~ Troop 110 Tribune ~ 2003: 2004: January
| February
| March
| April
| May
| July | August | September
Editor: Tom Sims/Julia Lloyd
Scoutmaster: Mike Magno | Committee Chair: John Pedersen/Tom
SPL: Andrew W./Russell B.
Troop Tribune - June
2004 Kudos!!! Kudos to all of Troop 110. We worked hard on our Webelos Woods event and it showed. Everyone is attendance was happily entertained and extremely well feed. I actually heard someone say that we had the most outstanding cracker barrel he had ever seen at a scouting event. This success was only possible by the hard work and efforts of our whole troop. Are you ready for the summer? We have lots of activities coming up this summer as well as summer vacations galore. Therefore we will not be having a July committee meeting. Our next meeting will be the second Wednesday of August. We will be holding regular troop meetings during July. Calling all Gift Books If you picked up gift books for fundraising, please turn in the money. We can always pick up more books to sell if you need them; contact Ted Mutch. Soaring to Eagle heights Josh S. has recently received approval for his Eagle Project and it is well under way. Scouts and several scouts and families joined in on Sunday May 30th to pitch in the effort. His project is adding beautiful planters at Veteran's Hospital in Palo Alto. The first area added several planters to a sun porch where patients and employees can go relax. The second area will add some planters that will be used for as therapy for patients. Whip up some Dollars American Licorice Company has generously donated several cases of licorice products to our troop. You may have noticed them at Webelos Woods and troop meetings. There are about 10 cases left. If you want to earn money for your scout account, you can sell these treats. We have red vines and sour punch treats still left over and have decided to offer them for fundraising. Contact Ted to pick up a case or two and sell them at the recommended amount. Then turn your money back into Ted for credit to your account. Court of Honor and Webelos Woods 2004 Post-event Celebration to be held this Wednesday!!! Ahoy Troop 110 Pirates, Ye are all most cordially invited to the Pirate Celebration to welcome the Black Pearl home from her "Pirates of Los Mochos" Webelos Woods 2004 adventure. The Celebration will be held on Wednesday, the 9th day of June 2004. Distinguished and not-so-distinguished guests will arrive by 1815, that's 6:15 p.m. for all ye landlubbers. The piers are located at the Contempo Cabana Club House, 32500 Meteor Drive, Union City, CA. Note: During serving and dining, a one-hour Mission Peak District "Pirates of Los Mochos" documentary will be playing with Large Screen, Surround Sound®, Dolby® and Special Effects. This is a Ron Natividad Production® Film. Ye may recall Ron was George Lucas' mentor and help George get his start in filming. WARNING: Although this be the planned program it be my experience that ye never know what them scurvy pirates are up to. Consider yeself warned!!!
Notes from the Troop 110 Committee Meeting, June 2, 2004 1. Opening - Tom Sims 2. District News a. Minimum age for a boy to join as a scout is now 10 years of age. 3. Minutes of the Last Meeting - Read by Carol Barnes. Motion moved to approve minutes made by Bruce Chan. Motion seconded by Julia Lloyd. Motioned carried with all attending voting to accept. 4. Old Business a. Troop Meeting Day - Bruce Chani. Julia confirmed with the Contempo office staff that there is no other night available from Contempo for use of the cabana. Bruce suggested meeting times for start and end as a way to work with more schedules. This issue will be discussed with the Senior Patrol Leaders and the Scoutmaster. The SPLs will discuss it with each patrol and report back. 5. New Business a. Brownsea Candidatesi. Brownsea costs each attendee $240. Each year Troop 110 send four scouts, elected by the Scoutmaster and Assistant scoutmasters, to this leadership training. Each Brownsea candidate will come home with four challenges form that will benefit the in the leadership and organization of the troop. Troop 110 has always reimbursed the successful Brownsea attendee half of the cost of camp once all four assignments have been completed. This year, Scoutmaster Magno has recommended sending a fifth scout. This scout is a SPL and has shown great participation and leadership in the troop already. Ted Mutch moved that the committee vote to approved payment of the fifth Brownsea candidate if and when he completes his Brownsea leadership assignments. The motion was seconded by Bill Westcot and the motion carried unanimously. 6. Committee Reports a. Chair - Tom Sims 7. Sub-committee Reports a. Advancement - Jim Orsettii. Record reconciliation still underway. Jim will have a form to use for the Patrol Leaders to complete to help verify records. 8. Activities in June and July a. Mission Peak Hike - Friday evening June 18. This will be a evening hike up mission peak. We will meet at the Stanford staging area. Bring water and flashlights. 9. Announcements a. Next Troop Committee meeting to be help on Wednesday August 11, 2004 10. Closing
Troop Tribune - May
2004 Kudos! Kudos to Ted and Pam Mutch for letting the entire troop take over their garage for the weeks before the big sale with all the stuff we could fit into it. Kudos to Ted and Pam (again) for providing the food at the pirate social night. A good time was had by all. Kudos to Bruce Chan for bringing the watery entertainment for the pirate social. Bruce brought in the canoe and tools needed for the pugil stick fight in the pool. Kudos to the entire 110 troop and crew for dressing to the nines in pirate gear. What a fun, creative group we are. District Dinner Once again, Troop 110 ruled the appetizers at the District Dinner. Not only did we have home made sushi, cannon balls of fire and sun dried tomato and goat cheese tarts, we had the best decorated table as well. John showed up with not only music to set the scene but with all the pirate gear possible. We had gold doubloons and boiling pots of fog, music and pirate figures dancing around our own light house. What a sight. We also had a chance to meet up with the other district members that work hard to give our scouts a quality scouting experience. Some of us walked away with goodies from the silent auction too. (Some of us got stuff for next year's garage sale) Summer 2004 Backpacking Hike The Troop's 50-mile backpacking trip on the Skyline to the Sea trial is set for the week of July 4th. This hike will follow the Bay Ridge Trail to the ocean in San Mateo County. In order to be eligible, Scouts must be at least 13 years old and have attained the rank of First Class. In addition, Scouts and adults are required to complete three shakedown hikes, including a final trek later this year that will be 20 miles long with an overnight camp. If you are planning on joining in the hike, you need to get with Marvin to coordinate your shakedowns. Garage Sale Fundraiser The goal this year was to double last years earning from the annual garage sale. We beat that and then some: If fact we more that tripled that amount. Total sales to date are $1,626,00. Thanks to the efforts of Ted and Pam who let us invade their home for the day, not to mention the storage of all that stuff for the weeks leading up to the sale. Next year we may need to rent the neighbors yards. We had a great turn out of scouts and parents working to hard and having fun. I would like to send a special thanks to Judy Pratt for making home deliveries, to Ron Natividad who, as near as I can tell, never once sat down. Also, a special thanks to all the families that donated items for the sale. And now, a note from Cindy
Notes from the Troop 110 Committee Meeting, May 5, 2004: 1. Opening - Tom Sims 2. Minutes of the Last Meeting - Carol Barnes Minutes read and approved. 3. Old Business a. Backpacking Update - Marvin Bowerman 4. New Business May 26th Wednesday at 7:00PM to 8:00PM will be a summer camp orientation meeting. All adults going to summer camp must have a current card showing they have attended Youth Protection training. If you need to get this training you can join in on the Youth Protection training being held from 8:00PM to 9:00PM the same night. 5. Committee Reports a. Treasurer - Craig Brown 6. Activities in May a. District Dinner - Tom Sims 7. Announcements Breaking News: Mike Magno announced that, after much thought, he has accepted a new job. This job is a great opportunity for Mike. However, his new job duties will require him to travel extensively. He will be gone from mid July to end of September. He will be available by email and will keep in touch with the troop, however, he is going to need the parents to step up and help out during this time.
Troop Tribune - April
2004 Kudos!!! Big honking Kudos to our new troop council Treasurer, Craig Brown. Craig will be working closely with Cindy Short to transition into the Treasurer job. Thanks for stepping up Craig. It is the involvement of our parents that makes this troop successful. Kudos to our new Arrowmen. New Order of the Arrow Scouts are Russell B., Andrew W. and Matt Y. Kudos to troop 110's newest advancing scouts. At the spring Court of Honor we recognized: Tenderfoot - Alvin F. Second Class - Allen C. Life Scouts - Brian B. and Justin M. Great job guys, keep up the good work. Kudos and a big thank you to Pam Mutch for her help on the Spring Court of Honor. With her decorations and all the great food everyone provided, we had a successful court. Thanks for all your efforts. Summer 2004 Backpacking Hike The Troop's 50-mile backpacking trip on the Skyline to the Sea trial is set for the week of July 4 th . This hike will follow the Bay Ridge Trail to the ocean in San Mateo County. In order to be eligible, Scouts must be at least 13 years old and have attained the rank of First Class. In addition, Scouts and adults are required to complete three shakedown hikes, including a final trek later this year that will be 20 miles long with an overnight camp. So far three people have completed their three required shakedown hikes. The 50 miler has room for 18 hikers but you must complete the required hikes to qualify. The next hike meeting will be held on Monday April 26 at 7:00 PM at Bronco Billy's Pizza in Union City. Contact Marvin for more information, or better yet come to the monthly Troop Committee meeting the first Wednesday each month, and get all the details. Friends of Scouting The spring court of honor was also our Friends of Scouting fundraiser. This money is used to support our council. That night we raised $2,090.00. This gave us 100% participation ribbon for our flag. Great job Troop 110 families. Spring Camporee On April 30, May 1 & 2, 2004 the Spring Camporee will be held at Camp Royaneh in Cazadero, CA. On Saturday's evening campfire a tapping out ceremony will be conducted by the Order of the Arrow for all elected OA candidates. Troop 110 is encouraged to attending this camporee. Sign up is through Mike Magno at the regular scout meetings. The theme of this camporee is "Boy Scouts of the Caribbean". Scout Advancement Jim Orsetti is in the process of verifying all scout advancement records for our troop. Jim is working closely with the District to ensure that every scout is credited with all the work they have done. This is a huge effort as it involves working with lots of source documents, verifying records and updating all accounts. More information coming soon. Garage Sale Fundraiser Wondering what to do with all the stuff in your garage? Call Ted. Have items of value that you no longer want/need? Call Ted. Want free hot dogs? Call Ted. The Annual Scout Garage Sale fundraiser is set for April 24. Keep those items coming. Donation to Troop 2 We have a donation that has been approved and needs to be delivered. Cindy is looking for a couple of Troop adults to go with her to deliver this donation. Please contact Cindy Short if you are interested in helping out.
Notes from the Troop 110 Committee Meeting, April 7, 2004: Chairperson Tom Sims called the meeting to order at 8:00 pm. Minutes of the last meeting read and approved. Old Business Back Packing report Three people are qualified to date for the 50-mile hike. You must successfully complete three shakedown hikes to qualify. Next meeting for Pack packing group is set for April 26, 2004 at Bronco Billy's at 7:00 PM. Friends of Scouting The spring court of honor was also our Friends of Scouting fundraiser. This money is used to support our council. That night we raised $2,090.00. This gave us 100% participation ribbon for our flag. Thank you Diane Orsetti for helping out! New Business
Announcements (See "Mark Your Calendars" for general information about upcoming Troop and District Events) Troop Committee Training This is open to all parents who want to know what the adult leadership is doing to make a Troop 110 function and anyone who is thinking about getting involved with the committee. The training date May 19th at Contempo. This class will run from 7:00pm to 9:00pm. Contact Ron Natividad for more details. Hope to see you all there. Hey troop 110 adults, come out and play The District awards dinner is being held on May 8 th . For $10 and a dish of hors d'oeuvres you can come and have a great time with the adults of the district. You will also have an opportunity to show your appreciation to the District leaders who are recognized for their contributions to Scouting. This is a fun night away for the kids and a good way to see what the district has been working at. If you are interested in joining the fun, contact Tom Sims. Cost is $10 ahead of time, $13 at the door. Bring good snacks! Pirate Social A'vast me hearties, it is time to get your pirate on! The April 28 th meeting will be a dress up and play night. All scouts that are planning to perform a skit will have a chance to practice in front of the troop. This is also a chance to show off your Pirate costume for all adults and scouts that will be attending Webelos Woods. Committee Reports Treasurer's Report Advancement Report Fundraiser Report Training Report Scoutmaster's Report
Crew 110 Report
Troop Tribune - March
2004 Hello Good-bye (and thank you) For the first time in the two and a half years since I was volunteered to produce this newsletter, I really do not know where to begin. It has been such great fun for me each month that it is hard to let go. I need to make room, though, in order to accept a new challenge, and I think the time is right for a few new voices to step forward. Let me start, then, as I usually have - with kudos and thanks. Kudos, first of all, to Julia Lloyd, for her willingness to take charge of this newsletter. Passing it into such capable hands makes it easier for me to move on. Secondly, thanks to the parents, Scouts and Scouters who have encouraged and supported me and my son, from our first day as members of Troop 110. It is a great family of which to be a part, and I look forward eagerly to the next few years. Kudos to our most recent Scoutmasters; Bill Westcott, for getting me into all this in the first place - it's a long story, more his style than mine - and Mike Magno for having the guts to take up Bill's shoes and follow in his footsteps. Thanks to Dana Smith, too, for handing over the helm to them, with everything ship-shape. And since we're speaking nautically, last but not least, kudos and thanks to Committee Chair John Pedersen. John was the first new person I met in the Troop, and he left me little or no choice in the matter! His easy and outgoing manner, together with a profound commitment to the spirit of Scouting and an officer's attention to detail, have kept this good ship running trim and true. Sorry to mix all these marine metaphors, I'll get over it after the middle of May. Suffice it to say that his stewardship has kept the Committee together and healthy, and while it will be difficult to follow in his shoes, I am looking forward to it! Thanks again, John. One More Thing (or two)
As your new Committee Chair, I need to say a couple of things about the Troop Committee and its function. The primary purpose of the Troop Committee is to manage the Troop and oversee its program within the guidelines laid down by the Boy Scouts of America. All registered adults and all guardians of registered Scouts are voting members of this committee. The time and place to provide input to - or express concerns over - the way in which the Committee and its officers run the Troop or its program, is the Troop Committee meeting, which is almost always held, after considering holidays and summer activities, on the first Wednesday of every month. While the Committee always discusses the calendar, the primary means of distributing this information is the Internet. In addition to a great website at http://www.bsatroop110.org, there are many of us who are committed to updating everyone through email when there are last minute changes in the schedule. While the Committee provides a forum for reports by the Scoutmaster and other officers, these are also distributed electronically via the Troop newsletter and website. All this information could be distributed without a monthly meeting. The main reason for the meeting is to provide you, the members, an opportunity for input into how your Committee is running your Troop, and as with any representative endeavor, the key to success is participation. I have attended almost every Committee meeting held since I became a member, and I am sad to say I have seen limited regular participation from among the rest of the membership. This is a sure sign that a very few people are working very very hard to keep the Troop and its program afloat - not an ideal state of affairs even if everyone mostly absent is mostly happy with everything. I have been hearing rumblings, however, of scattered showers of unhappiness - so where are you? Again, your participation, your active involvement, is the key to the success of the Troop and its program. There is all manner of work of all sizes to be done, and you don't have to wear a uniform or know a secret handshake to make a positive contribution. The next Troop Committee meeting is Wednesday, April 7th - see you there! for their hard work and contributions over the years. -Julia ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Welcome back!! Carol Barnes joined us for the March troop committee meeting and it was great to see her back. She told us all that Wayne is doing well and working hard to increase his mobility so that he can join in again. Look for both Wayne and Carol at the Webelos Woods in May. Kudos!!! to Olaf Guadarrama on becoming Troop 110's newest Eagle Scout. Olaf passed his Eagle Board of Review on February 19th. Good work Olaf. Summer 2004 Backpacking Hike Marvin Bowerman and his ad hoc committee have selected a time and location for the Troop's 50-mile backpacking campout this summer. The route will follow the Bay Ridge Trail to the ocean in San Mateo County, during the week of the 4th of July. In order to be eligible, Scouts must be at least 13 years old and have attained the rank of First Class. In addition, Scouts and adults are required to complete three shakedown hikes, including a final trek later this year that will be 20 miles long with an overnight camp. Contact Marvin for more information, or better yet come to the monthly Troop Committee meeting the first Wednesday each month, and get all the details. Mission Peak Hike - Rim Rover (Backpacking Shakedown Hike #3) March 7 Meet at 8:45 AM at the Stanford Avenue Staging. Direction to staging area: 880 S exit Durham go east toward hills. Turn right on Mission Blvd. Turn left on Stanford Avenue. Go through housing development for about a half mile to parking area. This is considered a strenuous hike. Seven miles total. If you are doing the shakedown you must bring your backpack with 25 pounds. Otherwise you will achieve a rim rover patch for the day hike. Pinnacles Rim Rover Hike and Campout (Backpacking Shakedown Hike #4) The Pinnacles hike is planned for the weekend of March 20th -21st. Plan to stay over night, or just come up for the day hike, but bring your backpacks with 25 pounds to carry, if you are preparing to participate this summer. Remember your Winter Awareness! Just because you are not camping in the snow does not mean it will be warm in your tent at night! Webelos Woods Planning is Well Underway The scurvy pirates of Troop 110 are preparing to invade the tropical resort of Rancho Los Mochos on the weekend of May 14th -16th. Under the able stewardship of John "Cap'n Jack" Pedersen at the helm, our crew is preparing to set sail and welcome a pack of adventurous Webelos Scouts to join the "Pirates of Los Mochos." Many great events are planned and registration is well under way. All interested Scouts and parents of Troop 110 are welcome - sign up soon at the next Troop meeting. It is $18 per person before April 23rd. After April 23rd the cost goes up to $20. If you have not registered, you can do so online at: http://www.sfbac.org/mp/events/webwoods/index.cfm. Got a Gift for Numbers? Troop 110 needs you! Our longtime Assistant Scoutmaster and Treasurer is hoping to retire from her Troop accounting duties this month. Cindy Short is hoping to train her replacement before the end of winter. So if you have a gift for things arithmetic, please consider volunteering as our new Treasurer - it really is as simple as balancing a check book, and, hey, how hard is that? On the Eagle Trail Don't forget that Josh S. is collecting recyclable beverage containers to raise funds for his own Eagle Project. Contact him to donate materials.
Notes from the Troop 110 Committee Meeting, March 3, 2004: Chairperson John Pedersen called the meeting to order at 8:03 p.m. Announcements: (See "Mark Your Calendars" for general information about upcoming Troop and District Events): March 10 a group of Webelos from pack 273 will be joining our regular troop meeting. There will be a lanyard making demonstration as well as leather making crafts and the game will be match splitting. This is a chance the let our troop shine. Keep an eye our for our visitors and take a few minutes to introduce yourselves and get to know those that may turn out to be future troop members. If you have not done so already, pick up your sword pieces and get to decorating. We will have a contest for the best decorated sword at the Spring Court of Honor. March 13th and 14th, interested adults may be interested in the HAT training (high adventure training) at the Youth Leader Training Center in San Leandro. Older Scouts (16+) are also eligible to attend, the cost is $55 for preregistration, $65 at the door. Marvin Bowerman and John Pedersen will coordinate the Troop's participation. March 17 troop meeting will have a hazardous material presentation. Plan to come and walk the plank. This will be a great time to practice before Los Mochos. We will also be developing ideas for the Camperall event and finalizing the menu for the Pinnacles hike. March 21st is the Pinnacles Rim Rover hike with a campout starting the night before. Be prepared for winter temperatures!!! This is also a shakedown for those planning on the summer backpacking trip. Backpackers come with packs packed. This will be a 10-mile hike from camp. March 24 is the Spring Court of Honor. Food will consist of appetizers and desserts. Families with a last name beginning with A-N, bring desserts. Families with a last name beginning with O-Z bring appetizers or side dishes. Also, bring your decorated swords for the contest. The Leadership boys will be in charge of set up for the court. Set up to begin at 6:00 M. Food served at 6:30 PM. March 28 will be the next shakedown hike. Details to be announced. April 3 the troop will be taking a trip out to Los Mochos to do a camp walk through for our final planning. All are welcome. Acorn training is going on now. This training is highly recommended for anyone who is interested in learning about troop operation and working with boys in a Scout setting--either formally, as a Scoutmaster or Assistant Scoutmaster, or informally while helping with troop meetings, outings, or merit badges. Also recommended for Cub leaders or parents who will be moving into a troop soon or preparing Webelos to cross over. You will learn how a troop functions, why it's done that way, and gain a full understanding of the Scoutmaster and Assistant Scoutmaster job functions. You'll learn the skills a Scout must master on the way to his First Class rank, and have a lot of fun doing it. The outdoor course is also required as part of Varsity Leader Basic Training, and recommended for Venturing leaders. For more information see the Mission Peak District web site at http://www.sfbac.org/mp/events/acorn/index.cfm. Troop Committee Training This is open to all parents who want to know what the adult leadership is doing to make a Troop 110 function and anyone who is thinking about getting involved with the committee. Tentative date: Pending availability of the trainer. 1st choice - May 19th at Contempo. 2nd choice - April 8th at LDS (Walnut St., Fremont). Look for the final date to be announced soon and plan to spend a few hours learning what it takes to keep this troop running. Upcoming events in May include the District awards dinner on the 8th. For $10 and a dish of hors d'oeuvres you can come and have a great time with the adults of the district, and have an opportunity to show your appreciation to the District leaders who are recognized for their contributions to Scouting. May 14th -16th the dread pirates invade Los Mochos for Webelos Woods. A' vast me hearties, a good time will surely be had by all. Committee Reports: Treasurer's Report: Committee is reporting that we still need a treasurer. Now is the time to help out the troop by filling this empty position. Advancement Report: Advancement information is being entered into the Advancement program at this time. There are some reports that are missing or incomplete. Mike Magno will be pull the "pink sheets" to see if this will clear up some of the gaps. Next step is to get with each troop leader to review information by patrol and get the gaps closed. Fundraiser Report: Garage sale is coming up April 24th, please deliver your donations of goods to Ted Mutch. All donors will receive a share of the profits, and all sales participants will receive a share. Donations are tax deductible! Sales will start at 9:00 a.m., setup begins at 8. May 1, the Truck Show lunchtime fundraiser is still in the air, nothing confirmed. May 6, candy and soda/water sale at the 49er vs. the UC Police Department game. All scouts wishing to do individual sales for the national jamboree should contact Ted Mutch for details on types of sales available. Training Report: Troop committee training session discussed and tentative dates set. Final date to be decided by the trainer's schedule. See Announcements. Scoutmaster's Report: Merit badge extravaganza was successfully attended. Many scouts got a jump on their merit badge work. Troop 110 has 12 scouts actively working on the backpacking requirements. The Snow campout in February was postponed. REI is having a sale on March 13 at 10:00. GET THERE EARLY FOR THE BEST SELECTION and bring your membership card. If you do not have a membership card, you can register there. Back Packing report: The backpacking sub committee met on Monday. They have made contact with the park ranger in charge of the area for the 50 miler. Three campsites (each campsite can hold six people each) have been reserved for three of the four nights. There will be no reservations for Monday night. Old Business: none New Business: Diane Orsetti has agreed to coordinate the Friends of Scouting program to be presented at the Spring Court of Honor. Committee chair John Pederson announced that he is stepping down. Discussion held on the position and who might be interested. Tom Sims was nominated by Bill Westcott, seconded by Julia Lloyd and voted in unanimously.
Troop Tribune - February
2004 Kudos and Thanks KUDOS!!! To Hilton D. and Joseph M., awarded their rank advancement to Life Scout at the Winter Court of Honor. Kudos also to Darren O. for attaining his Star rank, to Adam H. and Eric B., Troop 110's newest Tenderfoot Scouts, and to Eric W. for earning his third Eagle Palm, the Silver. Kudos to the 8 intrepid Scouts who so ably represented Troop 110 at the annual Mission Peak Indoor Rally on Friday, January 30th. Our Scouts took Second Place in the Rope Rescue event, the Troop's first ribbon in several years of competition. Lead the way! Thanks to Ron Natividad for stepping into the role of Troop Training Chair. All of you adult leaders who have attended BSA training classes, please email Ryan and let him know what courses and when. Thanks to Ben S., who joined two of his fellow Mission Peak Den Chiefs to assist in Den Chief Training at the annual University of Scouting. 41 new Den Chiefs have been sent out into the Council to help with Cub and Webelos Dens. Winter Court of Honor a Culinary Success Amid the activity patches and fine food, we all had a chance to meet our newest Scout, Aron H. Please join us all in making him and his family feel welcome! Summer 2004 Backpacking Hike Marvin Bowerman and his ad hoc committee have selected a time and location for the Troop's 50- mile backpacking campout this summer. The route will follow the Bay Ridge Trail to the ocean in San Mateo County, during the week of the 4th of July. In order to be eligible, Scouts must be at least 13 years old and have attained the rank of First Class. In addition, Scouts and adults are required to complete three shakedown hikes, including a final trek later this year that will be 20 miles long with an overnight camp. Contact Marvin for more information, or better yet (and here's a wild idea ) come to the monthly Troop Committee meeting the first Wednesday each month, and learn about everything that is going on! Backpacking Shakedown Hike #1 A small but determined group of Scouts and adults braved the winter chill to hike Mission Peak on January 16th, the first of a series of shakedown treks in preparation for this summer's 50-mile hike and campout. 25 pounds was the minimum load for all the would-be backpackers. Everyone made it without medical attention (!) and the views were spectacular. Stay tuned for more: Backpacking Shakedown Hike #2 The second in a series of preparatory hikes for the summer backpacking trip will be held this Saturday at Purisima in San Mateo County. This will be a full 10 miles, and so will count toward the Hiking Merit Badge, for those who are interested in earning it (and that should be all Scouts, right?). Be sure to pack a lunch and plenty of water and snacks, and dress in layers for the season. All participants who are preparing to backpack should load their packs with 25 pounds to carry. Meet at Contempo at 8:00 a.m. to arrange car pools. Contact Mike Magno or Marvin Bowerman for more information. Pinnacles Rimrover Hike and Campout Also known as Backpacking Shakedown Hike #3, the Pinnacles hike is planned for the weekend of March 20th -21 St.. Plan to stay over night, or just come up for the day hike, but bring your backpacks with 25 pounds to carry, if you are preparing to participate this summer. Remember your Winter Awareness! Just because you are not camping in the snow does not mean it will be warm in your tent at night. Webelos Woods Planning is Well Underway The scurvy pirates of Troop 110 are preparing to invade the tropical resort of Rancho Los Mochos on the weekend of May 14th -16th. Under the able stewardship of John "Cap'n Jack" Pedersen, with Buccaneer Ben "The Hook" Sims at the helm, our crew is preparing to set sail and welcome a pack of adventurous Webelos Scouts to join the "Pirates of Los Mochos." All interested Scouts and parents of Troop 110 are welcome - sign up soon at the next Troop meeting. Our experienced galley mates, "Barnacle Bill" Westcott, "Mad Mike" Kirkpatrick and "Three Fingers Tom" Sims, are eager to serve the whole motley crew all manner of fine buccaneer fare. Be thar, or be keelhauled, me hearties! Are you a Friend? A Friend of Scouting, that is ? Troop 110 is in need of a new parent to coordinate the presentation by the Friends of Scouting at the Spring Court of Honor on March 24th. Our packet has already been claimed and the presenter arranged - hey, the hard part is done! Contact Mike Magno if you want to help in this simple, but very important, task. Got a Gift for Numbers?? Our longtime Assistant Scoutmaster and Treasurer is hoping to retire from her Troop accounting duties this month. Cindy Short is hoping to train her replacement before the end of winter. So if you have a gift for things arithmetic, please consider volunteering as our new Treasurer - it really is as simple as balancing a check book, and, hey, how hard is that? On the Eagle Trail Don't forget that Josh S. is collecting recyclable beverage containers to raise funds for his own Eagle Project. Contact him to donate materials.
Notes from the Troop 110 Committee Meeting, February 4 2004: The meeting was called to order by Chairperson John Pedersen at 7:55 p.m. Minutes were read from Julia Lloyd's records and approved as read. Announcements: (See "Mark Your Calendars" for general information about upcoming Troop and District Events): Another shakedown hike this Saturday, 10 miles, meet at the Contempo parking lot at 8:00 am, the hike will be held at Purisima off Skyline (Hwy 35). Anyone who intends to go on the 50 milers this summer should bring their backpacks with a 25-pound load. Do not leave your Scouts in the parking lot without filling out a consent form. Dress in layers for winter temperatures. February 21st and 22nd will be a Troop snow campout. For those not attending the Klondike Derby, the Troop will assist the New Haven Unified Schools Foundation in setup for their annual Science and Health Day. Interested Scouts will receive service hours. More information will follow the planning meeting at the District office tomorrow afternoon. Bruce Chan will be leading the Klondike participation. Ron Natividad will assist. We will meet at 5:30 a.m. at Contempo to car pool to the Sierras. March 13th and 14th, interested adults may be interested in the HAT training (high adventure training) at the Youth Leader Training Center in San Leandro. Older Scouts (16+) are also eligible to attend, the cost is $55 for preregistration, $65 at the door. Marvin Bowerman and John Pedersen will coordinate the Troop's participation The Pinnacles Rimrover hike will be held on March 21 St., campout starting the night before. Be prepared for winter temperatures!!! Upcoming events in May include the District awards dinner on the 8th. For $10 and a dish of hors d'oeuvres you can come and have a great time with the adults of the district, and have an opportunity to show your appreciation to the District leaders who are recognized for their contributions to Scouting. And of course, May 14th -16th is Webelos Woods. Ben Sims is in charge of organizing the events and activities - this will be a terrific event, the theme is "Pirates of Los Mochos," and it is the goal of the adults in charge to make it a memorable time for all. Treasurer's Report: Recharter fees were deducted from the Scout accounts; charge for youth registration is $60 for youth, $10 for adults, and this includes youth members of the Venture Crew and younger Eagle Scouts who remain in the Troop. The report includes many outstanding deposits and checks from the past couple of months. It was moved, seconded and passed that the Troop pay for the Troop meal expenses from the 2003 Webelos Woods. It was also proposed that a $200 reservation check for Scout camp on Catalina Island in 2006 be deferred until a presentation to the Troop. Cost of participation, not including transportation, will probably be around $500 per person. This will take place during a February Troop meeting, so that the Committee can vote to approve the reservation deposit at the March Troop Committee meeting. The budget subcommittee also recommended a donation of $500 for Troop 2, which was unanimously approved. The report was also accepted as written. Advancement Report: Postponed. Fundraiser Report: Garage sale is coming up April 24th, please deliver your donations of goods to Ted Mutch. All donors will receive a share of the profits, and all sales participants will receive a share. Donations are tax deductible! Sales will start at 9:00 a.m., setup begins at 8. We have another opportunity on the 8th of May to run the concession at the PAL 49ers game and fundraiser at Logan. After some discussion it was decided to request the lunch shift at the Truck Show, since there was some confusion over which Troop will be involved. Bill Westcott presented a request from Crew 110 to participate in the May fundraisers, which was approved in general by the Committee. Training Report: Work on the database is in progress, to track the adult training records. Please turn in your records to him via email. It was recommended that Committee members should attend the Troop Committee Challenge on February 26th. Contact Ron Natividad for information. Scoutmasters Report: January events included a Mission Peak hike on Saturday the 16th. January 21 St. was the Court of Honor, which featured a large number of activity patches. Joseph M. and Hilton D. received their Life advancement, Darrin O. received his Star, and Adam H. and Eric B. received Tenderfoot. Pack 174 and Pack 379 visited the Troop on the 29th. A group of 8 Scouts attended the Indoor Rally on January 30th, earning second place in the Rope Rescue, the first award for the Troop in several outings. Three adult members attended the University of Scouting on the 31 st. From his participation, Mike Magno plans to develop a one-day junior leadership training session for Troop 110 Scouts. February Troop meetings include: on the 11th a presentation on hiking, on the 18th a presentation on tents and Troop rules, on the 25th a presentation on the National Jamboree and a presentation on the Personal Management Merit Badge. Old Business: Backpacking update from Marvin Bowerman. A meeting this past Monday was attended by several adults. It was decided that the first of the 50-mile hikes should be not too strenuous, no high altitude, and the attendees agreed it would follow a part of the Bay Ridge trail in San Mateo County. The hike will cover no more than 10 miles a day, for a total of six days. The minimum age and rank requirements will be First Class Scouts who are at least 13 years old. Marvin is interested in committing to this activity for the next 3-4 years, so that Scouts who are too young this year will have an opportunity in the future. There will be a need to purchase some additional Troop equipment, including bear barrels, wilderness first aid kits, and water filtration systems. It was suggested that the Scouts become involved by presenting backpacking topics at upcoming Troop meetings. The first event will be July 5th -10th this coming summer. Mike Magno will be holding shakedown hikes once a month, with participation required in at least 3 events. The final preparatory hike will be a 20- mile overnighter. There will be another meeting on the 4th Monday of February, 7:00 at Bronco Billy's Union City. Information for the hike will be posted on the Troop website. New Business: Tabled until next meeting. The meeting was adjourned at 9:32 p.m.
Troop Tribune - January
2004 Happy New Year, Everyone!!! I have to admit I am having a great deal of difficulty getting back into the swing of things. After such a whirlwind vacation, I returned to find my calendar crammed, pretty much through the Memorial Day Weekend! Anyhow, there is much going on in the Troop, so even though there is not a lot of news since before Christmas, I wanted to get out a quick newsletter and let Scouts and Parents know how to mark their own calendars, as well. Christmas Gifts Delivered After an unsuccessful attempt to meet our adopted family on the Thursday before Christmas, the gifts were finally delivered to the Newark League of Volunteers on the weekend. Thanks to Judy Pratt for seeing this project through to the end -- I am sure the family was appreciative, and I know I felt good about it myself. Thanks also to Mike Magno for bringing up the idea and running with it. Our Troop did a great job of living up to the ideals of scouting this holiday season. Lead the way, 110! Winter Court of Honor - January 21st! Please plan to join us for our Winter Court of Honor and Holiday Pot Luck, beginning at 6:30 this coming Wednesday. Volunteers have already stepped forward to prepare the turkey and ham courses. Those remaining families with last names beginning A through M should bring side dishes, and those with last names beginning N through Z should bring desserts. Screaming Eagles, please plan to be there at 6 p.m. to set up the hall. Cleanup duties will be performed by the Cobras. Indoor Rally on Friday, January 30th Scouts, bring your spirit and your skills, and help Troop 110 at the annual Mission Peak Indoor Rally. This year we will again be at the LDS Chapel on Decoto Road, between Fremont and Paseo Padre. Admission is free, and the event is scheduled to run from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. University of Scouting, January 31st Troop 110 parents who are interested in learning more about the how-tos and wherefores of Boy Scouting will be interested in attending the annual San Francisco Bay Area Council's University of Scouting on Saturday, January 31st. This all day even features hour-long seminars taught by the most experienced and enthusiastic Scouters in our five districts. See Tom Sims or Mike Magno if you are interested in attending -- preregistration is $15, but the price goes up to $20 after Friday the 23rd. First Class Scouts who are 13 years old and interested in working with Cubs Scout packs as Den Chiefs may be interested in the Den Chief training class at this year's University of Scouting. The cost is the same -- contact Tom Sims for more information. All participants should bring a bag lunch or plan to purchase their lunch on site from a participating Troop. The cost for lunch from one of these fundraisers is usually between $5 and $10 -- Be Prepared! On the Eagle Trail Don't forget that Josh Short is collecting recyclable beverage containers to raise funds for his own Eagle Project. Contact him to donate materials.
Notes from the Troop 110 Committee Meeting, January 7, 2004: Thanks to Julia Lloyd for filling in for Your Friendly Editor and taking notes at the first Troop meeting on 2004. Her discussion follows: Chairperson John Pedersen called the meeting to order at 7:56 p.m. Announcements: (See "Mark Your Calendars" for general information about upcoming Troop and District Events) 1/10 - Mission Peak District Chess Tournament. The event will be held at LDS church on Walnut. Cost of entry is $8:00. Registration begins at 9:00 AM with the first game to begin at 9:30. There will be first, second and third place prizes awarded and event patches as well. The Jan 14 troop meeting will include practice for the indoor rally, spirit and a winter awareness presentation. 1/21 - The Count of Honor. Families with the last name starting with A through M bring side dishes. Families with the last name starting with N through Z bring desserts. The troop will provide two turkeys and one ham. We need volunteers to cook one of the turkeys or ham for us. The Westcott's will cook one of the turkeys. We still need volunteers that can help out by cooking the other turkey or the ham. Dinner starts at 6:30 and Honors will begin at 7:30. Set up will be done by the Eagles (please arrive by 6:00) and clean up will be done by the Cobras. 1/26 - Bill Westcott will host a Life to Eagle meeting. This will be by invitation only. Emails will go out soon. The email will inform the scouts what they need to bring with them to the meeting. Class A uniform required. 1/31 - Pow Wow University to be held in Castro Valley at the Canyon Middle School. Registration forms are available from Mike Magno. This is a chance for parents to take several classes that cover everything from setting up Tiger scouts unit to ideas for Venture scouts events. If you plan to be active in your troop, and we need as many parents as possible to join in and help out, this is a great opportunity to get started. Cost is $15 dollars, $20 if registration is after 1-24. 5-14 through 5-16 Mission Peak Webelos Woods. Attention: All hands on deck!! Troop 110 is hosting this year's event. The theme is Pirates of Los Mochos / Scouts of the Caribbean. This event introduces the Boy Scouts to current Webelos and is a great time to showcase our troop. Over 100 boys are expected to attend from across the district. We need every scout and every parent to lend a hand on this. We will be designing the event patch for this soon, more details coming. Reports Treasure Report - Postponed
Old Business Backpacking update - There will be a 50-mile hike sometime this summer. To join in on this event you must participate in the "shakedowns" that Marvin is organizing. More details to come. Open positions on the Troop Committee - We need help! It takes parent involvement to keep this troop going. We have two positions that need to be filled ASAP.
New Business 2005 National Scout Jamboree will be held in Fort Hill, Virginia. Council will sponsor three troops. These troops may be made up of many different patrols. This is usually a two-week trip. The first week is spent visiting historic sites and the second week is spent at the Jamboree. Cost is $2,000 per scout and includes airfare. Suggestion was made that the backpacking coordinator should get an application from council and submit trip plans.
Troop Tribune - December
2003 Kudos and Thanks KUDOS!!! To all the Scouts of Troop 110 who helped with this year's Scouting for Food drive. With the help of Pack 263 we were able to collect 1438 items of food and helped the Mission Peak District contribute over 60,000 cans and packages to the annual effort. Kudos also to the dedicated Scouts and adults who came out on Thanksgiving morning to help the Newark League of Volunteers provide holiday meals for our housebound neighbors. Our Troop delivered over 150 meals - way to go! Thanks to John Gillen for stepping forward to take over the annual Troop Rechartering. We are on track to meeting the Rechartering deadline for another 110 Quality Unit Award! Christmas Wreaths are In! Contact Julia Lloyd at (510) 590-2477 to pick up your wreaths and, if necessary, settle your outstanding balance. Winter Awareness This Saturday Anyone who wants to attend the 2004 Klondike Derby must complete the Order of the Arrow Winter Awareness training this Saturday, December 6th. Bruce Chan is coordinating our participation so you can contact him for details at (510) 475-0667. This year's session will be at Canyon Middle School in Castro Valley - registration is at 8:00. Bring a sack lunch or purchase a hot dog lunch there from the Order of the Arrow. Canoeing at Quarry Lakes Troop 110 will host a day of canoeing for local Webelos Scouts at Quarry Lakes on Saturday, December 13th, at 10:00 a.m. All Scouts with Canoeing or other aquatic Merit Badges are encouraged to help out. First Aid and Life Saving experience is also helpful. Contact Bruce Chan if you have questions, or just show up in your Class B uniform. The Troop will be providing lunch. 110 Scouts should plan to arrive an hour early, at 9:00, if they want to help out. Come on down and help us sell our program to some future Troop-shopping Cubs! Winter Court of Honor Moved!!! Due to the overwhelming number of musicians among the Scouts of Troop 110, the Winter Court of Honor has been delayed to the 21st of January, so they can participate in their school Winter Concerts. In keeping with our usual Holiday Meal theme, the Winter Court will be preceded by a potluck dinner, details to be announced at the January committee meetings. For the Troop meeting on December 10th all patrols should bring their patrol boxes, because we will be having a Pancake Toss Relay following David Garges' presentation on winter clothing. Bring a Friend to the January Troop Committee Meeting Our Committee Chair has challenged those attending the monthly Troop Committee meetings to each "Bring a Friend" to the January meeting. Reach out to some of the newer Troop 110 parents and bring them along with you. The success of our Troop program depends on it! Alcatraz Campout a Howling Success After three years of disappointment, our unstoppable Committee Chair John Pedersen "hit the big one" and won the Alcatraz Camping Lottery! Out of over 200 applicants, fewer than 20 Troops were awarded spots on The Rock this year. 24 Scouts and 11 adults hiked up the trail to camp and tour the hidden underbelly of Alcatraz, completing a service project on Sunday that qualified all participants for the BSA Historic Trails Award. There are scattered reports of excellent food, ghostly visitations, and missing flashlights, but despite the harsh conditions and inclement weather, everyone agreed it was a trip to remember. With time off for good behavior, all Scouts were back in time for school. Angel Island Backpacking Shakedown 12 Scouts and 7 adults hiked their gear to the Tiburon Ferry and rode to Angel Island on the 22nd. After another mile hike to the campground the hearty hikers settled in for a cold, but mostly dry, camping experience. Several of the more adventurous (one of whom was the spitting image of Bill Fournell!) hiked around the island, and a smaller, even more intrepid, group hiked to the island's summit on Mt. Lawrence. Each patrol had the opportunity to try cooking a fast meal on their backpacking stoves, and even though the night was cold, no one suffered too much. Webelos Woods, Anyone? Planning is now underway for next year's Webelos Woods, which will be held at idyllic Rancho Los Mochos on the weekend of May 14th -16th. We have enough time to develop a memorable theme (and patch!) that we can sell to all the local Cub Scout Packs. We pulled off a huge success last spring, and we are a tough act to follow, so it's time for all the Scouts to get creative and invent an even better show! All ideas are welcome, contact John Pedersen with your inspirations. Got a Gift for Numbers?? Our long-time Assistant Scoutmaster and Treasurer is hoping to retire from her Troop accounting duties in February. Cindy Short is hoping to train her replacement before the end of winter. So if you have a gift for things arithmetic, please consider volunteering as our new Treasurer - it really is as simple as balancing a check book, and, hey, how hard is that? On the Eagle Trail Don't forget that Josh S. is collecting recyclable beverage containers to raise funds for his own Eagle Project. Contact him to donate materials.
Notes from the Troop 110 Committee Meeting, December 3, 2003: The meeting was called to order by Chairperson John Pedersen at 7:49 p.m. Minutes from the November Troop meeting were read by Tom Sims, in Carol Barnes' absence. Announcements: (See "Mark Your Calendars" for general information about upcoming Troop and District Events) Winter Awareness this Saturday, Bruce Chan is coordinating attendance. All Fighting Falcons are attending, along with a couple of representatives from the Cobras. December 13th Quarry Lakes canoeing event hosted by 110 and coordinated by Bruce Chan. A hot dog lunch will be provided by Troop 110. Bill Fournell and Tom Sims will contact Packs 110 and 263, Bruce has invited 268, and Mike Magno has invited 163. Bill Westcott will head up the barbeque effort. Bill Westcott and David Garges will bring extra canoes and life jackets. All Troop 110 Scouts and Adults should be at Quarry Lakes at 9:00 am, Class B uniforms and winter wear. The December 17th meeting will be a Holiday Cookie Social. All families should bring their favorite holiday dessert. The Winter Court of Honor will be a Holiday Pot Luck dinner on Wednesday the 21st. The Troop will provide turkey. Other January events of note are the District Chess Tournament at Scenario Games on January 10th, the Indoor Rally on Friday the 30th, and the SFBAC PowWow on the 31st. Den Chief Training will be offered to all First Class Scouts who are going on 13 or older. John made a special pitch for participation in Webelos Woods next May. Please reserve the weekend of the 14th -16th, and come and join the Troop at this great District event. Scouts are needed to design the program and the patch, so that flyers and other publicity can be developed and distributed. Contact John Pedersen if you are interested. Treasurer's Report: Deferred due to the absence of the Treasurer. The current Treasurer would like to hand over the duties of her position in February. New parents with an ability to balance a checkbook, who can attend the monthly Troop Committee meetings - please step forward! Advancement Report: Deferred due to the absence of Jim Orsetti. Fundraiser Report: The Truck Show pancake breakfast is the 1st and 2nd of May. Bill Fournell will move forward with discussions with PAL. Julie Lloyd updated the committee on wreath sales - they are in as of today; the containers were somewhat damaged due to the manner of delivery by UPS, but the wreaths are all in good shape. She will email the Troop with directions to her house. Scoutmasters Report: November 8th Alcatraz overnighter was a huge success with 24 Scouts and 11 adults, including a service project that qualified the participants for the Historic Trails award. Bags were delivered that morning for Scouting for Food. The bag pickup on the 8th set a record for the Troop with 1438 items collected. Angel Island on the 22nd was also successful, with only minor injuries. A small group hiked to the summit on Mt. Lawrence - all agreed the view made the trip well worth it. 12 Scouts and 7 adults field-tested the new backpacking stoves, although most agreed the food was not the highlight of the trip. On Thanksgiving the Troop had a record turnout at LOV Newark, doubling the participation from last year. We delivered well over 100 meals to shut-in families. December Troop meetings are as follows: December 10th, presentation on winter clothing and pancake toss; December 17th, Holiday cookie social and a presentation on blizzard packs. No Troop meetings on the 24th and 31st. Old Business: Rechartering update was given by John Gillen. Current roster is updated with corrected information. The members of Crew 110 have indicated an interest in the Crew being co-ed, and there are several siblings of age who are waiting to join. Rechartering will be completed at Roundtable next Thursday. New Business: Julia Lloyd reported that Contempo was not pleased with the way we left the room, and we also were in conflict with a group that had rented the facility on the day of the food pick up. Tom Sims pointed out that there was no one here at all that day, and that he had left the facility clean. Mike Magno unveiled the final version of the Troop 110 flyer developed by Rita Haskin. Bill Fournell was approached by a Chartered Organization representative of one of the small Troops who has lost its Scoutmaster. We are going to explore the possibility of absorbing Troop 250 into 110. Tom Sims brought up the New Haven Science Fair, Troop 110 will participate, beginning at the planning meeting on January 22nd. He also mentioned that Troop 176 is running a Tree Lot at Alder and Fremont. John closed by challenging the attendees to bring an additional new adult to the January Troop Committee meeting, in order to increase participation by the newer parents. The meeting was adjourned at 9:27 p.m.
Troop Tribune - November
2003 Kudos and Thanks KUDOS!!! To Olaf G., who completed all the paperwork for his Eagle just three days shy of his 18th birthday. Take the next opportunity to welcome Troop 110's latest Eagle Scout - hey, wish him a happy birthday, too! Thanks to Shirley Gonzales, recently retired as coordinator of Christmas Wreath sales, who found enough new spare time on her hands to volunteer to be the Troop's new Training Chair. She will track adult leader training, help update the Troop's training history, and take charge of recognition and awards for those who complete BSA training programs. Thanks also to Jim Orsetti, who has volunteered to serve as Advancement Chair. Kudos to Tom Sims and Bill Westcott, who completed their Woodbadge tickets within 12 months of the class - they were beaded at the final Campfire for this year's session. Congratulations also to John Pedersen, who attended this session and is now starting on his own ticket - Webelos Woods, anyone? Fall Court of Honor a Huge Success After filling everyone up with sugar during an opening dessert social, the Fall Court of Honor kicked into high gear. A brief presentation by Officer Chapman of the Union City Police Activities League preceded opening flags, after which it was full speed ahead. Under the capable direction of Darren O. and Ben S., over 150 Merit Badges, advancement awards and activity patches were distributed in record time. Scouting for Food Bag Drop-off is This Weekend! We will meet at Contempo on Saturday at 8:30 a.m. to distribute collection bags for the Scouts annual food drive. This year, we will be joined by the Cub Scouts of Pack 263, who are Scouting for Food for the first time! Contact Ted Mutch for more information about the drop-off - even those who are scheduled to leave for the Alcatraz campout will have time to help distribute the bags! We expect to be finished by 11:00 a.m., but Alcatraz campers will be able to leave early, if necessary. Please reserve Saturday, November 15th to help the Troop collect the food donations! Again, we will all meet at Contempo at 8:30. Rawnie Clements is the contact. Following the event, the Troop and Pack participants will meet for a family "pizza night," details to be announced later - contact Tom Sims for more information. Alcatraz Campout This Weekend!!! Scouts and adults who are signed up for the Alcatraz Overnighter should meet at Contempo parking lot on Saturday, November 8th at 12:00 noon sharp, with signed permission slips, if not already collected by the Troop. The cost of the weekend is $40 for each participant - please be sure you have paid, if there are not sufficient funds in your Scout account. The Troop will provide dinner on Saturday and breakfast on Sunday, but everyone should have already eaten lunch by departure time. Angel Island Hike and Campout Preparations for the "backpack shakedown trip" are in full swing. The Troop meeting on November 12th will have time set aside for meal planning by the adults and Scouts. On the 19th all participants are expected to show up on time with their backpacks loaded for inspection. Car pools for the Angel Island ferry will form at 8:00 a.m. on Saturday, November 22nd. Food and cooking equipment will be divided up at that time. Please remember that it is wintertime!!! And keep your Winter Awareness training in mind, it will be cold and windy (and maybe wet) on the island. Dress warmly and in layers, and remember to winterize your sleeping bag (if you don't know what this means, ask a fellow Scout real soon)! Uniform Inspection on November 19th! There will be a Troop-wide uniform inspection at the meeting on November 19th. All Scouts and registered adults should attend in their Full Uniforms. Celebrate Thanksgiving with the Newark League of Volunteers Once again this year, Mike Magno has arranged for interested Troop volunteers to work with LOV-Newark on their annual Thanksgiving dinner. We will meet at the League hall on the corner of Newark Boulevard and Cedar, behind the Big-O Tires store in Newark. Once there all Scouts will be assigned to adult drivers, and we will help assemble lunch and dinner packages for delivery to the homebound. Last year's participants report they had a wonderful experience. Please consider signing up, if you have never helped with this before, it is a wonderful way to celebrate the season of giving. Webelos Woods, Anyone? Planning is now underway for next year's Webelos Woods, which will be held at idyllic Rancho Los Mochos on the weekend of May 14th -16th. All ideas are welcome, contact John Pedersen with your inspirations. Got an Idea for Fall Camporee?? The Mission Peak District events chairperson is actively seeking input from Scouts, in preparation for the Fall 2004 Camporee. If you have an idea for a theme, please discuss it with your senior Troop leadership. If the Troop can develop the program, including themed activities and other ideas, they will be asked to design a patch and work with the Camporee staff to put on the program. It would be an excellent opportunity for Troop 110 to Lead the Way! On the Eagle Trail Don't forget that Josh S. is collecting recyclable beverage containers to raise funds for his own Eagle Project. Contact him to donate materials.
Notes from the Troop 110 Committee Meeting, November 5, 2003: The meeting was called to order by Chairperson John Pedersen at 7:59 p.m. Minutes from the October Troop meeting were read by Carol Barnes and approved as read. Announcements: (See "Mark Your Calendars" for general information about upcoming Troop and District Events): This Saturday will be the food bag drop-off for Scouting for Food. Class A Uniforms are required, and we will meet at Contempo at 8:30. This year we will be joined by Pack 263 from Eastin School. Those leaving for Alcatraz should meet after having eaten lunch, at Contempo at 12:00 noon. A small group of parents will stay with the gear at Pier 41; the rest will park their vehicles at Ft. Mason. Saturday the 15th will be the food pickup, meet at Contempo at 8:30. There will be a family "pizza night" at Bronco Billy's in Union City that evening. Details will be posted. Again this year we will be assisting in the LOV Newark Thanksgiving dinner. Our adults will be driving meals to shut in families; interested participants should meet at 8:45 at LOV, corner of Newark and Cedar, behind the Big-O Tire Store. Scouts without adult partners will be assigned to cars at that time. Winter Awareness training is coming up, scheduled all day at Canyon Middle School in Castro Valley, Saturday December 6th. Winter Awareness is required for all Scouts who want to participate in the Klondike Derby next winter. It is recommended for any Scouts and adult campers who have never attended. The Winter Court of Honor will be a Christmas Cookie Social on Wednesday, December 10th. More details will follow. Saturday the 13th of December we will host a canoeing event at Quarry Lakes. Contact Bruce Chan for information. Scouts with First Aid and Canoeing Merit Badges are encouraged to help, and any Scouts or adults with BSA Lifeguard training are also needed. Tom Sims and Bill Westcott completed their Woodbadge tickets and were beaded on October 11th. John Pedersen completed the class work for Woodbadge this September, and he will be heading up the Spring 2004 Webelos Woods as a part of his ticket. We will be taking "road shows" to the different Cub Packs in Mission Peak over the course of the next few months. Mike Magno reminded everyone about the critical importance of recruiting new Webelos Scouts to the survival of the Troop. Treasurer's Report: Court of Honor expenses were paid up this month, as well as some outstanding receipts all the way back to Camporall. Scout accounts were also brought up to date with recent weekend events figured in, so many accounts have negative balances that need to be settled. The report was accepted as read. The Budget Subcommittee recommends the purchase of some new backpack camping equipment. Cindy Short has a line on some good prices for stoves she is looking into, and the Troop Committee accepted the recommendation to buy three and try them out at Angel Island. Advancement Report: Mike Magno confirmed that Olaf Guadarama's paperwork went in three days before the deadline. Eric Westcott has completed his Silver Palm, Darren Orsetti has earned his Star, and Chris Magno has found an Eagle Project. Other reports are deferred until the new Advancement Chair, Jim Orsetti, is up to speed. Fundraiser Report: Nothing to report, all the Krispy Kreme cards are gone. Scoutmasters Report: Our first trip to Fall Camporee in several years was a success, 12 Scouts and 4 adults attended. Fall Court of Honor completed in record time, with many awards and honors given out. 8 Scouts from Pack 163 and 2 Scouts from Pack 263 visited the Troop during October. Other October events included Mountain Man Rendezvous and Make A Difference Day. November Troop meetings are Scout Skills and Angel Island menu planning on the 12th of November. Troop-wide Uniform Inspection, including adults, will be held on November 19th; there will also be a backpacking shakedown for Angel Island participants. All who intend to go should show up on the 19th with their backpacks packed. Food will be distributed on Saturday. No Troop meeting on the 26th, due to Thanksgiving. Old Business: Everyone felt well about participating in the Truck Show breakfast, so the consensus is to move forward. Rechartering is underway, with John Gillen in his new job. Bruce Chan and Scott Herendeen will be meeting with Ed Pauley to transfer the Quartermaster's responsibilities. New Business: Shirley Gonzales has volunteered to be Training Chair for the Troop adults. Mike presentedan application for 2006 on Catalina Island for summer Camp - they have a 3 year waiting list. Cost per participant will be $415, so start your fundraising now! The $200 non-refundable deposit was authorized, pending the approval of the Budget Subcommittee. Mike also reported that LOV Newark is sponsoring "Adopt a Family" for Christmas, and he proposes that Troop 110 participate. He will coordinate the voluntary participation of the Troop families. The meeting was adjourned at 9:18 p.m.
Troop Tribune - October
2003 Kudos and Thanks Lead the way, Troop 110! In commemoration of the second anniversary of the World Trade Center tragedy, Troop 110 led the opening and closing flag ceremonies at the Mission Peak Spotlight on Scouting, Thursday, September 11th. Organized by Brownsea Scouts Darren O. and Ben S., led by Color Guard Captain Michael H. and concluding with "Taps" performed by Troop Bugler Alex G., the Scouts of 110 set the standard for a new Mission Peak District Tradition. Thanks to Julia Lloyd, our new Troop 110 Wreath Sales coordinator. The big push is on for the annual Christmas Wreath sale. All profits from this fundraiser go to the Scouts who make the sales. If interested, contact Julia directly at (510) 590-2477. Thanks to Sue Yorks, who in addition to her work as the Troop Popcorn Sales coordinator, has volunteered as the District Popcorn Kernel, er, Colonel ??? Anyway, thanks a million, Sue! Fall Court of Honor Next Wednesday The Troop 110 Fall Court of Honor will be held on Wednesday, October 8th. Setup will begin at 6:00 with the assistance of the Lightning Bolts and Leadership Patrols. A dessert social will start at 6:30, and all attending Troop 110 families are asked to contribute to the menu. The Court will begin promptly at 7:00, with a short presentation by Officer Chapman of the Union City Police Activities League. See you there! November Camping Opportunities Two Troop camping weekends are available in November. Bill Westcott will lead a group on an Alcatraz Island experience on the weekend of Saturday, November 8th. Participants will perform service project prior to camping in the cellblocks. Contact Bill Westcott if you are interested, the cost per person is $40.00 - senior Scouts will be given priority, due to the difficulty of scheduling this event. Mike Magno will lead a backpacking campout on Angel Island during the weekend of November 22nd. While this event is open to all Scouts, some camping and hiking experience is recommended. Welcome our Newest Scout Please welcome the newest member of our Troop, Ryan N., who will be joining the Fighting Falcons this weekend at the Fall Camporee. 50-mile Backpack Planning Underway Marvin Bowerman has agreed to head up a subcommittee to plan and prepare for a Troop 50-mile hike and campout for the summer of 2004. If you are interested, please contact him at (510) 471-7423. On the Eagle Trail Olaf G. has completed his Eagle Project, installing a sprinkler system and a warm compost bin for Lincoln Elementary School in Newark. It's all over but the shouting and the paperwork - Congratulations, Olaf, keep driving to the finish line! Also don't forget that Josh S. is collecting recyclable beverage containers to raise funds for his own Eagle Project. Contact him to donate materials. Fall 2003 Bay Area Coastal Cleanup Five Scouts, two adults and one future Venturer helped with the annual City of Fremont Coastal Cleanup on Saturday, September 20th. We spent the morning policing a half-mile stretch of Sabercat Creek. The Fall and Winter community service activities are now well underway. Many additional opportunities are available - check your calendars! Calling All Volunteers!!!! Some additional Troop Committee positions have opened up in the last month. We need three new parents to step forward and volunteer. An Advancement Chair is needed to maintain the Troopmaster database, and we would also like to see a couple of new members step forward to assist with Rechartering and to help track adult leader Training. Contact John Pedersen if you have what it takes!
Notes from the Troop 110 Committee Meeting, October 1, 2003: The meeting was called to order by Chairperson John Pedersen at 7:57 p.m. Minutes from the September Troop meeting were read by Carol Barnes and approved as read. Announcements: (See "Mark Your Calendars" for general information about upcoming Troop and District Events): Fall Camporee, there will be eleven Scouts and 5 adults attending; Troop 110 will conduct the open flag ceremony on Saturday. Meet at Contempo on Friday evening at 6:00 pm. We will return on Sunday around 2:00 pm. Mountain Man Rendezvous will be held on the weekend of the 18th of October. There are currently 4 openings, one should be an adult. This will be announced at the Court of Honor, if still available. Saturday, October 25th is Make A Difference Day. See below in Scoutmasters Report. Some other events are coming up in November, including the Alcatraz Campout ($40 per person, 4-5 adults). Those attending will perform a service project and camp out in the cells. November 8th and 15th are bag drop off and pick up for Scouting for Food. Rawnie Clements will coordinate the pick up, Ted Mutch will coordinate the drop off. We have a new area around the "Lakes" neighborhood in Fremont. Carol Barnes reminded everyone about an additional event in October, the Merit Badge extravaganza in Fremont at the Gatewood LDS church, Saturday the 11th from 9:00 to 12:00 noon. The theme is "Nature." Three new parent attendees, Julia Lloyd, Justin's mother, is now the coordinator of wreath sales. John Gillen and Sam Ng also introduced themselves. Treasurer's Report: Accounts are now consolidated in the checking account. Not a great deal of activity as yet, although some summer camp numbers are still outstanding, as are Webelos Woods. Cindy clarified the pro-rated fees that are due when boys transfer into the Troop. This is something that could be clarified better. Report was approved as presented. Advancement Report: Deferred due to position being vacant. Fundraiser Report: Ted Mutch reported on the Krispy Kreme sales. Sue Yorks reported on the progress of the popcorn sale. She has plenty on hand for immediately sale, as well as order forms. She reminded all present that 35%-38% of the sale amount goes directly to the Scout's accounts, depending on whether or not we exceed last year's sales numbers. All money is due back to her by December 5th. Bill Fournell also announced that Sue is the District coordinator for popcorn sales as well. Julia Lloyd was introduced as new coordinator of wreath sales. Materials are on the way and will be distributed at the Court of Honor. All orders are due November 1st, with delivery during the first week of December. Wreaths are now $20, door sprays are $18, centerpieces and potted trees are $22. John Pedersen reminded everyone that all profits from the sales go directly to the Scouts. Contact her at (510) 590-2477, if you have any questions. Scoutmasters Report: During the PLC, the October meetings were planned. Following the Court of Honor on the 8th, the meeting on the 15th will be a skills night, with a presentation on proper hiking attire by the Fighting Falcons. Another meeting on the 22nd will feature a presentation on backpacking by Russell B., including some sampling of backpacking food, in preparation for the Angel Island campout. The last meeting of the month on the 29th will be a Halloween even with costumes and pumpkin carving. There is a new Scout in the Fighting Falcon Patrol, Ryan N. He is jumping right in with attendance at Camporee and participation in the popcorn sales. Please help make them feel at home - his parents are Eileen and Ron. Three adults, six scouts and one sibling took the Alameda Creek 20 mile hike on the 6th of September. Two Scouts, Jeff S. and Chris M., completed the Hiking Merit Badge. Olaf G. completed work on his Eagle project over three weekends, finishing on September 21st. He now needs to complete his write-up - everyone who participated raved about his lunches. September 11th was the Spotlight on Scouting, for which Troop 110 provided the opening and closing flags. 2 new Life Scouts, 2 Star Scouts, 1 First Class and 1 Tenderfoot will be awarded at the Fall Court of Honor. Two additional Scouts should be receiving their Tenderfoot as well. There will also be over 100 Merit Badges awarded. Summer Camp next summer will be August 8th-14th at Pico Blanco in Monterey County. This camp was chosen for its extensive Merit Badge program, particularly Eagle-required. There is also a COPE course and a bicycle excursion to Fort Ord, as well as snorkeling and other ocean activities. Old Business: Officer Chapman has been invited for dessert at the Court of Honor and will discuss the PAL fundraiser in May. New Business: New volunteers are needed for Rechartering and Advancement, as well as someone to oversee Adult Training. The meeting concluded with an update on backpacking, with Marvin Bowerman discussing the planning of a 50-miler next summer, including required training and equipment and preparatory hikes. Anyone interested or knowledgeable is encouraged to contact Marvin to participate. Angel Island in November will be the introductory hike. An ad hoc subcommittee will be formed to continue the planning. Contact Marvin Bowerman or Mike Magno if interested. Ed Pauley is inventorying all Troop equipment in preparation for his anticipated retirement. Anyone in the Troop who has any Troop equipment, including Patrol Boxes, should send a detailed email to him at TJEP@aol.com. The meeting was adjourned at 9:17 p.m.