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~ Troop 110 Tribune ~
Editor: Ron Natividad
Mission Peak District, SFBAC

Scoutmaster: Bruce Chan • Committee Chair: Tom Sims
SPL: Anthony S. • ASPLs: Ben S., Allen C.


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Troop Tribune
Summer Camp Edition
July - August 2006

Latest News & Kudos
1. Wente Summer Camp - Troop 110 attended summer camp at Wente on July 16th to 22nd. Twenty-five scouts and four adults stayed for the whole week with several other adults attending part of the week. The week was spent fishing, swimming, canoeing, sailing, rifle and shotgun shooting, hiking, archery, rock climbing, playing games, bug collecting, and of course attending merit badge classes. Anthony S. was the SPL with support from his assistants Ben S. and Allen C. On Wednesday evening we held a campfire cracker barrel and were entertained by songs, skits and stories. Eric B. and Ryan N. planned and was MC for the show. Thursday night was fish night when Adam and George D. with help from Glenn G. caught three big mouth bass. They prepared a delicious fried fish and bagel snack for the whole troop. Friday night, George D. treated us to McDonalds burgers. That was a nice boost at the right time as we prepared to pack up the next morning for the trip home. Overall the boys were well behaved and stayed out of trouble. Although a few had to be checked on to make sure that they attended their merit badge classes and took their showers. The kids stayed safe with just minor scratches and some incidents with bee stings. Everyone got plenty of souvenirs from the local inhabitants in the form of bug bites, but that did not hinder the fun.
2. Wentathlon - Troop 110 participated in the Wente Wentathlon on Wednesday. Organized by David G. the team made a strong showing and won the second of two heats. Although they placed third overall the boys should be very proud of their strong performance and the troop displayed strong team spirit. Several of the scouts and adults actually ran from event to event to support their athletes. I know I did and was almost as sweaty as the competitors from the running. It was a very exciting event and was probably the highlight for most campers.
Wentathlon Team Members:
a. Rifle - Alex G.
b. Runners (First Group)- Nicholas R., Ryan N., Martin G., Michael H.
c. Kayak - Adam D.
d. Sack Race - Allen C.
e. Knots - Ben S.
f. Runner (Second Group) James L. and Anthony S. (Eric B. and Patrick W.)
g. Archer - Glenn G.
h. Swimmer - David G.
3. Mile swimmers - Three scouts completed the mile swim around the Wente Lake. The mile swim consisted of three swims on consecutive days. Starting with the quarter mile on the first day and half mile on the second day. The third day was the mile swim, which was again paced by David G. who came in first. Adam D. also swam well and came in fourth. The other swimmer who completed the mile swim was Allen C. Allen overcame his inexperience with distance swimming with his toughness. Congratulation boys for completing the most challenging event at camp and thanks to the six boys who supported the swimmers by getting up earlier than the rest of the troop to be spotters. The mile swimmers could not have met the challenge without your support.
4. Hawks earn Honor Patrol - This was the first summer camp for most of the boys in the Ghostly Hawks. They worked well as a team and completed all the requirements for the Honor Patrol Award. The requirements include 5 Kali-ama stations, one wooly wash, earning a merit badge as a team, Patrol yell, attending a shooting event and showing overall good team spirit. The Hawks were the only patrol that earned the honor patrol for the troop. Congratulation Hawks for a job well done and a great start to your scouting career.
5. Wooly Wash - The whole troop went to the 7 AM Wooly Wash on Tuesday. The Wooly Wash is a challenge for the boys to get up early and brave the cool waters of the lake. It starts at the shore and concludes at the second dock. Different games are played while in the water to make sure that everyone spends the necessary time on the water, gets completely wet and have a good time while doing this challenge. The games are; red light green light, act like a seal, and act like the tulles being blown by wind. Kevin G., Allen C., Ryan and Ron N. attended the Wooly Wash for four consecutive days and earn a patch.
6. Marin Sierra Hike - from an interview with Allen C. and David G. 6 Scouts, 3 Adults and one sibling hiked at the Marin Sierra Camp. There were lots of mosquitos and bugs to contend with. The path was steep and rocky with plenty of sharp rocks. Like in most hikes Russell was pushing the pace and had to be told to slow down and so the rest of the group can keep up. The food was great and was provided by master camping chef Gloria Ho. Allen says that it hardly seemed like camping. One of the nights they were treated to fireworks over the lake. It was spectacular, says Allen and David. At Glaciated lake, some of the more adventures members the group went for a morning dip, in the ice cold water. One scout who is new to high adventure hiking learned that you don't pack a heavy backpack for hikes like this. Great teamwork helped him out as some of the other members of the group took some of his load.
7. Fremont Art Festival - The Troop 110 booth sold a combo meal which includes a cheese hamburger, cold drink and chips for $5. Sales were brisk and kept the booth very busy. We don't have the final totals on sales and profit at this time, but it should be better than last year. We had to purchase additional items on Saturday to keep up with demand. Thanks to Ted and Pam Mutch for organizing this event and to all the adults and scouts who helped. Everyone had a fun day and earned some money for their scouts account.

King Of The Grill, by Justin M.
As many of you have heard, the weekend of August 5th and 6th, the city of Fremont held its 23rd Annual Festival of the Arts. If you have ever been to one of these formidable events, it is certain that you have noticed the many booths in which volunteer workers cook, sell, and wear themselves out to make a profit. It just so happens that Troop 110 was working one of these booths, flipping burgers and serving beverages.
After much planning, headaches, and jumbles of paperwork on Pam and Ted Mutch's part, the troop was approved to be a vendor at the festival. Following the planning came the hard part: purchasing and receiving the supplies to vend. We had received many donations from large companies such as Albertson's, Safeway, Costco, and many more. We had even acquired a large donation voucher from Shasta Soda, but unfortunately they had sent it while the one person from our troop to get it just so happened to be on vacation. Nevertheless, it worked our in the end. Now that we had our supplies, we needed a place to store it all. Fortunately, we had a lucky break on the storage issue. Dr. James Block, Pam Mutch's employer, had possession of a large underground storage facility which was not going to any use. That storage space soon became the "Subterranean Hideout" for our stash of goods. We were ready for a relatively strenuous weekend, which you will now read a firsthand account of.
Come Saturday morning, I awoke to my father's loud knocking on my door. "To the Batcave, Robin!!", he exclaimed. I glanced at my alarm clock, which spelled out in its red LED's "5:45 am". A bit confused about his reference to Batman, I dragged my sluggish body out of bed. After a refreshing shower and several cups of coffee, I joined up with my dad in awaiting the arrival of John Gillen and Bruce Chan to load our equipment into their trucks and head out. We got to our empty booth, and proceeded to unload the stuff. Following that, we all headed to the underground stash to gather and load the food. As we pulled into the familiar underground garage, I finally understood what my dad had meant when he mentioned The Batcave. Although I had been in that particular garage many times before, it seemed to possess a more cryptic quality, possibly from the excess dust and cobwebs scattered about. Despite the filth and dirt which flanked us, we commenced our duties of transportation. Arriving back to our tiny booth, we again began to unload our goods.
After we completed our lifting and carrying, now came the good part: getting rid of our mountain of edibles. Following the arrival of more volunteers, we had started to fire up the grills. A few "test" burgers were prepared, compliments of Mr. Yorks. I had been one of the guinea pigs, and devoured the food. Shortly after that, the customers started coming up. Shane Yorks and I had the honor of taking the money, which after a while can make dollars an enemy. The day progressed on, and the later it got, the more people there were to demand food. By about 12:30, the lines for our booth stretched almost as far as the lines for the booth serving booze. However, it seemed to work out, since by about 3:30 we had evened out our costs. At about that time, Mike Yorks and I had become the chefs on one grill, and John Gillen the chef on the other.
The majority of the troop workers had taken on the duties of putting together and packaging the burgers. I particularly sympathized for them, since the orders were more rapidly coming in every minute, and they had to work to keep up. By about 4:30, the madness seemed to die down, and we could actually stop yelling orders across the booth. However, around that time I decided to take a break and wander around the festival with my girlfriend, while the others took on my duties. At around 6:00, my dad had called and ordered me to return to the booth, since they were closing up. I complied, and as I returned, I noticed that much of the supplies had magically disappeared. This made the closing process much easier, letting us return home exhausted and smelling like barbecue a bit earlier than expected. The strong sense of accomplishment we had experienced at the end of the day had grown sour by the time we returned home, since in the back of our minds we knew that there was another day of tribulation to come.
The few hours of rest I had received that night were cut short by my alarm clock, which rattled me as it sounded. Fortunately, we did not need to awake as early as the previous day, so I was a bit thankful. Much like Saturday, my dad and I downed some coffee and set off to work our touchies off. In the car, we were accompanied by Neil Young and Mick Jagger, which made me eager to get out of the car, since I personally can't stand hippies preaching about government. In the underground garage, we met up with Ron and Ryan Natividad, who loaded more supplies into their truck, as we did. My dad and I were delayed to open the booth, due to some elevator trouble. However, my dad, being the MacGyver he is, managed to fix the elevator, allowing us to be on our merry way.
Again, we unloaded, set up, and taught the new workers how to do their jobs. At around 9:00 am, we began cooking the food, and I was dubbed master chef on Mr. Gillen's grill. The other boys working were either building the burgers or taking orders. The lunch time rush came in, which gave all of us who were there the previous day a nostalgic motivation to work faster. When the multitude of customers came up, I had received assistance from Mr. Sims, which made the cooking much easier. As we cooked away, Mr. Burkhardt instinctively fired up the secondary grill, which also allowed things to run a bit more smoothly. Within a few minutes of both grills cooking, the booth was filled with thick smoke, which caused me to empathize for chain smokers. The smoke got to the point where no person inside the booth could breathe or see clearly, so you could imagine how bad it was for us cooks.
After five hours straight of inhaling many different gases and flipping burgers, I took it upon myself to let Mr. Sims take over my duties as I collapsed into my dad's fold-out chair. It wasn't until I watched the booth from afar that I noticed how methodical everyone was working. The cooks handed the burgers over to Ryan and Mrs. Wilson, who prepared them and handed them over to the boys at the front who were taking orders. That compelled me to jump in there and work further, which I ended up doing. Brian and I had swapped jobs, so now I was again in charge of orders, while he cooked away. For another couple of hours, all of us worked exceptionally hard to satisfy our customers. I had noticed that the ones preparing the burgers were very meticulous, yet speedy in doing so. However, I was forced to leave the booth and go home, from my mom's fear of me overworking myself. As much as I wanted to stay and help out, I just couldn't. The rest of the gang took over my duties, and I returned home smelling like a grease trap.
It all seemed to work out perfectly in the end, and we ended up with quite a large profit.
A big THANK YOU to everyone who took the time out of their lives to help out in the booth. Kudos to Mike Short for all the fresh produce, and to Rita Haskin for the dry ice. Thanks to everyone who donated the supplies we needed to sell. And we can't forget how Mr. Wagner saved the booth from going up in flames (literally). And to anyone else who contributed in any way, I apologize for not mentioning you.

8. Eagle Court of Honor - Friday August 4 th an Eagle Court of Honor was held at the Veterans Hall in Niles for the troops newest Eagle Scout, Andrew Wagner. It was a wonderful ceremony and was attended by former and current scout members, Eagle scouts and a city council woman. This was a night to celebrate Andrew's achievements in and out of scouting. It was great to see Andrew's progression from his early years in Cub Scouts all the way to his Eagle. There were many people who helped Andrew on this trail to Eagle and it was a chance for them to show how proud they were of his achievement. Andrew also gave a speech thanking the people who were most inspirational to him, starting with his parents and the three Scout Master who guided him.
9. Please attend the committee meetings on the first Wednesday of every month. The next committee meeting is Wednesday, September 6th. This is the best way to find out about upcoming activities and influence future activities. If you would like to have your opinions heard or would like to get involved with the troop, the committee meeting is the place to start.

Troop Members may go to our Members Area for the original version
of this issue of the Troop Tribune PDF, complete with pictures.

Troop Tribune - June 2006
By Ron Natividad
Photos by John Gillen, Gloria Ho, Tom Sims, Ryan and Ron Natividad
Note: Last months Mission Peak photos came from George Dahdouh

Latest News & Kudos

1. District Dinner Awards - Troop 110 Leadership wins 3 awards at the Mission Peak District Dinner 2006. Bill Fournell received the Distinguished Commissioner Award for the many years of service in a quality programs for youth membership. Our Committee Chairman, Tom Sims received the Commissioner Award for 3 years of service in a quality program for youth membership. While John Gillen received a Certificate of Appreciation for his exceptional service to youth of Mission Peak District and as the Representative from Troop 110. Please take the time to acknowledge Bill, Tom and John next time you see them for their outstanding service. As usual the food was great. People brought side dishes and snacks to share and the main dish was spaghetti and meatballs.

2. Bay To Breakers - Troop 110 had 12 representatives at the 2006 Bay To Breakers. This is an increase from last year although the overall turnout for this year was down due to the uncertain weather. The weather turned out to be a little cold but for the most part dry with an occasional light misting. The weather was actually great for running because you did not have to worry about overheating. Most second year or more participants actually improved their time substantially from previous years. The weather did put a dampener on the after race celebrations but most of us were on the way home when it finally started to rain. First time runner/walker this year was Ben, John, Susie, Kevin and Joel. Joel is the son of Robin. I think that most will be back next year to try to improve their time.

3. Memorial Day Flag Decoration - The turn out for this year was amazing and the job was done very quickly. Troop 110 was well represented and with the leadership of Anthony S. and Ben S. got their area done quickly and assisted in other areas. This year we coordinated with Troop 237 and together we had 57 participants. This is a fitting tribune to the men and women who made the ultimate sacrifice for this country. An Army Brigadier General gave an inspiring speech with the message that we can dream about becoming anything in this country because of the sacrifice of the people buried at the Golden Gate National Cemetery. He asked a couple of scouts to come up to the front to ask them what they wanted to be when they grow up. One wanted to be a major league baseball player and the other an NBA basketball player. He asked if they thought that they can do that and without hesitation they said yes. He made the point that we can dream or want anything because of our freedom. We are only limited by our own talent and effort. Opportunity is there for everyone.

4. Scout-O-Rama was held at Treasure Island on June 2nd - 3rd . 10 Scouts camped overnight and enjoyed a campfire show, the view of the bay and fireworks. The next day the troop was joined by other scouts and family to host a booth with three tables of the Capture the Flag game. This is a popular activities for scouts and cub scouts. The booth was always very busy. Other booths of note were a dutch oven cooking demonstration (peach cobbler, YUMMY), cardboard box oven (lined with foil) pizza cooking, aluminum foil cooking, obstacle course, rock climbing, and a rope bridge. Also there were the California Highway Patrol, Navy, and Coast Guard. Activities for Saturday included a hike along the shore of the southwest area of the Island, rock climbing and walking across a replica Golden Gate Bridge. There was also a rescue demonstration by the coast guard, which involved a boat, diver, dummy victim and helicopter. This is one of the most beautiful areas that any Boy Scout event could be held at. You can run around and hit the booths or just relax and enjoy the view. Treasure Island provided unobstructed views of the Golden Gate Bridge, Alcatraz, Angle Island, skyline of San Francisco, and the Bay Bridge. The weather was clear with a slight wind and the temperature was mild. All in all this was the best Scout-O-Rama I've attended which is saying a lot following last year at the USS Hornet.

Troop 110 Committee Meeting Notes - Tom Sims - June 7, 2006

June, 2006



Scoutorama "Bridge to Fitness," Treasure Island $25/35




PLC @ 7, TC @ 7:45

Tom Sims



Scout Roundtable @7, Walnut at Gallaudet

Mission Peak



H.A.T. Wilderness First Aid @Los Mochos (Space stillavailable)




Troop Meeting @7:15, Contempo, Advancement/Citizenship Merit badge

Bruce Chan


All week

Venturing Kodiak Leadership Training @Wente $260/280



All week

Eagle requirement Camp @Royaneh $260



All week

Brownsea NYLT @Wente $260/280




Troop Advancement and Patrols @ 7:15, Contempo Swim Night (Early Start) Hot Dogs

Bruce Chan



Spring Court of Honor - Garin Park/Camping/Night Hiking (Bring Chairs)

Chan - Sims

July, 2006


All week

Summer Camp @ Marin-Sierra (Cancelled)

Bruce Chan



Summer Camp Forum



Troop Meeting @7:15, Contempo, topics TBA

Bruce Chan


All week

Summer Camp @ Wente

Bruce Chan



Troop Meeting @ Mr Chan's, 7:15 PM

Bruce Chan

August, 2006



PLC, 7:00 pm, Troop Committee, 7:45 pm at Contempo

Tom Sims



Fremont Festival of the Arts Hamburger Booth Fundraiser

Ted Mutch

1) Thursday, June 8, Scout Round Table
This is the last Round Table meeting of the year, and traditionally it is a Pot Luck food festival. If you attend, plan to enjoy yourselves, and feel free to bring a sample of your favorite Scout cooking specialty.

2) Wednesday, June 14, Patrol and Advancement Meeting
This is a switch in the normal schedule, in order to allow us to conduct an orientation for the new Scouts and their families. We will discuss our "First Year/First Class" program, as well as Troop policies and some summer camp information. The senior Scouts will also be planning the festivities for the Spring Court of Honor and Campout. This is a really important meeting for new Troop members!!!

3) Brownsea Training Camp
The boys attending this camp already know about it - parents, please consider attending the graduation ceremony and lunch, the day you pick up your Scouts at Wente,

4) Wednesday, June 21, Troop Meeting and Swim Night
Note the early start time to take advantage of the weather! If you know a BSA- or Red Cross-trained life guard, we could use some assistance for this evening. Prior to swimming there will be a Summer Camp Forms Check conducted by Jay Hendee. Also, the adults will be grilling hot dogs and veggie burgers for anyone interested in a little dinner. I can use all the help I can get with this!! Meal Planning for the June 30th Campout and Ted Mutch will also discuss the Fremont Festival of the Arts Fundraiser with attending parents.

5) Friday, June 30, Court of Honor and Campout
The Court will start promptly at 6:00, menu still to be determined by the senior Scouts. All who are NOT camping overnight must have their cars out of the gate by 9:00 pm. If you are camping: Scouts will camp and cook breakfast as patrols. Adults and siblings will have their own "patrol" for breakfast.

6) Lions Club Independence Day Fundraiser
This event is on hold, our participation, if any, will be determined after next week, should we be contacted by the Lions.

7) July Meetings at Contempo
No PLC, no Troop Committee, no advancement meetings, both July meetings before summer camp week will be devoted to planning, unless otherwise scheduled by the senior Scouts.

8) Summer Camp at Wente
Adults and Scouts, you know who you are - new parents, it is really important for your boys to attend Summer Camp, if they are to succeed in reaching First Class at the end of their first year in the Troop - they'll have a blast!!!

9) Friday, July 28, Troop Meeting at Mr. Chan's
Bruce and I have put forth the idea of doing some cooking for this meeting. I will probably do a dutch oven entrée and dessert, but all ideas and contributions are welcome - more to follow.

10) Wednesday, August 7, PLC and Troop Committee Meetings
Important meetings, we will be planning participation in the Arts Festival Fundraiser, as well as looking forward to the next year's calendar.

11) Fremont Festival of the Arts, August 5-6
The Troop will operate a hamburger/cheeseburger/soda booth for the weekend. Planning is in progress now and a portion of the proceeds will be divided among the Scout accounts of the families who participate. Watch the web site for more information.

12) Parent Contact List and Telephone Tree
In order to facilitate communication for events and schedule changes that require more urgency than can be supported through email, I am going to establish a telephone tree for the Troop parents. I need a volunteer from each of the Patrols, and in the absence of volunteers I will use the parents of the Patrol leaders as contacts. The phone tree will be updated and posted on the Troop web site whenever it changes.

Reminder: The Troop website and email list are the primary means by which we communicate with each other, outside of the Troop and committee meetings. Visit early and often:


If you need the password to the members area, see me or Bruce Chan at your earliest opportunity. Thanks!!! And let's have a great summer.

Troop Members may go to our Members Area for the original version
of this issue of the Troop Tribune PDF, complete with pictures.

Troop Tribune - May 2006
By Ron Natividad
Photos By: Ron Natividad

Latest News

Mission Peak Night Hike

On the night of April 28th , 11 Boy Scouts, 6 adults, and Jessica Y. hiked up Mission Peak. The group was led by Senior Patrol Leader Anthony S. The scouts started from the Stanford base at around 7:45 PM. The weather at the base was beautiful and the setting sun made the view even more special. It was so clear that you could see the other side of the bay. As we climbed higher and higher the view started to change into a lighted scene. Streets were then outlined by cars with their lights on. Parking lots and large shopping areas were now clearly seen. We took a little time trying to identify areas and buildings. It did not take too long before the group reached fog line and the amazing view slowly faded to white. The fog got thicker and thicker and we got colder and colder. It was like walking through the clouds. As it got darker, visibility became worse and the view disappeared. The cows were beginning to settle in for the evening and tended to gather near the road. We crossed many groups of cows very carefully. A couple of the boys spotted coyotes and a bobcat. As we hit the final leg of the climb, Anthony and the scouts decided to take the more challenging route. This route was rugged and very steep. This final leg made our legs burn and by the time we made it to the peak, we were soaked with perspiration. Our soaked undershirts made it very cold as we sat around eating our snacks. We huddled together It looks like we hiked all the way to heaven to stay warm like penguins in a blizzard but it made little difference, especially for the one on the side facing the wind. It didn't take us long to make the decision to start our descent. The way down was just as challenging because of the slippery terrain and our tired legs. On the way, there were scouts who tried to set up ambushes to surprise unsuspecting and exhausted hikers. Roger tried to surprise me with such an ambush, but he did not realize that I was too tired to flinch. I just laughed as he jumped out from the bushes and slid and fell on the trail. As we got below the fog/clouds the beautiful view returned and you knew that you were nearing the end of the hike. This was one of the most rewarding hikes I've been on and would highly recommend it to all. And for those who have never hiked Mission Peak there are two patches that you can earn in one fun hike.

Troop 110 Gets New Members

4 New Scouts have joined the troop and join the other new scouts to become a new patrol. There are also 3 Webelos who are about to bridge from Easton to join our Troop. New Scouts: Evan L., Jacob K., Nicholas R. and Patrick S. Joined last month: Jeremy T.

Message from Committee Chair Tom Sims

To all Troop 110 adult members,

This year's District Dinner celebrates the 50th Anniversary of Mission Peak. In addition, some of our members will be recognized for their contributions to the program, so please consider showing your support by attending. I have attached a copy of the invitation.

It has become a tradition for those attending to bring their favorite appetizers to share with all during the gathering before dinner, and while we don't have a convenient "pirate" theme to draw The Hikers huddled together to stay warm•on this year, please give this some thought and consider contributing something creative. Also, if you would like to contribute to the silent auction, I encourage you to do that as well.

Tickets are $10 in advance, by Friday, and $15 at the door. If you let me know by Thursday night (5/11) I'll take in a single reservation for the Troop at the discount rate and deduct the $$ from your accounts -- or you can write a check to Craig for the amount.

See you there. At several of the district events over the last two years, T110 has been a significant presence -- I hope to continue this trend.

Yours in Scouting,

Date for Dinner is May 13th

Other Information

May 12th Evening Campout at Coyote Hills or Chabot - Bruce to coordinate The goal is to help the newer scouts with camping skills and to get them started with rank advancement.

May 19th to 20th - Great America Campout Cost is $55 All pass includes all rides except for Boomerang Bay. More details to follow.

Road to Eagle
We have two boys who will be working on their Eagle projects. Shane Yorks and Allen Chan will need your support. Please do what you can to support our older scouts as they work on becoming Eagle Scouts.

Court of Honor
Date is set for June 30th with the location to be determined. This plan is to find an outdoor event.

New Troop 110 Ensemble
New Shirts and Jackets have arrived and are now available for purchase. The shirt is $16 and the Jacket is $28. The new dark green shirt sports new graphics in the front and back. The shirt is made of quick drying materials to help keep you dry and comfortable on those long hikes. The jacket is red with the logo in front and the back has no logo so that you can personalize it with your earned patches. Please coordinate with Linda Wilson if you want to purchase any of the items. New caps and neckerchiefs are coming soon.

Troop Committee Meeting - May 3rd

1. Announcements

a. Popcorn Sales - Trails End is Back!!! Starts at end of August with more incentives and lower commission until our goal is met then it goes to a higher rate. 3% commission if troop attends kickoff. Date TBA

b. Mission Peak District turns 50!!! District Dinner needs support, Tom will coordinate.

May 13th at 5:30 PM,
Southern Alameda Buddhist Church
32975 Alvarado Niles Road, Union City

2. Old Business

a. Friends of Scouting - We did not hit our goal. Troop 110 will be paying full price for campouts.

3. New Business

a. Calendar Planning - Tom is volunteering his backyard for planning. Need adult to participate. This gives the boys a framework for planning. Date to be determined.

4. Scout Master

a) Andrew Wagner is an Eagle Scout now.
b) Moaning Caverns - 5 scouts and Adrian Chan
c) 3 Boys will be representing our troop at Brownsea.
a. Eric B.
b. Brian L.
c. Ryan N.

d) New Troop 110 Shirts $16 and Jackets $28 now available. New caps coming soon.

e) New tents - Jamboree tents are not available. 6 Ureka Tetragons Tents cost is $90. Sleeps 4 boys for summer camps and car camps

f) Summer Camp Wente cost is $260

g) May 27th Memorial Day grave decoration.

5. Closing 8:48 PM

6. Calendar

Mark Your Calendars!

May 2006



PLC @ 7, TC @ 7:45

Tom Sims



Spring Camporee "The Dukes of Royaneh"

Bruce Chan



H.A.T. Cycling Course, all day @ YLTC $25




Scout Day at the Oakland "A's" $12/20




STAR TESTING for New Haven Middle Schools




Troop Meeting @ 7:15, Contempo, topics TBA

Bruce Chan



Boy Scout Leader Training I (was "Acorn") 6-9PM




STAR TESTING for Fremont High Schools




• Boy Scout Leader Training II (was "Acorn") all day
• Merit Badge Extravaganza 9:00-1 PM (loc. TBA)
• MP District Dinner (loc/time TBA)




STAR TESTING for Fremont Middle Schools




Boy Scout Leader Training III (was "Acorn") 6-9PM




Troop Advancement and Patrols @ 7:15, Contempo

Bruce Chan



Intro to Outdoor Ldr. Skills (was "Acorn") @ Los Mochos




Bay to Breakers 12K run.walk $27/33

Tom Sims



Troop will be assisting Pack 268's recruiting drive
at the Spring Open House.

Tom Sims



Troop Meeting @7:15, Mr. Chan's

Bruce Chan



Golden Gate Cemetery Grave decoration

Bruce Chan



UCGSA Recruiting @ 6:30, Contempo

Tom Sims

June 2006



Scoutorama "Bridge to Fitness," Treasure Island $25/35




H.A.T. Wilderness First Aid @ Los Mochos



All week

Venturing Kodiak Leadership Training @ Wente $260/280



All week

Eagle Requirement Camp @ Royaneh $260



All week

Brownsea NYLT @ Wente $260/280


July 2006 - Plan Ahead!


All Week

Summer Camp at Marin-Sierra

  Bruce Chan  


All Week

Summer Camp at Wente, 12 O'Clock High Campsite

Bruce Chan

Troop Members may go to our Members Area for the original version
of this issue of the Troop Tribune PDF, complete with pictures.

Troop Tribune - April 2006
By Ron Natividad
Photos By: Skip Wagner and Ron Natividad

Andrew Wagner Becomes the 25th Eagle Scout for Troop 110

On April 4th , 2006 Andrew Wagner passed the Eagle Board and became the 25th Eagle Scout from Troop 110. He actually completed his requirements for eagle 5 months ago but his busy schedule kept him from completing his Eagle Scout Board of Review until April 4th.

Andrew started his tour with Troop 110 on the Road Kill Patrol and was moved to the Lightning Bolt Patrol. While in the Road Kill Patrol he was the patrol quartermaster, assistant patrol leader and patrol leader. As he gained rank he became part of the Leadership Patrol as the troop scribe. And eventually he was voted the troop SPL for his leadership ability. I remember Andrew as a quiet young man who led by example and was always volunteering for assignments. He is someone who you can count on to keep the troop functioning when he was in charge. He is a great example of someone who the younger scouts can emulate.

His Eagle project was to make improvements to Garin Park in Hayward. On August 8-12th he and his team constructed a 20 ft. horse hitching post in the equestrian picnic area. His team members were Alex G., Shane Y., David G., and Joseph P. He also got help from his friends Mark Arsenault and Landon Price and of course his father, Skip. Andrew said that the guys were very helpful and he could not have done it without them. Andrew and his team made additional improvements to the park. They added metal support slats under the picnic tables tops to keep them from warping. This will help the picnic tables to last longer and look good for a long time. They also built can corrals to keep garbage cans in place and organized by the visitor center barn.

The results of Andrew's planning and organizational skill will be enjoyed by many people for years to come. It's great to see what a few organized Boy Scouts can accomplish. For more details, check out the photos of Andrew's project on our troop website.

Andrew is a well-rounded person and keeps himself very busy. Along with his responsibilities with Boy Scouts, he also kept himself busy with band, school, and community activities. Because of his dedication to helping in his community and his leadership quality, he was awarded the New Haven Unified ATI Architect Scholarship Award. This scholarship will be applied towards his college tuition. With the foundation that he learned from his parents, Boy Scouts, school, and other activities Andrew has a bright future ahead, one that he is prepared to handle.

An interview with Andrew:

Do you remember what it was like when you first joined the boy scouts?
When I was a tenderfoot scout, I remember being excited going to meetings and having a great time when I did. Back then we used to have games after the meetings which were really fun and we would occasionally have meetings at the park. I really enjoyed the park play.

What is your advice to younger scouts?
Have fun and just keep going. There are lots to learn and enjoy it no matter what level you achieve.

How important was the support and encouragement from your parents?
My dad pushed me a lot and reminded me to keep working towards Eagle. He always made sure that I was working on my merit badges. He gave me lots of advice and was there for me. Mom helped and supported everything I was doing. Without their guidance and help I don't know if I could have done it.

What was your favorite merit badge?
My favorite merit badge has to be "Bird Study" which I earned at Wente. I liked hiking and looking for birds. I liked looking at the guide and identifying the birds that I spotted. This is something I'm going to continue to enjoy as an adult.

What was your favorite event?
Moaning Caverns - I went there 2 times. I really enjoyed rappelling and spelunking in the caves.We played sports in the field and went stargazing at night.

What is your favorite thing about the Boy Scouts?
I really enjoyed going to Summer Camps. I liked being a leader. It can be stressful, but very rewarding. I liked helping the younger boys and having them believe in you and your ability. I liked it when they trusted me and followed my advice.

What will you miss most?
Right now it hasn't hit me yet because I'm really busy with other things. But I think that I will miss being around the other kids and my friends.

What do you think is the most important lesson you learned in Boy Scouts that will help you in the future?
Leadership, communication, and believing in yourself are the skills that will help me in the future. I think with those skills you can accomplish anything you want to achieve.

What are your plans for the future?
I'm going to study civil engineering at University of California, Berkeley.

Message from our Committee Chair

Hello 110,

As of yesterday afternoon (4/24/06), the Troop 110 FOS Family campaign had reached $2475.00, 52% of our goal. To those who have already contributed, our heart felt thanks. Remember, when we reach our Troop goal, $4760, we will all qualify for 15% discounts on camp fees at Royaneh, Wente and Los Mochos!

Tom Sims

Other News:

Welcome Jeremy T., our newest scout. He attended his first meeting on 4-12-06 with his father David. Be sure to say hello and welcome them to our troop. Also during this meeting we had two Webelos who were considering joining our troop. They participated in the lessons and games. I have to apologize, but I lost my notes with their names.

At the last committee meeting, March 5th, we were joind by two parents whose kids will be bridging soon. Chris K., father of 4 with two to bridge (Jacob was with him) and Molimone R., mother of Nicholas, who wants to get back into scouting. I hope that they choose to join our troop.

Pack 268, a feeder pack for Troop 110 has a small membership and is continuing to decline. They are in danger of disbanding because of lack of new membership. Most of our scouts and leaders came from that Pack so they have strong ties with our troop. Troop 110 leadership and membership needs to help rebuild the pack. Troop 110 needs to help with this effort or we will also suffer due to lack of Cubs moving up to join our troop.

6-month calendar - We need to make one so that everyone can plan ahead. Tom Sims may hold a barbeque to get this done.

Bay-to-Breakers May 21st - Tom Sims would like to make this a troop activity. Runners and walkers will get half of entrance fee refunded for finishing the run/walk and wearing their troop shirt. Entrance fee is $33 for kids under 18 and $38 for adults through May 17th.

Order of the Arrow - Election are coming up, starting thinking about who you would like to elect.

Meeting about the firework stand on 4th of July will be happening soon - Troop is interested but would like to get a better deal.

Troop Members may go to our Members Area for the original version
of this issue of the Troop Tribune PDF, complete with pictures.

Troop Tribune - March 2006
By Ron Natividad

Latest News

Half Moon Bay Campout
Feb 25th-26th was another Half Moon Bay Campout at Cameron's. The adult leaders were Bruce C., George D., Jay H., Shirley G. and Victor Y. Attendees were Anthony S., David G., Eric B., Jessie N., Alvin F., Glenn G., Kevin G., Andrew S., Allen C., Sean Y., Adam D., Michael H., Patrick W., Martin G., Julian R., James L., Daniel S., Roger and Jessica. The scouts had a great time playing soccer, football, volleyball and they got to watch a couple of movies in the evening. The kids shopped for the menu items and prepared their meals. Sunday morning was highlighted with a paintball shootout and off road driving.

Klondike Derby
This year's Klondike was more challenging than previous years due to the colder temperature and thicker snow. The area had a fresh layer of snow from the day before and it made moving around the snow more difficult. I can't remember sinking so much in the snow during the two previous Klondike Derbies. There were many times when we got waist deep in snow. I think that most of us had wet socks and popsicle toes. The main road, which was about 20 feet wide in prior years, was only about 2 feet wide in some areas. However, the conditions did not dampen the spirit of Troop 110. They still competed with enthusiasm and teamwork. Although they did not win any awards they represented the troop well. This year's leaders were Bruce C., George D., Jennifer Y. and Ron N. We were also glad that Jessica, Roger's sister, came along for the trip. The highlight for most of the boys and one girl has to be the long snowball fight with troop 237. Although outnumbered and outflanked, the nine boys and one girl from troop 110 were up to the challenge. They definitely had better aim and continually drove the attackers back. The snowball fight ended with everybody laughing and talking about the great hits. This year the adult leaders decided to leave after the events and closing ceremony due to the storm that was predicted to hit the area in the evening. No one wanted to risk getting snowed in on Sunday and having the roads closed.

Chairman's Corner
To all members of 110 who were involved with Pack 268 at Searles (and everyone else,too!): As some of you may know already, Pack 268 is in deep trouble. With fewer than 10 Cubs left after Bridging this Spring, the remaining adults are inclined to disband the Pack, give away their equipment and ride into the sunset. This would be a terrible end to a Pack that has had a long history in Union City.

I admit I am unsure what any of us could do, after all we face similar challenges in Troop 110, falling enrollment, fewer active adults, and all of our units labor under a general decline of interest in Scouting nationwide. There is no secret to a successful Troop or Pack: A dedicated group of parents and community members have to pledge themselves to work very hard to make the program happen for their kids. The larger the group, the less hard any individual has to work, but fewer new faces have come forward each year. Several years ago, Pack 268 faced a similar crisis, and a newly recruited parent stepped up to the challenge and with a small team of other parents led a successful recovery that resulted in an increase from about a dozen boys to over 70 in less than 10 years. Could there be another such group with Tiger or Wolf aged boys who could help bring about the same sort of miracle again? And are there others in Union City or Fremont or Newark? Because the same thing is happening to other Packs all over the area, and those of us who have aged long into or out of Scouting no longer encounter parents of younger boys at school or in the community otherwise.

I can hear you all asking "where is he going with this?" so let me bring it home. First, if you know of anyone with boys of Cub Scouting age (1st-5th grade), there are Cub Packs•at Searles, Eastin, Alvarado and Cabello that would all, with their help, provide their families with experiences they would remember all their lives. Cub Scouting was a LOT of fun, and not just for the kids, and the effort I put into it has been returned many, many times over. Let your friends, relatives and collegues know about these Packs, tell them about your experiences -- if they are interested we can help them find a Scout-friendly place to play.

Second, Pack 268 meets this Friday at 7PM. Maybe if enough of us alums show up, Scouts and all, we can demonstrate to the few, disheartened parents who are left that there is a HUGE network of helpful, friendly, courteous, kind and otherwise funloving and interested folks to help them keep on keeping on. If you and your Scouts want to attend, let me know -- call or email -- I will be there with your help we might make all the difference.

Thanks, Tom

Friends of Scouting
As most of you already know, the 2006 Friends of Scouting campaign is underway. We have tried several different approaches in managing this activity over the past few years, and none of them have satisfied everyone. Nevertheless it is an important undertaking for our Troop, and I will continue to adapt our participation to the needs and wants of the membership and our program.

This year the defined contribution levels, as well as the recognition items for participation, have changed, beginning with the base family contribution of $175. Level of Support Recognition Item

  • $175 Norman Rockwell Council Shoulder Patch
  • $350 Commemorative Mug
  • $500 Norman Rockwell CSP, Mug, and a limited edition 2006 Copper Commemorative Coin
  • $750 Norman Rockwell CSP, Mug, a 2006 limited edition Brass Commemorative Coin, and Copper Coin
  • $1,500 Norman Rockwell CSP, Mug, and a complete set of limitededition 2006 Brass, Silver and Copper Commemorative Coins

So what is this "family contribution," anyway? Simply put, it is the estimated cost of supporting one Scout throughout the Scouting year - over and above the cost of the Troop program, which is covered by our registration and fundraising. Upkeep of the camps, facilities and equipment is part of the huge, hidden cost of Scouting, the bulk of an iceberg of which the immediate requirements and experiences of the Scouts are only the tip. The Friends of Scouting - that's all of us! - help bridge the gap between the money raised through activities and other community campaigns, and the full cost of the programs on which we and our Scouts depend.•Now there is also a Troop incentive for participation. If we beat our Troop goal for 2006, which we have set at $4,760 according to the requirements for this year's Family Campaign, our members become eligible for a 15% discount at all Council Camps - this includes Eagle Camp, family camps and Brownsea, as well as summer camps at Wente and Royaneh.

Several of you, I know, were disappointed in the way FOS was conducted last year, indeed some are still feeling the residual effects of that campaign. Please put any such disappointments aside and pledge to participate as generously again this year. Remember that some of this, especially the multiple mailings and telephone calls (even at work!), resulted in part from our choice to participate - at the pleasure of our members - without a formal presentation at a Court of Honor.

Here is the Troop Committee's challenge to you all, then, for 2006. This article you are reading is my presentation for the 2006 Friends of Scouting campaign. You will receive another copy of it in the mail, along with your families' FOS pamphlets and your members' 2006 Quality Unit patches. If we are able to meet our Troop Family Campaign goal for this year by the beginning of April, we will again accede to the expressed wishes of the membership and schedule no formal FOS presentation.

You may turn in your pledge cards or donations to me at the March 1 Troop Committee meeting, drop off or mail them to me otherwise before March 31, or mail them directly to Council at the address given. To those who have already responded, our thanks, congratulations and kudos.

The Mission Peak FOS Family Campaign Coordinator is standing by, and he will be presenting at the April 5, 2006 Troop Committee meeting, if required.

Thanks for your support,

Tom Sims, T110 Committee Chair

Committee Meetings - You don't have to be a committee member to join the meeting. All adult members are welcome. The committee meetings are held on the first Wednesday of every month. This is the best way to find out about upcoming activities and influence future activities. If you would like to have your opinions heard or would like to get involved with the troop, the committee meeting is the place to start. Please join us! PLC is at 7PM followed by the Committee Meeting at 7:45PM.

1. Announcements

*** Mark Your Calendars ***

  • March 2006
    • 03/11/06 Saturday Field Sports Day @ Los Mochos - *SFBAC*
    • 03/15/06 Wednesday Patrols / Troop Advancement, Contempo @ 7:15 p.m. - Bruce Chan
    • 03/17/06 Friday Sabercats Scout Nite, HP Pavilion @ 7:30 $12.00 - *SFBAC*
    • 03/19/06 Sunday Bay Area Orienteering Club, Sunol @ 9:00 a.m. $5 parking, http://baoc.org/wiki/Schedule/2006/Sunol - *BOAC*
    • 03/22-24/06 Wed/Fri No Meeting This week
    • 03/30/06 Thursday Sharks Scout Nite @ 7:30 p.m. $24-$35, includes patch - *SFBAC*
    • 03/31/06 Friday Troop Meeting - Patrol Cooking Night - Bruce Chan
    • 03/31/06 Friday Deadline for Friends of Scouting Pledges - Tom Sims
  • April 2006
    • 04/01/06 Saturday OA Rock Wall Fundraiser - *SFBAC*
    • 04/01-02/06 Weekend Golden Gate/Marin Backpack Campout - Bruce Chan
    • 04/05/06 Wednesday Patrol Leaders committee, Contempo @ 7:00 p.m. - Bruce Chan
    • 04/05/06 Wednesday Troop Committee/FOS Wrapup, Contempo @ 7:45 p.m. - Tom Sims
    • 04/07/06 Friday Stealth Scout Nite, HP Pavilion @ 7:30 p.m. $15 (patch!) - *SFBAC*
    • 04/12/06 Wednesday Troop Meeting - T.B.A., Contempo @ 7:15 p.m. - Bruce Chan
    • 04/15/06 Saturday Stealth Scout Nite, HP Pavilion @ 7:30 p.m. $15 (patch!) - *SFBAC*
  • Plan Ahead!
    • 07/16-22/06 All Week Summer Camp at Wente, 12 O'Clock High - Bruce Chan
    • 07/23-29/06 All Week Summer Camp at Marin Sierra - Bruce Chan

2. Training Opportunities - SFBAC/Mission Peak

  • a. Rock Climbing Instructor (Indoor) April 22 $45
  • b. Rock Climbing/Rappel Instructor (Outdoor) May 6-7 $125
  • c. Scout Leader (was Acorn) Indoor, May 11, 13, 16 $10
  • d. Scout Leader Outdoor, May 19-21 $ 25
  • e. Webelos Outdoor Leader Training (Staff needed) May 20-21

3. Closing - 8:35 Tom Sims

Troop Members may go to our Members Area for the original version
of this issue of the Troop Tribune PDF, complete with pictures.

Troop Tribune - February 2006
By Ron Natividad

Latest News

New Location for Court of Honor
The Winter Court of Honor 2006 was celebrated at the Veterans Hall in Niles. Troop 110 Attendance was large but the spacious hall provided more than enough room. The hall was renovated several years ago and was spectacular with its intricately detailed beams and high ceilings. The stage was beautifully decorated with a modern curtain and lighting system and projection screens. Although we had a little problem with lighting and controls the presentations were definitely enhanced. The aisles were wide and allowed for easy flow and space for the younger siblings to roam. The food was great as usual. The food was excellent, from the main dish provided by the troop to side dishes and great deserts provided by the families.

2006 Mission Peak Indoor Rally
The evening of Friday February 3rd was the day for the Mission Peak Indoor Rally. Troop 110 showed their great spirit and had fun doing it. Eleven boys worked together and showed great teamwork. They were tested in knot skills, first aide, rope rescue, compass reading, stick rotation and the finally was the Scout Master drag. This year I volunteer to be dragged. The Scouts burned rubber and my elbows as they whirled me around the gym. I think we would have won the race but I ran over a couple of people. It's too bad that I only have my ribs to slide on, and running over a couple of size 9s really hurt. It's a good thing that Scouts are always prepared and most of them got out of my way as the boys hurled me ever so close to the wall and the scouts in formation. This year the troop won one ribbon and the boys showed high spirits and conducted themselves very well. This years ribbon was a second place finish in the rope rescue. Congratulations Scouts!

Chairman's Corner

As most of you already know, the 2006 Friends of Scouting campaign is underway. We have tried several different approaches in managing this activity over the past few years, and none of them have satisfied everyone. Nevertheless it is an important undertaking for our Troop, and I will continue to adapt our participation to the needs and wants of the membership and our program.

This year the defined contribution levels, as well as the recognition items for participation, have changed, beginning with the base family contribution of $175.

Level of Support Recognition Item

  • $175 Norman Rockwell Council Shoulder Patch
  • $350 Commemorative Mug
  • $500 Norman Rockwell CSP, Mug, and a limited edition 2006 Copper Commemorative Coin
  • $750 Norman Rockwell CSP, Mug, a 2006 limited edition Brass Commemorative Coin, and Copper Coin
  • $1,500 Norman Rockwell CSP, Mug, and a complete set of limited edition 2006 Brass, Silver and Copper Commemorative Coins

So what is this "family contribution," anyway? Simply put, it is the estimated cost of supporting one Scout throughout the Scouting year - over and above the cost of the Troop program, which is covered by our registration and fundraising. Upkeep of the camps, facilities and equipment is part of the huge, hidden cost of Scouting, the bulk of an iceberg of which the immediate requirements and experiences of the Scouts are only the tip. The Friends of Scouting - that's all of us! - help bridge the gap between the money raised through activities and other community campaigns, and the full cost of the programs on which we and our Scouts depend.

Now there is also a Troop incentive for participation. If we beat our Troop goal for 2006, which we have set at $4,760 according to the requirements for this year's Family Campaign, our members become eligible for a 15% discount at all Council Camps - this includes Eagle Camp, family camps and Brownsea, as well as summer camps at Wente and Royaneh.

Several of you, I know, were disappointed in the way FOS was conducted last year, indeed some are still feeling the residual effects of that campaign. Please put any such disappointments aside and pledge to participate as generously again this year. Remember that some of this, especially the multiple mailings and telephone calls (even at work!), resulted in part from our choice to participate - at the pleasure of our members - without a formal presentation at a Court of Honor.

Here is the Troop Committee's challenge to you all, then, for 2006. This article you are reading is my presentation for the 2006 Friends of Scouting campaign. You will receive another copy of it in the mail, along with your families' FOS pamphlets and your members' 2006 Quality Unit patches. If we are able to meet our Troop Family Campaign goal for this year buy the beginning of April, we will again accede to the expressed wishes of the membership and schedule no formal FOS presentation

You may turn in your pledge cards or donations to me at the March 1 Troop Committee meeting, drop off or mail them to me otherwise before March 31, or mail them directly to Council at the address given. To those who have already responded, our thanks, congratulations and kudos. The Mission Peak FOS Family Campaign Coordinator is standing by, and he will be presenting at the April 5, 2006 Troop Committee meeting, if required.

Thanks for your support,

Tom Sims
T110 Committee Chair

Committee Meetings - You don't have to be a committee member to join the meeting. All adult members are welcome. The committee meetings are held on the first Wednesday of every month. This is the best way to find out about upcoming activities and influence future activities. If you would like to have your opinions heard or would like to get involved with the troop, the committee meeting is the place to start. Please join us! PLC is at 7PM followed by the Committee Meeting at 7:45PM.

Advisory - REI is having a sale! I found the Ultra Light REI backpacks on sale for $23 for the UL30 and $28 for the UL45. These are packs that are normally over $100. So head over to REI if you are looking for an extreme lightweight backpack for those long hikes.


Information provided by Tom Sims and Eric Brown

  • February
    • Wed 8th Troop Meeting - Troop Elections and Pancake Toss
    • Wed 15th Winter Awareness Presentation and Advancement
    • Sat-Sun 18-19 - New Scout Recruitment Campout at Half Moon bay
    • Wed 22nd No Meeting
    • Fri 24th Troop Meeting - Mr. Chan's House @6:45 PM Troop Gear and Check Klondike Derby Sleds
  • March
    • Wed 1st PLC and Committee Meeting
    • Sat 4-5 Klondike Derby
    • Wednesday 15 Advancement Meeting
    • Wed 22nd Backpack/Vegan Presentation
  • April
    • Fri 1-2nd Golden Gate Backpacking
  • Other Dates
    • Scoutarama - June 3rd-4th @ Treasure Island
    • Brown Sea - June 18th-24th
    • Summer Camp - July 16th-22nd @ Wente 12 o'clock High Camp
    • Yosemite - Half Dome for Senior Scouts - to be scheduled sometime in the summer

Committee Meeting Notes

  • February 2006
    • 2/1/06 Wednesday PLC @ 7, TC @ y 7:45 Tom Sims
    • 2/3/06 Friday Indoor Rally @7, Decoto LDS Bruce Chan
    • 2/4/06 Saturday Merit Badge Extravaganza @9am, Gatewood LDS
    • 2/8/06 Wednesday Troop Meeting @ 7:15, Contempo, topics TBA Bruce Chan
    • 2/15/06 Wednesday Troop Advancement @7:15, Winter Awareness Bruce Chan
    • 2/18-19/06 Weekend Campout Half Moon Bay Saturday and Sunday Bruce Chan
    • 2/24/06 Friday Troop Meeting @7:15, Mr. Chan's Bruce Chan
  • March 2006
    • 3/1/06 Wednesday PLC @ 7, TC @7:45 Tom Sims
    • 3/5/06 Weekend Klondike Derby Bruce Chan

1. Old Business

  • a. Friends of Scouting - 34 Families Goal is 80% 34 x $175 = $4760
    • i. Info (Flyers) to be mailed out
    • ii. No Presentation if we meet goal before April 5th
  • b. Meeting Times
    • i. 7:15 is the meeting start - Please remember that and be on time.
    • ii. Exception is the PLC
  • c. Brownsea Attendees
    • i. Eric B.
    • ii. Alex G.
    • iii. Ryan N.
    • iv. Brian L.
  • d. 100% Boys Life

2. New Business

  • a. Summer Camp Opportunities
    • Wente Camp at 12 o'clock high July 15th-22nd
      • a. Camp Marin Sierra - Lake, full merit badge, older kids program, Rock climbing, sailing large boats on large lake, Great hiking (50 miles)
      • b. Choices July 2nd to 8th, July 23rd to 29th, July 30th-5th
  • b. Courts of Honor Venue Considerations
    • a. Well attended
    • b. Successful and had a great time
    • c. Nice location - $400 we paid $101
    • d. Look at Decoto auditorium for next event
  • c. Troop Roster and Advancement Reports
    • a. Tom has report and gave it to John Gillen
  • d. Mission Peak District Awards Due in April
    • a. Tom is Nominating 3 people
  • b. Anyone else can nominate who they want through the Mission Peak website

3. Committee Officer Reports

  • Scout Masters Report
    • a. District Chess Tournament - Boys had a good time but no awards
    • b. Canoe Day was well attended and the weather cooperated
    • c. COH Advancements 2 Stars and 3 First Class
    • d. Adam D. is new Scorpion patrol leader
    • e. Need for high adventure events for older scouts
    • f. Troop Account Balance $20,172.43

4. Closing 9:01 PM

Troop Members may go to our Members Area for the original version
of this issue of the Troop Tribune PDF, complete with pictures.

Troop Tribune - January 2006
By Ron Natividad

       Happy New Year! Last year was a very exciting year for our troop and we have many examples of our Scouts distinguishing themselves in the field of competition and other events. The Troop had a very successful Camporee winning 6 ribbons, taking 2nd Place Overall Score, which is the best finish they have had in a long time. 9 of our Scouts attended the National Jamboree and conducted themselves very well. TC Nobel their Scoutmaster told me that our boys behave very well and acted very mature. He said we should all be proud of our Scouts. We also had 5 boys attend BrownSea Training and successfully completed their challenges. We are already benefiting from their training and newly inspired leadership. There are many other examples of great accomplishments from our troop but I wanted to keep this brief. In this month's issue I highlighted our Holiday Celebration, a fitting end to last year. It was planned in the last minute but the boys came through and we had a wonderful time. Enjoy the Troop Tribune! -- Ron

Latest News

All Grins at the Troop 110 Holiday Party
Troop 110 celebrated the Holiday Season with a party at the Contempo Club House. This party was planned by the Scouts and organized the food and decorations, with help from Tom Sims. They even came up with a very entertaining Holiday Program. The evening's entertainment started with Christmas music from the Troop 110 Band. They also organized a game that involved getting gummy worms at the bottom of a bowl with no hands. The trick is that you need to do this with the bowl filled with chocolate pudding. They got several brave members from the audience. Adults, Scouts and one Webelos who was a guest participated in three rounds of this game. Everyone enjoyed the game and seeing the mess on the participant's faces. Some participants enjoyed the game more than the audience judging from Adam D. who actually participated in two of the rounds. Tom Sims capped the festivities with a raffle giving away the tree decorations on the tables and of course loads of popcorn.

Christmas Wreaths
Wreath and Popcorn Sale - December 3rd, 4th, 10th & 11th 10-3PM. Location was the Albertson Union Landing and Safeway Decoto. Scouts who worked earned $4.49 per hour. Thanks to all that scouts and family who helped. Special thanks to Sarah D. She is the National Miss California Jr. Pre-Teen Champion. She put on her crown and title to the boys with popcorn and wreath sales. Shirley Gonzales (Wreath Coordinator) told me that she not only is beautiful, she is quite a salesperson. Sales increased by a large sum when she was around. We need to make sure that she is invited to all fundraising activities.

Committee Meetings
You don't have to be a committee member to join the meeting. All adult members are welcome. The committee meetings are held on the first Wednesday of every month. This is the best way to find out about upcoming activities and influence future activities. If you would like to have your opinions heard or would like to get involved with the troop, the committee meeting is the place to start. PLC is at 7PM followed by the Committee Meeting at 7:45PM.



  • Sat 7th Golden Gate - Marin Headlands Hike and Campout Cancelled
  • Wed 11th Troop Meeting @ Contempo - Practice for Chess Tournament
  • Sat 14th MP District Chess Tournament @ LDS Church Walnut and Gallaudet
  • Wed 18th Troop Meeting - Advancement Night
  • Sat 21st Canoe Day at Quarry Lakes
  • Wed 25th Indoor Rally Practice for those who plan to participate
  • Fri 27th Court of Honor - VFW Hall in Fremont-Niles
  • Sat 28th University of Scouting - Canyon Middle School


  • Fri 3rd Indoor Rally @ LDS Decoto Blvd.
  • Sat 4th Merit Badge Extravaganza
  • Wed 8th Troop Meeting - Topic to be determined
  • Wed 15th Winter Awareness Presentation
  • Wed 22nd No Meeting
  • Fri 24th Troop Meeting - Mr. Chan's House @6:45 PM


  • Wed 1st PLC and Committee Meeting
  • Sat 4-5 Klondike Derby
  • Wed 22nd Vegan Presentation


  • Fri 1-2nd Golden Gate Backpacking

Other Dates

  • Scoutarama - June 3rd-4th @ Treasure Island
  • Brown Sea - June 18th-24th
  • Summer Camp - July 16th-22nd @ Wente 12 O'clock High Camp
  • Yosemite - Half Dome for Senior Scouts - to be scheduled sometime in the summer
Troop Members may go to our Members Area for the original version
of this issue of the Troop Tribune PDF, complete with pictures.

Troop Tribune - December 2005
By Ron Natividad

Latest News & Kudos - A Season For Giving

Scouting for Food:
Over two weekends, Scouts, family and friends distributed plastic bags and collected non-perishable food for the Food Bank. This year the troop covered Union City near Mission Blvd. Between Decoto and Seventh Street. We also covered the 7 hills area on Appian Way. The food was sorted at the Feng residence and taken to the LDS church in San Leandro.

Note from John Feng:

Hello Troop,

We have successfully completed the Scouting for Food. On Saturday (11/19/05) the following scouts/siblings/adults participated in the pick-up. Scouts: Allen C., Alvin F., Glenn G., Kevin G., Brian L., Roger Y., Justin M., Eric B., Michael H., Patrick W., Brian B. Siblings: Jasmine N., Kyler N., Patricia H., Michael B., Laura B., Benny F.

Drivers: John Feng, John Gillen, Ron Natividad, Mike Haskin, Wayne Burkhardt, and Linda Wilson.

We picked up a total 1097 items 472 pieces of dry goods 525 pieces of cans) $16 cash.

Special thanks to Mike Haskin for driving all the way to San Leandro to drop the collected food. We missed the pick-up truck at the Decoto LDS Church. Thanks all who participated and who helped. It was a great event.

John Feng

LOV Newark

This year the LOV Newark operation was moved to the Newark Pavilion. The operation was pretty much the same and served several hundreds of meal and delivered hundreds more to the home bound and needy people. This is my Third year to volunteer and it remains the most rewarding work I've done for the community. This year, Ryan and Jasmine joined me and we delivered meals in Newark and San Leander. In one delivery, a tearful woman, who was extremely grateful for the act of kindness, greeted us. She was so touched that she gave Jasmine a big hug. She had recently hurt her arm and was herself caring for her elderly Mother. She has had a difficult time preparing meals or even getting around to buy the necessities of life. In time when we reflect on our graces and our good fortune its good to give a little to those who don't have as much blessings or who are have health issues.

Note from John Gillen:

I would like to thank those who came and participated in delivering hot turkey meals to the needy on Thanksgiving Day. The event was a success!! It was great to see so many scouts and their family members and friends take time out of their holiday to help someone in need. The good deed certainly completed the day. It would be nice to get some feed back on the number of dinners delivered (the Gillens delivered 24 meals). My guess is the troop's contribution was over 100---once again great job!!! By the way, the number of service hours for the scouts was 3---good job scouts!!!

Participating Scouts: Russell B., Brain B., Glenn G., Kevin G., Martin G., Robbie M., Ryan N., Jessie N., Chris M., Daniel S., Andrew W.

Thanks to the many other troop adults and family members who participated!

Once again, thanks for the help!!. Hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving.

John Gillen

Committee Meetings
You don't have to be a committee member to join the meeting. All adult members are welcome. The committee meetings are held on the fourth Wednesday of every month. This is the best way to find out about upcoming activities and influence future activities. If you would like to have your opinions heard or would like to get involved with the troop, the committee meeting is the place to start.

T110 Recharter

Many of you have already been contacted or otherwise have spoken to me. If you have not, you should be called around the end of November. If attempts to contact you have not succeeded, if messages have been left but not picked up, or if we are not able to contact you otherwise, I will assume your status in the Troop is unchanged and you and/or your Scouts will be rehartered accordingly. Thanks in advance for your understanding and cooperation.

Tom Sims, T110 Committee Chair

Cost: $60 for Scouts and $10 for Adults.

Number is a little down this year due to a few Scout leaving the troop. Two scouts joined, Brian Lee and Justin Carpio. 3 Scouts, Matt Yorks, Andrew Wagner and Eric Wescott aged out but will stay with the Venture crew.

Christmas Wreaths

Wreath and Popcorn Sale - Saturday December 3rd 10-3PM, Scouts dress in Class A. Albertsons - Union Landing and Safeway - Decoto/Alvarado. Sunday Dec. 4 cancelled due to mission peak hike. If needed December 10th and 11th will be scheduled to sell the remaining merchandise. Popcorn $950 worth to sell. Those who participate 2 hours of their time, will earn a collectible 2005 holiday Christmas wreath patch.

Latest Update from Tom Sims

The first day of our Christmas Wreath fundraiser was a modest success, but we still have a LOT of wreaths and popcorn left to sell. The scheduled booth sale tomorrow has been cancelled, due to the Mission Peak Hike, but there are still some slots on the schedule available next weekend. We will be staffing two locations, Albertson's Union Landing and the Safeway at Alvarado-Niles and Decoto. Both are conveniently situated in Union City, at opposite ends of town, so there is a location near you! The procedes from this event will be divided evenly between the accounts of the Scouts and families who participate -- this is a great opportunity for for your Scouts to help pay their way through the Scouting program.

Contact Shirley Gonzales at 791-0671 to schedule a time for next weekend in one of our booths (or send email to me at mailto:trsims@att.net).

Friends of Scouting

Contributions are down - will be discussed after the holidays. Family Contribution at the $350 level will get a mug. Family minimum will get a patch.

Mission Peak Rim Rover

Sunday (12-5), there was a Rim Rover hike up to the top of Mission Peak. The group was divided into two groups and raced to the top. The groups that won will all get a pocketknife, supplied by Mr. Chan. This hike can also count as the 5 mile compass hike for those who have not gotten the requirement yet. Result to be published on the next issue.

Holiday Party
...is cancelled due to lack of time - We will start planning earlier next year.

Winter Awareness
...was Saturday Dec. 3rd, 9AM at Canyon Middle School in Castro Valley. This is a must for Snow camping (Klondike Derby).

End 8:35PM

World Jamboree

July 27 to August 10, 2007 in Highland Park, Chelmsford, England. Primary Languages spoken will be English and French. Preliminary cost is $3,957, not including: Uniforms, Transportation to warm up weekend, Transportation to departure city.

Scouts and Venturers born between July 28, 1989 and July 27, 1994, NO ONE OVER 18.

Sign up form on web, Scoutmaster's signature + $500 deposit required ASAP.

Checks payable to BSA NATIONAL OFFICE, attn: World Jamboree Application.

Travel plans are already contracted, so if a family goes over and arranges to pick up a Scout before the tour returns, there will be no refund for the return trip or flight extensions possible.

Do not make the second payment, due 10/1/05, until requested by National. Tour is after the Jamboree, two days in London. Sign up early - the more Bay Area attendees, the more likely there will be a "bay area" Troop.

Contact is JamboreeSFBAC@comcast.net

Troop Members may go to our Members Area for the original version
of this issue of the Troop Tribune PDF, complete with pictures.

Troop Tribune - November 2005
By Ron Natividad

Latest News & Kudos

Troop 110 excels at the Fall Camporee, October 7- 9th, at Los Mochos. Leaders for the weekend were Bruce Chan, George Dahdouh and Ron Natividad. With 8 scouts participating this year, 3 more than last year, the troop took the 2nd place overall score and 5 other ribbons for a total of 6. The troop was represented by two patrols, the Scorpions and the Falcons. This is the first Camporee for the Scorpions and they showed great teamwork, spirit, and the ability to think on their feet. I was very impressed with how they came up with a plan to attack each event and got everyone involved. It was truly a group effort. The Falcons, who are well experienced with several events under their belt, showed great spirit, leadership, and teamwork. Experience from last year's surprising showing of winning 5 ribbons showed. They came with their very own T-shirt design and a new patrol yell to the tune of "The Lion Sleeps Tonight". This yell was definitely the most popular yell at the event. I heard scouts and adults humming to that song as I walked around the camp. The two patrols worked well together and combined for a great troop score. They looked great as a troop and worked well to set up and maintain their camp. They even wore their new green Troop 110 cups on their belts and got plenty of positive feedback from scouts and adults. Thanks, Rita, for getting those cups. They really made the boys stand out. Imagine if we had more patrols and scouts attending. We could have contended for the 1st place overall score. Bruce Chan helped the Camporee staff as the rifle range master and was helped by Justin M. Our resident bug expert "Roger the Spiderman" caught a tarantula, now his roommate. At this pace Roger will need to expand his room. After the Camporee was over, the troop celebrated their victorious weekend with pizza. Thanks, Bruce, for the great food and fun at Mountain Mikes.

Scorpions: Adam D., Kevin G., and Sean Y.
Falcons: Allen C., Glenn G., Alvin F., Roger L. and Ryan N.

2nd Place - Overall Troop Score
1st Tomahawk
1st Spider Web
2nd Archery
2nd Shot Gun
3rd Mouse Catching

Mountain Man Rendezvous, October 12-14th at Boulder Creek Scout Reserve.

Leaders for the weekend were Ron Natividad and George Carpio. George is a new member and is the father of Justin. Justin just joined our troop this month and is now part of the Falcons. This was the first campout for both Justin and George and they both enjoyed themselves. George was pressed into service in his first campout as an acting Assistant Scout Master. I know the boys enjoyed his company and they especially appreciated the Filipino bread rolls called pandesal that he shared with everyone. Fourteen boys attended, and several members of troop 110 served with the staff. Gloria Ho, with the help of Kimmy and Jasmine, ran the Beef Jerky History and Indian Lore. Rawny Clemens and her daughters also helped out in the Candle Making class and first aid. First aid was especially important to two of our scouts who were attacked by hornets. Other notable stations to visit were Archery, Tomahawk and Knife Throwing, Blacksmith, and Black Powder Rifles. George Carpio, who shot his first black powder rifle, was an instant sharp shooter.

Make A Difference Day, October 22nd

14 Scouts and adult volunteers from Troop 110 participated in making a difference in our Union City community by planting trees and stenciling the storm drains at Contempo Park. The following Scouts earned 2 service hours for their efforts. Way to go Scouts! Photo and article provided by John Gillen.

Alvin F.
Martin G.
Kevin G.
Glenn G.
Brian L.
Ryan N.
Joseph P.
Daniel S.

Haunted Meadows Campout, October 29-30th, Half Moon Bay

All who attended had fun at the family campout at Half Moon Bay. We set up tents in the picnic area of Cameron's Place and had full use of the clubhouse, which had an indoor bathroom, making it an easy campout for the younger siblings. We were invited to join a party that was happening at the clubhouse while we were setting up. The Scouts and adult leaders were treated to ice cream cake and helped a 15-year-old young lady celebrate her special birthday. After cleaning up a couple of ice cream cakes and sodas, the Scouts helped the family by cleaning up the clubhouse. The rest of the evening was spent watching movies and eating pizza. The featured movies for the night were "Young Frankenstein," "Night of the Living Dead" and "Alien". In the morning the boys prepared pancakes, sausages and extra thick bacon. The rest of the day was spent driving a go-cart off-road and paintball shooting in the hills. This was not a Boy Scout event but the scouts and their families enjoyed themselves.

Committee Meetings - You don't have to be a committee member to join the meeting. All adult members are welcome. The committee meetings are held on the fourth Wednesday of every month. The next committee meeting is Wednesday, November 30th. This is the best way to find out about upcoming activities and influence future activities. If you would like to have your opinions heard or would like to get involved with the troop, the committee meeting is the place to start. There are several important matters to be discussed and decided at the next meeting.

• New venue for Courts of Honor
• Fundraising strategy/participation
• New Activity Expense Form
• Mileage Expenses and Reimbursement

World Jamboree

July 27 to August 10, 2007 in Highland Park, Chelmsford, England.
Primary Languages spoken will be English and French.
Preliminary cost is $3,957, not including:

Transportation to warm up weekend
Transportation to departure city

Scouts and Venturers born between July 28, 1989 and July 27, 1994, NO ONE OVER 18. Sign up form on web, Scoutmaster's signature + $500 deposit required ASAP. Checks payable to BSA NATIONAL OFFICE, attn: World Jamboree Application. Travel plans are already contracted, so if a family goes over and arranges to pick up a Scout before the tour returns, there will be no refund for the return trip or flight extensions possible.. Do not make the second payment, due 10/1/05, until requested by National. Tour is after the Jamboree, two days in London. Sign up early - the more Bay Area attendees, the more likely there will be a "bay area" Troop. Contact is JamboreeSFBAC@comcast.net.

October 2005



Full Troop Meeting, Mr. Chan's @7:15 pm - Spam-A-Lot postponed

Bruce Chan



Halloween Campout, Camp Cutter, Meet at Contempo

Bruce Chan

November 2005



Troop PLC Meeting, Contempo @7:15 p.m.

Bruce Chan



Mission Peak Den Chief Training, Temple Way - Peralta 9-12 $12 with Lunch

Tom Sims



Troop Meeting - First Aid Skills @ 7:15 p.m.

Bruce Chan



MP District Roundtable (Gallaudet LDS)

Bruce Chan



Scouting For Food - Bag Distribution

Bruce Chan



Troop Advancement and Patrol, Contempo @ 7:15 p.m.

Bruce Chan



Scouting For Food - Bag Pickup and Pizza

Bruce Chan



**Thanksgiving Week - No Meeting**




Newark - League of Volunteers Food Basket Delivery




Troop Committee Meeting, Contempo @ 7:15 p.m.

Tom Sims

Old Business

Fundraising Participation

a. Clean up at the Fremont Art Festival with Troop 273 resulted in $800 to be spit among scouts who participated.

b. Mileage Reimbursement is 14.5 cents per mile of activities over 25 miles. Should this be an amendment to the by-laws or simply a change in the Parent Handbook? This will be discussed at the next meeting.

• Holiday Party - Will there be one? Please let Tom if you are interested.
• Tom would like to see this become an annual event
• Troop band/Entertainment
• Keep it an informal event
• Will set date sooner (weekend before last day of school)

New Business

a. Courts of Honor - New Venue Needed?? We are getting crowded. Coordinators will investigate new sites or even campouts. We are looking for a new coordinator to train under Pam Mutch.

b. LOV Newark Thanksgiving - New coordinator is needed

c. Recharter Time is Coming - Stay tuned to more information

d. Roundtable Representative - New representative is needed to help Tom Sims. 2nd Thursday of every month Location LDS Church at Gallaudet and Walnut

e. Spam-A-Lot -Postpone due to poor attendance and will be rescheduled at the next PLC.

f. Meeting Times -- Except as announced otherwise, for special events such as Courts of Honor, all scheduled Troop 110 meetings start at 7:15. Check web for most recent schedule. Monthly meeting schedule is as follows:

• FIRST WEDNESDAYS: PLC, Contempo, 7:15-8:30 PM
• LAST WEDNESDAYS (**): Troop Committee, Contempo, 7:15-8:30 PM
• SECOND WEDNESDAYS: Full Troop Meeting, Contempo, 7:15-8:30 PM
• THIRD WEDNESDAYS: Patrols/Advancements, Contempo, 7:15-8:30 PM
• FOURTH FRIDAYS: Full Troop Meeting, Mr. Chan's, 7:15 PM

Ended 8:30

Troop Members may go to our Members Area for the original version
of this issue of the Troop Tribune PDF, complete with pictures.


Troop Tribune - October 2005
By Ron Natividad

Latest News & Kudos

From Tom Sims: "We should take care, in inculcating patriotism into our boys and girls, that is a patriotism above the narrow sentiment which usually stops at one's country, and thus inspires jealousy and enmity in dealing with others... Our patriotism should be of the wider, nobler kind which recognizes justice and reasonableness in the claims of others and which lead our country into comradeship with...the other nations of the world. The first step to this end is to develop peace and goodwill within our borders, by training our youth of both sexes to its practice as their habit of life, so that the jealousies of town against town, class against class and sect against sect no longer exist; and then to extend this good feeling beyond our frontiers towards our neighbors." Lord Baden-Powell

Fall Court of Honor was held on Wednesday September 21st at the Contempo Club House.
Set-up was done by the Cobras, hosts were Glenn G. and Allen C., and the Scorpions and Sharks did the clean-up. A video of photos taken by troop 110 scouts who attended the National Jamboree where shown at the beginning of the event. Summer camp awards and merit badges were handed out. Several Scouts got promoted to the next rank and got to put rank pins on their parents. Most gave their mothers a kiss, after encouragement from the audience. Special awards where given to 4 boys who distinguished themselves at the Wente Summer Camp. Robbie M. got the award for the "Largest Fish" caught, Adam D. got the award for the "Most Prolific Fisherman", Russell B. got the award for the "King of the Waterfront" for having the most waterfront activities, and David G. got the "Aquaman Award" for being the fastest man on the lake.

The Court of Honor is always well attended and the size of our Troop is steadily growing. Contempo is very crowded during this event and it has been suggested that we consider another location to hold the Court of Honor. Ideas range from having it at a larger hall to making it an outdoor event. Do you have an opinion or know of a great location? We'd like to hear from you, so please attend the next Committee meeting to join in the discussion.

Committee Meetings
You don't have to be a committee member to join the meeting. All adult members are welcome. The committee meetings are held on the fourth Wednesday of every month. The next committee meeting is October 26th. This is the best way to find out about upcoming activities and influence future activities. If you would like to have your opinions heard or would like to get involved with the troop, the committee meeting is the place to start. There are several important matters to be discussed and decided at the next meeting.

• New venue for Courts of Honor
• Fundraising strategy/participation
• New Activity Expense Form
• Mileage Expenses and Reimbursement

Friday night Troop meeting 9/30
This meeting was held at Bruce Chan's home and several new participants attended including the usual Scouts and adult leaders. One new Scout, one boy who wants to join and several Cub Scouts were there to participate in Scout skill training. The training was geared towards preparation for the upcoming Fall Camporee at Los Mochos on October 8th and 9th. The area was divided into three different sections. One section taught younger scouts and cub scouts first aid while the second taught lashings. Both areas were run by older experienced scouts. The third sections was for Dutch oven cooking. We feasted on beef and vegetable stew prepared by Bruce and some of the older Scouts. Tom Sims prepared pizza (my personal favorite) and apple cake, made with apples from his backyard, for desert to complement the Stew. There was plenty of food to go around and most had seconds. The Scouts and Cub Scouts along with their parents enjoy the food using the newly issued Troop 110 mug. The kids and parents had so much fun that the meeting ran pass 10pm and when I left they were talking about making smores.

World Jamboree
July 27 to August 10, 2007 in Highland Park, Chelmsford, England. Primary Languages spoken will be English and French.
Preliminary cost is $3,957, not including:
       Transportation to warm up weekend
       Transportation to departure city
Scouts and Venturers born between July 28, 1989 and July 27, 1994, NO ONE OVER 18. Sign up form on web, Scoutmaster's signature + $500 deposit required ASAP. Checks payable to BSA NATIONAL OFFICE, attn: World Jamboree Application. Travel plans are already contracted, so if a family goes over and arranges to pick up a Scout before the tour returns, there will be no refund for the return trip or flight extensions possible. Do not make the second payment, due 10/1/05, until requested by National. Tour is after the Jamboree, two days in London. Sign up early - the more Bay Area attendees, the more likely there will be a "bay area" Troop. Contact is JamboreeSFBAC@comcast.net

*** Mark Your Calendars ***

September, 2005



Troop Committee Meeting, Contempo @ 7:15 p.m.

Tom Sims



Full Troop Meeting, Mr. Chan's @7:15 pm

Bruce Chan

October, 2005



Troop PLC Meeting, Contempo @7:15 p.m.

Bruce Chan



Fall Camporee, Los Mochos, Meet at Contempo

Bruce Chan



Troop Meeting --First Aid Skills @ 7:15 p.m.

Bruce Chan



Mt. Man Rendezvous, Boulder Creek, Meet at Contempo

Bruce Chan



Troop Advancement and Patrols, Contempo @7:15 p.m.

Bruce Chan



Troop Committee Meeting, Contempo @ 7:15 p.m.

Tom Sims



Full Troop Meeting, Mr. Chan's @7:15 pm

Bruce Chan



Halloween Campout, Camp Cutter, Meet at Contempo

Bruce Chan

Old Business

a. Fundraising Participation
Since participation in fundraising efforts for the Troop General Fund is so limited, should members be offered an opportunity to "opt out," with an assessment based on the costs of running the Troop?

Check with John Pedersen to figure out what we need to run the Troop.

Should this be an amendment to the by-laws or simply a change in the Parent Handbook? This will be discussed at the next meeting.

b. Meeting Times
Except as announced otherwise, for special events such as Courts of Honor, all scheduled Troop 110 meetings start at 7:15. Check web for most recent schedule.

Troop 110 Meeting Schedule - Monthly meeting schedule is as follows:

• FIRST WEDNESDAYS: PLC, Contempo, 7:15-8:30 PM
• LAST WEDNESDAYS (**): Troop Committee, Contempo, 7:15-8:30 PM
• SECOND WEDNESDAYS: Full Troop Meeting, Contempo, 7:15-8:30 PM
• THIRD WEDNESDAYS: Patrols/Advancements, Contempo, 7:15-8:30 PM
• FOURTH FRIDAYS: Full Troop Meeting, Mr. Chan's, 7:15 PM

c. Troop Organization - There are some adult positions that still to be filled:

Equipment Coordinator - Ideas to improve troop equipment organization
       • Patrol quarter masters do more work so it is less work for Troop quarter master
       • Purchase troop trailer for troop equipment

Scouting For Food - Nov 5th - Need a new coordinator

Round Table Rep. - Need someone to replace Tom Sims 2nd Thursday of every month. Location LDS Church at Gallaudet and Walnut

Wreath Sale - Coordinators need $958.00 for purchase of 100 wreaths for sale at a yet to be determined store location. Approved by committee.

New Business

a. BSA Guidelines for Adult Members
Tom gave handouts of Board of Review Guidelines from Saddleback District (Orange County). This will help adults who conduct Board of Reviews.

Scheduling Troop Committee Challenge for new members - After first of the year - John Gillen will coordinate.

Adult position description of responsibilities is almost ready to publish. This document will describe the responsibilities that come with each adult position. It is difficult to volunteer for a position without knowing what your responsibilities are. This should help members who are interested in helping the troop function properly.

Recommend adding the senior Boy Scout leadership to attend committee meetings.

b. Activity Expense Form

Start using a form for turning in expenses to help in accounting and make sure all permits and requirements are covered. This will help the coordinators in planning the event and make sure that all bases are covered.

Activities coordinator will fill out form and receive the expenses and list of attendees from event coordinator.

Exceptions are pay as you go events, equipment expenses, and fundraising activities.

Anything over $100 needs to be approved by budget committee

Deal with treasurer for money questions.

c. Mileage Expenses and Reimbursement

For events that are over 25 miles, drivers will be compensated at 14.5 cents per mile. This will be voted on by the committee next meeting.

d. Courts of Honor

New Venue Needed?? We are getting crowded Coordinators will investigate new sites or even campouts.

e. Scouting for Food in November

Volunteer(s) Needed!! Location for this year's Scouting for Food campaign is Appian Way and Union City flat lands below Appian. We need someone to be the coordinator.

f. Christmas Party

Volunteer(s) Needed!!

Tom would like to see this become an annual event
Troop band/Entertainment
Keep it an informal event
Will set date sooner (weekend before last day of school)

Christmas Caroling Event - Bruce Chan suggested visiting the Masonic Lodge or some other location to sing Christmas Carols to the retirees.

Committee Officer Reports

Treasurer report - Account is up a little due to fundraising.

Scout Master Report

  • Jamboree tents might be on sale - Bruce to purchase 12 if they become available.
  • One boy left troop, One Joined-Brian Lee.
  • Justin Carpio might be joining this Friday.
  • Falcons and Scorpions are having regular meetings.
  • Sharks need more members - they will invite friends to campouts.
  • 20-mile hike-8 boys and 3 adults made it.
  • COH last week ended at 9PM
  • Friday night meeting 9/30 - Scout skills for Camporee, Dutch oven cooking.•Campout is changed to Los Mochos to make it easier for folks to attend.
  • Movie (to be determined) will be PG rated only.

Ended 8:50

Troop Members may go to our Members Area for the original version
of this issue of the Troop Tribune PDF, complete with pictures.

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