made and seconded for all proposals, which were passed unanimously after discussion. Cindy Short also noted that pots, pans, and other previously approved Troop equipment purchases will be completed prior to the Mt. Man Rendezvous on the 18th. Bill Fournell reminded all that the second Troop meeting in November would feature Youth Protection Training for Scouts and adults; all registered leaders and Scouts should plan to attend. Mike Magno reported that the change of date for Summer Camp, from session 2 to session 3 at Wente, required a change from our favorite Turkey Roost to a combination of Sun Ridge and Sky High, which hold a total of 28 and 26 campers respectively. This will be the week after July 4th. Tom Sims covered three of his Wood Badge ticket items, which involve the Troop newsletter, the new Parent Handbook revision and work with local Cub Scout packs. The meeting was adjourned at 10:00. Scoutmaster's Corner Date: September 30,2002 Dear Scouts, parents, and members of Troop 110 committee, It is with mixed feelings that I write this letter to formally inform the Troop membership of my decision to step down as Scoutmaster. Many of you have been aware of my decision for some time but it is only proper to put it in writing. My plan is to continue as Scoutmaster until the end of the Troop's charter year which will end in December. This will allow the committee to review the possible candidates who will assume the duties of Scoutmaster and also allow a transition that will not leave the Troop without leadership. My plan is to continue with the Troop as an Assist. Scoutmaster but allow other adults the opportunity to service as Scoutmaster. When I took on the job as Scoutmaster I had a vision and a number of goals that I wanted the Troop to obtain during my leadership. For the most part I have met those goals. There are a number of things I wish I had handled differently and I have learned from those experiences. I tried to use the Ideals of the Scout Oath and Law in my decisions in how to lead the Troop. During my time as Scoutmaster I have been blessed with a great deal of support from the Troop membership, parents, and committee. I want to thank you all for that support and I hope I let each of you know how important your support and contribution has meant to me and how it has allowed me to do the job of Scoutmaster along the way. I know you will support and encourage the next Scoutmaster as you have done for me. One of the task I took very seriously as Scoutmaster was to make sure there were other individuals trained to replace me when I decided to step down. The Troop has several well trained leaders who will most likely do a better job because of that training. Where do I go from here? At the Troop level, I am very interested in seeing an ongoing program to improve the advancement of each and every boy in the Troop. It is my hope to see each boy reach as high as he can in Scouting. I would like to see the Troop become truly boy run and that requires teaching leadership skills so that they have the tools to do just that. Since I took over as Scoutmaster I have tried to get a Venture Crew going. Now is the time for it to happen. I am currently the charter Advisor for Venture Crew 110 and I plan on seeing it take form this next year. You will be hearing more about this soon. I have been approached by the District to assist with the Roundtable program and I have agreed to help make the program more timely and informative, with some help from my friends. So you can see, I still have a vision and many goals to take action on. Your friend in Scouting Bill Westcott, Scoutmaster Troop 110
Preview of coming attractions: How the Prince Stole Scouting ![]() |