~ Troop 110 Tribune ~
Editor: Tom Sims
Scoutmaster: Bill Westcott | Committee Chair: John Pedersen
SPL: Eric W. | ASPLs: Matt Y., Josh S.
2001: |
2002: |
January 7 | February 11 | March 12 | April 24 | May 21 | June 11 | July 17 | August 2 |
Troop Tribune - August 2,
2002 Vacation Edition Short newsletter this month, folks, vacation's about to start, but I wanted to circulate the Committee Meeting notes and the current calendar of upcoming activities &endash; see you all in September! Calling All Parents!!! Troop 110 needs more Eagle Merit Badge counselors -- please contact John Pedersen or Bill Westcott if you can help! Troop 110 also needs one parent from each of the Scout patrols, to serve on the new Fundraising Subcommittee. Contact Ted Mutch if you are willing to volunteer. Calling all Summer Campers!!! Please share your Summer Camp experiences with the rest of the Troop by submitting an article to the Troop Tribune. Hand them to me at aTroop meeting, or email them to trsims@att.net.
Notes from the Troop 110 Committee Meeting, July 31, 2002: The meeting was called to order by Chair John Pedersen. Carol Barnes was absent, so the minutes were read from the Troop Tribune meeting notes, copies of which were distributed, and approved as written Announcements: (See "Mark Your Calendars" for general information about upcoming Troop and District events). 12 Troop members and adults are in canoes for the upcoming whitewater trip, with 3 more in camp for a total of 15. Saturday, August 31st, originally scheduled for a Rim Rover hike, will feature a bicycle hike, tentatively to be coordinated by Mike Yorks and Mike Kirkpatrick. Several requirements for the Cycling Merit Badge will be addressed in advance, and this tour, possibly Hayward to the San Leandro Marina, will one of the 15-mile trek requirements. John Pedersen is still trying to contact Richard Westover, the District training coordinator, to schedule Troop Committee training. A recommendation was made to defer scheduling of training sessions until after the start of the school year, so that families on vacations do not have to be rescheduled. This training will satisfy one of the ancillary requirements for the BSA Leader Training Award, for which all Acorn-trained Troop adults are eligible. Next year, Acorn sessions I and II will be offered in the Fall as well as Spring; both are prerequisites for the Acorn III outdoor session, scheduled for next Spring only. Fall Court of Honor will be on Wednesday, September 25th. Hot Dog cooking begins at 6:00, dinner at 6:30, and the ceremonies begin precisely at 7:00. Treasurer's Report: Two months combined. Several negative balances are reflected in the Scout accounts, due to the canoe trip attendees already having been assessed (make your checks payable to BSA Troop 110 ). According to Mike Magno, there are some outstanding refunds to all Scouts and adults who attended Camp Wente, as well. The Budget Subcommittee will meet in the next couple of weeks, to consider, among other things, increasing the stipend for Eagle Courts of Honor. The Treasurer's Report was approved after discussion. Advancement Report: Julie Kirkpatrick will use a combination of Troopmaster software and custom spreadsheets to track Scout data and advancements. She is currently reconciling data from Roger Butler's spreadsheet and the old wall charts. Julie asked if there was someone in each Patrol designated to track Patrol advancements; the response was that officially there was no one, but that an adult in each group was generally in charge of this, with the Patrol Leader actually responsible. John Pedersen thanked Julie for stepping forward to volunteer. Steve Wallcave volunteered to present her reports at those Committee meetings she is unable to attend due to scheduling confilcts. Fundraising Report: Deferred, Ted Mutch absent. It was pointed out that the Popcorn Kickoff is scheduled for September 14th. Scoutmaster's Report: Tonight's PLC meeting included new members Joseph Wallcave and Michael Haskin of the Cobras and Hilton Day and Irwin Billing for the Lightning Bolts. Upcoming Troop meeting programs: August 7th, part 2 of "compass and maps" class; August 14th will be a Swim Night; August 21st will feature a "bike safety" presentation; August 28th will be a softball game - the Scouts have challenged the adults to a game. The calendar planning meeting netted a great many suggestions, still no final schedule. The Scoutmaster and Senior Patrol Leader are working with the New Haven Unified School District calendar and seeking input from members in the Newark and Fremont districts on their upcoming school year schedules. There is some interest in a Troop "snow camp," independent of the upcoming Klondike Derby. It is expected that the results will be collated by the end of the month, to be announced at the Troop meeting on September 9th. He emphasized that for those new Scouts interested in the Klondike Derby need first to attend the Order of the Arrow Winter Awareness session on Saturday, December 7th. Old Business: Bill Fournell estimates the Troop will clear somewhere around ...* Financial details omitted here. Troop 110 members may go to our Members Page for financial details. See Committee Meeting Notes *... John Pedersen emphasized that the Troop still needs adults to volunteer as councilors for Eagle-required Merit Badges. A reminder about Woodbadge training was also given. New Business: Troop 110 ball caps, featuring a smaller version of the Troop Emblem, will be available for $6.00 each; Cindy Short volunteered to take charge of the sales. Venture Crew 110 is up and running, the program will be developed over the next year by the members, all 110 Scouts 14 and older. The Venture Committee includes all current members of the Troop 110 Committee. Bill Westcott envisions this as a "generalist" Crew, rather than one that will specialize along career or recreational lines. It was recommended that the Fundraising Chair speak ASAP with Mike Short about the Pumpkin Patch requirements, since a go-or-no-go decision needs to be made quickly. Rawnie Clements reminded everyone of the upcoming Mountain Man Rendezvous - she will take the first 30 paid reservations, cost is $12.00 per person. The meeting was adjourned at 9:30. |
Troop Tribune - July 17,
2002 Kudos and Thanks Kudos to the 28 Scouts who attended Camp Wente this year, earning a total of 90 Merit Badges; eXtreme Kudos to the Screaming Eagles, who topped all Patrols with their Merit Badge total! Kudos to Andrew W., who was named an Honor Scout; Kudos as well to Olaf G., for completing the requirements for BSA Lifeguard. Thanks to all the Troop 110 adults who came forward to help with the Lions Club Independence Day fundraiser while the Troop was at Camp Wente. We were a hit, and have been invited back next year. Thanks to Screaming Eagle parent Ted Mutch, for his generous, if provisional, offer to chair the new Fundraising Subcommittee. Thanks in advance to all those courageous adults who step forward to assist him! Calling All Parents!!! Troop 110 needs more Eagle Merit Badge counselors -- please contact John Pedersen or Bill Westcott if you can help! Troop 110 also needs one parent from each of the Scout patrols, to serve on the new Fundraising Subcommittee. Contact Ted Mutch if you are willing to volunteer. Calling all Summer Campers!!! Please share your Summer Camp experiences with the rest of the Troop by submitting an article to the Troop Tribune. Hand them to me at any Troop meeting, or email them to trsims@att.net. Klamath River Whitewater Adventure There is still space available for all interested Scouts and parents who want to canoe on the Klamath. Minimum requirements for being on the water are and 10 _, pass the BSA Swim Test at an upcoming Troop Meeting, and all permission slips and medical forms completed and up-to-date. Non-canoeing campers are also welcome. The cost for participation is $265 for canoers, $65 for camping only. See Bill Westcott to sign up! Mrs. Westcott's Taco Salad Recipe Prepare ground beef as for tacos. Allow to cool. Mix lettuce (any variety) with olives, shredded cheddar cheese, chili beans, garbonzo beans etc. Amounts as desired. Sprinkle with one package dry taco seasoning mix (Lowry's or any other brand). Toss with Italian salad dressing to taste. Garnish with tortilla chips. Enjoy! - Elaine Westcott Mrs. Bowerman's Pasta Salad with Coconut and Marshmallows
- Sue Bowerman Notes from the Troop 110 Committee Meeting, July 10, 2002: The meeting was called to order by Chair John Pedersen. Carol Barnes was absent and no one brought a copy of the June Tribune, so the reading of the minutes was deferred. There was some discussion about a key point from the meeting, that the Budget Subcommittee was asked to consider a recommendation to increase the stipend for Eagle Courts, which will happen at the next subcommittee meeting. Announcements: (See "Mark Your Calendars" for general information about upcoming Troop and District events). Carl Grippa, Mike Magno, John Pedersen, Judy Pratt, Cindy Short and Bill Westcott will be trained as climbing instructors at City Beach on Monday, July 15th. After training they will be qualified to supervise climbs for Troop 110. Loose fitting clothes were recommended. The July 17th Troop meeting will be a Family Swim at the Contempo clubhouse pool. There will be a brief meeting at 7:00 with swimming afterward until 9:00. Scouts on the trail to First or Second Class will want to attend the July 24th meeting, which will feature a presentation on compasses and maps. The next PLC and Troop Committee meetings will be moved ahead one week, to July 31st, due to the upcoming Canoe trip during the first week of August. Troop Committee and Youth Protection training will be held during the August Troop meeting times, exact dates to be announced later. Bill Westcott will supervise the Youth Protection sessions, John Pedersen will contact the District office to review current training requirements. Treasurer's Report: Deferred. Advancement Report: Deferred; Julie Kirkpatrick is still taking transition from Rawnie Clements and Roger Butler. Scoutmaster's Report: So far about a dozen Troop 110 Scouts and adults have signed up to ride in canoes for the August trip. Other Troops in the District have been contacted through the Commissioner's email distribution, as well as interested Venture Crews. This year's summer camp was a smashing, one might say eXtreme, success. 28 Scouts attended, as well as a couple of provisional members of Troop 237 in San Francisco. A total of 90 Merit Badges were completed, with an additional dozen or so partials. Some Scouts earned as many as 5, all earned at least 2. Special recognition is due to Olaf G., who completed the requirements for BSA Lifeguard, and to Andrew W., who was named an Honor Scout. Most of the King Cobras completed their Second Class requirements, as well. We have reserved the week after the 4th of July (July 6th through the 12th) for next year's camp at Wente. Several activities have been proposed by the Troop for next year and are still being collated. Some Council-sponsored events have already been recommended for inclusion in the Troop 110 calendar: Scout Weekend at Oakwood Lakes, September 13th-15th, Mountain Man Rendezvous, October 18th-20th, and Fall Camporee, October 11th-13th. Some Troop members may also participate in Shooting Camp, October 4th-6th at Rancho Los Mochos, and several Troop 110 adults have expressed interest in the Fall 2002 Woodbadge program. The Fall Court of Honor will be held at Contempo on September 25th. This will be a long program, and will include a picnic style dinner of hot dogs with all the trimmings. Seating for dinner should be completed by 6:30, with the Court starting at 6:45; some Scouts have volunteered to present skits, as well, but the Court should be completed by 9:00. Two more Eagle Scouts are on the way: Eric W. has completed everything but his write-up, and Matt Y. only has a few Merit Badge requirements remaining. Dennis Hoban has postponed his Eagle Court of Honor until November, following completion of basic training in the US Army. Old Business: John Pedersen expressed thanks on behalf of the Troop to Bill Fournell, for engineering the Troop's involvement in the Lions Club Independence Day fundraiser. We have been invited to participate again next year. He also pointed out that this activity is supported by an overwhelming majority of Troop 110 parents, who should all be available to participate next year, due to the rescheduling of Summer Camp. New Business: More Troop 110 adults are needed to serve as counselors for Eagle-required Merit Badges. Please review the list in the Troop 110 Members Area link from http://www.bsatroop110.org and contact John Pedersen if interested. Woodbadge training for adult leaders is coming in the September &endash; please visit http://www.sfbac.org/training/wb and then contact John Pedersen if interested. Participants must have completed BSA leader training (a.k.a. Acorn) and have in their possession an up-to-date BSA Class 3 medical form. Bill Westcott shared that a new Venture Crew has registered as unit 110; all Troop 110 Scouts who are 14 or older are automatically members. The program is expected to take shape over the next year and will require no additional registration fee for registered Scouts or adults. The current Troop 110 Committee is also the Crew 110 Committee. Ted Mutch has provisionally volunteered to be Fundraising Subcommittee Chair. His first assignment, should he choose to accept it, is to look into the upcoming air show at Moffit Field at the end of July. Mike Magno recommended this as a fundraising opportunity for the Scouts, as it will also meet one of the requirements for Citizenship in the Nation, an Eagle required Merit Badge. Bill Fournell gave a brief report on his recent Philmont experience and distributed commemorative Philmont pens to all Committee members in attendance. Mike Magno pointed out that Tour Permits no longer need drivers' information on the back, as all Troop 110 adults and their cars are registered with Council &endash; simply write "with Council" on the permit form. The meeting was adjourned at 9:05.
Troop Tribune - June 11,
2002 Calling All Parents!!! As reported in last month's Tribune, the Tree Lot Subcommittee has recommended that Troop 110 discontinue the Christmas fundraiser. A new subcommittee is being formed to oversee all Troop fundraising, and we need an adult volunteer from each Patrol, one of whom should be willing to serve as Fundraising Chairperson. If interested, please contact John Pedersen. Kudos and Thanks Thanks to all the Scouts and adults volunteered their time at Scout-O-Rama 2002, braving gale force winds and unseasonably cold weather to make the Troop 110 craft booth a success. Thanks to Cobra parent Julie Kirkpatrick, for volunteering to serve as Advancement Chair. Many Thanks to Ben S., Justin M. and Olaf G., for their informative contributions to the Troop Tribune. Let us hopefully look forward to the many others who will follow their example! Max Lyness Eagle Court of Honor Mark your calendars for Sunday, June 16th, at 2:00 p.m. Max Lyness' Eagle Court of Honor will be held in the theater of Newark Memorial High School. You can view a copy of the invitation at http://www.lyness.com/invite.html Max's father has set up a voice mailbox for interested Scouts and parents to record congratulatory messages for posting on the web. Call (510) 834-1857 if you would like to do so, particularly those who are unable to attend the Court. Way to go Max! Holiday Fundraising Opportunity Mr. Bill Fournell has arranged for Troop 110 parents and adult leaders to participate in an Independence Day fundraising project with the Union City Lions Club. This seasonal fundraiser will run from Saturday, June 29th, through Thursday, July 4th, with three 4-hour shifts each day from 9:00 a.m to 9:00 p.m. Interested adults who will be available during those days should contact Judy Pratt. All profits collected for the Troop will support the general fund. Water, Wind and Fire(works) On the weekend of May 17-19, Troop 110 went on their way to Oakwood Manteca Waterslides. Eighteen people attended, and we set up camp under brutally howling winds. The next day, the people started with Thunder Falls. Then we went on to The Famous Manteca Waterslides. "Those were the most thrilling water tubes ever!" exclaimed one Scout. Next was the Turbo Tubes. They were inner tubes which were again in water tubes. Then we had lunch, rested, and then hit the Jet Stream. The rest of the day we lounged around. After that, we checked out the Go-Karts. Next we had dinner, then we saw an amazing $30,000.00 fireworks show. The next day we broke camp and left. It was a rough weekend (only for adults) but Troop 110 survived. - Justin M. Good Turn Grave Decoration On May 25th 2002, 31 members of Troop 110 went across the Bay to San Bruno in order to decorate a section of graves at the Golden Gate National Cemetery. There are almost 120,000 veterans buried at the Golden Gate National Cemetery, and they all fought for our country in either World War I, World War II, the Korean War or the Vietnam War. We spent about 2 hours decorating the graves, and we all had a good time doing our daily good turn. - Olaf G. Notes from the Troop 110 Committee Meeting, June 5, 2002: The meeting was called to order by Acting Chair Pam Mutch. Minutes from the May 1st meeting were read by Carol Barnes and unanimously approved. Announcements: (See "Mark Your Calendars" for general information about upcoming Troop and District events). The summer Court of Honor will be held at Contempo on June 12th at 6:30, and will feature a potluck dinner. The Screaming Eagles are responsible for setup, Lightning Bolts for cleanup, families whose last names are A-H should bring salads, I-P main dishes and Q-Z desserts. Brownsea Junior Leader Training will be held at Wente Scout Reservation during the week of June 16th to 22nd; Chris M., Joe P. and Andrew W. will represent Troop 110. Good luck, guys. Max Lyness' Eagle Court of Honor will be held on Sunday, June 16th at 2:00 p.m. in the theater of Newark High School. It will be a bit more theatrical than most Eagle Courts, and all Troop 110 Scouts and parents are encouraged to RSVP and attend. Treasurer's Report: The monthly report was approved as written; approval of the annual budget was deferred until Old Business. Advancement Report: Deferred, but Julie Kirkpatrick, a new Cobra parent, has volunteered to serve as Advancement Chair. Scoutmaster's Report: The PLC has set the schedule for the upcoming Troop meetings, as follows: June 19th will be a Troop swim night at Contempo; Scout uniforms are not required. All Scouts will have the opportunity to pass the Troop BSA swim test, which is a requirement for participation in the upcoming white water canoe trip. June 26th will be devoted to planning the annual Troop activity calendar. Rawnie Clements is accepting signups for the Mountain Man Rendezvous, October 18th-20th; Troop 110 will be making jerky. Limited space is available, so sign up now. Signups are also in progress for the canoe trip, August 4th-11th. This activity is open to all Troop 110 Scouts and their families. For those who wish to canoe, the cost will be approximately $265.00 each, for camping only the cost will run around $65.00. Minimum age for canoeing is 10. Payment will be due in advance by mid-July. Dennis Hoban's Eagle Court of Honor is scheduled for July 27th. No other details are available as yet. Old Business: Thanks to Carol Barnes for bringing her old records, it was reported that the Committee discussion at the September 8, 1999 meeting concluded that the $100.00 grant for Eagle Courts included the cost for neckerchief and slide ($25.) and US flag flown over the Capitol ($10.). The remainder could be allocated to decorations and settings, at the discretion of the family, if requested. The cost of the Eagle Badge, Ribbon, case and pins ($20.) has traditionally been considered separately, and Bill Westcott suggested this should continue. Tom Sims also pointed out that Section IX.2.0 of the recently approved Troop Bylaws states that the Troop will also present each Eagle Scout with a 5-year membership in the National Eagle Scout Association. The Budget was approved as written, despite some residual concern over this matter. It was suggested that the Budget Subcommittee entertain a recommendation to raise the amount of the Eagle Court honorarium to $150.00 to cover everything. New Business: Mike Magno reported on the climbing wall at City Beach. They require adult instructors certified by their staff in a 2-hour class, the cost of which is $35.00 per adult. Times are 7-9 p.m. Monday-Thursday, 11-1:30 Saturday. One instructor per rope is required, and the classes are limited to 6 participants. Interested adults should contact Mike Magno; Bill Westcott suggested Monday, July 15th, as a good date to schedule. They also have a program to train youth instructors ages 12-17, at a cost of $69.00 each. Cindy Short requested information on the requirements for mentoring for the Personal Fitness Award. She is willing to bring the details back to committee if someone can tell her who to talk to. Albert Gallegos will check with someone at the Council office for details. Bill Westcott indicated there was a need for some adults to spearhead car wash and garage sale fundraisers in which the Scouts can participate to fund their Troop Scout accounts. The Committee was reminded of the Tree Lot Subcommittee recommendation that a new Fundraising Subcommittee be formed, consisting of one parent from each Patrol. Tom Sims will post this prominently in the next newsletter. Dates for upcoming Committee and PLC meetings will change due to Troop activities: The July meeting date will be Wednesday, July 10th; the August meeting will be Wednesday, August 14th. Judy Pratt is scheduling times for Troop 110 adults to assist with the upcoming Lions Club fundraiser, June 29th-July 4th. Bill Fournell reported that the Lions are committing to a 70-30 split with the Troop, for sales made during hours manned. The meeting was adjourned at 9:10.
Thanks, |
Troop Tribune - May 21,
2002 Calling All New Parents!!! Troop 110 is in need of a new Advancement Chair to track Scouts' advancements and Merit Badges. This very important position requires some computer talents but it is much, much easier than writing the Troop Tribute!!! If interested, contact John Pederson. Cardboard Boat Derby a Success Congratulations to Eric W. and Matt Y., whose boat had the fastest time by a nose. Honorable mention to Andrew W. and Mark A. for their second place "unsinkable" entry. Kudos and Thanks Thanks to Senior Patrol Leader Eric W. (a.k.a."Captain Aqua"), for being as good as his word and providing the entertainment after the Spring Court of Honor. In a fine demonstration of Scout Leadership, he was also able to convince his assistants to take the plunge along with him. Kudos to Dennis Hoban, who passed his Eagle Board of Review on May 15th. Way to go! Kudos to Cindy Short, who received a District Leader Appreciation Award at the District Awards Dinner on May 11th. Kudos also to Troop 110, once again declared a Distinguished Unit, this year our Troop was also given the Baden-Powell award for its support of Troop 2, charted to the California School for the Blind. We are setting a fine example for others to follow. Troop 110 Bylaws Approved Following a brief discussion, the Troop 110 Bylaws, as recommended out of subcommittee, were adopted in committee by unanimous vote. Download your copy from the Troop web site at www.bsatroop110.org Oakwood Lake Scout Weekend Those happy few Scouts and their families who attended the Scout Weekend at Oakwood Lake were treated to a spectacular fireworks show on Saturday night. One of the largest California manufacturers of commercial fireworks was on hand for a demonstration of their product line, as representatives of various fireworks venues throughout the West came for the display. The campsites lacked the usual Scouting amenities - no fireplaces or barbecues - but a good, if windy, time was had by everyone. Thanks to Ted and Pam Mutch for organizing the outing. Good Turn Grave Decoration Join the Scouts nationwide in their annual tribute to American Veterans. Our Troop will be helping to place flags on all markers at the Golden Gate National Cemetery in San Bruno. See Rawnie Clements to sign up. In past years the Scouts have been able to plant all their flags in four hours or less, an impressive achievement marking an important national holiday. Notes from the Troop 110 Committee Meeting, May 1, 2002: The meeting was called to order Chair John Pedersen at 7:50. Attendees included Carol Barnes, Bill Fournell, Carl Grippa, Jay Hendee, Mike Magno, Ted Mutch, Cindy Short, Mike Short, Tom Sims, Steve Wallcave, Bill Westcott, Mike Yorks and Sue Yorks. The two new parents of the Cobra Patrol were welcomed, and a report from the Tree Lot Subcommittee was added as New Business to the agenda. The minutes from the April meeting were read and unanimously approved. Announcements: (See "Mark Your Calendars" below for general information about upcoming Troop and District events). Bill Westcott reminded everyone of the upcoming District Recognition Dinner, May 11th at the Buddhist Temple on Alvarado-Niles. The cost is $10.00 per person and can be paid at the door. Scouts and families who have signed up for participation in the Memorial Day weekend project to plan flags at the Golden Gate National Cemetery should meet at the site in San Bruno at 8:00 a.m., Saturday, May 25th. Please wear your full "Class A" uniforms. Treasurer's Report: Statements from the banks for earned interest are not included in this month's report, since they have not yet been received. There are also some outstanding receivables that will bring the expense balance down. The report was unanimously approved as written. The Budget Subcommittee submitted a preliminary budget for the current year. Last year's estimates were fairly close to actuals, so those used to estimate the remainder of this year. Expenses are expected to be slightly higher, due to the purchase of new Patrol Box equipment and cooking gear and to the expectation there will be more Eagle Courts of Honor. The "Donations" category was discussed, but nothing was budgeted for it, so suggestions for donations of any kind will be handled on a case by case basis. Brownsea reimbursement was also discussed, including a sidebar on individual qualifications - active Troop participation is required for the Scoutmaster's recommendation, in addition to age and rank. This year's selected Scouts are Chris M., Joe P. and Andrew W. - as in the past, these Scouts will be expected to meet a defined obligation to the Troop in order to qualify for reimbursement. If more Scouts are to be sent in the future, we may have to reduce the reimbursement amount. Approval of the budget was tabled, pending the Secretary's report of past decisions, including financial support for Eagle Courts. Advancement Report: Deferred due to Roger Butler's absence. In view of Roger's work commitments, John Pedersen has asked for a volunteer to fill the position of Advancement Chair. A parent from the Cobras offered to ask their former Den Advancement Coordinator to assume those responsibilities, but any parent interested in tracking advancement for the Troop should contact John. Scoutmaster's Report: The PLC has set the schedule for the upcoming Troop meetings, as follows: May 8th will be a "skills night" for Tenderfoot Scouts, including some First Aid. May 15th will start at 6:30 in order to complete the Boat Regatta before sundown. The last hour will be a Summer Camp presentation for parents of Scouts who have never attended a camp in the SFBAC council. May 22nd meeting will be time to finalize Scout-a-Rama plans, and there will be a presentation on flag etiquette. May 29th will feature a skills rally and obstacle course - Adult participation is essential!! There will be a visit during June by some Fire Department personnel, who will talk about emergency preparedness and response. Troop participation in the Spring Camporee was called off due to lack of interest, only two Scouts signed up. Troop 110 in the news: Dennis Hoban's project was featured in the May 2002 edition of "California Waterfowl." Two of our Scouts were also mentioned prominently in the news coverage of the CERT training exercise. Eagle update: Max Lyness' Court of Honor will be June 16th, details to be announced. Eric W's. project is in progress; Matt Y. has finished his paperwork - he plans to build picnic tables and barbeques for Garin Park. Phil P. and Olaf G. are also awaiting approval for their projects; Phil plans to paint fire hydrants for the City of Newark, Olaf will build a bridge at the Don Edwards wildlife preserve. Old Business: none. New Business: The new Troop 110 Bylaws were passed unanimously after some discussion. Steve Wallcave had asked about the positioning of some sections in Article IV, which were resolved when the hard copy of the draft was reviewed. Mike Short felt there should be something added about individual Scouts' fundraising obligations, but he agreed they would be equally effective if added to the Parent Handbook. The Tree Lot Subcommittee made the following recommendations, which will be reviewed at next month's Committee meeting: 1) Discontinue the tree lot as a Troop fundraiser; 2) Continue the Pumpkin Patch if possible; 3) Troop will take 25% of the profits from popcorn sales, 75% to the individual Scout's account; 4) Troop will take 40% of the profits from wreath sales, 60% to the Scouts' account; 5) Other fundraising suggestions included car wash (100% to the participating Scouts' accounts), garage sale (100% to the Troop) and $1-2 Troop "surcharge" on T-Shirt sales. Due to the additional effort that will be involved in fundraising in the future, the Subcommittee also recommends the formation of a new Fundraising Subcommittee, which should share at least one member with the Budget Subcommittee.
Thanks, |
Troop Tribune - April 24,
2002 Final Summer Camp Payment due!! Kudos and Thanks Troop 110 Bylaws Proposed Other important topics on the May 1 Agenda are presentations by the Budget and Tree Lot Subcommittees - your participation is very important, so please be there! Moaning Caverns Adventure Spring Camporee at Los Mochos Cardboard Boat Derby Oakwood Lake Scout Weekend Good Turn Grave Decoration Notes from the Troop 110 Committee Meeting, April 3, 2002: The meeting was called to order Acting Chair Pam Mutch at 7:45. Attendees included Marilyn Epps, Bill Fournell, Carl Grippa, Mike Magno, Cindy Short, Mike Short, Tom Sims, Bill Westcott, Mike Yorks and Sue Yorks. Carol Barnes was welcomed back as recording secretary. The minutes for the March committee meeting were read by Tom Sims from the March 2002 Troop Tribune and unanimously approved as read. Announcements: (See "Mark Your Calendars" for general information about upcoming Troop and District events). Cindy Short reminded everyone about the upcoming CERT training event, in which participating Scouts could earn 4 hours of community service, and suggested all participants who attend Logan High also register their hours toward their graduation requirements. Mike Magno reminded everyone of upcoming Earth Day events on Sunday, April 20th - he has 3 openings left for anyone interested in helping with California Trail Days. 18 Scouts and 10 adults have signed up for the campout and cave adventures at Moaning Caverns the weekend of April 19th. A caravan will leave Contempo at 6:30 Friday evening. For Scouts who do not meet the minimum requirements for Spelunking or Rappelling, there will be several advancement activities overseen by Cindy Short and Mike Yorks. For those planning to attend Scout Day at the Oakland A's, the caravan will return shortly after noon on Sunday. The Spring Court of Honor will be held on April 24th. Committee members were asked to be available at all Troop meetings until then, in order to constitute Boards of Review for Scouts completing advancement requirements. The Cobras will be responsible for setting up, and the cleanup crew will consist of a combination of the older patrols. There will also be a Dutch oven dessert cook off if anyone is interested. There are 4 Troop 110 parents currently enrolled in Acorn 55, only the weekend outdoor sessions remains to be held. Treasurer's Report: A revised February report was distributed with a correction for the Bayview Bank balance, which was actually higher, probably due to a missing deposit slip. A side discussion on the tree lot fundraiser followed, it was noted that the lot behind the Hick'ry Pit is now posted for sale - the tree lot subcommittee has yet to meet, but this could become an issue. The February report was re-approved as amended, and the March report was approved as written. Advancement Report: Deferred due to Roger Butler's absence. Scoutmaster's Report: This year's Scout-a-Rama theme is "Cultures around the World;" the Troop's activity has yet to be chosen. The BSA has revised requirements for First Class, removing swimming requirement 9C, emergency floatation, which is now only in the Swimming Merit Badge. Upcoming Troop meetings: April 10th will have breakout sessions to plan menus for the Moaning Caverns trip; April 17th will feature a Leadership Presentation by the senior Scout leadership. In response to concerns about non-functioning patrols, the Scoutmaster and Senior Patrol Leader have made some changes in patrol configuration. The Cobras, Lightning Bolts and the Screaming Eagles are essentially unchanged; the Roadkill, Stalking Tigers and Flaming Squirrels are combined into a new patrol, name yet to be determined; a "leadership corps," consisting of the Flaming Arrows and other senior Scouts, will function as a Senior patrol and be available individually to assist the younger patrols. Tom Sims will update John Pedersen and Skip Wagner, so that the roster spreadsheet and the web site can be updated. Old Business: none. New Business: Bill Fournell encouraged all Troop 110 adults to re-enroll in BSA Youth Protection; this is required for Adult leaders every 3 years. Bill Westcott suggested Council be contacted for materials, and then a session held perhaps at the May Committee Meeting. He will also speak to the PLC about Scout leader Youth Protection training at an upcoming Troop meeting. The proposed Troop Bylaws were presented for first reading, with very little comment. Interested Committee members are encouraged to visit the Troop web site and review them, as they will be presented for approval at the May Committee meeting. Bill Westcott reported, per Dana Smith, that there might be an Eagle Court of Honor in May: Max Lyness' Board of Review went very well. Phillip Pauley and Eric Westcott have selected their Eagle Projects, both are awaiting approval. The meeting was adjourned at about 9:10.
Merit Badge IQ: The following quiz recently circulated on the MP district announcement list; it was created from statistics collected by Richard Westover, a Newark Scouter. In the spirit of this month's statewide standardized testing schedule, I'd like to offer this chance to test your "Merit Badge IQ." Answers are listed below. 1. How many Merit Badges were earned in 2000? a. Less than 1,000,000 2. How many different Merit badges were earned in 2000? a. 101 3. Of the Merit Badges Earned in 2000, how many have since been discontinued? a. None 4. Where do you think Backpacking ranked? a. 9 5. Where do you think Cooking ranked? a. 4 6. Which Eagle required Merit Badge was the most earned in 2000? a. First Aid 7. Which Eagle required Merit Badge was the least earned in 2000? a. Hiking Richard Westover's Merit Badge Statistics for Y2K: Badge # earned Badge # earned Badge # earned Badge # earned Swimming 102,378 Shotgun Shooting 20,106 Pets 6,658 Bird Study 2,481 First Aid 101,200 Small-Boat Sailing 19,664 Scholarship 6,540 Model Design &
Bldg. 2,270 Personal Fitness 82,865 Astronomy 18,206 Auto Mechanics 6,348 Engineering 2,121 Environmental Sci. 73,324 Computers 17,461 Water Skiing 6,298 Architecture 2,106 Camping 70,916 Aviation 17,257 Photography 6,106 Gardening 2,056 Cit. in the Nation 67,308 Fish & Wildlife
Mgmt 17,230 Woodwork 5,749 Veterinary Science 1,879 Cit. in the Community 65,630 Geology 16,919 Salesmanship 5,664 Insect Study 1,771 Cit. in the World 63,393 Weather 16,527 Genealogy 5,610 American Cultures 1,729 Leatherwork 62,850 Nature 16,438 Plumbing 5,383 Drafting 1,700 Communications 59,388 Soil & Water
Cons. 15,835 Law 5,274 Theater 1,697 Basketry 55,596 Forestry 15,318 Atomic Energy 5,230 Farm Mechanics 1,653 Family Life 54,281 Motorboating 14,675 Coin Collecting 5,025 Graphic Arts 1,522 Wood Carving 51,361 Sports 14,487 Railroading 5,004 Energy 1,384 Canoeing 51,083 Pottery 14,299 Chemistry 4,310 Stamp Collecting 1,251 Emergency Prep. 49,847 Snow Sports 12,716 Electronics 4,265 Surveying 1,249 Rifle Shooting 49,468 Music 12,685 Athletics 4,099 Journalism 1,224 Personal Mgmt. 47,232 Firemanship 12,548 Painting 4,021 Public Health 1,171 Wilderness Survival 44,112 Horsemanship 12,113 Radio 3,982 American Business 810 Fingerprinting 43,003 Reptile &
Amphibian 12,072 American Heritage 3,825 Bugling 757 Cooking 41,614 Hiking 11,833 Whitewater 3,882 Entrepreneurship 731 Archery 41,175 Electricity 10,305 Dog Care 3,817 American Labor 731 Lifesaving 37,326 Cycling 9,641 Truck Transportation 3,627 Plant Science 542 Fishing 32,822 Oceanography 8,555 Dentistry 3,371 Machinery* 541 Mammal Study 31,800 Safety 8,099 Cinematography 3,295 Metals Engineering* 249 Metalwork 29,399 Collections 8,048 Pulp and Paper 3,207 Skiing* 244 Pioneering 28,531 Reading 7,835 Traffic Safety 2,840 Consumer Buying* 119 Art 28,531 Golf 7,320 Landscape Arch. 2,830 Agribusiness* 77 Indian Lore 28,394 Sculpture 7,257 Animal Science 2,788 Unclassified 59 Orienteering 25,571 Skating 7,060 Medicine 2,756 General Science* 39 Climbing 23,021 Backpacking 7,038 Archaeology 2,742 Botany* 39 Rowing 22,401 Home Repairs 6,898 Public Speaking 2,639 Beekeeping* 25 Space Exploration 20,713 Crime Prevention 6,781 Disabilities Aware. 2,615 Masonry* 13 * = No longer avail. Textile 2,510 +++ Total +++ 2,166,309
Troop Tribune - March 12,
2002 Kudos and Thanks Kudos and thanks to the families who participated in the Christmas Tree Lot fundraiser. All surveys have been returned and tallied, and the participants have voted to send an additional 10% of the proceeds into the Troop 110 general fund. A donation will also be made to Troop 2 from Fremont, which visited our Pumpkin Patch last October. Way to go! Klondike Derby an adventure in winter weather! Eleven brave Scouts and four adults braved the Sierra winter to attend this year's Klondike Derby at Snowflower Preserve this past weekend. A snow fort was built as the staging area for a series of snowball fights with neighboring Troops. After a day of fun in the snow and a hearty meal, all settled down for a night of camping in the snow, just as a light flurry of flakes began to fall. By 7:00 the next morning the campsite was buried under 5 inches of snow, with more still falling. By the time camp was broken and all equipment packed to return home, however, the storm had passed. With the snowy road back to the highway firmly packed by those who left before, our intrepid band was able find its way home without snow chains (or breakfast). Spring is just around the corner! Scout Night with the Golden State Warriors Enjoy NBA action with the San Francisco Bay Area Council, Boy Scouts of America, as the Warriors take on the Dallas Mavericks, Saturday, March 16th at 7:30 p.m. Wear your Scout uniform to the game and save $7.00 per ticket. $3.00 of the discounted ticket price will go to support inner city Scouting. For information, contact Bill Westcott, or visit the SFBAC website at http://www.sfbac.org/events.html. Boy Scout Day with the Oakland A's See the Oakland A's play the Anaheim Angels on Sunday, April 21,2002. $3.00 of each ticket will go directly to the Scoutreach Program benefiting inner city youth. Tickets are $11.00 for plaza outfield seats, $7.00 for upper reserved seating. Contact Bill Westcott to reserve your place &endash; more information is available at the SFBAC website at http://www.sfbac.org/events.html. A parade of attending Scouts will precede the flag ceremony and game Spring Court of Honor Date changed Due to the conflicting dates for Spring Break between Fremont, Newark and New Haven Schools, the Spring Court of Honor will be held on Wednesday, April 24th. Dessert social (and perhaps a Dutch oven cook-off) will begin at 6:30 with the Court of Honor starting at 7:00. If you are inline for advancement, please be sure you have all requirements completed and schedule a Board of Review and Scoutmaster conference as soon as possible. Final Summer Camp Payment due in April: Contact Mike Magno at any upcoming Troop meeting for details, but see him for sure by the Spring Court of Honor. Notes from the Troop 110 Committee Meeting, March 6, 2002: The meeting was called to order Chair John Pedersen at 7:50. Attendees included Rawnie Clements, Marilyn Epps, Bill Fournell, Pete Godfrey, Shirley Gonzales, Mike Magno, Ted Mutch, John Pedersen, Cindy Short, Tom Sims, Bill Westcott, Sue Yorks and Mike Yorks. Carol Barnes has been asked to join this year's Acorn training staff, so Tom Sims will act as secretary in her absence. Minutes were read from the February 2002 Troop Tribune and unanimously approved with comments. Announcements: (See "Mark Your Calendars" for general information about upcoming Troop and District events). Acorn Adult Leader Training begins March 13, 7-9 p.m. at the Fremont Scout House, with "Adult Leader Essentials." Course #2 (Wed., 3/20 and Sat., 3/23) and Course #3 (Wed., 4/10, and the weekend of 4/12-14) concentrate on Scoutmaster training and outdoor skills. The courses are $5, $10 and $25, respectively. Those interested should contact John Pedersen. The Spring Court of Honor will be moved back to April. The Scoutmaster recommended April 24, due to Spring breaks scheduled in Fremont, Newark and Union City during the first two weeks of April, and the need for at least one regular Troop meeting for Boards of Review and Scoutmaster Conferences beforehand. The recommendation was approved by acclamation. Marilyn Epps asked if the Fall and Summer Courts would eventually be slipped from September and June as well &endash; the Winter date had been moved to January in the past, to accommodate the Tree Lot fundraiser. It is currently under consideration to move the June date earlier, in order to catch the Scouts before they leave for summer vacation. The Court of Honor on the 24th will feature a dessert social and possibly a Dutch oven cook-off. Ted Mutch will bring ice cream for the adults. Treasurer's Report: Tree lot money has yet to be transferred to the Troop's main account, although the Scout accounts have been credited with amounts earned. There was a side discussion as to the best way in which to contact inactive Scouts who may have left the Troop, due to the departure last year of a family that had once been quite active in the Troop. There was general agreement that it should be up to the Patrol leaders to do this, though several Committee members have offered to follow up on this particular case. It was also pointed out that this was an exception to the normal Troop policy that Scout account monies returned to the Troop fund after 90 days. The suggestion was made to contact the previous Felicia Yau, the former treasurer, who may have a current address or Troop affiliation for this one Scout. Concern was raised in this discussion that there were some 110 Patrols that were no longer functioning; John Pedersen will add this as new business on the April agenda. Continuing with the Treasurer's report, Nolan K. has dropped out of the Troop and left the remaining money in his Scout account to the Troop. John Pedersen will send him a note of thanks. There are still two Scout accounts with negative balances and one outstanding 2001 adult Summer Camp balance, which the Treasurer expects to have resolved by the April meeting. Some concern was raised over the fact that the Troop's two accounts do not always appear on the monthly report, a situation the Treasurer has promised to correct in subsequent reports. The Treasurer's report was approved with clarifications. Advancement Report: Deferred due to Roger Butler's absence. Scoutmaster's Report: Hawk Ridge campout was cancelled due to poor participation, probably because of the three-day weekend; the PLC has been advised to re-evaluate the calendar to avoid school vacations. The Klondike Derby is at Snowflower, east of Auburn, the weekend of March 9th. Registration is on Saturday at 8:30, so the Troop participants will meet at Contempo at 5:30 a.m. for a 5:45 departure. A sled has been constructed for the competitions, and the PLC has instructed the Patrols on what to bring &endash; permission slips are required! The March 13th meeting will feature a presentation on lashings and a Log Drag Relay. Scouts are also invited to attend the March 15th meeting of Pack 268 at Searles, particularly those who were Cubs in that Pack, as six Webelos Scouts will bridge into 110 that night. Mike Magno and Mike Yorks had attended the Blue and Gold Banquets for Packs 273 and 268, respectively, with generally good reports &endash; there may be some undecided Cubs from 273 bridge over, as well. The March 20th meeting will feature a Pancake Toss, possibly a preview of the Troop's Scout-o-Rama activity. Troop 250, a newly formed Union City unit, may be invited to participate. Rawnie Clements has room for 4 boys at a Habitat for Humanity project on March 23rd; interested Scouts 14 years old or older are invited to contact her. The March 27th meeting will feature a Skateboard and Plunger Relay &endash; please bring your sanitized plungers; Scouts may also begin making hiking staves. The Moaning Caverns campout and caving adventure is scheduled for April 19th and 20th; 12 years old and 100 pounds are the minimum requirements for participation in the adventure activities; a flyer has been posted on the web site at http://www.bsatroop110.org with all the details. Pricing for Troop 110 hats is being investigated, and the results will be sent to the Budget Committee for approval if the Troop is to provide them. Andrew W., J.R. P. and Chris M. have been given Brownsea application information; Hilton D. and Alan G. are alternates. The participants in the Tree Lot fundraiser voted to give an additional 10% of the remaining proceeds to the Troop fund and make a $500 donation to Troop 2. There will be a Tree Lot Committee meeting to discuss several additional comments from some surveys, before recommending to continue this fundraising activity next year. The Budget Committee will meet before that time and formalize the budgetary responsibilities that have been delegated to them. Old Business: Distribution of the Albertson's Community Partners cards by Marilyn Epps was deferred. Tom Sims reported from the Bylaws Committee that the drafting was almost completed based on committee recommendations, and that the draft would be posted for all Committee members to read, prior to their being introduced for approval at the April Troop Committee meeting. There was some discussion as to the difference between "bylaws," which the Troop never formally adopted, and the "parent guide book," which the Troop maintained, and which is currently out of date. The bylaws will contain the general rules by which the Troop is run, in line with the Charter and Bylaws of the BSA; the Parent Guide will contain the specifics that tend to change frequently. The Bylaws Committee will draft a new Parent Guide after the bylaws are approved and adopted. New Business: Mostly covered in the previous
reports. John Pedersen distributed Quality Unit patches to
all that still needed them There was a spirited discussion of the relative merits of different approaches to the Patrol Method, due to the number of Webelos Dens that have bridged as Patrols. It was generally agreed that the Brownsea-trained older Scouts should be more active in assisting these Patrols. Discussion exceeded the time allowed and was curtailed. A motion was made, seconded and unanimously approved, to pay the training costs of anyone attending "Adult Leader Essentials." The meeting adjourned at 9:06.
Troop Tribune - February
11, 2002 Gung Hay Fat Choi! The lunar New Year is upon us, the Year of the Serpent giving way to the Year of the Horse. Best wishes from your Tribune Editor, for health, prosperity and happiness! Kudos and Thanks! Kudos to all the Scouts of Troop 110 for their dedication to the ideals of Scouting, as reflected in the overwhelming number of advancements and merit badges awarded at the Winter Court of Honor, and for working together to meet Scoutmaster's challenge and racking up almost 500 hours of community service during the last three months of 2001. Thanks to all the adult leaders who joined him in the Contempo pool at the Winter Court of Honor. Thanks also to the interested bystanders who recorded the event on film and video - perhaps one of them will forward a photo or two to this editor for inclusion in a future edition ? February 13th Troop Meeting moved The regular Troop meeting on February 13, 2002, has been scheduled to take place at the Mowry Lanes, 585 Mowry Ave. in Fremont, from 7:00 - 9:00 p.m. An evening of bowling, including two games and show rental, will cost each Scout $10.50. Contact your Senior Patrol Leader if you have any questions - Class B uniforms are encouraged. Tree Lot Surveys due February 15th Surveys are being distributed in person and via mail, to all participating families from the Pumpkin Patch and Tree Lot. Families are asked to vote shares, based on their actual hours worked, on increasing the contribution to Troop 110 and on whether or not to donate to a local needy Troop. Families need to return their surveys to Bill Westcott no later than February 15th, for their votes to be counted. Snow Camping at Pine Crest A "dress rehearsal" for the upcoming Klondike Derby was held at Pine Crest campground on January 19th and 20th. 12 Scouts and 4 adults took part in a day of sledding and snow fort construction, followed by a fortifying camp meal and a night on the snow. A great time was had by all. Mission Peak Indoor Rally Eight Scouts represented Troop 110 at the Indoor Rally at Logan High, Friday February 1st. All present did a great job, including Mike Magno, in his first time ever as a Scoutmaster judge. Whitewater Adventure Presentation At the January 23rd Troop meeting, Neal Rucker, together with his wife and grandson, gave a presentation on this summer's Klamath River Whitewater Adventure. His overview of the weeklong program featured a video sampler of past expeditions with different Scout and Venture units. The Canoe West presentation was followed by video highlights of Troop 110 during their summer trip of year 2000. Hawk Ridge Campout, February 15th Back by popular demand! This coming Friday, Troop 110 will return to Hawk Ridge at Anthony Chabot Park, for a weekend of camping and other activities. The group plans to meet at Contempo on Friday evening at 6:00 p.m. for a 6:30 departure. Scouts should wear their Class A uniforms and be prepared to march with their gear into the campsite from the main gate, about 1.25 miles along a trail lit by flashers and glow sticks. Saturday activities will include volleyball and various Scout crafts. Troop 250, a new unit in the Decoto area, is also being invited to participate. Final Summer Camp Payment due in April Contact Mike Magno at any upcoming Troop meeting for details. Notes from the Troop 110 Committee Meeting, February 6, 2002 The meeting was called to order in the Pioneer Elementary Staff lounge by Chair John Pedersen at 7:50. Attendees included Rawnie Clemens, Pete Godfrey, Mike Magno, Pam Mutch, Ed Pauley, John Pedersen, Cindy Short, Mike Short, Tom Sims and our newest member, Lilian Yao. Carol Barnes has been asked to join this year's Acorn training staff, so Tom Sims will act as secretary in her absence. Minutes were read from the January 2002 Troop Tribune and unanimously approved. Announcements: The Contempo clubhouse will also be unavailable next week; Marilyn Epps, who arranged space at Pioneer, will be attending the Olympic Games and may be unable to follow up on arrangements for the 13th. John will be contacted on the 7th, and changes in the schedule, if any, will be broadcast via email and the Patrol Leader telephone tree. Bill Westcott also said that the PLC was looking into a Troop bowling event to replace the 2/13 regular meeting. There are currently 10 Scouts and 8 adults signed up for the Hawk Ridge Campout on Presidents Day weekend. John Pedersen reminded everyone that this had been one of the most popular camps among the Scouts. The Scouts will be expected to hike their gear in from the gate to the camp, along a trail that will be lit by flashers and glowsticks that may be claimed by the Scouts that find them, one per customer. Saturday activities will include volleyball, knots, lashings and other Scout crafts. The Troop will return to Contempo early Sunday afternoon. Bill Westcott will extend an invitation to Union City's newest Scouts, Troop 250, to attend along with us. Mike Magno reported that Troop 110 contributed $1,790 so far to the Friends of Scouting, including of our registered adults at the Leadership level. For those interested, he is still collecting; John Pedersen thanked him for his work as Friends of Scouting coordinator. Mike Magno also reported that 22 Scouts and 5 adults had signed up so far for the summer trip to Camp Wente. The final advance payment of $110 (for a total of $195) is due in April; any one who is paid up in advance will receive a Wente T-Shirt. John Pedersen reminded everyone to update their Class 2 and 3 medical forms, including physical exams where appropriate; Mike wants all forms turned in at the June Court of Honor, anyone who fails to do so will have to drive the forms up to Camp Wente themselves. Mike Magno further requests that all adult drivers register their vehicle and car insurance information with him, including any alternate vehicles, in order to facilitate filing of tour permits, etc. The next PLC meeting will be at 7:00 p.m., Wednesday, March 6, 2002, at Contempo, followed at 7:45 p.m. by the regular Troop Committee meeting. The annual Klondike Derby, sponsored by the Order of the Arrow, will take place at Blue Mountain on the weekend of March 10th and 11th. Details will be announced at upcoming Troop meetings, which are also featuring Winter Awareness presentations by the 110 patrols. John Pedersen announced a new format for Acorn Training, which begins with "Adult Leader Essentials," Wednesday, March 13th, 7-9 p.m., at the Scout House in Fremont. Interested adults should contact John for information if they would like to attend. Treasurer's Report: Most of the Scout accounts are caught up and in the black. Exceptions are currently being contacted by phone. Pete Godfrey asked about the Campership fund, which at the last statement had $112 in it. This was used to help two Scouts last summer and now has a zero balance. He also noted that the Troop fund was low and asked if there were still outstanding registrations. Yes there are, and they are being pursued - John Pedersen offered to make some follow up phone calls, if it would help. Pete also asked if there were some outstanding registrations that were no longer active and was told that all Scouts contacted during rechartering had indicated they were continuing for the year 2002; some may have tree lot money coming, and John committed to having them all taken care of by the March 6th Committee meeting. The Treasurer's report was approved with clarifications. Scoutmaster's Report: The Pine Crest snow camp in January was a success, with 12 Scouts and 4 adults attending. The weather was clear and cold, with over two feet of very hard snow on the ground. A good time was had by all, with no ill effects reported, nor anyone suffering from the cold. Five Life Scouts attended a "Life to Eagle" meeting at the Westcott's. Dennis Hoban is almost finished, with his project written up and completed and his review pending. He must finish all before February 17th. The Canoe West presentation finally took place on January 23rd, with Neal, his wife and his grandson in attendance. They showed a video of previous tours and highlighted the educational program as well as the canoeing. Some entertaining footage of the Summer 2000 Troop 110 trip rounded out the evening. For the next Troop meeting on the 13th, the PLC is trying to arrange an evening of bowling. The PLC phone tree and email will be used to inform everyone of any updates. Plan "B" will be a presentation on Winter Clothing and Blizzard Packs. Hawk Ridge is coming on the weekend of February 15th. The February 20th meeting will feature a presentation on the importance of the "Buddy System" and an Ice Cream Making Relay, details to be revealed, as they are known. The meeting on the 27th will feature any previously deferred Winter Awareness presentations and a demonstration of sled making. March 8th - 10th is the Klondike Derby at Blue Mountain. Bill Westcott has been invited to attend two Blue and Gold Banquets on Friday, February 8th. He has asked Mike Yorks to attend at Pack 268 and requested a leader to volunteer to attend at Pack 273. Mike Magno volunteered. Mike Yorks was unable to attend this evening's Committee meeting, as he is interviewing the Webelos 2 Den at Pack 268, for their Arrow of Light requirements, which will be awarded at their Blue and Gold. Many of them are expected to bridge into Troop 110 on Friday, March 15th. The Mission Peak Indoor Rally at Logan was held Friday, February 1st. Troop 110 was well represented with 8 Scouts attending. All events were completed, and Mike Magno had his first experience as a Scoutmaster judge. Advancement Report: Roger Butler reports (by way of John Pedersen) some problems with his laptop, but at this time he has contacted all Scouts and updated all advancement information; the Troop data is safe and up to date. Old Business: Distribution of the Albertson's Community Partners cards by Marilyn Epps was deferred. Mike Short gave a Tree Lot report. Sales took off with a bang this time ...* Financial details omitted here. Troop 110 members may go to our Members Page for financial details. See Committee Meeting Notes *... New Business: John again highlighted the new Acorn training and solicited participation of interested adults. Tom Sims and Skip Wagner have drafted a set of bylaws for Troop 110; a subcommittee consisting of them, Bill Westcott, Carol Barnes and John Pedersen, will review and finalize them for presentation to the full Troop Committee, either in March or April. The meeting adjourned at 9:15. Mark Your Calendars!
Another bit of wisdom from my cookie jar: "Never be afraid to try something new. Remember, an amateur built the Ark; professionals built the Titanic!" -- Anonymous |
Troop Tribune - January
7, 2002 Kudos and Thanks! Kudos to Matt and Travis S., on successful completion of their Eagle Boards of Review. Thanks to all families who helped with the annual Christmas Tree Lot and Pumpkin Patch - early estimates indicate a profit of around $10,000.00. Kudos to all the Scouts who accepted the Troop leadership Community Service Challenge - over 500 hours in all, great work! Thanks in advance to the Troop leaders who went swimming Pampanito Camping Opportunity Bill Fournelle has arranged with Troop 273 for interested Scouts and parents to participate in their U.S.S. Pampanito Overnighter. It will be Sunday, January 14th, to the following Monday, which is a New Haven Unified School District holiday. Cost is $19.00 per person plus $6.00 for the patch. Contact Bill directly if interested. Whitewater Adventure Presentation At the Troop meeting on Wednesday, January 23rd. Neil Rucker of Canoe West will give a presentation for interested parents and Scouts. Videos from the 1999 Klamath River trip may be shown as well. All families are invited to attend (this presentation was rescheduled from December 19th, due to our guest's illness). Winter Court of Honor Court of Honor will be held on Wednesday, January 16, 2002. In keeping with tradition it will start with a potluck dinner. Turkey, ham and all the trimmings will be served starting at 6:30. Families whose names begin with A through M should bring a side dish or salad; N through Z should bring dessert. Setup will be provided by the Lightning Bolts Patrol, cleanup by the Screaming Eagles. February Meetings Moved! The regularly scheduled Patrol Leaders and Troop 110 Committee meetings will be held on February 6th at Pioneer Elementary School, Union City, in the multipurpose room. The following week will either be at Pioneer or at Delaine Eastin Elementary, Union City. Stay tuned into the Troop Website for up-to-date information: http://www.bsatroop110.org Notes from the Troop 110 Committee Meeting, January 2, 2002 The meeting was called to order by Chair John Pedersen at 7:45. Carol Barnes was absent, so meeting notes from December were provided by Tom Sims and Pete Godfrey, and the reading of the minutes was deferred until February. Announcements: Information on the August, 2002, canoe trip has been placed in the Troop mailboxes. The cost will be $2xx.00 per person on the water, $65.00 per person staffing the camp. Neil Rucker's presentation was delayed due to illness, and was rescheduled for January 9th. Bill Westcott is the contact for questions and entries for the Neckerchief Slide contest. Entries should be turned in on January 9th, although late entries will be accepted. It is expected that several of the Scouts will have projects to enter from their Metalworking merit badge efforts. Food for the Court of Honor on January 16th: Westcotts and the Sims' will provide the turkeys (we know where they all are), Grippas will provide ham. Side dishes and salads are requested from those families whose names end in A through M. If your name ends in N through Z, you are asked to bring a dessert. The Troop will provide all tableware and beverages. The upcoming Troop Snow Campout, January 19th -20th, is tentatively scheduled for Pine Crest if there is snow; other site suggestions are welcome. Plan B will be to switch the Hawk Ridge campout to January and then reschedule the Snow Campout for February. Stay tuned to the Troop Website for the latest information. Tom Sims is the contact for attendance at the University of Scouting and Pow Wow on January 26th. A full day of classes and sessions is scheduled, with registration at 8:30. Registration for this event, which will be held at Canyon Middle School in Castro Valley, is $12.00 before January 18th, $20.00 thereafter. See the SFBAC website at http://www.sfbac.org/training/university/index.html for all the details. The Mission Peak District Indoor Rally is will be held on Friday, February 1st, at James Logan High. Detailed information should be available at the upcoming Round Table, and will be passed onto the Troop at a later time. The Contempo Homeowners' Association clubhouse will be unavailable during the first half of February, so the PLC and Committee meetings on the 6th will take place at Pioneer Elementary. Space at Pioneer has been tentatively arranged for the 13th as well, but Marilyn Epps is looking into the availability of facilities at the new Delaine Eastin school, since the Girl Scouts have a prior claim on the Pioneer multipurpose room for that date. Treasurer's Report: * Financial details omitted here. Troop 110 members may go to our Members Page for financial details. See Committee Meeting Notes *... Scoutmaster's Report: Metalworking Merit Badge sessions at December Troop meetings were completed with a 100% safety record. Eagles: Matt and Travis S. successfully passed their Eagle Boards of Review; Max L. is awaiting his Board, and Dennis H. is on track with his project. The January 9th Troop meeting will host Neil Rucker from Canoe West, who will present information for those interested in the upcoming August trip. Footage from the previous trip will also be shown. Neckerchief slide contest entries are due, as are all merit badge and advancement signoffs. Setup will be provided by the Road Kill patrol, cleanup by the Stalking Tigers and Flaming Arrows. Troop Winter Awareness presentations will start on Jaunary 23rd, with a discussion of tents and clothing. January 30th presentation will cover First Aid and "Blizzard Packs." On January 28th, all 110 Life Scouts and any Star Scouts who are close to achieving Life, are invited to the Westcott's for a "Life to Eagle" presentation from 7:00 to 9:00 p.m. Advancement Report: Roger Butler has compiled much of the Troop advancement data into a workbook of spreadsheets - he is requesting that all Scouts bring their handbooks to him, so he can bring their information up to date. Rawnie Clements reports there are some advancing Scouts who still need Boards of Review. She requested that someone else assume her advancement tracking responsibilities, due to her school schedule; Roger Butler agreed to take over on an interim basis. Two Scouts from 110 helped with the Habitat for Humanity project last month in Redwood City. The Troop leadership service challenge met with overwhelming response from the Scouts, with over 500 total Troop hours accumulated and more than 30 Scouts exceeding the required 10 hours apiece. Old Business: Marilyn Epps reports that the Albertsons Community Partners cards should be available by the January Court of Honor. Pete Godfrey requested information about the car donated last Fall. Ed Pauley reported that the amount of money budgeted for repairs by the Troop will not cover the cost, so it will be donated by the Troop, as soon as a recipient is identified. New Business: Preliminary reports indicate that the Tree Lot was a success. * Financial details omitted here. Troop 110 members may go to our Members Page for financial details. See Committee Meeting Notes *... Pete Godfrey offered to assist the Screaming Eagles patrol work toward the Leatherworking merit badge and provide them with kits for a leather sheath and a planter. Tom Sims will pass this onto the other Screaming Eagle adults. Mike Magno has medical forms for summer camp available. In his continuing capacity as Summer Camp Coordinator, he is requesting updated forms from all adults and Scouts. Keep the original and make him a copy. For those who are returning to Wente, he warned that the parking lot has moved from its old location at the center of the camp. Bill Fournelle reported that Troop 273 has some openings for its upcoming USS Pampanito reservation, Sunday, January 14th. Anyone interested in a sleepless night aboard a dank submarine should contact him directly. The cost is $19.00 per person plus an extra $6.00 if you want a patch, and they have room for about 10 more people. The meeting adjourned at 9:10.
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Troop Tribune - December
6, 2001
Congratulations to Greg Gonzales! Eagle Court of Honor was held on Sunday, December 2nd at Newark Presbyterian Church in Newark, CA. Despite the inclement weather and the last minute change of location, it was declared an inspiring success by all. Troop 110 Recharter 31 Scouts and 38 adults are registered in Troop 110 for 2002. We were one of five units who succeeded in updating the council via their Troopmaster databases. Kudos to Roger Butler and John Pedersen - and all returning Scouts and Leaders - for helping 110 achieve Quality Unit status for 2002. Christmas Wreaths are in! Contact Shirley Gonzales for information (510) 791-0671. Community Service Challenge Update The Scouts of Troop 110 have racked up well over 400 community service hours so far, and 21 out of the required 30 members have met or exceeded 30 hours apiece - looks like the Troop leadership should prepare themselves for a winter dip in the Contempo pool! Whitewater Adventure Presentation At the final 2001 Troop meeting, Wednesday, December 19th, Neal Rucker of Canoe West will give a presentation for interested parents and Scouts. Videos from the 1999 Klamath River trip may be shown as well. All families are invited to attend and bring their favorite holiday finger food for everyone to sample. Roadkill Patrol will set up, Lightning Bolts will clean up - please contact Bill Westcott if you need suggestions on what to bring. Winter Court of Honor Court of Honor will be held on Wednesday, January 16, 2002. In keeping with tradition it will start with a potluck dinner. Turkey, ham and all the trimmings are needed - please come to the January 2nd Troop committee meeting to sign up for your contribution. Other notes from the Troop 110 Committee Meeting, December 5, 2001 The meeting was called to order by Chair John Pedersen at 7:50. The minutes of the previous meeting were read by Carol Barnes and approved. Several prominent committee members were absent, due to a shipment of 400 additional trees on the lot. Additional help will be needed through this weekend and may help put us into the black in record time! Announcements: Habit for Humanity is constructing 36 townhouses in Redwood City, and has openings for 5 volunteers. Scouts must be over 14 to participate, Rawnie Clements is the contact. The January snow camp trip (1/18-19/2002, location TBA) will leave from Contempo on Saturday morning, not Friday evening. Treasurer's Report: The Treasurer's report was deferred due to the Treasurer's absence. The secretary was asked to note that nothing bad was said Scoutmaster's Report: 8 Scouts and 3 adults attended Order of the Arrow Winter Awareness Training on Saturday, December 1st. They will be asked to assist in refresher presentations at Troop meetings early next year, in preparation for the Klondike Derby in March. Thanks from Bill Westcott and Shirley Gonzales to all who worked to make Greg Gonzales' Eagle Court of Honor a success. A red, white and blue tablecloth was signed by Greg and presented to the Troop, inaugurating a new tradition for all future 110 Eagles. December Troop program includes completing the Metalworking merit badge and sampling some Indoor Rally activities. The weekend of the 29th may include a 10-mile hike, possibly Mission Peak; participation by local Webelos 2 Dens will be encouraged. Last month's fire extinguisher demonstration was a timely success (the Scouts are soldering on the 12th). Scout Quartermaster position is still unfilled - a
volunteer is sought to assist the Troop Quartermaster with
out extensive equipment inventory. Old Business: Dana Smith reported on progress toward Eagle: Dennis H. should complete his project (tree swallow boxes) this week; Max L. is finished and all materials for his project - rebuilding the horse corrals at Ardenwood Farm - will be submitted this coming Friday. Max was on hand to report on the details: 760 hours with the help of 42 volunteers were required, and he expressed his thanks to all who helped. His efforts are documented on the web at ... please go to Members area ...- way to go, Max! Bill Westcott stated that the Troop will hold a "Life to Eagle" meeting sometime in January for all interested Star and Life Scouts. New Business: John Pedersen has submitted our Troop once again for the Alcatraz Island lottery. Participants would spend a night on the island and perform a community service task the following day. We should know the results of the lottery in the next few weeks. |
Troop Tribune - November
28, 2001 Kudos and Thanks! Kudos to the Pumpkin Patch Scarecrow contest winners: 1st Place Prize, movie passes and popcorn, went to Justin and Jessica M.; 2nd Place Prize of movie passes went to Olaf G. and Molly and Lizzie C. Way to kick off the Holidays! Thanks to Carl Grippa and Bill Westcott for the nifty Pumpkin Patch Jailhouse, enjoyed by all who came to visit. Thanks to all the Scouts and their families who pitched in to make the first Troop 110 Pumpkin Patch a Smashing (Pumpkins??? No pun intended) Success. Thanks to all the Scouts and their families who helped in this year's record breaking Scouting for Food drive, and thanks especially to those who also went the "extra mile" to help the Newark League of Volunteers on Thanksgiving Day (you know who you are!). Pumpkin Patch a HUGE Success The Troop's first-ever Pumpkin Patch exceeded all expectations: Profits may top $800.000 and are still climbing (this is a hint: there are still a few pumpkins for sale )! Highlights included the Scarecrow contest and a visit by Troop 2 from the School for the Blind. This event was so successful that our Troop has been offered the opportunity to host next year's Tiger Cub Pumpkin Patch Day, should we decide to continue this fundraising activity. St. Helena Hike and Campout Seven Scouts and seven adults met at Bothe-Napa State Park campground on Saturday, November 3rd, to hike to the top of Mt. St. Helena. This 11-mile round trip hike, one of the Rimrover trails, ascends 1400 feet to the top of the tallest peak in the Bay Area. Twelve of the party stayed to camp on Saturday evening, and they were rewarded with a gourmet camp dinner prepared by the Shorts. Weather for the hike was clear and warm, although the campground chilly and damp the following morning. After fueling up with hearty breakfast burritos we struck camp and returned home - not a single corn chip was lost on the way back. Scouting for Food A total haul of 825 food items was collected by Troop 110 during the annual Scouting for Food drive. 18 Scouts and 10 adults helped distribute the bags on November 10th; 19 Scouts and 11 adults helped pick up contributions the following week. Congratulations to Eric W. for his winning contribution of food at the November 14th Troop meeting, and to Colin M. for his prize winning guess at Troop 110's final count! Together with Troop 273, we made a significant contribution to Mission Peak District's record breaking total of 62,170 items. Way to go! Community Service Challenge Update The Scoutmaster's challenge for the Troop to earn a total of 400 community services hours before the end of the year has exceeded its first goal with a total of 420 hours so far! However, we need at least 30 Scouts to earn 10 or more hours apiece, if the adult leaders are to take their January dip in the pool, and so far only 21 Scouts have met that goal. Get your hours in before the end of the year! Thanksgiving Day at LOV-Newark ![]() Pictured above are members of the Troop 110 families who pitched in to help the Newark League of Volunteers on Thanksgiving Day. Thanks, everyone! Notes from the Troop 110 Committee Meeting, November 7, 2001 The meeting was called to order by Chair John Pederson at 7:52. Nachos were served by the Shorts, in honor of the past weekend's campout and Rim Rover hike at St. Helena - no explanations were given. Invitations were distributed to all members and parents for the upcoming Eagle Court of Honor for Greg G., Sunday, December 2nd from 2:00-5:00, Hawk Ridge at Anthony Chabot Regional Park. RSVP to Shirley, a barbecue lunch will be served. Minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved. Rawnie Clemens reported on Troop advancement: The Flaming Squirrels are well on their way with few outstanding requirements; Roadkill members are mostly at or near Star rank. Announcements: Scouting for Food is underway this coming Saturday and the next. Family participation is encouraged; this year we will partner with Troop 273. All participants should dress in their Class A uniforms and meet at Contempo at 8:30 a.m. Rawnie Clemens and Mike Magno are the contacts. Rawnie Clemens reported on the Mountain Man Rendezvous - 10 Scouts and 6 adults from Troop 110 participated. One of the most memorable activities was a Scouting "Jamboree of the Air," a ham radio network of Scouts from all over the world. Next year, the Rendezvous will again be in October, and available space fills quickly. Tune into the Pacific Skyline Council online at http://pacsky.org to stay on top of this and other events. Mike Magno will supervise Scouts interested in completing their Metalworking merit badge at the remaining November Troop meetings, November 14th and 28th. There will be no meeting on November 21st, which is Thanksgiving eve. Scouts and family members interested in helping the Newark League of Volunteers prepare to serve Thanksgiving Dinner should contact Mike Magno; plan to meet at 8:00 a.m. and work until 11:00 - our shift will handle setup and decorations. Exact date and time for the Tree Lot kickoff is yet to be determined. According to Mike Short, all new parents especially should plan to attend this event, which will feature a "How to " fair. Many, many, many people are needed. Our offer to Pack 268 was not enthusiastically received, so a local Venturing Crew has been offered some time. Several people are working on calls to fill the list with 110 families first. The lot is in fair shape, some additional work will be done this weekend. Winter awareness training will be held Saturday, December 1st, in Castro Valley. All first year Scouts should plan to attend, particularly those interested in the Klondike Derby. A "refresher course" is also encouraged for older Scouts (and adults) who have not been in awhile. The cost is $5.00 if preregistered by November 23rd, $7.00 thereafter. Lunch on site can be preordered or attendees can bag their own. This year's Klondike Derby will again be at Eagle Mountain Resort, March 8th - 10th, 2002. Invitations for Greg G. Eagle Court of Honor are in the family mailboxes, for those not in attendance. Bill Westcott reminded everyone that Troop members are encouraged to help with setup and should contact Shirley Gonzales, if interested. Treasurer's Report: Last month's report was corrected in answer to outstanding questions and was approved as amended. For October, families with Scout accounts in arrears have been contacted. Accounts were debited a "transportation charge" for Scouts who were driven to camp; accounts for those adults who provided transportation will be credited for each Scout transported (excluding family members). The Pumpkin Patch net profit after expenses was ...* Financial details omitted here. Troop 110 members may go to our Members Page for financial details. See Committee Meeting Notes *... which will be rolled into the Christmas Tree lot fund. Thanks to Skip Wagner for the flyers publicizing the Tree Lot! Carol Barnes expressed appreciation on behalf of Troop 2, which visited the lot during the 110 Troop meeting on October 24th. Each visiting Scout picked out a pumpkin and was provided assistance in carving or painting by our Troop. It was generally agreed this was beneficial to the Scouts of both Troops. The Treasurer's report was accepted as presented. Kernel Sue Yorks reported ...* Financial details omitted here. Troop 110 members may go to our Members Page for financial details. See Committee Meeting Notes *... in sales at the close of the Popcorn fundraiser, an increase of 591% over last year. Way to go! Scoutmaster's Report: Winners of the Pumpkin Patch Scarecrow Contest were announced (see above). Troop leadership for 2001-2002 continues to take shape, with Josh S., 2nd ASPL, Andrew W., Troop Scribe and Jeff S., Troop Guide. Additional positions will be announced as they are filled. The Bothe Napa State Park campout and St. Helena RimRover hike were a success, if sparsely attended. Weather was perfect, the food was great, and no explanation was provided for the chips. Matt and Trevor S. have completed their Eagle projects and scheduled their Scoutmaster Conferences. In addition to metalworking, next week's Troop meeting will feature a live fire extinguisher demonstration. Old Business: Per Marilyn Epps, the Community Partners cards are not yet available. Dana Smith reported on progress toward Eagle: Dennis H. is about 30% finished with construction of his project (tree swallow boxes), and Max L. is on track with project signoff. Bill Fournell reported the results of his search for Troop 110 Eagle Scouts, 17 in all as/of December, 2001. New Business: Rechartering time is here, the cost this year will be $60.00 per Scout and $10.00 per adult leader. John Pederson and Roger Butler are working on the Troopmaster database, to be ready for "electronic rechartering," when the District can accommodate it. Mike Magno reported on the 2002 Summer Camp reservation - he will need a deposit of $20.00 per Scout before December 28th, in order to preserve our reservation for the "Turkey Roost" site. Coming Attractions Christmas Tree Lot: For the third year running, the Scouts and Parents of Troop 110 will be running their Christmas Tree Lot in Fremont. Beginning Friday, November 23, and running through the weekend before Christmas, the lot behind the Hick'ry Pit at the southeast corner of Walnut and Fremont Blvd. will be home to our most important annual fundraising drive. Due to the large number of hours still to be covered, the Tree Lot Committee has offered some time to a local Venture Crew - please see Sue Yorks at any Wednesday Troop Meeting to sign up. Winter Awareness Training: Saturday, December 1, 2001, from 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m., registration at 8:00. This is a requirement for participation in the Klondike Derby (March 8-10, 2002) - if you have not preregistered with the Troop, the cost will be $7.00 at the door. Refreshments and bag lunches will be available to purchase, or you may bring your own. Class will be held at Canyon Middle School, 19600 Canyon Road, Castro Valley. Contact Ted Mutch, (510) 471-2801, for details. Eagle Court of Honor: Troop 110 Scouts and parents are invited to an Eagle Court of Honor for Greg G. on Sunday, December 2nd, from 2:00-5:00 p.m. RSVP to Shirley and Darrel Gonzales, (510) 791-0671, come show your Scouting Spirit and enjoy a BBQ lunch - Congratulations, Greg! Neckerchief Slide Contest: Between now and the first regular Troop meeting of 2002 (that's January 9th, 2002) all Scouts, leaders and parents are invited to create their best custom neckerchief slide, to be judged at the Winter Court of Honor. Categories will include Woodcarving, Leatherwork, Metalwork, "Wish I'd Thought of That," Best Painted, and Scoutmaster's Choice. Good luck (be sure to turn them in on the 9th!). Important Dates to Remember
Tree Lot Rules and Tips General Information / Rules
Tree Handling Rules / Tips
Tree Cutters & Nailers Rules / Tips
Opening Duties
Troop Tribune - October
23, 2001 Kudos and Thanks! Kudos to Eric W., newly elected Senior Patrol Leader of Troop 110, and his able ASPL, Matt Y. Thanks to Skip Wagner for the fantastic and seemingly effortless job he has done maintaining the Troop 110 website! Everything you need to know can be found at http://www.bsatroop110.org - everything else is just a click or so away. Thanks to Pam Mutch for bravely stepping forward as our new Outdoor/Activities Coordinator and thanks to Ted Mutch for bravely volunteering me as editor of the Troop Tribune. Editor's Corner This is not an editorial, but I thought an introduction would be appropriate. I was a Lion Cub (remember those?) when I left Scouting as a boy, but since my son decided to join the Scouts as a Wolf I have been as active a volunteer as I thought my time would allow. I have since learned that time will allow whatever you allow it, and it has been a pleasure to serve as a Pack chairman, then Troop committee member, and now as editor of your newsletter. I will try my best to do as well as those who have preceded me. While I continue more and more to believe in the importance of Scouting and its ideals, I, too, have had occasion to question decisions made both at the Troop or Pack level and beyond. I believe it is important that we allow ourselves to do so, to the extent that the arguments remain true to those ideals and serve the best interests of the Scouts. So while I cannot promise to keep my opinions to myself, I will try my best to keep them both relevant and outside the pages of this tribune, which is after all an instrument of the Troop's voice, not just mine. I may sometimes quote or otherwise represent the opinions of others, however, particularly in regards to Scouting and its practices, and I welcome any input, criticism or articles for publication that any Scout, leader or parent cares to contribute. Let's get going! Tom Sims Chawanakee Impressions I am still awaiting written word from Scouts, leaders and parents who took part in this year's Summer Camp. Many of you have had some interesting stories to relate - why not jot them down and email them to me, so I can share them with everyone? This was my first experience ever at a week long camp, and I have to admit it's all somewhat of a blur, especially after a trip home with a vanful of Screaming Eagles. Highlights for me included:
Anyone else? Anyone? Notes from the Troop 110 Committee Meeting, October 3, 2001 These are not minutes, which are ably taken and read by Carol Barnes - accept no substitutes! I will attempt to take meeting notes, however, and distribute them in advance of subsequent meetings, so that interested parents can bring informed questions forward as appropriate. Due to changes in school activities following the events of September 11th, I was unable to participate in the opening of this month's committee meeting. Those present by 8:10 p.m. were: Carol Barnes, Rawnie Clemens, Marilyn Epps, Bill Fournell, Pete Godfrey, Shirley Gonzales, Katrina Grippa, Mike Magno, John Pederson, Mike Short, Tom Sims, Dana Smith and Bill Westcott. Carol Barnes read the minutes from September 5, 2001, which were accepted. Announcements: Mike Short reported that city approval of the 110 Pumpkin Patch was imminent, pending availability of insurance information from Bill Westcott. We may be able to open earlier than Wednesday, October 17th, if we are prepared to do some work, setting up and stringing power lines, e.g., and are ready to man the lot when the pumpkins arrive. Someone should put out a mailer to preschools in the Tri-City area, no discounts but something like $2 per pumpkin carried. The lot needs to be cleaned, more people than last time; it was agreed to use the phone tree to call for volunteers beginning at 10:00 a.m. on Sunday, October 7th. Sue Yorks has a signup sheet for hours, from 10/17 to 10/30/01. Bill Westcott will spearhead Troop 110 participation in Make A Difference Day, October 27th. Due to Halloween there will be no Troop meeting Wednesday, October 31st. The next Rimrover hike and campout will be at St. Helena, November 2nd to the 4th, which will be organized by Bill Westcott. No group or camp reservations are available, "we'll wing it!" Facilities are available at Napa State Park and the Fairgrounds ($10 per tent, per night), and someone will go up early and stake out sites. All others meet at Contempo on Friday, November 2nd, for a 6:30 p.m. departure. Scouting for Food participants should meet at 8:00 a.m. at Contempo for food bag distribution on Saturday, November 17th. Arrangements will be made at that time for pickup the following weekend. All bags should be distributed by 10:00 a.m. A summary Treasurer's Report was presented and accepted provisionally, as there were some questions that could not be answered in the Treasurer's absence. Bill Fournell reported that the Lion's Club had donated $400 to the Scout House and an additional $100 to Troop 110. He proposed that 110 donate their check to the Scout House as well, but after some discussion a motion was made, seconded and carried, to add the $100 to the Troop general fund. Bill Westcott indicated that some of last Spring's Brownsea participants still have outstanding challenges to complete. Marilyn Epps volunteered to check on the availability of the Pioneer School multipurpose room for Troop meetings on dates for which the Contempo facility will be unavailable. Bill Westcott and several adult volunteers agreed to make the following challenge to the Scouts: If the total service hours accumulated between the next Troop meeting (October 10th) and December 31st meets or exceeds 400 and if at least 30 member Scouts earn 10 service hours apiece, then the participating adult volunteers will take a dip in the Contempo pool at the Winter Court of Honor. Miscellany: Saturday, October 27th, there will be a Merit Badge extravaganza followed by training in Patrol Leader Fundamentals at the LDS church on Gatewood in Fremont (also Make A Difference Day??). Some of the 110 Patrol Leaders missed this evening's meeting in order to attend an informational session on the upcoming World Jamboree. There are two dates for Brownsea this year (June 16th - 22nd and August 17th - 24th). A contingent from SF Bay Area Council will attend Philmont next year, August 4th - 14th. Troop 110 has secured an earlier date at Wente for summer camp (June 30th - July 6th), but the planned summer canoe adventure (August 4th - 10th) conflicts with the Philmont schedule. The whitewater guides from 110's previous trip will be on hand for a presentation in December. A discussion about activity planning ensued, after Mike Short distributed Dave Fink's letter praising Fall Camporee. It was generally felt that our lack of participation in that event was due to lack of adequate notice about upcoming events. Some felt that the Troop web site provided more than adequate notice, others felt that hard copy was required. Paper calendars will be made available, and Tom Sims agreed to keep a schedule of highlighted activities in the Troop Tribune. John Pederson added that the calendar should include signup for adult and senior scout sponsorship. Katrina Grippa and Bill Fournell felt that Skip Wagner should be recognized, somehow, for his work on the web site, perhaps even at the Council level. Mike Magno displayed some metalworking materials donated for his upcoming Merit Badge session, and Katrina Grippa volunteered to write the donor a note of thanks. Shirley Gonzales reported on the prices for upcoming Christmas Wreath sales: centerpieces ($22), wreaths ($20) and sprays ($16) will be preorderable, beginning in November. Old business: Marilyn Epps reported that Albertson's Community Partners cards would be available within 2-3 weeks. New business: Tom Sims is the new editor of the Troop Tribune. Pam Mutch is the new Outdoor Activities Coordinator. Dana Smith reported that the three 110 Scouts working toward Eagle are written up and/or in production and all on target. Coming Attractions Christmas Tree Lot: For the third year running, the Scouts and Parents of Troop 110 will be running their Christmas Tree Lot in Fremont. Beginning Friday, November 23, and running through the weekend before Christmas, the lot behind the Hick'ry Pit at the southeast corner of Walnut and Fremont Blvd. will be home to our most important annual fundraising drive. This year we are advertising well in advance by running our first-ever Troop Pumpkin Patch on the same location. Weekend and evening business has been brisk and is increasing daily as the kickoff to the holiday season approaches. Scouting for Food: Souting's annual nationwide food drive will be held in early November. Bags will be distributed on Saturday, November 10th, and collected on Saturday, November 17th. Meet at Contempo, 8:00 a.m. Contact Rawnie Clemens for more details. Metalworking Merit Badge: Mike Magno will begin working with all Scouts interested in completing their Metalworking Merit Badge at the regular Troop meeting, Wednesday, November 11th. Bring plenty of cleaned #8 tin cans, shears and balpeen hammers, if you have them, plus your goggles and creativity! Eagle Court of Honor: Troop 110 will host an Eagle Court of Honor for Greg Gonzales on Wednesday, November 28th, at 7:00 p.m. Come and show your Scouting Spirit - Congratulations, Greg! Neckerchief Slide Contest: Between now and the first regular Troop meeting of 2002 (that's January 9th, 2002) all Scouts, leaders and parents are invited to create their best custom neckerchief slide, to be judged at the Winter Court of Honor. Categories will include Woodcarving, Leatherwork, Metalwork, "Wish I'd Thought of That," Best Painted, and Scoutmaster's Choice. Good luck (be sure to turn them in on the 9th!). Community Service Challenge: The Scoutmaster and his leadership team have issued the following challenge to the Scouts of Troop 110: If the Scouts of Troop 110 earn a total of 400 community services hours before the end of the year (that means you need to inform the Advancement coordinator in writing before the end of the day on December 31st), and if at least 30 Scouts earn at least 10 community service hours apiece, then the participating adult leaders will take a dip in the Contempo swimming pool at the Winter Court of Honor in January. Important Dates to Remember
Outdoor Cooking Chicken Stew 5-6b Lb. Boneless chicken thighs Cut thighs into bite-sized bits and brown them in cooking oil in an open Dutch oven. Add onion and garlic; continue cooking until the onion is almost transparent. Add carrot, celery and potato and cover, with 8-10 coals atop the lid. Cook util vegetables are tender, 1-2 hrs. Thicken the stew with a mixture of 2/3 cup water, 1 Tbsp. soy sauce and 1 heaping Tbsp. Pancake mix. PS, I tried this one on my Mom -- she survived. |